
End-to-End AI for Workstation: ONNX Runtime and Optimization

This post is the third in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 1, End-to-End AI for Workstation: An…

This post is the third in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 1, End-to-End AI for Workstation: An Introduction, and part 2, End-to-End AI for Workstation: Transitioning AI Models with ONNX.

When your model has been converted to the ONNX format, there are several ways to deploy it, each with advantages and drawbacks. 

One method is to use ONNX Runtime. ONNX Runtime serves as the backend, reading a model from an intermediate representation (ONNX), handling the inference session, and scheduling execution on an execution provider capable of calling hardware-specific libraries. For more information, see Execution Providers

In this post, I discuss how to use ONNX Runtime at a high level. I also go into more depth about how to optimize your models.

Image of ONNX Runtime architecture including frontend, backend, and execution providers.
Figure 1. ONNX Runtime high-level architecture

Run a model with ONNX Runtime 

ONNX Runtime is compatible with most programming languages. As in the other post, this post uses Python for simplicity and readability. These examples are just meant to introduce the key ideas. For more information about the libraries for all popular operating systems, programming languages, and execution providers, see ONNX Runtime.

To infer a model with ONNX Runtime, you must create an object of the InferenceSession class. This object is responsible for allocating buffers and performing the actual inference. Pass the loaded model and a list of execution providers to use to the constructor. In this example, I opted for the CUDA execution provider.

import onnxruntime as rt

# Create a session with CUDA and CPU ep
session = rt.InferenceSession(model,

You can define session and provider options. ONNX Runtime’s global behavior can be modified using session options for logging, profiling, memory strategies, and graph parameters. For more information about all available flags, see SessionOptions

The following code example sets the logging level to verbose:

# Session Options
import onnxruntime as rt
options = rt.SessionOptions()
options.log_severity_level = 0

# Create a session with CUDA and CPU ep
session = rt.InferenceSession(model,
															sess_options = options

Use provider options to change the behavior of the execution provider that has been chosen for inference. For more information, see ONNX Runtime Execution Providers

You can also obtain the available options by executing get_provider_options on your newly created session:

provider_options = session.get_provider_options()

Run the model

After you build a session, you must generate input data that you can then bind to ONNX Runtime. Following that, you can invoke run on the session, passing it a list of output names as well as a dictionary containing the input names as keys and ONNX Runtime bindings as values.

# Generate data and bind to ONNX Runtime
input_np = np.random.rand((1,3,256,256))
input_ort = rt.OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(input_np)

# Run model
results =["output"], {"input": input_ort})

ONNX Runtime always places inputs and outputs on the CPU by default. As a result, buffers are constantly copied between the host and device, which you should avoid as much as possible. It is feasible to use and reuse device-generated buffers.

Model optimizations

To get the most performance out of inference, I recommend that you make use of hardware-specific accelerators: Tensor Cores. 

On NVIDIA RTX hardware, from the NVIDIA Volta architecture (compute capability 7.0+) forward, the GPU includes Tensor Cores to accelerate some of the heavy-lift operations involved with deep learning. 

Essentially, Tensor Cores enable an operation called warp matrix multiply-accumulate (WMMA), providing optimized paths for FP16-based (HMMA) and integer-based multiply-accumulate (IMMA).

Image of NVIDIA Pascal and NVIDIA Turing architectures.
Figure 2. NVIDIA Tensor Cores

Precision conversion

The first step in using Tensor Cores is to export the model to a lower precision of FP16 or INT8. In most circumstances, INT8 provides the best performance, but it has two drawbacks: 

  • You must recalibrate or quantize weights.
  • The precision may be worse. 

The second point depends on your application. However, when working with INT8 input and output data such as photos, the consequences are often negligible.

On the other hand, FP16 does not require recalibration of the weights. In most cases, it achieves similar accuracy as FP32. To convert a given ONNX model to FP16, use the onnx_converter_common toolbox.

import onnx
from onnxconverter_common.float16 import convert_float_to_float16

model_fp32 = onnx.load("model.onnx")
model_fp16 = convert_float_to_float16(copy.deepcopy(model_fp32)), "model_fp16.onnx")

If the weight in the original model exceeds the dynamic range of FP16, there will be overflow. Any unwanted behavior can be overcome by using the auto-mixed precision (amp) exporter. This converts the model’s Ops to FP16 one by one, checking its accuracy after each change to ensure that the deltas are within a predefined tolerance. Otherwise, the Op is kept in FP32. 

You need two more things for this type of conversion:

  • An input feed dictionary containing the input names as keys and data as values. It is important that the data provided is in the right data range, though it is best if actual inference data is used.
  • A validation function to compare if the results are in an acceptable error margin. In this case, I implemented a simple function that returns true if two arrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance.
import onnx
import numpy as np
from onnxconverter_common.auto_mixed_precision import auto_convert_mixed_precision

# Could also use rtol/atol attributes directly instead of this
def validate(res1, res2):
    for r1, r2 in zip(res1, res2):
        if not np.allclose(r1, r2, rtol=0.01, atol=0.001):
            return False
    return True

model_fp32 = onnx.load("model.onnx")
feed_dict = {"input": 2*np.random.rand(1, 3, 128, 128).astype(np.float32)-1.0}
model_amp = auto_convert_mixed_precision(model_fp32, feed_dict, validate), "model_amp.onnx")

During the conversion from FP32 to FP16, there are still possible problems apart from the dynamic range. It can happen that unnecessary or unwanted cast operations are inserted into the model. You must check this manually.

Architecture considerations

The data and weights must be in the correct layout. Tensor Cores consume data in NHWC format. As I mentioned earlier, ONNX only supports the NCHW format. However, this is not an issue as the backends insert conversion kernels before Tensor Core–eligible operations.

Having the backend handle the layout can result in performance penalties. Because not all operations support the NHWC format, there might be multiple NCHW-NHWC conversions and the reverse throughout the model. They have a short runtime but, when executed repeatedly, can add more harm than benefit. Try to avoid explicit layout conversions in your model by profiling it.

All operations should use filters with a size multiple of 8, optimally 32, to be Tensor Core–eligible. This involves the actual model architecture and should be kept in mind while designing the model.

When you use NVIDIA TensorRT, filters are automatically padded to be feasible for Tensor Core consumption. Nonetheless, it might be better to adjust the model architecture. The extra dimensions are computed anyways and might offer the potential for improved feature extraction

As a third requirement, GEMM operations must have packed strides. This means that the stride cannot exceed the filter size.


ONNX Runtime includes several graph optimizations to boost performance. Graph optimizations are essentially alterations at the graph level, ranging from simple graph simplifications and node eliminations to more complicated node fusions and layout conversions. 

Within ONNX Runtime, these are separated into the following levels:

  • Basic: These optimizations cover all semantics-preserving modifications like constant folding, redundant node elimination, and a limited number of node fusion.
  • Extended: The extended optimizations are only applicable when running either the CPU or CUDA execution provider. They include more complex fusions.
  • Layout optimizations: These layout conversions are only applicable for running on the CPU.

For more information about available fusions and applicable optimizations, see Graph Optimizations in ONNX Runtime.

These optimizations are not relevant when running on the TensorRT execution provider as TensorRT uses its built-in optimizer that uses a wide variety of fusions and kernel tuners.

Online or offline

All optimizations can be performed either online or offline. When an inference session is started in online mode, ONNX Runtime runs all enabled graph optimizations before model inference starts. 

Applying all optimizations every time that a session starts may increase the model startup time, especially for complex models. In this case, the offline mode can be beneficial. When the graph optimizations are complete, ONNX Runtime saves the final model to disk in offline mode. Using the existing optimized model and removing all optimizations reduce the startup time for each consecutive start.


