
Responsible AI at Google Research: Perception Fairness

Google’s Responsible AI research is built on a foundation of collaboration — between teams with diverse backgrounds and expertise, between researchers and product developers, and ultimately with the community at large. The Perception Fairness team drives progress by combining deep subject-matter expertise in both computer vision and machine learning (ML) fairness with direct connections to the researchers building the perception systems that power products across Google and beyond. Together, we are working to intentionally design our systems to be inclusive from the ground up, guided by Google’s AI Principles.

Perception Fairness research spans the design, development, and deployment of advanced multimodal models including the latest foundation and generative models powering Google’s products.

Our team’s mission is to advance the frontiers of fairness and inclusion in multimodal ML systems, especially related to foundation models and generative AI. This encompasses core technology components including classification, localization, captioning, retrieval, visual question answering, text-to-image or text-to-video generation, and generative image and video editing. We believe that fairness and inclusion can and should be top-line performance goals for these applications. Our research is focused on unlocking novel analyses and mitigations that enable us to proactively design for these objectives throughout the development cycle. We answer core questions, such as: How can we use ML to responsibly and faithfully model human perception of demographic, cultural, and social identities in order to promote fairness and inclusion? What kinds of system biases (e.g., underperforming on images of people with certain skin tones) can we measure and how can we use these metrics to design better algorithms? How can we build more inclusive algorithms and systems and react quickly when failures occur?

Measuring representation of people in media

ML systems that can edit, curate or create images or videos can affect anyone exposed to their outputs, shaping or reinforcing the beliefs of viewers around the world. Research to reduce representational harms, such as reinforcing stereotypes or denigrating or erasing groups of people, requires a deep understanding of both the content and the societal context. It hinges on how different observers perceive themselves, their communities, or how others are represented. There’s considerable debate in the field regarding which social categories should be studied with computational tools and how to do so responsibly. Our research focuses on working toward scalable solutions that are informed by sociology and social psychology, are aligned with human perception, embrace the subjective nature of the problem, and enable nuanced measurement and mitigation. One example is our research on differences in human perception and annotation of skin tone in images using the Monk Skin Tone scale.

Our tools are also used to study representation in large-scale content collections. Through our Media Understanding for Social Exploration (MUSE) project, we’ve partnered with academic researchers, nonprofit organizations, and major consumer brands to understand patterns in mainstream media and advertising content. We first published this work in 2017, with a co-authored study analyzing gender equity in Hollywood movies. Since then, we’ve increased the scale and depth of our analyses. In 2019, we released findings based on over 2.7 million YouTube advertisements. In the latest study, we examine representation across intersections of perceived gender presentation, perceived age, and skin tone in over twelve years of popular U.S. television shows. These studies provide insights for content creators and advertisers and further inform our own research.

An illustration (not actual data) of computational signals that can be analyzed at scale to reveal representational patterns in media collections. [Video Collection / Getty Images]

Moving forward, we’re expanding the ML fairness concepts on which we focus and the domains in which they are responsibly applied. Looking beyond photorealistic images of people, we are working to develop tools that model the representation of communities and cultures in illustrations, abstract depictions of humanoid characters, and even images with no people in them at all. Finally, we need to reason about not just who is depicted, but how they are portrayed — what narrative is communicated through the surrounding image content, the accompanying text, and the broader cultural context.

Analyzing bias properties of perceptual systems

Building advanced ML systems is complex, with multiple stakeholders informing various criteria that decide product behavior. Overall quality has historically been defined and measured using summary statistics (like overall accuracy) over a test dataset as a proxy for user experience. But not all users experience products in the same way.

Perception Fairness enables practical measurement of nuanced system behavior beyond summary statistics, and makes these metrics core to the system quality that directly informs product behaviors and launch decisions. This is often much harder than it seems. Distilling complex bias issues (e.g., disparities in performance across intersectional subgroups or instances of stereotype reinforcement) to a small number of metrics without losing important nuance is extremely challenging. Another challenge is balancing the interplay between fairness metrics and other product metrics (e.g., user satisfaction, accuracy, latency), which are often phrased as conflicting despite being compatible. It is common for researchers to describe their work as optimizing an “accuracy-fairness” tradeoff when in reality widespread user satisfaction is aligned with meeting fairness and inclusion objectives.

We built and released the MIAP dataset as part of Open Images, leveraging our research on perception of socially relevant concepts and detection of biased behavior in complex systems to create a resource that furthers ML fairness research in computer vision. Original photo credits — left: Boston Public Library; middle: jen robinson; right: Garin Fons; all used with permission under the CC- BY 2.0 license.

To these ends, our team focuses on two broad research directions. First, democratizing access to well-understood and widely-applicable fairness analysis tooling, engaging partner organizations in adopting them into product workflows, and informing leadership across the company in interpreting results. This work includes developing broad benchmarks, curating widely-useful high-quality test datasets and tooling centered around techniques such as sliced analysis and counterfactual testing — often building on the core representation signals work described earlier. Second, advancing novel approaches towards fairness analytics — including partnering with product efforts that may result in breakthrough findings or inform launch strategy.

Advancing AI responsibly

Our work does not stop with analyzing model behavior. Rather, we use this as a jumping-off point for identifying algorithmic improvements in collaboration with other researchers and engineers on product teams. Over the past year we’ve launched upgraded components that power Search and Memories features in Google Photos, leading to more consistent performance and drastically improving robustness through added layers that keep mistakes from cascading through the system. We are working on improving ranking algorithms in Google Images to diversify representation. We updated algorithms that may reinforce historical stereotypes, using additional signals responsibly, such that it’s more likely for everyone to see themselves reflected in Search results and find what they’re looking for.

This work naturally carries over to the world of generative AI, where models can create collections of images or videos seeded from image and text prompts and can answer questions about images and videos. We’re excited about the potential of these technologies to deliver new experiences to users and as tools to further our own research. To enable this, we’re collaborating across the research and responsible AI communities to develop guardrails that mitigate failure modes. We’re leveraging our tools for understanding representation to power scalable benchmarks that can be combined with human feedback, and investing in research from pre-training through deployment to steer the models to generate higher quality, more inclusive, and more controllable output. We want these models to inspire people, producing diverse outputs, translating concepts without relying on tropes or stereotypes, and providing consistent behaviors and responses across counterfactual variations of prompts.

Opportunities and ongoing work

Despite over a decade of focused work, the field of perception fairness technologies still seems like a nascent and fast-growing space, rife with opportunities for breakthrough techniques. We continue to see opportunities to contribute technical advances backed by interdisciplinary scholarship. The gap between what we can measure in images versus the underlying aspects of human identity and expression is large — closing this gap will require increasingly complex media analytics solutions. Data metrics that indicate true representation, situated in the appropriate context and heeding a diversity of viewpoints, remains an open challenge for us. Can we reach a point where we can reliably identify depictions of nuanced stereotypes, continually update them to reflect an ever-changing society, and discern situations in which they could be offensive? Algorithmic advances driven by human feedback point a promising path forward.

Recent focus on AI safety and ethics in the context of modern large model development has spurred new ways of thinking about measuring systemic biases. We are exploring multiple avenues to use these models — along with recent developments in concept-based explainability methods, causal inference methods, and cutting-edge UX research — to quantify and minimize undesired biased behaviors. We look forward to tackling the challenges ahead and developing technology that is built for everybody.


We would like to thank every member of the Perception Fairness team, and all of our collaborators.


How to compare a noisy quantum processor to a classical computer

A full-scale error-corrected quantum computer will be able to solve some problems that are impossible for classical computers, but building such a device is a huge endeavor. We are proud of the milestones that we have achieved toward a fully error-corrected quantum computer, but that large-scale computer is still some number of years away. Meanwhile, we are using our current noisy quantum processors as flexible platforms for quantum experiments.

In contrast to an error-corrected quantum computer, experiments in noisy quantum processors are currently limited to a few thousand quantum operations or gates, before noise degrades the quantum state. In 2019 we implemented a specific computational task called random circuit sampling on our quantum processor and showed for the first time that it outperformed state-of-the-art classical supercomputing.

Although they have not yet reached beyond-classical capabilities, we have also used our processors to observe novel physical phenomena, such as time crystals and Majorana edge modes, and have made new experimental discoveries, such as robust bound states of interacting photons and the noise-resilience of Majorana edge modes of Floquet evolutions.

