On October 18, learn how to unlock one-third of AI compute on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin by leveraging Deep Learning Accelerator for your embedded AI…
On October 18, learn how to unlock one-third of AI compute on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin by leveraging Deep Learning Accelerator for your embedded AI applications.
This self-paced, free tutorial provides a basic understanding of the NVIDIA Isaac Sim interface and the documentation needed to begin robot simulation projects.
This self-paced, free tutorial provides a basic understanding of the NVIDIA Isaac Sim interface and the documentation needed to begin robot simulation projects.
Back in 2018, BERT got people talking about how machine learning models were learning to read and speak. Today, large language models, or LLMs, are growing up fast, showing dexterity in all sorts of applications. They’re, for one, speeding drug discovery, thanks to research from the Rostlab at Technical University of Munich, as well as Read article >
Posted by Zalán Borsos, Research Software Engineer, and Neil Zeghidour, Research Scientist, Google Research
Generating realistic audio requires modeling information represented at different scales. For example, just as music builds complex musical phrases from individual notes, speech combines temporally local structures, such as phonemes or syllables, into words and sentences. Creating well-structured and coherent audio sequences at all these scales is a challenge that has been addressed by coupling audio with transcriptions that can guide the generative process, be it text transcripts for speech synthesis or MIDI representations for piano. However, this approach breaks when trying to model untranscribed aspects of audio, such as speaker characteristics necessary to help people with speech impairments recover their voice, or stylistic components of a piano performance.
In “AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation”, we propose a new framework for audio generation that learns to generate realistic speech and piano music by listening to audio only. Audio generated by AudioLM demonstrates long-term consistency (e.g., syntax in speech, melody in music) and high fidelity, outperforming previous systems and pushing the frontiers of audio generation with applications in speech synthesis or computer-assisted music. Following our AI Principles, we’ve also developed a model to identify synthetic audio generated by AudioLM.
From Text to Audio Language Models In recent years, language models trained on very large text corpora have demonstrated their exceptional generative abilities, from open-ended dialogue to machine translation or even common-sense reasoning. They have further shown their capacity to model other signals than texts, such as natural images. The key intuition behind AudioLM is to leverage such advances in language modeling to generate audio without being trained on annotated data.
However, some challenges need to be addressed when moving from text language models to audio language models. First, one must cope with the fact that the data rate for audio is significantly higher, thus leading to much longer sequences — while a written sentence can be represented by a few dozen characters, its audio waveform typically contains hundreds of thousands of values. Second, there is a one-to-many relationship between text and audio. This means that the same sentence can be rendered by different speakers with different speaking styles, emotional content and recording conditions.
To overcome both challenges, AudioLM leverages two kinds of audio tokens. First, semantic tokens are extracted from w2v-BERT, a self-supervised audio model. These tokens capture both local dependencies (e.g., phonetics in speech, local melody in piano music) and global long-term structure (e.g., language syntax and semantic content in speech, harmony and rhythm in piano music), while heavily downsampling the audio signal to allow for modeling long sequences.
However, audio reconstructed from these tokens demonstrates poor fidelity. To overcome this limitation, in addition to semantic tokens, we rely on acoustic tokens produced by a SoundStream neural codec, which capture the details of the audio waveform (such as speaker characteristics or recording conditions) and allow for high-quality synthesis. Training a system to generate both semantic and acoustic tokens leads simultaneously to high audio quality and long-term consistency.
Training an Audio-Only Language Model AudioLM is a pure audio model that is trained without any text or symbolic representation of music. AudioLM models an audio sequence hierarchically, from semantic tokens up to fine acoustic tokens, by chaining several Transformer models, one for each stage. Each stage is trained for the next token prediction based on past tokens, as one would train a text language model. The first stage performs this task on semantic tokens to model the high-level structure of the audio sequence.
In the second stage, we concatenate the entire semantic token sequence, along with the past coarse acoustic tokens, and feed both as conditioning to the coarse acoustic model, which then predicts the future tokens. This step models acoustic properties such as speaker characteristics in speech or timbre in music.
In the third stage, we process the coarse acoustic tokens with the fine acoustic model, which adds even more detail to the final audio. Finally, we feed acoustic tokens to the SoundStream decoder to reconstruct a waveform.