This post walked through running a model with ONNX runtime, model optimizations, and architecture considerations. If you have any further questions about these topics reach out on NVIDIA Developer Forums or join NVIDIA Developer Discord.

To read the first post in this series, see End-to-End AI for Workstation: An Introduction.

Sign up to learn more about accelerating your creative application with NVIDIA technologies.


Best-in-Class Quantum Circuit Simulation at Scale with NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance

cuQuantum ApplianceQuantum algorithm researchers in government, enterprise, and academia are interested in developing and benchmarking novel quantum algorithms on ever-larger…cuQuantum Appliance

Quantum algorithm researchers in government, enterprise, and academia are interested in developing and benchmarking novel quantum algorithms on ever-larger quantum systems. Use cases include drug discovery, cybersecurity, high energy physics, and risk modeling. 

However, these systems are still small, quality still needs to improve, and capacity on them is limited. Developing applications and algorithms on quantum circuit simulators is therefore common.

NVIDIA cuQuantum is a software development kit (SDK) that enables users to easily accelerate and scale quantum circuit simulations with GPUs. A natural tool for calculating state vectors, it enables users to simulate quantum circuits deeper (more gates) and wider (more qubits) than they could on today’s quantum computers. 

cuQuantum includes the recently released NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance, a deployment-ready software container with multi-GPU, multi-node state vector simulation support. Generalized multi-GPU APIs are also now available in NVIDIA cuStateVec for easy integration into any simulator. 

For tensor network simulation, the slicing API provided by the cuQuantum cuTensorNet library enables accelerated tensor network contractions distributed across multiple GPUs or multiple nodes. An additional higher-level API is also now available to make this easier for multi-node, enabling users to take advantage of NVIDIA A100 systems with nearly linear strong scaling. 

This post takes a deep dive into multi-node state vector simulation with the NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance. For related information, see Achieving Supercomputing-Scale Quantum Circuit Simulation with the NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance.

Capabilities of cuQuantum Appliance on the ABCI 2.0 supercomputer 

NVIDIA participated in the AI Bridging Cloud Infrastructure (ABCI) grand challenge this past year to benchmark multi-node cuQuantum Appliance capabilities with their system configurations. ABCI is a supercomputer hosted by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

ABCI 2.0 is ranked at 22 on the TOP500 list as of November 2022, executing the High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark with 22.21 petaflops per second. The supercomputer is ranked 32 on the Green500 list with 21.89 gigaflops per watt as of November 2022. 

The ABCI system consists of 1,088 compute nodes, with 4,352 NVIDIA V100 GPUs, (dubbed “Compute Node (V)”), and 120 compute nodes with 960 A100 GPUs (dubbed “Compute Node (A)”). The NVIDIA cuQuantum team worked with the NVIDIA Ampere architecture nodes to test a range of circuits, in addition to solution accuracy for a range of precisions.

The ABCI Compute Node (A) GPU systems are NVIDIA A100 40 GB, 8 GPUs per node, with the third-generation NVLink. They have a theoretical peak of 19.3 petaflops, and a theoretical peak memory bandwidth of 1,555 GB/s. Nodes are connected with InfiniBand HDR

Quantum computing performance benchmarks on the ABCI Compute Node (A)

Three commonly used algorithms, which are relevant for applications research and quantum computer benchmarking, were run.  

These three benchmarks leverage the multi-node cuQuantum Appliance: Quantum Volume, the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), and Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE). The Quantum Volume Circuit ran with a depth of 10 and a depth of 30. QAOA is a common algorithm used to solve combinatorial optimization problems like routing and resource optimization on relatively, near-term quantum computers. 

NVIDIA ran QAOA with p=1. QPE is a key subroutine in many fault-tolerant quantum algorithms with a wide range of applications, including Shor’s Algorithm for factoring and a range of chemistry calculations like molecular simulations. Weak scaling was demonstrated for all three common quantum algorithms (Figures 1 and 2). 

In addition, strong scaling was examined with quantum volume (Figures 3 and 4). The cuQuantum Appliance has effectively turned the ABCI Compute Node (A) into a perfect 40-41 qubit quantum computer. It is clear that scaling to a supercomputer like ABCI’s is valuable for both accelerating time-to-solution and extending the phase space researchers can explore with state vector quantum circuit simulation techniques.

Chart showing scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations from 30 to 40 qubits, for Quantum Volume, depths 10, 30, QAOA with 2 Parameters, and Quantum Phase Estimation. All runs were conducted on multiple GPUs, up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C128 precision leveraged.
Figure 1. NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance multi-node weak scaling performance from 30 to 40 qubits for complex 128

One of the test objectives was to compare the difference between complex 128 (c128) and complex 64 (c64) implementations. When reducing precision, results showed that more memory can be used for an additional qubit. However, it is important to confirm that the reduced precision is not achieved at the cost of producing useful results from the simulations. This experiment used Quantum Phase Estimation to calculate the number pi, which was measured to 16 digits and matched.

Chart showing scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations from 30 to 40 qubits, for Quantum Volume, depths 10, 30, QAOA with 1 Parameter, and Quantum Phase Estimation. All runs were conducted on multiple GPUs, going up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C64 precision leveraged.
Figure 2. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node weak scaling performance from 30 to 40 qubits for complex 64

Test results show excellent weak scaling performance for lower precision as well. cuQuantum Appliance users can expect to take advantage of lower precision with confidence that both performance and accuracy are minimally impacted.

Chart showing strong scaling state vector based quantum circuit simulations of quantum volume at both depth of 10 and 30. Simulations held at 31 and 34 qubits. All runs were conducted going up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C128 precision leveraged.
Figure 3. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node strong scaling performance for quantum volume at depth 10 and 30, for 31 and 34 qubits with complex 128 precision

Additional measurements were made to test the strong scaling of the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capabilities. These numbers were generated with the Quantum Volume Circuit of depth 10 and depth 30. Both of these results are measured for 31 and 34 qubit Quantum Volume. 

Figure 3 shows the performance metrics when using incremental amounts of GPUs with complex 128 precision. It is clear that scaling to multiple nodes results in time savings for a range of problem sizes.

Chart showing strong scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations of quantum volume at both depth of 10 and 30. Simulations held at 32 and 35 qubits. All runs were conducted going up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C64 precision leveraged.
Figure 4. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node strong scaling performance for quantum volume at depth 10 and 30, for 32 and 35 qubits with complex 64 precision

The NVIDIA cuQuantum team conducted additional experiments varying the precision as depicted in Figure 4. This figure shows Quantum Volume running again at depth 10 and depth 30. In this instance, the simulation was held to 32 and 35 qubits and distributed across 512 NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on the ABCI Compute Node (A). 

The jump in execution time from 8 to 16 GPUs is related to the extra initialization overhead to distribute the workload to two nodes instead of one. This cost is quickly amortized when scaling nodes to an arbitrarily large number. 

Comparing cuQuantum Appliance performance

Users are enabled to achieve scale with the updated NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance. cuQuantum benchmarks were run up to a total of 40 qubits with 64 A100 40 GB nodes. However, users are only limited by the number of accessible GPUs. It is now possible to scale simulations easily, with no changes to existing Qiskit code, and up to 81x faster than the previous implementation without cuQuantum Appliance.