We expect that even in this intermediate, noisy regime, we will find applications for the quantum processors in which useful quantum experiments can be performed much faster than can be calculated on classical supercomputers — we call these “computational applications” of the quantum processors. No one has yet demonstrated such a beyond-classical computational application. So as we aim to achieve this milestone, the question is: What is the best way to compare a quantum experiment run on such a quantum processor to the computational cost of a classical application?

We already know how to compare an error-corrected quantum algorithm to a classical algorithm. In that case, the field of computational complexity tells us that we can compare their respective computational costs — that is, the number of operations required to accomplish the task. But with our current experimental quantum processors, the situation is not so well defined.

In “Effective quantum volume, fidelity and computational cost of noisy quantum processing experiments”, we provide a framework for measuring the computational cost of a quantum experiment, introducing the experiment’s “effective quantum volume”, which is the number of quantum operations or gates that contribute to a measurement outcome. We apply this framework to evaluate the computational cost of three recent experiments: our random circuit sampling experiment, our experiment measuring quantities known as “out of time order correlators” (OTOCs), and a recent experiment on a Floquet evolution related to the Ising model. We are particularly excited about OTOCs because they provide a direct way to experimentally measure the effective quantum volume of a circuit (a sequence of quantum gates or operations), which is itself a computationally difficult task for a classical computer to estimate precisely. OTOCs are also important in nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Therefore, we believe that OTOC experiments are a promising candidate for a first-ever computational application of quantum processors.

Plot of computational cost and impact of some recent quantum experiments. While some (e.g., QC-QMC 2022) have had high impact and others (e.g., RCS 2023) have had high computational cost, none have yet been both useful and hard enough to be considered a “computational application.” We hypothesize that our future OTOC experiment could be the first to pass this threshold. Other experiments plotted are referenced in the text.

Random circuit sampling: Evaluating the computational cost of a noisy circuit

When it comes to running a quantum circuit on a noisy quantum processor, there are two competing considerations. On one hand, we aim to do something that is difficult to achieve classically. The computational cost — the number of operations required to accomplish the task on a classical computer — depends on the quantum circuit’s effective quantum volume: the larger the volume, the higher the computational cost, and the more a quantum processor can outperform a classical one.

But on the other hand, on a noisy processor, each quantum gate can introduce an error to the calculation. The more operations, the higher the error, and the lower the fidelity of the quantum circuit in measuring a quantity of interest. Under this consideration, we might prefer simpler circuits with a smaller effective volume, but these are easily simulated by classical computers. The balance of these competing considerations, which we want to maximize, is called the “computational resource”, shown below.

Graph of the tradeoff between quantum volume and noise in a quantum circuit, captured in a quantity called the “computational resource.” For a noisy quantum circuit, this will initially increase with the computational cost, but eventually, noise will overrun the circuit and cause it to decrease.

We can see how these competing considerations play out in a simple “hello world” program for quantum processors, known as random circuit sampling (RCS), which was the first demonstration of a quantum processor outperforming a classical computer. Any error in any gate is likely to make this experiment fail. Inevitably, this is a hard experiment to achieve with significant fidelity, and thus it also serves as a benchmark of system fidelity. But it also corresponds to the highest known computational cost achievable by a quantum processor. We recently reported the most powerful RCS experiment performed to date, with a low measured experimental fidelity of 1.7×10-3, and a high theoretical computational cost of ~1023. These quantum circuits had 700 two-qubit gates. We estimate that this experiment would take ~47 years to simulate in the world’s largest supercomputer. While this checks one of the two boxes needed for a computational application — it outperforms a classical supercomputer — it is not a particularly useful application per se.

OTOCs and Floquet evolution: The effective quantum volume of a local observable

There are many open questions in quantum many-body physics that are classically intractable, so running some of these experiments on our quantum processor has great potential. We typically think of these experiments a bit differently than we do the RCS experiment. Rather than measuring the quantum state of all qubits at the end of the experiment, we are usually concerned with more specific, local physical observables. Because not every operation in the circuit necessarily impacts the observable, a local observable’s effective quantum volume might be smaller than that of the full circuit needed to run the experiment.

We can understand this by applying the concept of a light cone from relativity, which determines which events in space-time can be causally connected: some events cannot possibly influence one another because information takes time to propagate between them. We say that two such events are outside their respective light cones. In a quantum experiment, we replace the light cone with something called a “butterfly cone,” where the growth of the cone is determined by the butterfly speed — the speed with which information spreads throughout the system. (This speed is characterized by measuring OTOCs, discussed later.) The effective quantum volume of a local observable is essentially the volume of the butterfly cone, including only the quantum operations that are causally connected to the observable. So, the faster information spreads in a system, the larger the effective volume and therefore the harder it is to simulate classically.

A depiction of the effective volume Veff of the gates contributing to the local observable B. A related quantity called the effective area Aeff is represented by the cross-section of the plane and the cone. The perimeter of the base corresponds to the front of information travel that moves with the butterfly velocity vB.

We apply this framework to a recent experiment implementing a so-called Floquet Ising model, a physical model related to the time crystal and Majorana experiments. From the data of this experiment, one can directly estimate an effective fidelity of 0.37 for the largest circuits. With the measured gate error rate of ~1%, this gives an estimated effective volume of ~100. This is much smaller than the light cone, which included two thousand gates on 127 qubits. So, the butterfly velocity of this experiment is quite small. Indeed, we argue that the effective volume covers only ~28 qubits, not 127, using numerical simulations that obtain a larger precision than the experiment. This small effective volume has also been corroborated with the OTOC technique. Although this was a deep circuit, the estimated computational cost is 5×1011, almost one trillion times less than the recent RCS experiment. Correspondingly, this experiment can be simulated in less than a second per data point on a single A100 GPU. So, while this is certainly a useful application, it does not fulfill the second requirement of a computational application: substantially outperforming a classical simulation.

Information scrambling experiments with OTOCs are a promising avenue for a computational application. OTOCs can tell us important physical information about a system, such as the butterfly velocity, which is critical for precisely measuring the effective quantum volume of a circuit. OTOC experiments with fast entangling gates offer a potential path for a first beyond-classical demonstration of a computational application with a quantum processor. Indeed, in our experiment from 2021 we achieved an effective fidelity of Feff ~ 0.06 with an experimental signal-to-noise ratio of ~1, corresponding to an effective volume of ~250 gates and a computational cost of 2×1012.

While these early OTOC experiments are not sufficiently complex to outperform classical simulations, there is a deep physical reason why OTOC experiments are good candidates for the first demonstration of a computational application. Most of the interesting quantum phenomena accessible to near-term quantum processors that are hard to simulate classically correspond to a quantum circuit exploring many, many quantum energy levels. Such evolutions are typically chaotic and standard time-order correlators (TOC) decay very quickly to a purely random average in this regime. There is no experimental signal left. This does not happen for OTOC measurements, which allows us to grow complexity at will, only limited by the error per gate. We anticipate that a reduction of the error rate by half would double the computational cost, pushing this experiment to the beyond-classical regime.


Using the effective quantum volume framework we have developed, we have determined the computational cost of our RCS and OTOC experiments, as well as a recent Floquet evolution experiment. While none of these meet the requirements yet for a computational application, we expect that with improved error rates, an OTOC experiment will be the first beyond-classical, useful application of a quantum processor.


Teaching language models to reason algorithmically

Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and PaLM, have shown impressive progress in recent years, which have been driven by scaling up models and training data sizes. Nonetheless, a long standing debate has been whether LLMs can reason symbolically (i.e., manipulating symbols based on logical rules). For example, LLMs are able to perform simple arithmetic operations when numbers are small, but struggle to perform with large numbers. This suggests that LLMs have not learned the underlying rules needed to perform these arithmetic operations.

While neural networks have powerful pattern matching capabilities, they are prone to overfitting to spurious statistical patterns in the data. This does not hinder good performance when the training data is large and diverse and the evaluation is in-distribution. However, for tasks that require rule-based reasoning (such as addition), LLMs struggle with out-of-distribution generalization as spurious correlations in the training data are often much easier to exploit than the true rule-based solution. As a result, despite significant progress in a variety of natural language processing tasks, performance on simple arithmetic tasks like addition has remained a challenge. Even with modest improvement of GPT-4 on the MATH dataset, errors are still largely due to arithmetic and calculation mistakes. Thus, an important question is whether LLMs are capable of algorithmic reasoning, which involves solving a task by applying a set of abstract rules that define the algorithm.

