
Startup Surge: Utility Feels Power of Computer Vision to Track its Lines

It was the kind of message Connor McCluskey loves to find in his inbox. As a member of the product innovation team at FirstEnergy Corp. — an electric utility serving 6 million customers from central Ohio to the New Jersey coast — his job is to find technologies that open new revenue streams or cut Read article >

The post Startup Surge: Utility Feels Power of Computer Vision to Track its Lines  appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Why can’t I find `ndim` in the API docs for tf.Tensor?

I’m following a tutorial that user `ndim`, for example:

scalar = tf.constant(7) scalar.ndim 

However, I can’t find `ndim` in the attribute section of the API docs for `tf.Tensor`

Where should I be looking for this?

submitted by /u/snowch_uk
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Do I Stop Training?

I am training an ssd_mobilenet_v1_fpn_640x640_coco17_tpu-8 model from the Tensorflow Model Zoo. I used the default steps of 25000 but my total_loss metric is 0.852. Do I let the model train until all the step are complete or do I stop the training? Also how would I go about stopping the training? Thanks.

submitted by /u/antoqee_
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Sensing What’s Ahead in 2022: Latest Breakthroughs Pave Way for Year of Autonomous Vehicle Innovation

2021 trends are charging into 2022, heralding a new era of autonomous transportation and opening up business models and services never before dreamed of. In the next year, software-defined compute architectures, electric powertrains, high-fidelity simulation, AI assistants and autonomous trucking solutions are set to transform the transportation industry. This past year, key technologies saw significant Read article >

The post Sensing What’s Ahead in 2022: Latest Breakthroughs Pave Way for Year of Autonomous Vehicle Innovation appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Maximize Performance of HPC Apps with HPC SDK 21.11, Available Now

The latest NVIDIA HPC SDK includes a variety of tools to maximize developer productivity, as well as the performance, and portability of HPC applications.

At the Supercomputing Conference (SC21) NVIDIA preannounced the next update to the HPC SDK. Today, the HPC SDK 21.11 release was posted for free download to Developer Program members. 

The NVIDIA HPC SDK is a comprehensive suite of compilers and libraries for high performance computing development. It includes a wide variety of tools proven to maximize developer productivity, as well as the performance and portability of HPC applications.   

The HPC SDK and its components are updated numerous times per year with new features, performance advancements, and other enhancements. 

What’s new

This 21.11 release will include updates to HPC C++/Fortran compiler support and the developer environment, as well as new multi-node mulitGPU library capabilities. 

Learn more 


Interpretable Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting

Multi-horizon forecasting, i.e. predicting variables-of-interest at multiple future time steps, is a crucial challenge in time series machine learning. Most real-world datasets have a time component, and forecasting the future can unlock great value. For example, retailers can use future sales to optimize their supply chain and promotions, investment managers are interested in forecasting the future prices of financial assets to maximize their performance, and healthcare institutions can use the number of future patient admissions to have sufficient personnel and equipment.

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have increasingly been used in multi-horizon forecasting, demonstrating strong performance improvements over traditional time series models. While many models (e.g., DeepAR, MQRNN) have focused on variants of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), recent improvements, including Transformer-based models, have used attention-based layers to enhance the selection of relevant time steps in the past beyond the inductive bias of RNNs – sequential ordered processing of information including. However, these often do not consider the different inputs commonly present in multi-horizon forecasting and either assume that all exogenous inputs are known into the future or neglect important static covariates.

Multi-horizon forecasting with static covariates and various time-dependent inputs.

Additionally, conventional time series models are controlled by complex nonlinear interactions between many parameters, making it difficult to explain how such models arrive at their predictions. Unfortunately, common methods to explain the behavior of DNNs have limitations. For example, post-hoc methods (e.g., LIME and SHAP) do not consider the order of input features. Some attention-based models are proposed with inherent interpretability for sequential data, primarily language or speech, but multi-horizon forecasting has many different types of inputs, not just language or speech. Attention-based models can provide insights into relevant time steps, but they cannot distinguish the importance of different features at a given time step. New methods are needed to tackle the heterogeneity of data in multi-horizon forecasting for high performance and to render these forecasts interpretable.