Chart showing scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations from 30 to 40 qubits, of Quantum Volume with a depth of 10. cuQuantum Appliance and Qiskit Aer multi-node was run on NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer. The cuQuantum Appliance scaled up to 512 GPUs (64 nodes), made easy by our new multi-node capability. At 36 qubits, the cuQuantum appliance is up to 62x faster than Qiskit multi-node on the same GPUs, and 3.4x faster than mpiQulacs on Fujitsu’s A64FX CPU.
Figure 5. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node weak scaling performance on ABCI from 30 to 40 qubits, compared with Qiskit Aer multi-node and mpiQulacs

NVIDIA has also benchmarked against a very fast multi-node full state vector quantum circuit simulator called mpiQulacs. An impressive simulator, it was developed to run on the Fujitsu A64FX CPU architecture. In March of 2022, they announced their multi-node simulator’s performance results on a quantum volume depth of 10 with up to 36 qubits. The NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance now enables users to scale out to 40 qubits with c128, or 41 qubits with c64, on the ABCI 2.0 supercomputer with similar best-in-class performance. 

Other preliminary tests on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs have shown that the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node performance numbers will be approximately 2x better than the results presented here, using the new NVIDIA H100 GPUs. 

The cuQuantum team at NVIDIA is accelerating state vector simulation at scale. cuQuantum enables scale, and best-in-class performance, showing weak scaling and strong scaling across nodes. In addition, the previously announced results have been validated externally on the AIST ABCI 2.0 supercomputer, showing versatility across different HPC infrastructures. 

NVIDIA has also introduced the first cuQuantum-powered IBM Qiskit image. Users are able to pull this container today, making it easier and faster to scale up quantum circuit simulations with this popular framework. 

The cuQuantum team has already begun working to bring these multi-node APIs to a wider range of developers and will include these in the next cuQuantum release.

Get started with cuQuantum Appliance

The multi-node cuQuantum Appliance is available today. You can access it directly from the NGC catalog for containers. To request features or to report bugs, reach out to the cuQuantum team at NVIDIA/cuQuantum on GitHub.

Additional resources


Reducing Development Time for Intelligent Virtual Assistants in Contact Centers

As the global service economy grows, companies rely increasingly on contact centers to drive better customer experiences, increase customer satisfaction, and…

As the global service economy grows, companies rely increasingly on contact centers to drive better customer experiences, increase customer satisfaction, and lower costs with increased efficiencies. Customer demand has increased far more rapidly than contact center employment ever could. Combined with the high agent churn rate, customer demand creates a need for more automated real-time customer communication augmenting the agents.

Researchers recognized these trends as early as the 1970s and began developing primitive voice menus navigable through touch-tone phones. While voice menus may answer frequently asked questions and reduce pressure on contact center agents, customers often find it frustrating to interact with them.

Chances are that you may have been one of the callers who wanted to speak to an agent directly, instead listening to multiple layers of prerecorded voice prompts, due to any of the following reasons:

  • Listening to menu options that best match your queries takes time. Moreover, after you reach a contact center agent, your issue may be complex enough that it cannot be resolved in one call.
  • Your issue may not closely match the menu options, or it might fall under multiple options.
  • You and the contact center agent may not speak the same native languages, particularly if the contact center is outsourced to another country.
  • Some contact centers may not be staffed at a convenient time for you to call.

To effectively resolve these issues, companies have begun integrating intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs), also known as AI virtual assistants, into their contact center solutions.

In this post, we provide an overview of building and deploying contact center IVAs with the NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow and components such as NVIDIA Riva voice technology and speech AI skills:

  • Automatic speech recognition (ASR) or speech-to-text (STT)
  • Text-to-speech (TTS)

Reducing development time for IVA applications

IVAs are AI-powered software that recognize human speech, understand the intent, and provide precise and personalized responses in human-like voices while engaging with customers in conversation.

Around the clock, IVAs collect customer information and reasons for the call and manage customer issues without the need for a live agent. For complex cases, this information is automatically prepared for the live agent, to optimize servicing customers with a personal touch.

You can use NVIDIA Riva speech AI building blocks to create IVA applications. To reduce development time, you can leverage NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow with integrated Riva skills.

This NVIDIA AI solution workflow provides a reference for you to get started without preparation, helping you achieve the desired AI outcome more quickly.

NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow and components

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow (Figure 1) was designed as a microservice, which means it can be deployed on Kubernetes alone or with other microservices to create a production-ready application for seamless scaling.

Diagram showing full architecture design to build and deploy an intelligent virtual assistant using NVIDIA Riva, Rasa Dialog Manager, and Haystack.
Figure 1. NVIDIA Contact Center IVA architecture with NVIDIA Riva ASR and TTS, Rasa Dialog Manager, and Haystack NLP IRQA components

How services and dialog managers are integrated for deployment

This workflow integrates NVIDIA Riva ASR and TTS services with Haystack, a third-party open-source natural language information retrieval question answering (NLP IRQA) service, and Rasa, an open-source dialog manager.

Figure 1 shows that the Riva ASR service transcribes a user’s spoken question. Rasa and Haystack are used to interpret the user’s intent in the question and construct a relevant response. This response is delivered to the user in synthesized natural speech using Riva TTS.

For context, NVIDIA Riva provides tools for building and deploying conversational AI and speech AI pipelines to any device containing an NVIDIA GPU, whether on the edge, in a data center, or in the cloud. The tools also run inference with those pipelines.

Language-specific customizations for the financial industry

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow features Riva ASR customizations for the financial services industry use case.

These Riva ASR customizations are performed in two sample Jupyter notebooks:

  • To improve the recognition of finance-specific terms.
  • To enhance recognition of finance terms in challenging acoustic environments, including noise, accents, and dialects.
  • To provide explicit guides for pronunciation of finance-specific words.

For more information about customizing Riva ASR models, see ASR Customization Best Practices.

Dialog manager training and IRQA components

After Riva ASR customization, you can work on the IVA dialog manager on information retrieval and question-answering (IRQA) components. Every IVA requires a way to manage the state and flow of the conversation.

A dialog manager employs a language model like BERT to recognize the user intent in the transcribed text obtained from the Riva ASR service. It then routes the question to the correct prepared response or a fulfillment service. This provides context for the question and frames how the IVA can give the proper response.

The Rasa dialog manager also maintains the dialog state, by filling slots set by the developer for remembering the context of the conversation. It can be trained to understand user intent by giving it a few examples of each intent and the slots to be recognized.

IRQA with Haystack NLP is then used to search a list of given documents and generate a long-form response to the user’s question. This assists companies with massive amounts of unstructured data that need to be consumed in a form that is helpful to the customer. After IRQA generates the answer, Riva TTS synthesizes a human-like audio response.

To summarize, the NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow can be deployed on any cloud Kubernetes distribution as a collection of Helm charts, each running a microservice.

While the NVIDIA contact center IVA architecture uses Haystack and Rasa components, you can use your preferred components.

All the NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow-packaged components include enterprise-ready implementation best practices that range from authentication, monitoring, reporting, and load balancing while enabling customization.

Optimal inference based on usage metrics

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow includes NVIDIA Triton Inference Server, which provides Prometheus with metrics indicating GPU and request statistics. The metric format is plain text so you can view them directly in the Grafana dashboard.

Some of the metrics available are shown in Table 1.

Category Metric Description
Count Success Count nv_inference_request_success
Failure Count nv_inference_request_failure Number of failed inference requests received by NVIDIA Triton (each request is counted as 1, even if the request contains a batch)
Inference Count nv_inference_count Number of inferences performed (a batch of n is counted as n inferences and does not include cached requests)
Execution Count nv_inference_exec_count Number of inference batch executions (see Count Metrics, does not include cached requests)
Latency Request Time nv_inference_request_duration_us
Queue Time nv_inference_queue_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend waiting in the scheduling queue (includes cached requests)
Compute Input Time nv_inference_compute_input_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend processing inference inputs (in the framework backend, does not include cached requests)
Compute Time nv_inference_compute_infer_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend executing the inference model (in the framework backend, does not include cached requests)
Compute Output Time nv_inference_compute_output_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend processing inference outputs (in the framework backend, does not include cached requests)
Table 1. NVIDIA Triton Server metrics used for Riva pods manual or automatic scaling

Depending on these usage metrics, the Riva pods can be scaled manually or automatically.