In “Teaching Algorithmic Reasoning via In-Context Learning”, we describe an approach that leverages in-context learning to enable algorithmic reasoning capabilities in LLMs. In-context learning refers to a model’s ability to perform a task after seeing a few examples of it within the context of the model. The task is specified to the model using a prompt, without the need for weight updates. We also present a novel algorithmic prompting technique that enables general purpose language models to achieve strong generalization on arithmetic problems that are more difficult than those seen in the prompt. Finally, we demonstrate that a model can reliably execute algorithms on out-of-distribution examples with an appropriate choice of prompting strategy.

By providing algorithmic prompts, we can teach a model the rules of arithmetic via in-context learning. In this example, the LLM (word predictor) outputs the correct answer when prompted with an easy addition question (e.g., 267+197), but fails when asked a similar addition question with longer digits. However, when the more difficult question is appended with an algorithmic prompt for addition (blue box with white + shown below the word predictor), the model is able to answer correctly. Moreover, the model is capable of simulating the multiplication algorithm (X) by composing a series of addition calculations.

Teaching an algorithm as a skill

In order to teach a model an algorithm as a skill, we develop algorithmic prompting, which builds upon other rationale-augmented approaches (e.g., scratchpad and chain-of-thought). Algorithmic prompting extracts algorithmic reasoning abilities from LLMs, and has two notable distinctions compared to other prompting approaches: (1) it solves tasks by outputting the steps needed for an algorithmic solution, and (2) it explains each algorithmic step with sufficient detail so there is no room for misinterpretation by the LLM.

To gain intuition for algorithmic prompting, let’s consider the task of two-number addition. In a scratchpad-style prompt, we process each digit from right to left and keep track of the carry value (i.e., we add a 1 to the next digit if the current digit is greater than 9) at each step. However, the rule of carry is ambiguous after seeing only a few examples of carry values. We find that including explicit equations to describe the rule of carry helps the model focus on the relevant details and interpret the prompt more accurately. We use this insight to develop an algorithmic prompt for two-number addition, where we provide explicit equations for each step of computation and describe various indexing operations in non-ambiguous formats.

Illustration of various prompt strategies for addition.

Using only three prompt examples of addition with answer length up to five digits, we evaluate performance on additions of up to 19 digits. Accuracy is measured over 2,000 total examples sampled uniformly over the length of the answer. As shown below, the use of algorithmic prompts maintains high accuracy for questions significantly longer than what’s seen in the prompt, which demonstrates that the model is indeed solving the task by executing an input-agnostic algorithm.

Test accuracy on addition questions of increasing length for different prompting methods.

Leveraging algorithmic skills as tool use

To evaluate if the model can leverage algorithmic reasoning in a broader reasoning process, we evaluate performance using grade school math word problems (GSM8k). We specifically attempt to replace addition calculations from GSM8k with an algorithmic solution.

Motivated by context length limitations and possible interference between different algorithms, we explore a strategy where differently-prompted models interact with one another to solve complex tasks. In the context of GSM8k, we have one model that specializes in informal mathematical reasoning using chain-of-thought prompting, and a second model that specializes in addition using algorithmic prompting. The informal mathematical reasoning model is prompted to output specialized tokens in order to call on the addition-prompted model to perform the arithmetic steps. We extract the queries between tokens, send them to the addition-model and return the answer to the first model, after which the first model continues its output. We evaluate our approach using a difficult problem from the GSM8k (GSM8k-Hard), where we randomly select 50 addition-only questions and increase the numerical values in the questions.

An example from the GSM8k-Hard dataset. The chain-of-thought prompt is augmented with brackets to indicate when an algorithmic call should be performed.

We find that using separate contexts and models with specialized prompts is an effective way to tackle GSM8k-Hard. Below, we observe that the performance of the model with algorithmic call for addition is 2.3x the chain-of-thought baseline. Finally, this strategy presents an example of solving complex tasks by facilitating interactions between LLMs specialized to different skills via in-context learning.

Chain-of-thought (CoT) performance on GSM8k-Hard with or without algorithmic call.


We present an approach that leverages in-context learning and a novel algorithmic prompting technique to unlock algorithmic reasoning abilities in LLMs. Our results suggest that it may be possible to transform longer context into better reasoning performance by providing more detailed explanations. Thus, these findings point to the ability of using or otherwise simulating long contexts and generating more informative rationales as promising research directions.


We thank our co-authors Behnam Neyshabur, Azade Nova, Hugo Larochelle and Aaron Courville for their valuable contributions to the paper and great feedback on the blog. We thank Tom Small for creating the animations in this post. This work was done during Hattie Zhou’s internship at Google Research.


Language to rewards for robotic skill synthesis

Empowering end-users to interactively teach robots to perform novel tasks is a crucial capability for their successful integration into real-world applications. For example, a user may want to teach a robot dog to perform a new trick, or teach a manipulator robot how to organize a lunch box based on user preferences. The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) pre-trained on extensive internet data have shown a promising path towards achieving this goal. Indeed, researchers have explored diverse ways of leveraging LLMs for robotics, from step-by-step planning and goal-oriented dialogue to robot-code-writing agents.

While these methods impart new modes of compositional generalization, they focus on using language to link together new behaviors from an existing library of control primitives that are either manually engineered or learned a priori. Despite having internal knowledge about robot motions, LLMs struggle to directly output low-level robot commands due to the limited availability of relevant training data. As a result, the expression of these methods are bottlenecked by the breadth of the available primitives, the design of which often requires extensive expert knowledge or massive data collection.

In “Language to Rewards for Robotic Skill Synthesis”, we propose an approach to enable users to teach robots novel actions through natural language input. To do so, we leverage reward functions as an interface that bridges the gap between language and low-level robot actions. We posit that reward functions provide an ideal interface for such tasks given their richness in semantics, modularity, and interpretability. They also provide a direct connection to low-level policies through black-box optimization or reinforcement learning (RL). We developed a language-to-reward system that leverages LLMs to translate natural language user instructions into reward-specifying code and then applies MuJoCo MPC to find optimal low-level robot actions that maximize the generated reward function. We demonstrate our language-to-reward system on a variety of robotic control tasks in simulation using a quadruped robot and a dexterous manipulator robot. We further validate our method on a physical robot manipulator.

The language-to-reward system consists of two core components: (1) a Reward Translator, and (2) a Motion Controller. The Reward Translator maps natural language instruction from users to reward functions represented as python code. The Motion Controller optimizes the given reward function using receding horizon optimization to find the optimal low-level robot actions, such as the amount of torque that should be applied to each robot motor.

LLMs cannot directly generate low-level robotic actions due to lack of data in pre-training dataset. We propose to use reward functions to bridge the gap between language and low-level robot actions, and enable novel complex robot motions from natural language instructions.

Reward Translator: Translating user instructions to reward functions

The Reward Translator module was built with the goal of mapping natural language user instructions to reward functions. Reward tuning is highly domain-specific and requires expert knowledge, so it was not surprising to us when we found that LLMs trained on generic language datasets are unable to directly generate a reward function for a specific hardware. To address this, we apply the in-context learning ability of LLMs. Furthermore, we split the Reward Translator into two sub-modules: Motion Descriptor and Reward Coder.

Motion Descriptor

First, we design a Motion Descriptor that interprets input from a user and expands it into a natural language description of the desired robot motion following a predefined template. This Motion Descriptor turns potentially ambiguous or vague user instructions into more specific and descriptive robot motions, making the reward coding task more stable. Moreover, users interact with the system through the motion description field, so this also provides a more interpretable interface for users compared to directly showing the reward function.

To create the Motion Descriptor, we use an LLM to translate the user input into a detailed description of the desired robot motion. We design prompts that guide the LLMs to output the motion description with the right amount of details and format. By translating a vague user instruction into a more detailed description, we are able to more reliably generate the reward function with our system. This idea can also be potentially applied more generally beyond robotics tasks, and is relevant to Inner-Monologue and chain-of-thought prompting.

