
Oh, Canada: NuPort Brings Autonomous Trucking to Toronto Roads with NVIDIA DRIVE

Autonomous truck technology is making its way across the Great White North. Self-driving trucking startup NuPort Robotics is leveraging NVIDIA DRIVE to develop autonomous driving systems for middle-mile short-haul routes. The Canada-based company is working with the Ontario government as well as Canadian Tire on a two-year pilot project to accelerate the commercial deployment of Read article >

The post Oh, Canada: NuPort Brings Autonomous Trucking to Toronto Roads with NVIDIA DRIVE appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Data Science & Data Analytics eBooks bundle by Mercury

submitted by /u/reps_up
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tf2/keras: Custom RoI pool layer is not being evaluated correctly on each step

Trying to write a custom Keras layer to perform RoI pooling quickly. I have an implementation that relies on repeated tf.map_fn() calls but it is painfully slow. I’ve seen some that use ordinary Python for-loops and I thought I’d try my own. Executed on its own using a model that consists only of this custom layer, it works just fine. However when used in a training loop (where I repeatedly call Model.predict_on_batch and Model.train_on_batch), it produces bizarre results.

It’s quite difficult to figure out what exactly is going on because reading the layer output is non-trivial and I suspect is giving me a result different than what Keras sees during training.

So I’ve inserted a print statement and notice that during training, it will produce numerical tensors on some steps, e.g.:

tf.Tensor( [8.87275487e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 6.44880116e-01 0.00000000e+00 2.37839603e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.50582743e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.21218348e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.73125458e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 9.98033524e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.39077109e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.72268832e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.20860779e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.05427575e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.32518530e+00 0.00000000e+00 8.84961128e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.05681539e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.33451724e+00 1.71899879e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 9.97039509e+00 

But on most steps I see this:

Tensor("model_3/roi_pool/map/while/Max:0", shape=(512,), dtype=float32) Tensor("model_3/roi_pool/map/while/Max_1:0", shape=(512,), dtype=float32) Tensor("model_3/roi_pool/map/while/Max_2:0", shape=(512,), dtype=float32) Tensor("model_3/roi_pool/map/while/Max_3:0", shape=(512,), dtype=float32) Tensor("model_3/roi_pool/map/while/Max_4:0", shape=(512,), dtype=float32) Tensor("model_3/roi_pool/map/while/Max_5:0", shape=(512,), dtype=float32) 

I believe these are tensor objects being used to construct a compute graph for deferred execution? I’m not sure why it is choosing to do this on most steps but not all.

This is causing training to fail to progress because it behaves similarly to returning a tensor full of zeros.

My layer code:

“` class RoIPoolingLayer(Layer): “”” Input shape: Two tensors [xmaps, x_rois] each with shape: x_maps: (samples, height, width, channels), representing the feature maps for this batch, of type tf.float32 x_rois: (samples, num_rois, 4), where RoIs have the ordering (y, x, height, width), all tf.int32 Output shape: (samples, num_rois, pool_size, pool_size, channels) “”” def __init(self, pool_size, **kwargs): self.pool_size = pool_size super().init_(**kwargs)

def get_config(self): config = { “pool_size”: self.pool_size, } base_config = super(RoIPoolingLayer, self).get_config() return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))

def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): map_shape, rois_shape = input_shape assert len(map_shape) == 4 and len(rois_shape) == 3 and rois_shape[2] == 4 assert map_shape[0] == rois_shape[0] # same number of samples num_samples = map_shape[0] num_channels = map_shape[3] num_rois = rois_shape[1] return (num_samples, num_rois, self.pool_size, self.pool_size, num_channels)

def call(self, inputs): return tf.map_fn( fn = lambda input_pair: RoIPoolingLayer._compute_pooled_rois(feature_map = input_pair[0], rois = input_pair[1], pool_size = self.pool_size), elems = inputs, fn_output_signature = tf.float32 # this is absolutely required else the fn type inference seems to fail spectacularly )

def _compute_pooled_rois(feature_map, rois, pool_size): num_channels = feature_map.shape[2] num_rois = rois.shape[0] pools = [] for roi_idx in range(num_rois): region_y = rois[roi_idx, 0] region_x = rois[roi_idx, 1] region_height = rois[roi_idx, 2] region_width = rois[roi_idx, 3] region_of_interest = tf.slice(feature_map, [region_y, region_x, 0], [region_height, region_width, num_channels]) x_step = tf.cast(region_width, dtype = tf.float32) / tf.cast(pool_size, dtype = tf.float32) y_step = tf.cast(region_height, dtype = tf.float32) / tf.cast(pool_size, dtype = tf.float32) for y in range(pool_size): for x in range(pool_size): pool_y_start = y pool_x_start = x