NVIDIA Riva provides speech AI tools that enable companies to build and deploy IVAs in contact centers. These assistants relieve the pressure on human agents while granting customers the interactivity and personal treatment that they expect from live employees. This all drives a better customer experience.

IVAs can also significantly increase contact center efficiency by reducing customer wait times, providing real-time translation, resolving customer challenges faster, reducing agent onboarding time, and enabling customers to reach contact centers 24/7. Companies can also use contact center call transcripts to further hone their products and services.

Related resources

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow will be available on NGC for NVIDIA AI Enterprise software customers at the end of December.

In the meantime, you can sign up for NVIDIA LaunchPad to gain hands-on experience and immediately tap into the necessary hardware and software stacks to test and prototype your conversation-based solutions. The workflow solutions will be available on LaunchPad beginning January 20, 2023.

For step-by-step instructions on enhancing contact centers with Riva’s speech AI services, see the webinar, How to Build and Deploy an AI Voice-Enabled Virtual Assistant for Financial Services Contact Centers.

To learn how real companies have benefited from Riva speech AI skills in their contact centers, see the T-Mobile and Floatbot use case stories.


Have a Holly, Jolly Holiday Streaming Top Titles on GeForce NOW

While the weather outside may or may not be frightful this holiday season, new games on GeForce NOW each week make every GFN Thursday delightful. It doesn’t matter whether you’re on the naughty or nice list. With over 1,400 titles streaming from the cloud, there’s something for everyone to play across nearly all of their Read article >

The post Have a Holly, Jolly Holiday Streaming Top Titles on GeForce NOW appeared first on NVIDIA Blog.


Inline GPU Packet Processing with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO

DOCA, DPU, and workstation graphicA growing number of network applications need to exercise GPU real-time packet processing in order to implement high data rate solutions: data filtering, data…DOCA, DPU, and workstation graphic

A growing number of network applications need to exercise GPU real-time packet processing in order to implement high data rate solutions: data filtering, data placement, network analysis, sensors’ signal processing, and more.

One primary motivation is the high degree of parallelism that the GPU can enable to process in parallel multiple packets while offering scalability and programmability.

For an overview of the basic concepts of these techniques and an initial solution based on the DPDK gpudev library, see Boosting Inline Packet Processing Using DPDK and GPUdev with GPUs.

This post explains how the new NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO Library can overcome some of the limitations found in the previous DPDK solution, moving a step closer to GPU-centric packet processing applications.


Real-time GPU processing of network packets is a technique useful to several different application domains, including signal processing, network security, information gathering, and input reconstruction. The goal of these applications is to realize an inline packet processing pipeline to receive packets in GPU memory (without staging copies through CPU memory); process them in parallel with one or more CUDA kernels; and then run inference, evaluate, or send over the network the result of the calculation.

Typically, in this pipeline, the CPU is the intermediary because it has to synchronize network card (NIC) receive activity with the GPU processing. This wakes up the CUDA kernel as soon as new packets have been received in GPU memory. Similar considerations can be applied to the send side of the pipeline.

Graphic showing a CPU-centric application wherein the CPU has to wake up the network card to receive packets (that will be transferred directly in GPU memory through DMA), unblock the CUDA kernel waiting for those packets to arrive in GPU to actually start the packet processing.
Figure 1. CPU-centric application with the CPU orchestrating the GPU and network card work

The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) framework introduced the gpudev library to provide a solution for this kind of application: receive or send using GPU memory (GPUDirect RDMA technology) in combination with low-latency CPU synchronization. For more information about different approaches to coordinating CPU and GPU activity, see Boosting Inline Packet Processing Using DPDK and GPUdev with GPUs.

GPU-initiated communications

Looking at Figure 1, it is clear that the CPU is the main bottleneck. It has too many responsibilities in synchronizing NIC and GPU tasks and managing multiple network queues. As an example, consider an application with many receive queues and an incoming traffic of 100 Gbps. A CPU-centric solution would have:

  • CPU invoking the network function on each receive queue to receive packets in GPU memory using one or multiple CPU cores
  • CPU collecting packets’ info (packets addresses, number)
  • CPU notifying the GPU about new received packets
  • GPU processing the packets

This CPU-centric approach is:

  • Resource consuming: To deal with high-rate network throughput (100 Gbps or more) the application may need to dedicate an entire CPU physical core to receive (and/or send) packets
  • Not scalable: In order to receive (or send) in parallel with different queues, the application may need to use multiple CPU cores even on systems where the total number of CPU cores may be limited to a low number (depending on the platform)
  • Platform dependent: The same application on a low-power CPU will decrease the performance

The next natural step for GPU inline packet processing applications is to remove the CPU from the critical path. Moving to a GPU-centric solution, the GPU can directly interact with the NIC to receive packets so the processing can start as soon as packets arrive in GPU memory. The same considerations can be applied to the send operation.

The capability of a GPU to control the NIC activity from a CUDA kernel is called GPU-initiated communications. Assuming the use of an NVIDIA GPU and an NVIDIA NIC, it is possible to expose the NIC registers to the direct access of the GPU. In this way, a CUDA kernel can directly configure and update these registers to orchestrate a send or a receive network operation without the intervention of the CPU.

Graphic showing a GPU-centric application, with the GPU controlling the network card and packet processing without the need of the CPU.
Figure 2. GPU-centric application with the GPU controlling the network card and packet processing without the need of the CPU

DPDK is, by definition, a CPU framework. To enable GPU-initiated communications, it would be necessary to move the whole control path on the GPU, which is not applicable. For this reason, this feature is enabled by creating a new NVIDIA DOCA library.


NVIDIA DOCA SDK is the new NVIDIA framework composed of drivers, libraries, tools, documentation, and example applications. These resources are needed to leverage your application with the network, security, and computation features the NVIDIA hardware can expose on host systems and DPU.

NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO is a new library developed on top of the NVIDIA DOCA 1.5 release to introduce the notion of a GPU device in the DOCA ecosystem (Figure 3). To facilitate the creation of a DOCA GPU-centric real-time packet processing application, DOCA GPUNetIO combines GPUDirect RDMA for data-path acceleration, smart GPU memory management, low-latency message passing techniques between CPU and GPU (through GDRCopy features) and GPU-initiated communications. 

This enables a CUDA kernel to directly control an NVIDIA ConnectX network card. To maximize the performance, DOCA GPUNetIO Library must be used on platforms considered GPUDirect-friendly, where the GPU and the network card are directly connected through a dedicated PCIe bridge. The DPU converged card is an example but the same topology can be realized on host systems as well.

DOCA GPUNetIO targets are GPU packet processing network applications using the Ethernet protocol to exchange packets in a network. With these applications, there is no need for a pre synchronization phase across peers through an OOB mechanism, as for RDMA-based applications. There is also no need to assume other peers will use DOCA GPUNetIO to communicate and no need to be topology-aware. In future releases, the RDMA option will be enabled to cover more use-cases.