Reward Coder

In the second stage, we use the same LLM from Motion Descriptor for Reward Coder, which translates generated motion description into the reward function. Reward functions are represented using python code to benefit from the LLMs’ knowledge of reward, coding, and code structure.

Ideally, we would like to use an LLM to directly generate a reward function R (s, t) that maps the robot state s and time t into a scalar reward value. However, generating the correct reward function from scratch is still a challenging problem for LLMs and correcting the errors requires the user to understand the generated code to provide the right feedback. As such, we pre-define a set of reward terms that are commonly used for the robot of interest and allow LLMs to composite different reward terms to formulate the final reward function. To achieve this, we design a prompt that specifies the reward terms and guide the LLM to generate the correct reward function for the task.

The internal structure of the Reward Translator, which is tasked to map user inputs to reward functions.

Motion Controller: Translating reward functions to robot actions

The Motion Controller takes the reward function generated by the Reward Translator and synthesizes a controller that maps robot observation to low-level robot actions. To do this, we formulate the controller synthesis problem as a Markov decision process (MDP), which can be solved using different strategies, including RL, offline trajectory optimization, or model predictive control (MPC). Specifically, we use an open-source implementation based on the MuJoCo MPC (MJPC).

MJPC has demonstrated the interactive creation of diverse behaviors, such as legged locomotion, grasping, and finger-gaiting, while supporting multiple planning algorithms, such as iterative linear–quadratic–Gaussian (iLQG) and predictive sampling. More importantly, the frequent re-planning in MJPC empowers its robustness to uncertainties in the system and enables an interactive motion synthesis and correction system when combined with LLMs.


Robot dog

In the first example, we apply the language-to-reward system to a simulated quadruped robot and teach it to perform various skills. For each skill, the user will provide a concise instruction to the system, which will then synthesize the robot motion by using reward functions as an intermediate interface.

Dexterous manipulator

We then apply the language-to-reward system to a dexterous manipulator robot to perform a variety of manipulation tasks. The dexterous manipulator has 27 degrees of freedom, which is very challenging to control. Many of these tasks require manipulation skills beyond grasping, making it difficult for pre-designed primitives to work. We also include an example where the user can interactively instruct the robot to place an apple inside a drawer.

Validation on real robots

We also validate the language-to-reward method using a real-world manipulation robot to perform tasks such as picking up objects and opening a drawer. To perform the optimization in Motion Controller, we use AprilTag, a fiducial marker system, and F-VLM, an open-vocabulary object detection tool, to identify the position of the table and objects being manipulated.


In this work, we describe a new paradigm for interfacing an LLM with a robot through reward functions, powered by a low-level model predictive control tool, MuJoCo MPC. Using reward functions as the interface enables LLMs to work in a semantic-rich space that plays to the strengths of LLMs, while ensuring the expressiveness of the resulting controller. To further improve the performance of the system, we propose to use a structured motion description template to better extract internal knowledge about robot motions from LLMs. We demonstrate our proposed system on two simulated robot platforms and one real robot for both locomotion and manipulation tasks.


We would like to thank our co-authors Nimrod Gileadi, Chuyuan Fu, Sean Kirmani, Kuang-Huei Lee, Montse Gonzalez Arenas, Hao-Tien Lewis Chiang, Tom Erez, Leonard Hasenclever, Brian Ichter, Ted Xiao, Peng Xu, Andy Zeng, Tingnan Zhang, Nicolas Heess, Dorsa Sadigh, Jie Tan, and Yuval Tassa for their help and support in various aspects of the project. We would also like to acknowledge Ken Caluwaerts, Kristian Hartikainen, Steven Bohez, Carolina Parada, Marc Toussaint, and the greater teams at Google DeepMind for their feedback and contributions.


Google at Interspeech 2023

This week, the 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023) is being held in Dublin, Ireland, representing one of the world’s most extensive conferences on research and technology of spoken language understanding and processing. Experts in speech-related research fields gather to take part in oral presentations and poster sessions and to build collaborations across the globe.

We are excited to be a Platinum Sponsor of INTERSPEECH 2023, where we will be showcasing more than 20 research publications and supporting a number of workshops and special sessions. We welcome in-person attendees to drop by the Google Research booth to meet our researchers and participate in Q&As and demonstrations of some of our latest speech technologies, which help to improve accessibility and provide convenience in communication for billions of users. In addition, online attendees are encouraged to visit our virtual booth in Topia where you can get up-to-date information on research and opportunities at Google. Visit the @GoogleAI Twitter account to find out about Google booth activities (e.g., demos and Q&A sessions). You can also learn more about the Google research being presented at INTERSPEECH 2023 below (Google affiliations in bold).

Board and Organizing Committee

ISCA Board, Technical Committee Chair: Bhuvana Ramabhadran

Area Chairs include:
    Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals: Richard Rose

    Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation: Rob Clark

    Special Areas: Tara Sainath

Satellite events

VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge 2023 (VoxSRC-23)

Organizers include: Arsha Nagrani

ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW12)

Speakers include: Rob Clark

Keynote talk – ISCA Medalist

Bridging Speech Science and Technology — Now and Into the Future

Speaker: Shrikanth Narayanan

Survey Talk

Speech Compression in the AI Era

Speaker: Jan Skoglund

Special session papers

Cascaded Encoders for Fine-Tuning ASR Models on Overlapped Speech
Richard Rose, Oscar Chang, Olivier Siohan

TokenSplit: Using Discrete Speech Representations for Direct, Refined, and Transcript-Conditioned Speech Separation and Recognition
Hakan Erdogan, Scott Wisdom, Xuankai Chang*, Zalán Borsos, Marco Tagliasacchi, Neil Zeghidour, John R. Hershey


DeePMOS: Deep Posterior Mean-Opinion-Score of Speech
Xinyu Liang, Fredrik Cumlin, Christian Schüldt, Saikat Chatterjee

O-1: Self-Training with Oracle and 1-Best Hypothesis
Murali Karthick Baskar, Andrew Rosenberg, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Kartik Audhkhasi

Re-investigating the Efficient Transfer Learning of Speech Foundation Model Using Feature Fusion Methods
Zhouyuan Huo, Khe Chai Sim, Dongseong Hwang, Tsendsuren Munkhdalai, Tara N. Sainath, Pedro Moreno

MOS vs. AB: Evaluating Text-to-Speech Systems Reliably Using Clustered Standard Errors
Joshua Camp, Tom Kenter, Lev Finkelstein, Rob Clark

LanSER: Language-Model Supported Speech Emotion Recognition
Taesik Gong, Josh Belanich, Krishna Somandepalli, Arsha Nagrani, Brian Eoff, Brendan Jou

Modular Domain Adaptation for Conformer-Based Streaming ASR
Qiujia Li, Bo Li, Dongseong Hwang, Tara N. Sainath, Pedro M. Mengibar

On Training a Neural Residual Acoustic Echo Suppressor for Improved ASR
Sankaran Panchapagesan, Turaj Zakizadeh Shabestary, Arun Narayanan

MD3: The Multi-dialect Dataset of Dialogues
Jacob Eisenstein, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Clara Rivera, Dorottya Demszky, Devyani Sharma

Dual-Mode NAM: Effective Top-K Context Injection for End-to-End ASR
Zelin Wu, Tsendsuren Munkhdalai, Pat Rondon, Golan Pundak, Khe Chai Sim, Christopher Li

Using Text Injection to Improve Recognition of Personal Identifiers in Speech
Yochai Blau, Rohan Agrawal, Lior Madmony, Gary Wang, Andrew Rosenberg, Zhehuai Chen, Zorik Gekhman, Genady Beryozkin, Parisa Haghani, Bhuvana Ramabhadran

How to Estimate Model Transferability of Pre-trained Speech Models?
Zih-Ching Chen, Chao-Han Huck Yang*, Bo Li, Yu Zhang, Nanxin Chen, Shuo-yiin Chang, Rohit Prabhavalkar, Hung-yi Lee, Tara N. Sainath

Improving Joint Speech-Text Representations Without Alignment
Cal Peyser, Zhong Meng, Ke Hu, Rohit Prabhavalkar, Andrew Rosenberg, Tara N. Sainath, Michael Picheny, Kyunghyun Cho

Text Injection for Capitalization and Turn-Taking Prediction in Speech Models
Shaan Bijwadia, Shuo-yiin Chang, Weiran Wang, Zhong Meng, Hao Zhang, Tara N. Sainath