To that end, we announce “Temporal Fusion Transformers for Interpretable Multi-horizon Time Series Forecasting”, published in the International Journal of Forecasting, where we propose the Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT), an attention-based DNN model for multi-horizon forecasting. TFT is designed to explicitly align the model with the general multi-horizon forecasting task for both superior accuracy and interpretability, which we demonstrate across various use cases.

Temporal Fusion Transformer
We design TFT to efficiently build feature representations for each input type (i.e., static, known, or observed inputs) for high forecasting performance. The major constituents of TFT (shown below) are:

  1. Gating mechanismsto skip over any unused components of the model (learned from the data), providing adaptive depth and network complexity to accommodate a wide range of datasets.
  2. Variable selection networksto select relevant input variables at each time step. While conventional DNNs may overfit to irrelevant features, attention-based variable selection can improve generalization by encouraging the model to anchor most of its learning capacity on the most salient features.
  3. Static covariate encodersintegrate static features to control how temporal dynamics are modeled. Static features can have an important impact on forecasts, e.g., a store location could have different temporal dynamics for sales (e.g., a rural store may see higher weekend traffic, but a downtown store may see daily peaks after working hours).
  4. Temporal processingto learn both long- and short-term temporal relationships from both observed and known time-varying inputs. A sequence-to-sequence layer is employed for local processing as the inductive bias it has for ordered information processing is beneficial, whereas long-term dependencies are captured using a novel interpretable multi-head attention block. This can cut the effective path length of information, i.e., any past time step with relevant information (e.g. sales from last year) can be focused on directly.
  5. Prediction intervals show quantile forecasts to determine the range of target values at each prediction horizon, which help users understand the distribution of the output, not just the point forecasts.
TFT inputs static metadata, time-varying past inputs and time-varying a priori known future inputs. Variable Selection is used for judicious selection of the most salient features based on the input. Gated information is added as a residual input, followed by normalization. Gated residual network (GRN) blocks enable efficient information flow with skip connections and gating layers. Time-dependent processing is based on LSTMs for local processing, and multi-head attention for integrating information from any time step.

Forecasting Performance
We compare TFT to a wide range of models for multi-horizon forecasting, including various deep learning models with iterative methods (e.g., DeepAR, DeepSSM, ConvTrans) and direct methods (e.g., LSTM Seq2Seq, MQRNN), as well as traditional models such as ARIMA, ETS, and TRMF. Below is a comparison to a truncated list of models.

Model Electricity Traffic Volatility Retail
ARIMA 0.154 (+180%) 0.223 (+135%)
ETS 0.102 (+85%) 0.236 (+148%)
DeepAR 0.075 (+36%) 0.161 (+69%) 0.050 (+28%) 0.574 (+62%)
Seq2Seq 0.067 (+22%) 0.105 (+11%) 0.042 (+7%) 0.411 (+16%)
MQRNN 0.077 (+40%) 0.117 (+23%) 0.042 (+7%) 0.379 (+7%)
TFT 0.055 0.095 0.039 0.354
P50 quantile losses (lower is better) for TFT vs. alternative models.

As shown above, TFT outperforms all benchmarks over a variety of datasets. This applies to both point forecasts and uncertainty estimates, with TFT yielding an average 7% lower P50 and 9% lower P90 losses, respectively, compared to the next best model.

Interpretability Use Cases
We demonstrate how TFT’s design allows for analysis of its individual components for enhanced interpretability with three use cases.

  • Variable Importance
    One can observe how different variables impact retail sales by observing their model weights. For example, the largest weights for static variables were the specific store and item, while the largest weights for future variables were promotion period and national holiday (shown below).

    Variable importance for the retail dataset. The 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of the variable selection weights are shown, with values larger than 0.1 in bold purple.
  • Persistent Temporal Patterns
    Visualizing persistent temporal patterns can help in understanding the time-dependent relationships present in a given dataset. We identify similar persistent patterns by measuring the contributions of features at fixed lags in the past forecasts at various horizons. Shown below, attention weights reveal the most important past time steps on which TFT bases its decisions.