After training, one can condition AudioLM on a few seconds of audio, which enables it to generate consistent continuation. In order to showcase the general applicability of the AudioLM framework, we consider two tasks from different audio domains:
Speech continuation, where the model is expected to retain the speaker characteristics, prosody and recording conditions of the prompt while producing new content that is syntactically correct and semantically consistent.
Piano continuation, where the model is expected to generate piano music that is coherent with the prompt in terms of melody, harmony and rhythm.
In the video below, you can listen to examples where the model is asked to continue either speech or music and generate new content that was not seen during training. As you listen, note that everything you hear after the gray vertical line was generated by AudioLM and that the model has never seen any text or musical transcription, but rather just learned from raw audio. We release more samples on this webpage.
To validate our results, we asked human raters to listen to short audio clips and decide whether it is an original recording of human speech or a synthetic continuation generated by AudioLM. Based on the ratings collected, we observed a 51.2% success rate, which is not statistically significantly different from the 50% success rate achieved when assigning labels at random. This means that speech generated by AudioLM is hard to distinguish from real speech for the average listener.
Our work on AudioLM is for research purposes and we have no plans to release it more broadly at this time. In alignment with our AI Principles, we sought to understand and mitigate the possibility that people could misinterpret the short speech samples synthesized by AudioLM as real speech. For this purpose, we trained a classifier that can detect synthetic speech generated by AudioLM with very high accuracy (98.6%). This shows that despite being (almost) indistinguishable to some listeners, continuations generated by AudioLM are very easy to detect with a simple audio classifier. This is a crucial first step to help protect against the potential misuse of AudioLM, with future efforts potentially exploring technologies such as audio “watermarking”.
Conclusion We introduce AudioLM, a language modeling approach to audio generation that provides both long-term coherence and high audio quality. Experiments on speech generation show not only that AudioLM can generate syntactically and semantically coherent speech without any text, but also that continuations produced by the model are almost indistinguishable from real speech by humans. Moreover, AudioLM goes well beyond speech and can model arbitrary audio signals such as piano music. This encourages the future extensions to other types of audio (e.g., multilingual speech, polyphonic music, and audio events) as well as integrating AudioLM into an encoder-decoder framework for conditioned tasks such as text-to-speech or speech-to-speech translation.
Acknowledgments The work described here was authored by Zalán Borsos, Raphaël Marinier, Damien Vincent, Eugene Kharitonov, Olivier Pietquin, Matt Sharifi, Olivier Teboul, David Grangier, Marco Tagliasacchi and Neil Zeghidour. We are grateful for all discussions and feedback on this work that we received from our colleagues at Google.
Cooler weather, the changing colors of the leaves, the needless addition of pumpkin spice to just about everything, and discount Halloween candy are just some things to look forward to in the fall. GeForce NOW members can add one more thing to the list — 25 games joining the cloud gaming library in October, including Read article >
Thanks to earbuds, people can take calls anywhere, while doing anything. The problem: those on the other end of the call can hear all the background noise, too, whether it’s the roommate’s vacuum cleaner or neighboring conversations at a café. Now, work by a trio of graduate students at the University of Washington, who spent Read article >
When not engrossed in his studies toward a Ph.D. in statistics, conducting data-driven research on AI and robotics, or enjoying his favorite hobby of sailing, Yizhou Zhao is winning contests for developers who use NVIDIA Omniverse — a platform for connecting and building custom 3D pipelines and metaverse applications.
Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used across industries. Fraud detection, demand sensing, and credit underwriting are a few examples of specific use…
Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used across industries. Fraud detection, demand sensing, and credit underwriting are a few examples of specific use cases.
These machine learning models make decisions that affect everyday lives. Therefore, it’s imperative that model predictions are fair, unbiased, and nondiscriminatory. Accurate predictions become vital in high-risk applications where transparency and trust are crucial.
One way to ensure fairness in AI is to analyze the predictions obtained from a machine learning model. This exposes disparities and provides the opportunity to take corrective actions to diagnose and rectify the underlying cause.