Streaming Parrotron for On-Device Speech-to-Speech Conversion
Oleg Rybakov, Fadi Biadsy, Xia Zhang, Liyang Jiang, Phoenix Meadowlark, Shivani Agrawal

Semantic Segmentation with Bidirectional Language Models Improves Long-Form ASR
W. Ronny Huang, Hao Zhang, Shankar Kumar, Shuo-yiin Chang, Tara N. Sainath

Universal Automatic Phonetic Transcription into the International Phonetic Alphabet
Chihiro Taguchi, Yusuke Sakai, Parisa Haghani, David Chiang

Mixture-of-Expert Conformer for Streaming Multilingual ASR
Ke Hu, Bo Li, Tara N. Sainath, Yu Zhang, Francoise Beaufays

Real Time Spectrogram Inversion on Mobile Phone
Oleg Rybakov, Marco Tagliasacchi, Yunpeng Li, Liyang Jiang, Xia Zhang, Fadi Biadsy

2-Bit Conformer Quantization for Automatic Speech Recognition
Oleg Rybakov, Phoenix Meadowlark, Shaojin Ding, David Qiu, Jian Li, David Rim, Yanzhang He

LibriTTS-R: A Restored Multi-speaker Text-to-Speech Corpus
Yuma Koizumi, Heiga Zen, Shigeki Karita, Yifan Ding, Kohei Yatabe, Nobuyuki Morioka, Michiel Bacchiani, Yu Zhang, Wei Han, Ankur Bapna

PronScribe: Highly Accurate Multimodal Phonemic Transcription from Speech and Text
Yang Yu, Matthew Perez*, Ankur Bapna, Fadi Haik, Siamak Tazari, Yu Zhang

Label Aware Speech Representation Learning for Language Identification
Shikhar Vashishth, Shikhar Bharadwaj, Sriram Ganapathy, Ankur Bapna, Min Ma, Wei Han, Vera Axelrod, Partha Talukdar

* Work done while at Google


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Autonomous visual information seeking with large language models

There has been great progress towards adapting large language models (LLMs) to accommodate multimodal inputs for tasks including image captioning, visual question answering (VQA), and open vocabulary recognition. Despite such achievements, current state-of-the-art visual language models (VLMs) perform inadequately on visual information seeking datasets, such as Infoseek and OK-VQA, where external knowledge is required to answer the questions.

Examples of visual information seeking queries where external knowledge is required to answer the question. Images are taken from the OK-VQA dataset.

In “AVIS: Autonomous Visual Information Seeking with Large Language Models”, we introduce a novel method that achieves state-of-the-art results on visual information seeking tasks. Our method integrates LLMs with three types of tools: (i) computer vision tools for extracting visual information from images, (ii) a web search tool for retrieving open world knowledge and facts, and (iii) an image search tool to glean relevant information from metadata associated with visually similar images. AVIS employs an LLM-powered planner to choose tools and queries at each step. It also uses an LLM-powered reasoner to analyze tool outputs and extract key information. A working memory component retains information throughout the process.

An example of AVIS’s generated workflow for answering a challenging visual information seeking question. The input image is taken from the Infoseek dataset.

Comparison to previous work

Recent studies (e.g., Chameleon, ViperGPT and MM-ReAct) explored adding tools to LLMs for multimodal inputs. These systems follow a two-stage process: planning (breaking down questions into structured programs or instructions) and execution (using tools to gather information). Despite success in basic tasks, this approach often falters in complex real-world scenarios.

There has also been a surge of interest in applying LLMs as autonomous agents (e.g., WebGPT and ReAct). These agents interact with their environment, adapt based on real-time feedback, and achieve goals. However, these methods do not restrict the tools that can be invoked at each stage, leading to an immense search space. Consequently, even the most advanced LLMs today can fall into infinite loops or propagate errors. AVIS tackles this via guided LLM use, influenced by human decisions from a user study.

Informing LLM decision making with a user study

Many of the visual questions in datasets such as Infoseek and OK-VQA pose a challenge even for humans, often requiring the assistance of various tools and APIs. An example question from the OK-VQA dataset is shown below. We conducted a user study to understand human decision-making when using external tools.

We conducted a user study to understand human decision-making when using external tools. Image is taken from the OK-VQA dataset.

The users were equipped with an identical set of tools as our method, including PALI, PaLM, and web search. They received input images, questions, detected object crops, and buttons linked to image search results. These buttons offered diverse information about the detected object crops, such as knowledge graph entities, similar image captions, related product titles, and identical image captions.

We record user actions and outputs and use it as a guide for our system in two key ways. First, we construct a transition graph (shown below) by analyzing the sequence of decisions made by users. This graph defines distinct states and restricts the available set of actions at each state. For example, at the start state, the system can take only one of these three actions: PALI caption, PALI VQA, or object detection. Second, we use the examples of human decision-making to guide our planner and reasoner with relevant contextual instances to enhance the performance and effectiveness of our system.

AVIS transition graph.

General framework

Our approach employs a dynamic decision-making strategy designed to respond to visual information-seeking queries. Our system has three primary components. First, we have a planner to determine the subsequent action, including the appropriate API call and the query it needs to process. Second, we have a working memory that retains information about the results obtained from API executions. Last, we have a reasoner, whose role is to process the outputs from the API calls. It determines whether the obtained information is sufficient to produce the final response, or if additional data retrieval is required.

The planner undertakes a series of steps each time a decision is required regarding which tool to employ and what query to send to it. Based on the present state, the planner provides a range of potential subsequent actions. The potential action space may be so large that it makes the search space intractable. To address this issue, the planner refers to the transition graph to eliminate irrelevant actions. The planner also excludes the actions that have already been taken before and are stored in the working memory.

Next, the planner collects a set of relevant in-context examples that are assembled from the decisions previously made by humans during the user study. With these examples and the working memory that holds data collected from past tool interactions, the planner formulates a prompt. The prompt is then sent to the LLM, which returns a structured answer, determining the next tool to be activated and the query to be dispatched to it. This design allows the planner to be invoked multiple times throughout the process, thereby facilitating dynamic decision-making that gradually leads to answering the input query.

We employ a reasoner to analyze the output of the tool execution, extract the useful information and decide into which category the tool output falls: informative, uninformative, or final answer. Our method utilizes the LLM with appropriate prompting and in-context examples to perform the reasoning. If the reasoner concludes that it’s ready to provide an answer, it will output the final response, thus concluding the task. If it determines that the tool output is uninformative, it will revert back to the planner to select another action based on the current state. If it finds the tool output to be useful, it will modify the state and transfer control back to the planner to make a new decision at the new state.

AVIS employs a dynamic decision-making strategy to respond to visual information-seeking queries.


We evaluate AVIS on Infoseek and OK-VQA datasets. As shown below, even robust visual-language models, such as OFA and PaLI, fail to yield high accuracy when fine-tuned on Infoseek. Our approach (AVIS), without fine-tuning, achieves 50.7% accuracy on the unseen entity split of this dataset.

AVIS visual question answering results on Infoseek dataset. AVIS achieves higher accuracy in comparison to previous baselines based on PaLI, PaLM and OFA.

Our results on the OK-VQA dataset are shown below. AVIS with few-shot in-context examples achieves an accuracy of 60.2%, higher than most of the previous works. AVIS achieves lower but comparable accuracy in comparison to the PALI model fine-tuned on OK-VQA. This difference, compared to Infoseek where AVIS outperforms fine-tuned PALI, is due to the fact that most question-answer examples in OK-VQA rely on common sense knowledge rather than on fine-grained knowledge. Therefore, PaLI is able to encode such generic knowledge in the model parameters and doesn’t require external knowledge.

Visual question answering results on A-OKVQA. AVIS achieves higher accuracy in comparison to previous works that use few-shot or zero-shot learning, including Flamingo, PaLI and ViperGPT. AVIS also achieves higher accuracy than most of the previous works that are fine-tuned on OK-VQA dataset, including REVEAL, ReVIVE, KAT and KRISP, and achieves results that are close to the fine-tuned PaLI model.