 pool_y_start_int = tf.cast(pool_y_start, dtype = tf.int32) pool_x_start_int = tf.cast(pool_x_start, dtype = tf.int32) y_start = tf.cast(pool_y_start * y_step, dtype = tf.int32) x_start = tf.cast(pool_x_start * x_step, dtype = tf.int32) y_end = tf.cond((pool_y_start_int + 1) < pool_size, lambda: tf.cast((pool_y_start + 1) * y_step, dtype = tf.int32), lambda: region_height ) x_end = tf.cond((pool_x_start_int + 1) < pool_size, lambda: tf.cast((pool_x_start + 1) * x_step, dtype = tf.int32), lambda: region_width ) y_size = tf.math.maximum(y_end - y_start, 1) # if RoI is smaller than pool area, y_end - y_start can be less than 1 (0); we want to sample at least one cell x_size = tf.math.maximum(x_end - x_start, 1) pool_cell = tf.slice(region_of_interest, [y_start, x_start, 0], [y_size, x_size, num_channels]) pooled = tf.math.reduce_max(pool_cell, axis=(1,0)) # keep channels independent print(pooled) pools.append(pooled) return tf.reshape(tf.stack(pools, axis = 0), shape = (num_rois, pool_size, pool_size, num_channels)) 


Note the print statement in the loop.

Strangely, if I build a simple test model consisting of only this layer (i.e., in my unit test), I can verify that it does work:

input_map = Input(shape = (9,8,num_channels)) # input map size input_rois = Input(shape = (num_rois,4), dtype = tf.int32) # N RoIs, each of length 4 (y,x,h,w) output = RoIPoolingLayer(pool_size = pool_size)([input_map, input_rois]) model = Model([input_map, input_rois], output)

I can then call model.predict() on some sample input and I get valid output.

But in a training loop, where I perform a prediction followed by a training step on the trainable layers, it’s not clear what it is doing. My reference implementation works fine (it does not use for-loops).

How can I debug this further?

Thank you 🙂

submitted by /u/BartTrzy
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AI Nails It: Viral Manicure Robot Powered by GPU-Accelerated Computer Vision

San Francisco startup Clockwork recently launched a pop-up location offering the first robot nail painting service in the form of 10-minute “minicures.”

San Francisco startup Clockwork recently launched a pop-up location offering the first robot nail painting service in the form of 10-minute “minicures.” 

The robot uses structured-light 3D scanners to detect the shape of a customer’s fingernails — with AI models directing a plastic-tipped cartridge that paints nails one at a time. Appointments don’t yet include other manicure services such as nail trimming, buffing and shaping. 

After taking photos of a client’s fingernail, Clockwork uses CUDA to accelerate the 3D point cloud reconstruction from 20 seconds to under a second. The images from both cameras are stitched together and handed over to the AI model, which identifies edges with 0.3 mm accuracy. The process repeats for each fingernail.

An NVIDIA GPU on the robot is used for real-time inference during the minicure, while the AI models are trained on NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs on Google Cloud.   

The company, which is charging $8 per nail painting appointment, plans to make its devices available in offices, retail stores and apartment buildings. After going viral on TikTok, appointments at its San Francisco store are booked up for weeks. 

Read the full article in The New York Times >>


Tilling AI: Startup Digs into Autonomous Electric Tractors for Organics

Who knew AI would have an impact on organic produce markets? Bakur Kvezereli did. Raised on an Eastern European organic tomato farm, he saw labor shortages, pesticide problems and rising energy costs. Years later, studying at MIT in 2014, it dawned on him that AI could help address these issues for farmers. A few years Read article >

The post Tilling AI: Startup Digs into Autonomous Electric Tractors for Organics appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Accelerating Sequential Python User-Defined Functions with RAPIDS on GPUs for 100X Speedups

Motivation Custom “row-by-row” processing logic (sometimes called sequential User-Defined Functions) is prevalent in ETL workflows. The sequential nature of UDFs makes parallelization on GPUs tricky. This blog post covers how to implement the same UDF logic using RAPIDS to parallelize computation on GPUs and unlock 100x speedups. Introduction Typically, sequential UDFs revolve around records with … Continued


Custom “row-by-row” processing logic (sometimes called sequential User-Defined Functions) is prevalent in ETL workflows. The sequential nature of UDFs makes parallelization on GPUs tricky. This blog post covers how to implement the same UDF logic using RAPIDS to parallelize computation on GPUs and unlock 100x speedups.