Explainable AI (XAI) is a field of Responsible AI dedicated to studying techniques that explain how a machine learning model makes predictions. These explanations are human-understandable, enabling all stakeholders to make sense of the model’s output and make the necessary decisions. SHAP is one such technique used widely in industry to evaluate and explain a model’s prediction.
This post explains how you can train an XGBoost model, implement the SHAP technique in Python using a CPU and GPU, and finally compare results between the two. By the end of the post, you should be able to answer the following questions:
Why is it crucial to explain machine learning models, especially in high-stakes decisions?
How do we differentiate between Interpretable and Explainable techniques?
What is the SHAP technique, and how is it used to explain a model’s predictions?
What is the advantage of GPU-accelerated SHAP?
Explainability versus interpretability
In the context of artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is helpful to distinguish explainability from interpretability. The terms have distinct meanings but are often used interchangeably.
Explainability is a low-level, detailed mental representation that seeks to describe some complex processes. An explanation describes how some model mechanism or output came to be.
Interpretability is a high-level, meaningful mental representation that contextualizes a stimulus and leverages human background knowledge. An interpretable model should provide users with a description of what a data point or model output means in context.
The approaches to explaining model predictions can be broadly divided into model-specific and post-hoc techniques.
Algorithms like generalized linear models, decision trees, and generalized additive models are designed to be interpretable. These are called glassbox models because it is possible to trace and reason how a prediction was made. The techniques used to explain such models are model-specific because each method is based on some specific model’s internals. For instance, the interpretation of weights in linear models counts toward model-specific explanations.
Post-hoc explainability techniques, as the name suggests, are applied after a model has been trained. Some well-known post-hoc techniques include SHAP, LIME, and Partial Dependence Plots. These are model agnostic. They work by treating the model as a BlackBox and assume they only have access to the model’s inputs and outputs. This makes them beneficial for complex algorithms, like boosted trees and deep neural nets, which are not explainable through model-specific techniques.
This post focuses on SHAP, a post-hoc technique for explaining model predictions.
Using the SHAP technique to explain models
SHAP is an acronym for SHapley Additive Explanations. It is one of the most commonly used post-hoc explainability techniques. SHAP leverages the concept of cooperative game theoryto break down a prediction to measure the impact of each feature on the prediction.
Shapley values are defined as the average marginal contribution of a feature value across all possible feature coalitions. A technique with origins in economics and game theory, Shapley values assign fair payouts to players in a coalition depending upon their contribution to the total gain. Translating this into a machine learning scenario means assigning importance to features in a model depending on their contribution to the model’s prediction.
SHAP unifies several approaches to generate accurate local feature importance values using Shapley values which can then be aggregated to obtain global explanations. SHAP values interpret the impact on the model’s prediction of a given feature having a specific value, compared to the prediction we’d make if that feature took some baseline value. A baseline value is a value that the model would predict if it had no information about any feature values.
SHAP is one of the most widely used post-hoc explainability technique for calculating feature attributions. It is model agnostic, can be used both as a local and global feature attribution technique and has credible theoretical support from economics. Additionally, a variant of SHAP for tree based models reduces the computation time considerably, thereby helping users to gain insights from models quickly.
The following section provides an example of how to use the SHAP technique.
Step 1: Training an XGBoost model and calculating SHAP values
Train an XGBoost model on the given dataset to predict whether a person earns more than $50K a year. Such data could be helpful in various use cases like target marketing.
Compute the SHAP values to explain the individual feature contributions.
Visualize and interpret the SHAP values.
SHAP can be installed using its stand-alone Python package called shap available on GitHub:
pip install shap
conda install -c conda-forge shap
SHAP is also inherently supported by popular algorithms like LightGBM, and XGBoost, and several R packages.
Setting up the environment
Start by setting up the environment and importing the necessary libraries:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Visualization Libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
## Machine learning packages
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import xgboost as xgb
## Model Interpretation package
import shap
# Ensuring Reproducibility
SEED = 12345
# Ignoring the warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action = "ignore")
This dataset comes from the UCI Machine Learning Repository Irvine and is available on Kaggle. It containsinformation about the demographic information of peoplebased on census data. The dataset has attributes such as education, and hours of work per week, age, and so on.
The shap library ships with some commonly used datasets, including the preprocessed version of the Adult Income Dataset used below.