We present a novel approach that equips LLMs with the ability to use a variety of tools for answering knowledge-intensive visual questions. Our methodology, anchored in human decision-making data collected from a user study, employs a structured framework that uses an LLM-powered planner to dynamically decide on tool selection and query formation. An LLM-powered reasoner is tasked with processing and extracting key information from the output of the selected tool. Our method iteratively employs the planner and reasoner to leverage different tools until all necessary information required to answer the visual question is amassed.


This research was conducted by Ziniu Hu, Ahmet Iscen, Chen Sun, Kai-Wei Chang, Yizhou Sun, David A. Ross, Cordelia Schmid and Alireza Fathi.


Neural network pruning with combinatorial optimization

Modern neural networks have achieved impressive performance across a variety of applications, such as language, mathematical reasoning, and vision. However, these networks often use large architectures that require lots of computational resources. This can make it impractical to serve such models to users, especially in resource-constrained environments like wearables and smartphones. A widely used approach to mitigate the inference costs of pre-trained networks is to prune them by removing some of their weights, in a way that doesn’t significantly affect utility. In standard neural networks, each weight defines a connection between two neurons. So after weights are pruned, the input will propagate through a smaller set of connections and thus requires less computational resources.

Original network vs. a pruned network.

Pruning methods can be applied at different stages of the network’s training process: post, during, or before training (i.e., immediately after weight initialization). In this post, we focus on the post-training setting: given a pre-trained network, how can we determine which weights should be pruned? One popular method is magnitude pruning, which removes weights with the smallest magnitude. While efficient, this method doesn’t directly consider the effect of removing weights on the network’s performance. Another popular paradigm is optimization-based pruning, which removes weights based on how much their removal impacts the loss function. Although conceptually appealing, most existing optimization-based approaches seem to face a serious tradeoff between performance and computational requirements. Methods that make crude approximations (e.g., assuming a diagonal Hessian matrix) can scale well, but have relatively low performance. On the other hand, while methods that make fewer approximations tend to perform better, they appear to be much less scalable.

In “Fast as CHITA: Neural Network Pruning with Combinatorial Optimization”, presented at ICML 2023, we describe how we developed an optimization-based approach for pruning pre-trained neural networks at scale. CHITA (which stands for “Combinatorial Hessian-free Iterative Thresholding Algorithm”) outperforms existing pruning methods in terms of scalability and performance tradeoffs, and it does so by leveraging advances from several fields, including high-dimensional statistics, combinatorial optimization, and neural network pruning. For example, CHITA can be 20x to 1000x faster than state-of-the-art methods for pruning ResNet and improves accuracy by over 10% in many settings.

Overview of contributions

CHITA has two notable technical improvements over popular methods:

  • Efficient use of second-order information: Pruning methods that use second-order information (i.e., relating to second derivatives) achieve the state of the art in many settings. In the literature, this information is typically used by computing the Hessian matrix or its inverse, an operation that is very difficult to scale because the Hessian size is quadratic with respect to the number of weights. Through careful reformulation, CHITA uses second-order information without having to compute or store the Hessian matrix explicitly, thus allowing for more scalability.
  • Combinatorial optimization: Popular optimization-based methods use a simple optimization technique that prunes weights in isolation, i.e., when deciding to prune a certain weight they don’t take into account whether other weights have been pruned. This could lead to pruning important weights because weights deemed unimportant in isolation may become important when other weights are pruned. CHITA avoids this issue by using a more advanced, combinatorial optimization algorithm that takes into account how pruning one weight impacts others.

In the sections below, we discuss CHITA’s pruning formulation and algorithms.

A computation-friendly pruning formulation

There are many possible pruning candidates, which are obtained by retaining only a subset of the weights from the original network. Let k be a user-specified parameter that denotes the number of weights to retain. Pruning can be naturally formulated as a best-subset selection (BSS) problem: among all possible pruning candidates (i.e., subsets of weights) with only k weights retained, the candidate that has the smallest loss is selected.

Pruning as a BSS problem: among all possible pruning candidates with the same total number of weights, the best candidate is defined as the one with the least loss. This illustration shows four candidates, but this number is generally much larger.

Solving the pruning BSS problem on the original loss function is generally computationally intractable. Thus, similar to previous work, such as OBD and OBS, we approximate the loss with a quadratic function by using a second-order Taylor series, where the Hessian is estimated with the empirical Fisher information matrix. While gradients can be typically computed efficiently, computing and storing the Hessian matrix is prohibitively expensive due to its sheer size. In the literature, it is common to deal with this challenge by making restrictive assumptions on the Hessian (e.g., diagonal matrix) and also on the algorithm (e.g., pruning weights in isolation).

CHITA uses an efficient reformulation of the pruning problem (BSS using the quadratic loss) that avoids explicitly computing the Hessian matrix, while still using all the information from this matrix. This is made possible by exploiting the low-rank structure of the empirical Fisher information matrix. This reformulation can be viewed as a sparse linear regression problem, where each regression coefficient corresponds to a certain weight in the neural network. After obtaining a solution to this regression problem, coefficients set to zero will correspond to weights that should be pruned. Our regression data matrix is (n x p), where n is the batch (sub-sample) size and p is the number of weights in the original network. Typically n << p, so storing and operating with this data matrix is much more scalable than common pruning approaches that operate with the (p x p) Hessian.

CHITA reformulates the quadratic loss approximation, which requires an expensive Hessian matrix, as a linear regression (LR) problem. The LR’s data matrix is linear in p, which makes the reformulation more scalable than the original quadratic approximation.

Scalable optimization algorithms

CHITA reduces pruning to a linear regression problem under the following sparsity constraint: at most k regression coefficients can be nonzero. To obtain a solution to this problem, we consider a modification of the well-known iterative hard thresholding (IHT) algorithm. IHT performs gradient descent where after each update the following post-processing step is performed: all regression coefficients outside the Top-k (i.e., the k coefficients with the largest magnitude) are set to zero. IHT typically delivers a good solution to the problem, and it does so iteratively exploring different pruning candidates and jointly optimizing over the weights.

Due to the scale of the problem, standard IHT with constant learning rate can suffer from very slow convergence. For faster convergence, we developed a new line-search method that exploits the problem structure to find a suitable learning rate, i.e., one that leads to a sufficiently large decrease in the loss. We also employed several computational schemes to improve CHITA’s efficiency and the quality of the second-order approximation, leading to an improved version that we call CHITA++.


We compare CHITA’s run time and accuracy with several state-of-the-art pruning methods using different architectures, including ResNet and MobileNet.

Run time: CHITA is much more scalable than comparable methods that perform joint optimization (as opposed to pruning weights in isolation). For example, CHITA’s speed-up can reach over 1000x when pruning ResNet.

Post-pruning accuracy: Below, we compare the performance of CHITA and CHITA++ with magnitude pruning (MP), Woodfisher (WF), and Combinatorial Brain Surgeon (CBS), for pruning 70% of the model weights. Overall, we see good improvements from CHITA and CHITA++.

Post-pruning accuracy of various methods on ResNet20. Results are reported for pruning 70% of the model weights.
Post-pruning accuracy of various methods on MobileNet. Results are reported for pruning 70% of the model weights.

Next, we report results for pruning a larger network: ResNet50 (on this network, some of the methods listed in the ResNet20 figure couldn’t scale). Here we compare with magnitude pruning and M-FAC. The figure below shows that CHITA achieves better test accuracy for a wide range of sparsity levels.

Test accuracy of pruned networks, obtained using different methods.

Conclusion, limitations, and future work

We presented CHITA, an optimization-based approach for pruning pre-trained neural networks. CHITA offers scalability and competitive performance by efficiently using second-order information and drawing on ideas from combinatorial optimization and high-dimensional statistics.

CHITA is designed for unstructured pruning in which any weight can be removed. In theory, unstructured pruning can significantly reduce computational requirements. However, realizing these reductions in practice requires special software (and possibly hardware) that support sparse computations. In contrast, structured pruning, which removes whole structures like neurons, may offer improvements that are easier to attain on general-purpose software and hardware. It would be interesting to extend CHITA to structured pruning.


This work is part of a research collaboration between Google and MIT. Thanks to Rahul Mazumder, Natalia Ponomareva, Wenyu Chen, Xiang Meng, Zhe Zhao, and Sergei Vassilvitskii for their help in preparing this post and the paper. Also thanks to John Guilyard for creating the graphics in this post.