DOCA GPUNetIO features enabled in the current release are:

  • GPU-initiated communications​: A CUDA kernel can invoke the CUDA device functions in the DOCA GPUNetIO Library to instruct the network card to send or receive packets
  • Accurate Send Scheduling: With GPU-initiated communications, it is possible to schedule packets’ transmission in the future according to some user-provided timestamp
  • GPUDirect RDMA: Receive or send packets in contiguous fixed-size GPU memory strides without CPU memory staging copies
  • Semaphores: Provide a standardized low-latency message passing protocol between CPU and GPU or between different GPU CUDA kernels
  • CPU direct access to GPU memory: CPU can modify a GPU memory buffers without using CUDA memory API
Graphic depicting NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO configuration requiring a GPU and CUDA drivers and libraries installed on the same platform.
Figure 3. NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO is a new DOCA library requiring a GPU and CUDA drivers and libraries installed on the same platform

As shown in Figure 4, the typical DOCA GPUNetIO application steps are:

  • Initial configuration phase on CPU
    • Use DOCA to identify and initialize a GPU device and a network device
    • Use DOCA GPUNetIO to create receive or send queues manageable from a CUDA kernel
    • Use DOCA Flow to determine which type of packet should land in each receive queue (for example, subset of IP addresses, TCP or UDP protocol, and so on)
    • Launch one or more CUDA kernels (to execute packet processing/filtering/analysis)
  • Runtime control and data path on GPU within CUDA kernel
    • Use DOCA GPUNetIO CUDA device functions to send or receive packets
    • Use DOCA GPUNetIO CUDA device functions to interact with the semaphores to synchronize the work with other CUDA kernels or with the CPU
Flow chart showing generic GPU packet processing pipeline data flow composed by several building blocks: receive packets in GPU memory, first staging GPU packet processing or filtering, additional GPU processing (AI inference, for example), processing output stored in GPU memory.
Figure 4. Generic GPU packet processing pipeline data flow composed by several building blocks

The following sections present an overview of possible GPU packet processing pipeline application layouts combining DOCA GPUNetIO building blocks.

CPU receive and GPU process

This first example is CPU-centric and does not use the GPU-initiated communication capability. It can be considered as the baseline for the following sections. The CPU creates receive queues manageable from the CPU itself to receive packets in GPU memory and assign flow steering rules to each queue.

At runtime, the CPU receives packets in GPU memory. It notifies one or multiple CUDA kernels, through the DOCA GPUNetIO semaphores, of the arrival of a new set of packets per queue, providing information like GPU memory address and number of packets. On the GPU, the CUDA kernel, polling on the semaphore, detects the update and begins to process the packets.

Graphic showing GPU packet processing pipeline with CPU receiving packets in GPU memory and using DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore to notify the packet processing CUDA kernel about incoming packets.
Figure 5. GPU packet processing pipeline with CPU receiving packets in GPU memory and using NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore to notify the packet processing CUDA kernel about incoming packets

Here, the DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore has a functionality similar to the DPDK gpudev communication list, enabling a low-latency communication mechanism between the CPU receiving packets and the GPU waiting for these packets to be received before processing them. The semaphore can also be used from the GPU to notify the CPU when packet processing completes, or between two GPU CUDA kernels to share information about processed packets.

This approach can be used as a baseline for performance evaluation. As it is CPU-centric, it is heavily dependent on the CPU model, power, and number of cores.

GPU receive and GPU process

The CPU-centric pipeline described in the previous section can be improved with a GPU-centric approach managing the receive queues with a CUDA kernel using GPU-initiated communications. Two examples are provided in the following sections: multi-CUDA kernel and single-CUDA kernel.

Multi-CUDA kernel

With this approach, at least two CUDA kernels are involved, one dedicated to receive packets and a second dedicated to the packet processing. The receiver CUDA kernel can provide packet information to the second CUDA kernel through a semaphore.

Graphic showing GPU packet processing pipeline without the CPU in the picture. A GPU CUDA kernel is dedicated to receiving packets in GPU memory and providing packets’ info to a second CUDA kernel responsible for packet processing through a DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore.
Figure 6. GPU packet processing pipeline with CPU receiving packets in GPU memory and using DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore to notify the packet processing CUDA kernel about incoming packets

This approach is suitable for high-speed network and latency-sensitive applications because the latency between two receive operations is not delayed by other tasks. It is desirable to associate each CUDA block of the receiver CUDA kernel to a different queue, receiving all packets from all the queues in parallel.

Single-CUDA kernel

Previous implementation may be simplified by having a single CUDA kernel responsible for receiving and processing packets, still dedicating one CUDA block per queue.

Graphic showing GPU packet processing pipeline with a single GPU CUDA kernel receiving packets in GPU memory and doing the packet processing
Figure 7. GPU packet processing pipeline with a single GPU CUDA kernel receiving packets in GPU memory and doing the packet processing

One drawback of this approach is the latency between two receive operations per CUDA block. If packet processing takes a long time, the application may not keep up with receiving new packets in high-speed networks.

GPU receive, GPU processing, and GPU send

Up to this point, the majority of the focus has been on the “receive and process” part of the pipeline. However, DOCA GPUNetIO also enables the production of some data on the GPU, crafting packets and sending them from a CUDA kernel without CPU intervention. Figure 8 depicts an example of a complete receive, process, and send pipeline.

Graphic showing GPU packet processing pipeline with GPU CUDA kernel receiving packets in GPU memory, doing the packet processing, and finally crafting new packets.
Figure 8. GPU packet processing pipeline with GPU CUDA kernel receiving packets in GPU memory, doing the packet processing, and finally crafting new packets

NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO example application 

Like any other NVIDIA DOCA library, DOCA GPUNetIO has a dedicated application for API use reference and to test system configuration and performance. The application implements the pipelines described previously, providing different types of packet processing such as IP checksum, HTTP packet filtering, and traffic forward.

The following section provides an overview of the application’s different modes of operation. Some performance numbers are reported, to be considered as preliminary results that may change and improve in future releases. Two benchmark systems are used, one to receive packets and a second to send packets, connected back-to-back (Figure 9).

The receiver, running the DOCA GPUNetIO application, is a Dell PowerEdge R750 with NVIDIA BlueField-2X DPU converged card. The configuration is embedded CPU mode, so the application runs on the host system CPU using the NIC NVIDIA ConnectX-6 Dx and the GPU A100X from the DPU. Software configuration is Ubuntu 20.04, MOFED 5.8 and CUDA 11.8.

The sender is a Gigabyte Intel Xeon Gold 6240R with a PCIe Gen 3 connection to the NVIDIA ConnectX-6 Dx. This machine does not require any GPU, as it runs the T-Rex DPDK packet generator v2.99. Software configuration is Ubuntu 20.04 with MOFED 5.8. 

Graphic showing receiver (Dell R750) and sender (Gigabyte) systems connected back-to-back to benchmark NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application.
Figure 9. Receiver (Dell R750) and sender (Gigabyte) systems connected back-to-back to benchmark NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application

The application has been executed also on the DPU Arm cores, leading to the same performance result and proving that a GPU-centric solution is platform-independent with respect to the CPU.

Note that the DOCA GPUNetIO minimum requirements are systems with GPU and NIC with a direct PCIe connection. The DPU is not a strict requirement.

IP checksum, GPU receive only

The application creates one or multiple receive queues using GPU-initiated communications to receive packets. Either the single-CUDA kernel or multi-CUDA kernel mode can be used.

Flow chart showing first pipeline mode in the NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application: GPU receives, calculates IP checksum, and reports to the CPU.
Figure 10. First pipeline mode in the NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application: GPU receives, calculates IP checksum, and reports to the CPU

Each packet is processed with a simple IP checksum verification, and only packets passing this test are counted as “good packets.” Through a semaphore, the number of good packets is reported to the CPU, which can print a report on the console.

Zero-packet loss with single queue was achieved by sending with the T-Rex packet generator 3 billion packets of 1 KB size at ~100 Gbps (~11.97 Mpps) and reporting, on the DOCA GPUNetIO application side, the same number of packets with right IP checksum. The same configuration was tested on a BlueField-2 converged card with the same results, proving that GPU-initiated communication is a platform-independent solution.