Typically, sequential UDFs revolve around records with the same grouping key. For example, analyzing a user’s clicks per session on a website where a session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity. In Apache Spark, you’d first cluster on user key, and then segregate user sessions using a UDF like in the example below. This UDF uses multiple CPU threads to run sequential functions in parallel.

Running on the GPU with Numba

Dask-CUDA clusters use a single process and thread per GPU, so running a single sequential function won’t work for this model. To run serial functions on the hundreds of CUDA cores available in GPUs, you can take advantage of the following properties:

  • The function can be applied independently across keys.
  • The grouping key has high cardinality (there are a high number of unique keys)

Let’s look at how you can use Numba to transform our sessionization UDF for use on GPUs. Let’s break the algorithm into two parts.

Each cuda  thread does sequential work specific  to session. As we have a lot of sessions and cuda threads  we get a lot of parallelism.

For CPU we have less threads so we get less parallelism.
Figure 1: Comparison b/w execution on CPUs and GPUs for the UDF.

Part 1. Session change flag

With this function, we create session boundaries. This function is embarrassingly parallel so that we can launch threads for each row of the dataframe.

Part 2. Serial logic on a session-level

For session analysis, we have to set a unique session flag across all the rows that belong to that session for each user. This function is serial at the session level, but as we have many sessions (approx 18 M) in each dataframe, we can take advantage of GPU parallelism by launching threads for each session. 

Using these functions with dask-cuDF Dataframe

We invoke the above functions on each partition of a dask-cudf dataframe using a map_partition call. The main logic of the code above is still similar to pure python while providing a lot of speedups. A similar serial function in pure python takes about `17.7s` vs. `14.3 ms` on GPUs. That’s a whopping 100x speedup.


When working with serial user-defined functions that operate on many small groups, transforming the UDF using numba, as shown above, will maximize performance on GPUs. Thus, with the power of numba, Dask, and RAPIDS, you can now supercharge the map-reduce UDF ETL jobs to run at the speed of light.

Want to start using Dask and RAPIDS to analyze big data at the speed of light? Check out the RAPIDS Getting Started webpage, with links to help you download pre-built Docker containers or install directly via Conda.


Can tensorflow do like vuforia area targets. Which we train our virtual captured 3D scan data and use it in AR or WebAR?

Can tensorflow do like vuforia area targets. Which we train our virtual captured 3D scan data and use it in AR or WebAR? submitted by /u/hudadong
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How to use tensorflow’s FFT?

Hey everyone. I am having some trouble reconciling my FFT results from MATLAB and TF. The results are actually very different. Here is what I have done:

1). I would attach my data file here but didn’t find a way to do so. Anyways, my data is stored in a .mat file, and the variable we will work with is called ‘TD’. In MATLAB, I first subtract the mean of the data, and then perform fft:

f_hat = TD-mean(TD); x = fft(f_hat); 

2). In TF, I use


to calculate the mean, and it only differs from MATLAB’s mean on the order of 10^-8. So in TF I have:

mean_TD = tf.reduce_mean(TD) f_hat_int = TD - mean_TD f_hat_tf = tf.dtypes.cast(f_hat_int,tf.complex64) x_tf = tf.signal.fft(f_hat_tf) 

So up until ‘f_hat’ and ‘f_hat_tf’, the difference is very slight and is caused only by the difference in the mean. However, x and x_tf are very different. I am wondering did I not use TF’s FFT correctly?



submitted by /u/LivingAd9344
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examples of some of the most impressive complex tensorflow applications you’ve seen?

submitted by /u/Bulbasaur2015
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Possible to retrain onnx model?

I am trying to use a model built in Pytorch in a project that I am working on and will need to retrain it. Would it be possible for me to somehow retrain the model in TF if I have imported an onnx version of it? It would save alot of time compared to the alternative, porting the whole thing over manually from Pytorch.

submitted by /u/hoagie_friend
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