STUDY: Socially aware temporally causal decoder recommender systems

Reading has many benefits for young students, such as better linguistic and life skills, and reading for pleasure has been shown to correlate with academic success. Furthermore students have reported improved emotional wellbeing from reading, as well as better general knowledge and better understanding of other cultures. With the vast amount of reading material both online and off, finding age-appropriate, relevant and engaging content can be a challenging task, but helping students do so is a necessary step to engage them in reading. Effective recommendations that present students with relevant reading material helps keep students reading, and this is where machine learning (ML) can help.

ML has been widely used in building recommender systems for various types of digital content, ranging from videos to books to e-commerce items. Recommender systems are used across a range of digital platforms to help surface relevant and engaging content to users. In these systems, ML models are trained to suggest items to each user individually based on user preferences, user engagement, and the items under recommendation. These data provide a strong learning signal for models to be able to recommend items that are likely to be of interest, thereby improving user experience.

In “STUDY: Socially Aware Temporally Causal Decoder Recommender Systems”, we present a content recommender system for audiobooks in an educational setting taking into account the social nature of reading. We developed the STUDY algorithm in partnership with Learning Ally, an educational nonprofit, aimed at promoting reading in dyslexic students, that provides audiobooks to students through a school-wide subscription program. Leveraging the wide range of audiobooks in the Learning Ally library, our goal is to help students find the right content to help boost their reading experience and engagement. Motivated by the fact that what a person’s peers are currently reading has significant effects on what they would find interesting to read, we jointly process the reading engagement history of students who are in the same classroom. This allows our model to benefit from live information about what is currently trending within the student’s localized social group, in this case, their classroom.


Learning Ally has a large digital library of curated audiobooks targeted at students, making it well-suited for building a social recommendation model to help improve student learning outcomes. We received two years of anonymized audiobook consumption data. All students, schools and groupings in the data were anonymized, only identified by a randomly generated ID not traceable back to real entities by Google. Furthermore all potentially identifiable metadata was only shared in an aggregated form, to protect students and institutions from being re-identified. The data consisted of time-stamped records of student’s interactions with audiobooks. For each interaction we have an anonymized student ID (which includes the student’s grade level and anonymized school ID), an audiobook identifier and a date. While many schools distribute students in a single grade across several classrooms, we leverage this metadata to make the simplifying assumption that all students in the same school and in the same grade level are in the same classroom. While this provides the foundation needed to build a better social recommender model, it’s important to note that this does not enable us to re-identify individuals, class groups or schools.

The STUDY algorithm

We framed the recommendation problem as a click-through rate prediction problem, where we model the conditional probability of a user interacting with each specific item conditioned on both 1) user and item characteristics and 2) the item interaction history sequence for the user at hand. Previous work suggests Transformer-based models, a widely used model class developed by Google Research, are well suited for modeling this problem. When each user is processed individually this becomes an autoregressive sequence modeling problem. We use this conceptual framework to model our data and then extend this framework to create the STUDY approach.

While this approach for click-through rate prediction can model dependencies between past and future item preferences for an individual user and can learn patterns of similarity across users at train time, it cannot model dependencies across different users at inference time. To recognise the social nature of reading and remediate this shortcoming we developed the STUDY model, which concatenates multiple sequences of books read by each student into a single sequence that collects data from multiple students in a single classroom.

However, this data representation requires careful diligence if it is to be modeled by transformers. In transformers, the attention mask is the matrix that controls which inputs can be used to inform the predictions of which outputs. The pattern of using all prior tokens in a sequence to inform the prediction of an output leads to the upper triangular attention matrix traditionally found in causal decoders. However, since the sequence fed into the STUDY model is not temporally ordered, even though each of its constituent subsequences is, a standard causal decoder is no longer a good fit for this sequence. When trying to predict each token, the model is not allowed to attend to every token that precedes it in the sequence; some of these tokens might have timestamps that are later and contain information that would not be available at deployment time.

In this figure we show the attention mask typically used in causal decoders. Each column represents an output and each column represents an output. A value of 1 (shown as blue) for a matrix entry at a particular position denotes that the model can observe the input of that row when predicting the output of the corresponding column, whereas a value of 0 (shown as white) denotes the opposite.

The STUDY model builds on causal transformers by replacing the triangular matrix attention mask with a flexible attention mask with values based on timestamps to allow attention across different subsequences. Compared to a regular transformer, which would not allow attention across different subsequences and would have a triangular matrix mask within sequence, STUDY maintains a causal triangular attention matrix within a sequence and has flexible values across sequences with values that depend on timestamps. Hence, predictions at any output point in the sequence are informed by all input points that occurred in the past relative to the current time point, regardless of whether they appear before or after the current input in the sequence. This causal constraint is important because if it is not enforced at train time, the model could potentially learn to make predictions using information from the future, which would not be available for a real world deployment.

In (a) we show a sequential autoregressive transformer with causal attention that processes each user individually; in (b) we show an equivalent joint forward pass that results in the same computation as (a); and finally, in (c) we show that by introducing new nonzero values (shown in purple) to the attention mask we allow information to flow across users. We do this by allowing a prediction to condition on all interactions with an earlier timestamp, irrespective of whether the interaction came from the same user or not.


In (a) we show a sequential autoregressive transformer with causal attention that processes each user individually; in (b) we show an equivalent joint forward pass that results in the same computation as (a); and finally, in (c) we show that by introducing new nonzero values (shown in purple) to the attention mask we allow information to flow across users. We do this by allowing a prediction to condition on all interactions with an earlier timestamp, irrespective of whether the interaction came from the same user or not.


In (a) we show a sequential autoregressive transformer with causal attention that processes each user individually; in (b) we show an equivalent joint forward pass that results in the same computation as (a); and finally, in (c) we show that by introducing new nonzero values (shown in purple) to the attention mask we allow information to flow across users. We do this by allowing a prediction to condition on all interactions with an earlier timestamp, irrespective of whether the interaction came from the same user or not.



We used the Learning Ally dataset to train the STUDY model along with multiple baselines for comparison. We implemented an autoregressive click-through rate transformer decoder, which we refer to as “Individual”, a k-nearest neighbor baseline (KNN), and a comparable social baseline, social attention memory network (SAMN). We used the data from the first school year for training and we used the data from the second school year for validation and testing.

We evaluated these models by measuring the percentage of the time the next item the user actually interacted with was in the model’s top n recommendations, i.e., hits@n, for different values of n. In addition to evaluating the models on the entire test set we also report the models’ scores on two subsets of the test set that are more challenging than the whole data set. We observed that students will typically interact with an audiobook over multiple sessions, so simply recommending the last book read by the user would be a strong trivial recommendation. Hence, the first test subset, which we refer to as “non-continuation”, is where we only look at each model’s performance on recommendations when the students interact with books that are different from the previous interaction. We also observe that students revisit books they have read in the past, so strong performance on the test set can be achieved by restricting the recommendations made for each student to only the books they have read in the past. Although there might be value in recommending old favorites to students, much value from recommender systems comes from surfacing content that is new and unknown to the user. To measure this we evaluate the models on the subset of the test set where the students interact with a title for the first time. We name this evaluation subset “novel”.

We find that STUDY outperforms all other tested models across almost every single slice we evaluated against.

In this figure we compare the performance of four models, Study, Individual, KNN and SAMN. We measure the performance with hits@5, i.e., how likely the model is to suggest the next title the user read within the model’s top 5 recommendations. We evaluate the model on the entire test set (all) as well as the novel and non-continuation splits. We see STUDY consistently outperforms the other three models presented across all splits.

Importance of appropriate grouping

At the heart of the STUDY algorithm is organizing users into groups and doing joint inference over multiple users who are in the same group in a single forward pass of the model. We conducted an ablation study where we looked at the importance of the actual groupings used on the performance of the model. In our presented model we group together all students who are in the same grade level and school. We then experiment with groups defined by all students in the same grade level and district and also place all students in a single group with a random subset used for each forward pass. We also compare these models against the Individual model for reference.

We found that using groups that were more localized was more effective, with the school and grade level grouping outperforming the district and grade level grouping. This supports the hypothesis that the STUDY model is successful because of the social nature of activities such as reading — people’s reading choices are likely to correlate with the reading choices of those around them. Both of these models outperformed the other two models (single group and Individual) where grade level is not used to group students. This suggests that data from users with similar reading levels and interests is beneficial for performance.