With a packet size of 512 bytes, T-Rex packet generator was not able to send more than 86 Gbps (~20.9 Mpps). Even with almost twice the number of packets per second, DOCA GPUNetIO did not report any packet drop.

HTTP filtering, GPU receive only

Assuming a more complex scenario, the packet processing CUDA kernel is filtering only HTTP packets with certain characteristics. It copies “good packet” information into a second GPU memory HTTP packets list. As soon as the next item in this HTTP packets list is full of packets, through a dedicated semaphore, the filtering CUDA kernel unblocks a second CUDA kernel to run some inference the HTTP packets accumulated. The semaphore can also be used to report stats to the CPU thread.

Graphic showing second pipeline mode in the NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application. The GPU receives, filters only HTTP packets, and unblocks, through a dedicated semaphore, a CUDA kernel to run some analysis on those packets.
Figure 11. Second pipeline mode in the NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application. The GPU receives, filters only HTTP packets, and unblocks, through a dedicated semaphore, a CUDA kernel to run some analysis on those packets.

This pipeline configuration provides an example of a complex pipeline comprising multiple stages of data processing and filtering combined with inference functions, such as an AI pipeline.

Traffic forward

This section shows how to enable traffic forwarding with DOCA GPUNetIO with GPU-initiated communications. In each received packet, the MAC and IP source and destination addresses are swapped before sending back packets over the network.

Chart showing third pipeline mode in the NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application. The GPU receives, swaps MAC and IP addresses for each packet, and sends back the modified packets.
Figure 12. Third pipeline mode in the NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO application. The GPU receives, swaps MAC and IP addresses for each packet, and sends back the modified packets.

Zero-packet loss with only one receive queue and one send queue was achieved by sending with the T-Rex packet generator 3 billion packets of 1 KB size at ~90 Gbps.

NVIDIA Aerial SDK for 5G

The decision to adopt a GPU-centric solution can be motivated by performance and low-latency requirements, but also to improve system capacity. The CPU may become a bottleneck when dealing with a growing number of peers connecting to the receiver application. The high degree of parallelization offered by the GPU can provide a scalable implementation to handle a great number of peers in parallel without affecting performance.

NVIDIA Aerial is an SDK for building a high-performance, software-defined 5G L1 stack optimized with parallel processing on the GPU. Specifically, the NVIDIA Aerial SDK can be used to build the baseband unit (BBU) software responsible to send (Downlink) or receive (Uplink) wireless client data frames split into multiple Ethernet packets through Radio Units (RUs).

In Uplink, BBU receives packets, validates them, and rebuilds the original data frame per RU before triggering the signal processing. With the NVIDIA Aerial SDK, this happens in the GPU: a CUDA kernel is dedicated to each RU per time slot, to rebuild the frame and trigger a sequence of CUDA kernels for GPU signal processing.

The orchestration of the network card to receive packets and of the GPU to reorder and process packets was implemented through the DPDK gpudev library (Figure 13).

Graphic showing NVIDIA Aerial 5G L1 CPU-centric architecture with DPDK gpudev library.
Figure 13. NVIDIA Aerial 5G L1 CPU-centric architecture with DPDK gpudev library

This first implementation was able to keep up with 4 RU working at full 25 Gbps speed using just one CPU core on a modern Intel x86 system. As the number of cells increased, however, the CPU functioning between the network card and the GPU became the bottleneck. 

A CPU works in a sequential manner. With a single CPU core to receive and manage traffic for a growing number of RUs, the time between two receives for the same RU depends on the number of RUs. With 2 CPU cores, each working on a subset of RU, the time between two receives for the same RU is halved. However, this approach is not scalable with a growing number of clients. In addition, the magnitude of PCIe transactions increases from NIC to CPU, and then from CPU to GPU (Figure 14).

Graphic showing NVIDIA Aerial 5G application CPU-centric control flow with several RU connected. The CPU core receives and notifies the GPU rebuild kernel for every connected RU sequentially. This is not a scalable approach.
Figure 14. NVIDIA Aerial 5G application CPU-centric control flow with several RU connected. The CPU core receives and notifies the GPU rebuild kernel for every connected RU sequentially. This is not a scalable approach.

To overcome all of these issues, a new GPU-centric version of the NVIDIA Aerial SDK has been implemented with DOCA GPUNetIO Library. Each CUDA kernel responsible to rebuild, per time slot, the packets coming from a specific RU, has been improved with the receive capability (Figure 15). 

Graphic showing GPU-centric NVIDIA Aerial SDK 5G architecture with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO.
Figure 15. GPU-centric NVIDIA Aerial SDK 5G architecture with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO

At this point, the CPU is not required in the critical path as each CUDA kernel is fully independent, able to process in parallel and in real time a growing number of RUs. This increases system capacity and reduces latency to process packets per slot and number of PCIe transactions. The CPU does not have to communicate with the GPU to provide packet information.

Graphic showing NVIDIA Aerial 5G SDK GPU-centric control flow with several RUs connected. Packets coming from different RUs are received and processed in parallel from independent GPU kernels. This is a scalable approach, which guarantees equal and fair service to all the connections.
Figure 16. NVIDIA Aerial 5G SDK GPU-centric control flow with several RUs connected. This is a scalable approach, which guarantees equal and fair service to all the connections.

According to the standards, 5G networks must exchange packets according to a specific pattern. Every time slot (500 microseconds, for example), packets should be sent in 14 so-called symbols. Each symbol is composed of a number of packets (depending on the use case) to be sent in a smaller time window (36 microseconds, for example). To support this timed transmission pattern on the Downlink side, the NVIDIA Aerial SDK combines GPU-initiated communications with Accurate Send Scheduling through DOCA GPUNetIO API.

Once GPU signal processing prepares the data to be sent in a future slot, a dedicated CUDA kernel per RU splits this data into Ethernet packets per RU and schedules their future transmission at a specific time in the future. The same CUDA kernel then pushes packets to the NIC that will be responsible for sending each packet at the right time (Figure 17).

Graphic depicting NVIDIA Aerial 5G SDK timed transmission pattern implemented with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO using GPU-initiated communications and the Accurate Send Scheduling feature.
Figure 17. NVIDIA Aerial 5G SDK timed transmission pattern implemented with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO using GPU-initiated communications and the Accurate Send Scheduling feature

Get early access to NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO

Created as part of a research project, the DOCA GPUNetIO package is in experimental status. It is available in early access and is an extension of the latest DOCA release. It can be installed on a host system or DPU converged card and includes:

  • A set of CPU functions for the initial setup phase of your application that prepare the environment and create the queues and other objects
  • A set of GPU-specific functions you can call within your CUDA kernel to send or receive packets and interact with DOCA GPUNetIO semaphores
  • An application source code you can build and run to test functionalities and learn about how to use the DOCA GPUNetIO API

Hardware requirements are a ConnectX-6 Dx or newer network card and GPU Volta or newer. It is highly recommended to have a dedicated PCIe bridge between the two. Software requirements are Ubuntu 20.04 or newer, CUDA 11.7 or newer, and MOFED 5.8 or newer.

If you are interested in learning more and gaining hands-on experience with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO to help you develop your next critical application, contact NVIDIA Technical Support for early access. Note that the DOCA GPUNetIO Library is currently only available under NDA with NVIDIA.


NVIDIA Announces Upcoming Events for Financial Community

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NVIDIA will present at the following events for the financial community: J.P. Morgan 21st Annual Tech/Auto Forum (During the 2023 …


Explainer: What Is MLOps?