    Persistent temporal patterns for the traffic dataset (𝛕 denotes the forecasting horizon) for the 10%, 50% and 90% quantile levels. Clear periodicity is observed with peaks being separated by ~24 hours, i.e., the model attends the most to the time steps that are at the same time of the day from past days, which is aligned with the expected daily traffic patterns.

    The above shows the attention weight patterns across time, indicating how TFT learns persistent temporal patterns without any hard-coding. Such capability can help build trust with users because the output confirms expected known patterns. Model developers can also use these towards model improvements, e.g., via specific feature engineering or data collection.

  • Identifying Significant Events
    Identifying sudden changes can be useful, as temporary shifts can occur due to the presence of significant events. TFT uses the distance between attention patterns at each point with the average pattern to identify the significant deviations. The figures below show that TFT can alter its attention between events — placing equal attention across past inputs when volatility is low, while attending more to sharp trend changes during high volatility periods.

    Event identification for S&P 500 realized volatility from 2002 through 2014.

    Significant deviations in attention patterns can be observed above around periods of high volatility, corresponding to the peaks observed in dist(t), distance between attention patterns (red line). We use a threshold to denote significant events, as highlighted in purple.

    Focusing on periods around the 2008 financial crisis, the bottom plot below zooms on midway through the significant event (evident from the increased attention on sharp trend changes), compared to the normal event in the top plot (where attention is equal over low volatility periods).

    Event identification for S&P 500 realized volatility, a zoom of the above on a period from 2004 and 2005.

    Event identification for S&P 500 realized volatility, a zoom of the above on a period from 2008 and 2009.

Real-World Impact
Finally, TFT has been used to help retail and logistics companies with demand forecasting by both improving forecasting accuracy and providing interpretability capabilities.

Additionally, TFT has potential applications for climate-related challenges: for example, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by balancing electricity supply and demand in real time, and improving the accuracy and interpretability of rainfall forecasting results.

We present a novel attention-based model for high-performance multi-horizon forecasting. In addition to improved performance across a range of datasets, TFT also contains specialized components for inherent interpretability — i.e., variable selection networks and interpretable multi-head attention. With three interpretability use-cases, we also demonstrate how these components can be used to extract insights on feature importance and temporal dynamics.

We gratefully acknowledge contributions of Bryan Lim, Nicolas Loeff, Minho Jin, Yaguang Li, and Andrew Moore.


Experience Immersive Streaming with Omniverse XR Remote

View full-fidelity 3D models using AR mode in XR Remote.Creators and developers can now view their 3D content as it was meant to be experienced, in full immersive detail with NVIDIA Omniverse XR Remote for iPad.View full-fidelity 3D models using AR mode in XR Remote.

Content creators and developers can now view their 3D content in full-immersive detail with NVIDIA Omniverse XR Remote for iPad. The app is available now from the Apple Store for iPad iOS 14.5 and higher.

Visualizing complex 3D models is critical to industries, such as architecture and manufacturing, where context is everything. Minor design decisions can trigger changes that lead to higher costs and time-consuming adjustments.

A 3D model of a skyscraper sits on a desk, viewed using AR mode in XR Remote.
Figure 1. View full-fidelity 3D models using AR mode in XR Remote.

Omniverse XR Remote addresses this challenge by enabling users to interact with full-fidelity, real-time NVIDIA RTX ray-traced content in Omniverse. This can be streamed directly from a desktop to an iPad using NVIDIA CloudXR. Content is viewed in AR, where users bring virtual assets into their world, or as a VR virtual camera that gives users a “window” to navigate a 3D scene or experience. 

For developers, this provides a new means to distribute content built in Omniverse, without compromising on quality or mobility.

A highly detailed model of a kitchen is viewed using VR Virtual Camera mode in XR Remote.
Figure 2. Explore model details including full-fidelity textures and real-time NVIDIA RTX ray-traced lighting using VR Virtual Camera mode in XR Remote.