Future work

This work is limited to modeling recommendations for user populations where the social connections are assumed to be homogenous. In the future it would be beneficial to model a user population where relationships are not homogeneous, i.e., where categorically different types of relationships exist or where the relative strength or influence of different relationships is known.


This work involved collaborative efforts from a multidisciplinary team of researchers, software engineers and educational subject matter experts. We thank our co-authors: Diana Mincu, Lauren Harrell, and Katherine Heller from Google. We also thank our colleagues at Learning Ally, Jeff Ho, Akshat Shah, Erin Walker, and Tyler Bastian, and our collaborators at Google, Marc Repnyek, Aki Estrella, Fernando Diaz, Scott Sanner, Emily Salkey and Lev Proleev.


Advances in document understanding

The last few years have seen rapid progress in systems that can automatically process complex business documents and turn them into structured objects. A system that can automatically extract data from documents, e.g., receipts, insurance quotes, and financial statements, has the potential to dramatically improve the efficiency of business workflows by avoiding error-prone, manual work. Recent models, based on the Transformer architecture, have shown impressive gains in accuracy. Larger models, such as PaLM 2, are also being leveraged to further streamline these business workflows. However, the datasets used in academic literature fail to capture the challenges seen in real-world use cases. Consequently, academic benchmarks report strong model accuracy, but these same models do poorly when used for complex real-world applications.

In “VRDU: A Benchmark for Visually-rich Document Understanding”, presented at KDD 2023, we announce the release of the new Visually Rich Document Understanding (VRDU) dataset that aims to bridge this gap and help researchers better track progress on document understanding tasks. We list five requirements for a good document understanding benchmark, based on the kinds of real-world documents for which document understanding models are frequently used. Then, we describe how most datasets currently used by the research community fail to meet one or more of these requirements, while VRDU meets all of them. We are excited to announce the public release of the VRDU dataset and evaluation code under a Creative Commons license.

Benchmark requirements

First, we compared state-of-the-art model accuracy (e.g., with FormNet and LayoutLMv2) on real-world use cases to academic benchmarks (e.g., FUNSD, CORD, SROIE). We observed that state-of-the-art models did not match academic benchmark results and delivered much lower accuracy in the real world. Next, we compared typical datasets for which document understanding models are frequently used with academic benchmarks and identified five dataset requirements that allow a dataset to better capture the complexity of real-world applications:

  • Rich Schema: In practice, we see a wide variety of rich schemas for structured extraction. Entities have different data types (numeric, strings, dates, etc.) that may be required, optional, or repeated in a single document or may even be nested. Extraction tasks over simple flat schemas like (header, question, answer) do not reflect typical problems encountered in practice.
  • Layout-Rich Documents: The documents should have complex layout elements. Challenges in practical settings come from the fact that documents may contain tables, key-value pairs, switch between single-column and double-column layout, have varying font-sizes for different sections, include pictures with captions and even footnotes. Contrast this with datasets where most documents are organized in sentences, paragraphs, and chapters with section headers — the kinds of documents that are typically the focus of classic natural language processing literature on long inputs.
  • Diverse Templates: A benchmark should include different structural layouts or templates. It is trivial for a high-capacity model to extract from a particular template by memorizing the structure. However, in practice, one needs to be able to generalize to new templates/layouts, an ability that the train-test split in a benchmark should measure.
  • High-Quality OCR: Documents should have high-quality Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results. Our aim with this benchmark is to focus on the VRDU task itself and to exclude the variability brought on by the choice of OCR engine.
  • Token-Level Annotation: Documents should contain ground-truth annotations that can be mapped back to corresponding input text, so that each token can be annotated as part of the corresponding entity. This is in contrast with simply providing the text of the value to be extracted for the entity. This is key to generating clean training data where we do not have to worry about incidental matches to the given value. For instance, in some receipts, the ‘total-before-tax’ field may have the same value as the ‘total’ field if the tax amount is zero. Having token level annotations prevents us from generating training data where both instances of the matching value are marked as ground-truth for the ‘total’ field, thus producing noisy examples.

VRDU datasets and tasks

The VRDU dataset is a combination of two publicly available datasets, Registration Forms and Ad-Buy forms. These datasets provide examples that are representative of real-world use cases, and satisfy the five benchmark requirements described above.

The Ad-buy Forms dataset consists of 641 documents with political advertisement details. Each document is either an invoice or receipt signed by a TV station and a campaign group. The documents use tables, multi-columns, and key-value pairs to record the advertisement information, such as the product name, broadcast dates, total price, and release date and time.

The Registration Forms dataset consists of 1,915 documents with information about foreign agents registering with the US government. Each document records essential information about foreign agents involved in activities that require public disclosure. Contents include the name of the registrant, the address of related bureaus, the purpose of activities, and other details.

We gathered a random sample of documents from the public Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) sites, and converted the images to text using Google Cloud’s OCR. We discarded a small number of documents that were several pages long and the processing did not complete in under two minutes. This also allowed us to avoid sending very long documents for manual annotation — a task that can take over an hour for a single document. Then, we defined the schema and corresponding labeling instructions for a team of annotators experienced with document-labeling tasks.

The annotators were also provided with a few sample labeled documents that we labeled ourselves. The task required annotators to examine each document, draw a bounding box around every occurrence of an entity from the schema for each document, and associate that bounding box with the target entity. After the first round of labeling, a pool of experts were assigned to review the results. The corrected results are included in the published VRDU dataset. Please see the paper for more details on the labeling protocol and the schema for each dataset.

Existing academic benchmarks (FUNSD, CORD, SROIE, Kleister-NDA, Kleister-Charity, DeepForm) fall-short on one or more of the five requirements we identified for a good document understanding benchmark. VRDU satisfies all of them. See our paper for background on each of these datasets and a discussion on how they fail to meet one or more of the requirements.

We built four different model training sets with 10, 50, 100, and 200 samples respectively. Then, we evaluated the VRDU datasets using three tasks (described below): (1) Single Template Learning, (2) Mixed Template Learning, and (3) Unseen Template Learning. For each of these tasks, we included 300 documents in the testing set. We evaluate models using the F1 score on the testing set.

  • Single Template Learning (STL): This is the simplest scenario where the training, testing, and validation sets only contain a single template. This simple task is designed to evaluate a model’s ability to deal with a fixed template. Naturally, we expect very high F1 scores (0.90+) for this task.
  • Mixed Template Learning (MTL): This task is similar to the task that most related papers use: the training, testing, and validation sets all contain documents belonging to the same set of templates. We randomly sample documents from the datasets and construct the splits to make sure the distribution of each template is not changed during sampling.
  • Unseen Template Learning (UTL): This is the most challenging setting, where we evaluate if the model can generalize to unseen templates. For example, in the Registration Forms dataset, we train the model with two of the three templates and test the model with the remaining one. The documents in the training, testing, and validation sets are drawn from disjoint sets of templates. To our knowledge, previous benchmarks and datasets do not explicitly provide such a task designed to evaluate the model’s ability to generalize to templates not seen during training.

The objective is to be able to evaluate models on their data efficiency. In our paper, we compared two recent models using the STL, MTL, and UTL tasks and made three observations. First, unlike with other benchmarks, VRDU is challenging and shows that models have plenty of room for improvements. Second, we show that few-shot performance for even state-of-the-art models is surprisingly low with even the best models resulting in less than an F1 score of 0.60. Third, we show that models struggle to deal with structured repeated fields and perform particularly poorly on them.


We release the new Visually Rich Document Understanding (VRDU) dataset that helps researchers better track progress on document understanding tasks. We describe why VRDU better reflects practical challenges in this domain. We also present experiments showing that VRDU tasks are challenging, and recent models have substantial headroom for improvements compared to the datasets typically used in the literature with F1 scores of 0.90+ being typical. We hope the release of the VRDU dataset and evaluation code helps research teams advance the state of the art in document understanding.


Many thanks to Zilong Wang, Yichao Zhou, Wei Wei, and Chen-Yu Lee, who co-authored the paper along with Sandeep Tata. Thanks to Marc Najork, Riham Mansour and numerous partners across Google Research and the Cloud AI team for providing valuable insights. Thanks to John Guilyard for creating the animations in this post.