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Speech AI Spotlight: Reimagine Customer Service with Virtual Agents

Virtual agents or voice-enabled assistants have been around for quite some time. But in the last decade, their usefulness and popularity have exploded with the…

Virtual agents or voice-enabled assistants have been around for quite some time. But in the last decade, their usefulness and popularity have exploded with the use of AI.

According to Gartner, virtual assistants will automate up to 75% of tasks for call center agents by 2025–up from 30% in 2021. This translates to a better experience for both contact center agents and customers.

From healthcare to financial services, AI has transformed customer service making it more efficient and personalized. Today’s virtual agents, powered by speech AI technology, handle not only repetitive customer requests in contact centers, but also assist human agents in solving complex questions faster than ever before.

Based in Los Angeles, NVIDIA partner Gridspace is a voice technology and AI software company creating natural-sounding virtual agents and voice bots to enhance the customer service experience. They are also a member of the NVIDIA Inception Program, which helps startups evolve by providing access to cutting-edge technology and NVIDIA experts.

A study conducted by a Fortune 10 healthcare company reported that 72% of consumers found Gridspace virtual agents sounded more human-like than a leading and well-known company’s virtual agents.

Virtual agents for complex contact centers 

To deliver great customer service over the phone, human agents must be able to talk and communicate effectively. Even the best live agents in a contact center have limited time and context when helping a caller.

Virtual agents have infinite availability, capacity for context, and consistent communication skills. They can also route calls to designated specialists.

Most of the Gridspace virtual agents operate in the financial and healthcare industries. They must be capable of handling complex tasks that require a high level of accuracy, which is extremely important when a customer’s money, health, or emotional well-being is involved.

For instance, virtual agents can assist with the patient discharge processes in hospitals. They can also assist nurses by providing prior information about a patient’s wellness and any discharge-related instructions.

In these demanding situations, the virtual agents complete calls for more than 70% of the patients they reach, which is comparable to the performance of human administrators and nurses.

Video 1: A virtual agent and human agent interact while providing customer service

Advancements in speech AI technology have enabled a new breed of virtual agents in contact centers that engage in natural conversations, understand industry jargon, and execute more tasks. 

By using a natural-sounding voice to greet callers, virtual agents can establish a strong rapport with a customer to help them feel more at ease. With cutting-edge speech models and GPU-optimized inference techniques, Gridspace virtual agents sound human-like and run in real time.

Every industry also has its own vernacular. With the latest advancements in ASR and modern training pipelines, virtual agents can understand domain-specific conversational speech and reduce resolution times to new customer problems. Additionally, virtual agents can eliminate hold times by calling customers back when they are ready. This means more patients or customers can be served day or night regardless of their location or the language they speak.

Enhancing the customer service experience

Gridspace virtual agents and voice observability software are powered by NVIDIA GPUs. Because GPUs can handle thousands of requests on a large scale, virtual agents can continue to serve customers efficiently.

The company uses GPUs, including the NVIDIA T4 and NVIDIA A100 for training and inference, serving over 50 K concurrent calls. They are also used to power text-to-speech models for conversational analysis. This includes emotion recognition, dialog actions, voice biometrics, and multimodal conversational AI.

“NVIDIA GPUs accelerate neural network computations and empower Gridspace real-time speech and language models at enterprise scale,” said Cooper Johnson, voice designer at Gridspace.

Future of virtual agents across industries

Contact centers are at the center of every global business. Virtual agents can both empower live agents and facilitate a smoother customer service experience across industries

Virtual agents reduce the likelihood of costly operational mistakes or missed opportunities by handling repetitive tasks, such as onboarding customers or making follow-up calls. They free up live agents to address more complex issues that require human-to-human interactions. 

Recently, Gridspace deployed Grace, a voice-enabled assistant that skillfully closes gaps in patient care and new customer onboarding processes. In a natural, friendly way, Grace can handle multi-turn customer interactions. 

Empower your contact center agents

Interested in adding speech AI to your virtual agent application? Following are some of the resources to get started:


Saving Apache Spark Big Data Processing Costs on Google Cloud Dataproc

According to IDC, the volume of data generated each year is growing exponentially.  IDC’s Global DataSphere projects that the world will generate 221 ZB…

According to IDC, the volume of data generated each year is growing exponentially.  IDC’s Global DataSphere projects that the world will generate 221 ZB of data by 2026. This data holds fantastic information. But as the volume of data grows, so does the processing cost. As a data scientist or engineer, you’ve certainly felt the pain of slow-running, data processing jobs.

Apache Spark addressed this data-rocessing problem at the scale of thousands of terabytes in the 2010s. However, in the 2020s, the amount of data that requires processing has exceeded the current CPU-based infrastructure compute capacity. 

For organizations with hundreds of thousands of terabytes, this CPU-based infrastructure is limiting them and adding massive costs for expansion. Compute limitations are constricting their ability to expand insights with their data, get the data usable for training AI/ML pipelines, and experiment with new model types. 

The old rule holds true: 80% of the time is spent on data prep rather than model development, which is hindering the growth of data science.

To address these challenges, the recent update of Apache 3.x delivers new functions for optimization, such as resource-aware scheduling and columnar data processing. With the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark, jobs can automatically be scheduled on NVIDIA GPUs for faster data processing. This solution requires zero code changes.

We are excited to announce a new integration with Google Cloud’s Dataproc. On the cloud, it costs up to 80% less to run data processing jobs than on an equivalent CPU-based infrastructure with acceleration speedup up to 5x faster.

Dataproc provides a fully managed Apache Spark service in the cloud. With the ability to create any Spark cluster within 90 seconds on average, enterprise-level security, and tight integration with other Google Cloud services, Dataproc provides a strong platform to deploy Apache Spark applications.

This post provides instructions on how to get started with using GPU acceleration on Spark workloads on Dataproc. We discuss the different challenges of CPU-to-GPU migration and explain how to speed up data processing pipelines. We highlight new RAPIDS Accelerator user tools for Dataproc that help set you up for success, such as providing insights into which jobs will perform best on GPU.

Speeding up data processing jobs

By combining the RAPIDS cuDF library with the scale-out capabilities of Apache Spark, data practitioners can process data quickly and cost-efficiently with GPUs. The RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark is a plugin that enables you to speed up Apache Spark 3 jobs by leveraging GPUs. 

Requiring no API changes from you, the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark tool automatically replaces GPU-supported SQL operations with the GPU-accelerated version whenever possible, while falling back to Spark CPU for other cases. Because no code or major infrastructure changes are required, you can iteratively design your workloads to be optimized for both performance and budget. 

Finally, the new RAPIDS Accelerator user tools for Dataproc provide a set of functionality to support data scientists when migrating Spark jobs to GPU. This includes gap analysis and workload recommendations. Data practitioners can better determine which Spark jobs will see the best speedups when migrated to the GPU. 

Pain points in CPU-to-GPU migration 

Despite the supported migration to GPU provided by the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark, Spark users are often reluctant to make the jump because of assumed pain points in the process. In this post, we dive deeper into those common concerns, and show how the features of the new RAPIDS Accelerator user tools for Dataproc mitigate those issues. 

Challenge #1: The cost associated with moving Spark jobs to GPU is not easy to predict

Many data practitioners assume that running an application on GPU will be more expensive, despite taking less time. In practice, this is rarely the case.

Resolution: The RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark workload qualification tool analyzes Spark event logs generated from CPU-based Spark applications. It provides you with upfront cost estimates to help quantify the expected acceleration and cost savings of migrating a Spark application or query to GPU.

Challenge #2: It’s unclear which Spark jobs are suitable for GPU migration

Not every application is suitable for GPU acceleration. You don’t want to allocate GPU resources to a Spark job that would not benefit from the resulting acceleration.