Streaming immersive design

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF), one of the world’s preeminent architecture firms, is leveraging NVIDIA technologies to make the design process more intuitive for designers, engineers, and clients. 

“We see a future where we can bring our design to the table and the computer helps us make it real,” said Applied Research Director at KPF, Cobus Bothma. 

Bothma is using XR Remote to visualize at-scale architectural models overlaid with complex data sets—like diagrammatic flow lines of wind around a building, creating a virtual wind tunnel. Currently, KPF is working to simulate multiple buildings in the same scene, viewed on a tablet device.

Diagrammatic flow lines of windflow overlaid on a 3D building model using Omniverse and viewed in XR Remote.
Figure 3. Diagrammatic flow lines of windflow overlaid on a 3D building model using Omniverse and viewed in XR Remote. Image provided by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates.

“With XR Remote, we can reduce review cycles from days to hours,” said Bothma. 

Historically, it would have taken the KPF design team 4 to 6 weeks to develop a custom app for every design change. “Now we can simply stream it to them and they will immediately have the latest view,” Bothma said.

The application delivers an immersive view of Universal Scene Description content from Omniverse to any supported iOS or Android device through the use of the NVIDIA CloudXR streaming solution. XR Remote is one of the first instances where users can leverage CloudXR streaming to reach back through a remote agent and harness extra compute power. This helps users run a simulation in Omniverse and stream full-fidelity graphics to an iPad in real time.

The result is a fully immersive interaction with 3D content, which enables easier collaboration to speed up design processes. “This is a much more intuitive way to interact with 3D content than a mouse and keyboard,” said Greg Jones, Director of Global Business Development and Product Management for XR at NVIDIA.

“With XR Remote, users can grab the iPad and literally walk through their data. This changes the game for industries like AEC, manufacturing, and M&E, where flat digital tools have required designers to translate 2D renderings into 3D results,” Jones said. 

Getting started with Omniverse XR Remote

The Omniverse XR Remote application is available now through the Apple Store and Android devices.

Requirements for using XR Remote on an iPad:

  • An iPad with iOS 14.5 or higher.
  • Omniverse XR Remote application, installed on an iPad.
  • The latest version of Omniverse Create, installed on an NVIDIA RTX-enabled PC (Windows and Linux compliant) or VM.
  • Both PC and iPad must be connected to the network.

Load a 3D model and enable AR settings in Omniverse Create on a PC to get started. Then input the corresponding IP address into the Omniverse XR Remote on their iPad. Check out the XR Remote documentation for detailed instructions.

Android tablet users can follow these steps and connect a device using NVIDIA Omniverse XR Remote.

Expand the design process and view 3D content as it was meant to be experienced, in full immersive detail. Download NVIDIA Omniverse XR Remote for iPad today from the Apple Store.


Forrester Report: ‘NVIDIA GPUs Are Synonymous With AI Infrastructure’

In an evaluation of enterprise AI infrastructure providers, Forrester Research Monday recognized NVIDIA as a leader in AI infrastructure. The “Forrester Wave™: AI Infrastructure, Q4 2021” report states that “​​NVIDIA’s DNA is in every other AI infrastructure solution we evaluated. It’s an understatement to say that NVIDIA GPUs are synonymous with AI infrastructure.” “Reference customers Read article >

The post Forrester Report: ‘NVIDIA GPUs Are Synonymous With AI Infrastructure’ appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Blender 3.0 Release Accelerated by NVIDIA RTX GPUs, Adds USD Support for Omniverse

‘Tis the season for all content creators, especially 3D artists, this month on NVIDIA Studio. Blender, the world’s most popular open-source 3D creative application, launched a highly anticipated 3.0 release, delivering extraordinary performance gains powered by NVIDIA RTX GPUs, with added Universal Scene Description (USD) support for NVIDIA Omniverse. Faster 3D creative workflows are made Read article >

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Useful data summary statistics with image classification


I am doing image classification with TensorFlow for learning purposes. I am splitting the data into 5 folds. I would like to get useful summary statistics on these validation sets. What could be useful other than the shape of the validation sets?

submitted by /u/The_Poor_Jew
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