Resolution: The workload qualification tool also enables you to pre-determine which of your applications or jobs are recommended for running on GPU with the RAPIDS accelerator for Apache Spark.

Challenge #3: There’s no predetermined way to compute GPU resource requirements

Selecting and sizing hardware for any workload, whether CPU or GPU, can be challenging. Incorrectly setting resources and configurations can impact cost and performance.

Resolution: The RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark bootstrap tool supports the functionality of applying optimal configuration settings for a Spark cluster size and shape for GPU clusters.  

Challenge #4: Too many parameters for tuning and configuration are available

When running jobs on the GPU, you want to narrow down the best candidates for GPU. This requires you to provide the optimal parameters for tuning and configuration.

Resolution: With the new profiling tool, Spark logs from CPU job runs are used to compute the recommended per-app Spark RAPIDS config settings for running a GPU application. 

Challenge #5: There’s a high cost associated with changing compute infrastructure

It takes time, money, and labor to switch workloads over. This becomes a barrier to trying new technology, even if it addresses key pain points, because of the perceived risk to making an investment on business-critical applications. 

Resolution: On the cloud, the switch is simplified. Data scientists can test it out without making code changes, and the cost is minimal. When using Dataproc, you rent your infrastructure on an hourly basis so there isn’t a need to pay upfront for hardware to be shipped to your data center. You can also track your cost and performance differences. 

If you choose to switch back to the CPU, you can revert with next to no effort. 

Migrating workloads with the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark in Google Cloud Dataproc

Now that we’ve discussed how the RAPIDS Accelerator speeds up your Spark jobs while reducing costs, here’s how to use it in practice.


Qualification helps data scientists identify and estimate the cost savings and acceleration potential of RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark. Qualification requires an active CPU Spark cluster that is selected for GPU migration. The qualification output shows a list of apps recommended for RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark with estimated savings and speedup.


Bootstrap provides and updates the GPU Dataproc cluster with an optimized RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark configs based on the cluster shape. This ensures that Spark jobs executed on GPU Dataproc cluster can use all the resources and complete without errors.


Bootstrap also ensures that the job is functionally passing but tuning optimizes the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark configs based on the initial (bootstrap) job run using Spark event logs. The output shows the recommended per-app RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark config settings. 

With these new features, you can address CPU-to-GPU migration concerns and speed up your Spark code implementation without the challenges of increased cost or complex processes. 


Figure 1 shows the speedup and cost comparison for a Spark NDS benchmark* run on Dataproc and NVIDIA GPUs. On this benchmark, we saw a near 5x speedup and 78% reduction in cost compared to running on CPU only.

The left bar chart shows that an NDS Power run runtime on a CPU-only four-node cluster takes 184 mins compared to the same four-node cluster with 8xT4 NVIDIA GPUs, which takes 34 mins. The right bar chart shows that the Google Cloud Dataproc cost for an NDS Power run on CPU nodes is $22.51 and $5.65 with NVIDIA T4 GPUs.
Figure 1. Bar charts comparing the NDS power run on Google Cloud with associated cost when using CPU-only compared to with GPUs. 

* Benchmark and infrastructure details: CPU-only four-node cluster: 4xn1-standard-32 (32vCPU, 120 GB RAM). GPU four-node cluster: 4xn1-standard-32 (32vCPU, 120 GB RAM) and 8xT4 NVIDIA GPU. NDS stands for NVIDIA Decision Support benchmark, which is derived from the TPC-DS benchmark and is used for internal testing. Results from NDS are not comparable to TPC-DS.

Next steps

With the RAPIDS accelerator for Apache Spark, you can leverage GPU compute power for your Spark 3 workloads. By providing clear insights into which jobs are most suitable for acceleration and optimized GPU configurations and no API changes, you can run your critical Spark workloads faster. This helps you process more data in the same amount of time while saving on compute costs!

With Dataproc, you can do all of this in a fully supported environment, connected to the rest of the Google Cloud Ecosystem. 

Quickly get started with migrating Spark CPU workloads to GPU by following GCP Dataproc documentation in GitHub. You can also download the latest version of RAPIDS Accelerator.


Developers Design Innovative Network Security Solutions at the NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon

The latest NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon brought together 10 teams to create exciting cybersecurity innovations using the NVIDIA Morpheus cybersecurity AI…

The latest NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon brought together 10 teams to create exciting cybersecurity innovations using the NVIDIA Morpheus cybersecurity AI framework, NVIDIA BlueField data processing unit (DPU), and NVIDIA DOCA.

The event featured seven onsite Israeli teams and three remote teams from India and the UK. Working around the clock for 24 hours, the teams were challenged with developing new solutions for solving modern cybersecurity challenges.

“NVIDIA hackathons are a welcoming launchpad for innovation. We put DOCA and Morpheus developers in the center, providing them with everything they need to bring their ideas to fruition and into the spotlight. We see traction as the DOCA developer community keeps growing, and we believe hackathons play a significant role in that”, said Dror Goldenberg, the SVP of Software Architecture at NVIDIA.   

A picture of contestants sitting in a room for the winner announcement ceremony in NVIDIA Tel-Aviv
Figure 1. Cybersecurity hackathon in NVIDIA Tel-Aviv 

NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon winners 

First place

Team Yahalom, C4I Unit 

The Yahalom team created a next-generation load balancer that supports dynamic node addition or removal and load-balancing based on user-defined fields. 

The design uses BlueField DPUs as a tailor-made network device, implemented with NVIDIA DOCA FLOW APIs. Using the DPU results in accelerated throughput at scale. 

An image of the Hackathon judges standing with first place winners Team Yahalom holding their award
Figure 2. First place Team Yahalom with the judging team 

Second place

Team GAPU, Ministry of Defense with Octopus Computer Solutions   

Team GAPU focused on developing a new layer of security and governance on the DPU between the platform and infrastructure. This delivers a modular and scalable first line of defense against malicious packets, including a 5-tuple firewall, DNS filtering, and deep packet inspection. 

Named ARMadillo, after the BlueField Arm-based cores and the protective shield of the animal, the solution uses DOCA FLOW. ARMadillo accelerates security workflows and illustrates offloading security workloads from the host CPU and memory to the DPU.  

second place winners of the NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon standing with their awards
Figure 3. The GAPU team, second place winners of the NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon 

Third place

Team Ariel-2, Ariel University 

This team worked on a malware-encrypted traffic detection solution based on Morpheus and GPU acceleration. Using deep learning, the team created a Morpheus training model using random forest (an ensemble learning method for classification), regression, and other tasks. The model operates by constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time, on a variety of datasets. 

The team selected meaningful attributes from each dataset into the model, to classify malicious data, albeit encrypted. The team demonstrated efficient machine learning tasks and lowered AI training costs using Morpheus and GPU acceleration.

Team Ariel-2 standing with awards
Figure 4. Team Ariel-2, third place winners of the NVIDIA Cybersecurity Hackathon 

Honorable mention 

Team 8200-2B, Aharai-Tech organization  

Team 8200-2B, was composed of a group of high-school students that take part in the tech-leadership organization Aharai-Tech. The group worked on a cybersecurity solution that identifies malicious log-in attacks in real time. This is a marked improvement to most existing solutions that identify a breach after it has occurred. 

The team used Morpheus pipelines for filtering, processing, and classifying large-scale data.  

The Aharai-Tech Team 8200-2B standing for a picture
Figure 5. Team 8200-2B received an honorable mention

Join the DOCA Community  

NVIDIA is building a broad community of DOCA developers to create applications and services on top of BlueField DPUs for efficient data centers. 

To learn more about joining the community, visit the DOCA developer web page or register to download DOCA today. 

Check the corporate calendar to stay informed or to join our next hackathon. 
