
Sweden’s AI Catalyst: 300-Petaflops Supercomputer Fuels Nordic Research

A Swedish physician who helped pioneer chemistry 200 years ago just got another opportunity to innovate. A supercomputer officially christened in honor of Jöns Jacob Berzelius aims to establish AI as a core technology of the next century. Berzelius (pronounced behr-zeh-LEE-us) invented chemistry’s shorthand (think H20) and discovered a handful of elements including silicon. A Read article >

The post Sweden’s AI Catalyst: 300-Petaflops Supercomputer Fuels Nordic Research appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Flower Identifier

Hi folks, so I have followed this tutorial and Im pretty new to tensor flow but basically what I need to know is, is there any tutorials similar to this which teach you how to make the model run it in app but instead of live detecting in camera that it detects from images from the users gallery/camera roll. Any links/advice would be great thanks

submitted by /u/Lostcause89
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John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 3.0.0: Supporting Spark 3.x, Scala 2.12, more Databricks runtimes, more EMR versions, performance improvements & lots more

John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 3.0.0: Supporting Spark 3.x, Scala 2.12, more Databricks runtimes, more EMR versions, performance improvements & lots more submitted by /u/dark-night-rises
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GTC 21: Top 5 Game Development Technical Sessions

This year at GTC, we have a new track for Game Developers, where you can attend sessions for free, covering the latest in ray tracing, optimizing game performance, and content creation in NVIDIA Omniverse.

This year at GTC we have a new track for Game Developers where you can attend free sessions, covering the latest in ray tracing, optimizing game performance, and content creation in NVIDIA Omniverse.

Check out our top sessions below for those working in the gaming industry:

  1. Ray Tracing in Cyberpunk 2077

    Learn how ray tracing was used to create the visuals in the game, and how the developers at CD Projekt RED used extensive ray tracing techniques to bring the bustling Night City to life.

    Evgeny Makarov, Developer Technology Engineer, NVIDIA
    Jakub Knapik, Art Director at CDPR

  1. Our Sniper Elite 4 Journey  – Lessons in Porting AAA Action Games to the Nintendo Switch

    The Asura engine, entirely developed in-house by Rebellion, has allowed the independent developer/publisher the maximum creative and technical freedom. Rebellion has overcome enormous technical challenges and built on years of Nintendo development experience to bring their flagship game, “Sniper Elite 4,” to the Switch platform. Learn how a crack team took a AAA game targeting PS4/XB1 and got it running on a Nintendo Switch. Through a journey of Switch releases, you’ll see how Rebellion optimized “Sniper Elite 4” beyond what anyone thought was possible to deliver a beautiful and smooth experience.

    Arden Aspinall, Studio Head, Rebellion North

  1. Ray Tracing in One Weekend

    This presentation will assume the audience knows nothing about ray tracing. It is a guide for the first day in country. But rather than a broad survey it will dig deep on one way to make great looking images (the one discussed in the free ebook Ray Tracing in One Weekend). There will be no API or language discussed: all pseudocode. There will be no integrals, density functions, derivatives, or other topic inappropriate for polite company discussed.

    Pete Shirley, Distinguished Research Engineer, NVIDIA

  1. LEGO Builder’s Journey: Rendering Realistic LEGO Bricks Using Ray Tracing in Unity

    Learn how we render realistic-looking LEGO dioramas in real time using Unity high-definition render pipeline and ray tracing. Starting from a stylized look, we upgraded the game to use realistic rendering on PC to enhance immersion in the game play and story. From lighting and materials to geometry processing and post effects, you’ll  get a deep insight into what we’ve done to get as close to realism as possible with a small team in a limited time — all while still using the same assets for other versions of the game.

    Mikkel Fredborg, Technical Lead, Light Brick Studio

  1. Introduction to Real Time Ray Tracing with Minecraft

    This talk is aimed at graphics engineers that have little or no experience with ray tracing. It serves as a gentle introduction to many topics, including “What is ray tracing?”, “How many rays do you need to make an image?”, “The importance of [importance] sampling. (And more importantly, what is importance sampling?)”, “Denoising”, “The problem with small bright things”. Along the way, you will learn about specific implementation details from Minecraft.

    Oli Wright, GeForce DevTech, NVIDIA

Visit the GTC website to view the entire Game Development track and to register for the free conference.


Researchers Take Steps Towards Autonomous AI-Powered Exoskeleton Legs

University of Waterloo researchers are using deep learning and computer vision to develop autonomous exoskeleton legs to help users walk, climb stairs, and avoid obstacles.

University of Waterloo researchers are using deep learning and computer vision to develop autonomous exoskeleton legs to help users walk, climb stairs, and avoid obstacles. 

The project, described in an early-access paper on IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, fits users with wearable cameras. AI software processes the camera’s video stream, and is being trained to recognize surrounding features such as stairs and doorways, and then determine the best movements to take.

“Our control approach wouldn’t necessarily require human thought,” said Brokoslaw Laschowski, Ph.D. candidate in systems design engineering and lead author on the project. “Similar to autonomous cars that drive themselves, we’re designing autonomous exoskeletons that walk for themselves.”

People who rely on exoskeletons for mobility typically operate the devices using smartphone apps or joysticks. 

“That can be inconvenient and cognitively demanding,” said Laschowski, who works with engineering professor John McPhee, the Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics. “Every time you want to perform a new locomotor activity, you have to stop, take out your smartphone and select the desired mode.”

The researchers are using NVIDIA TITAN GPUs for neural network training and real-time image classification of walking environments. They collected 923,000 images of human locomotion environments to create a database dubbed ExoNet — which was used to train the initial model, developed using the TensorFlow deep learning framework. 

Still in development, the exoskeleton system must learn to operate on uneven terrain and avoid obstacles before becoming fully functional. To boost battery life, the team plans to use human motion to help charge the devices.

The recent paper analyzed how the power a person uses to go from a sitting to standing position could create biomechanical energy usable to charge the robotic exoskeletons.  

Read the University of Waterloo news release for more >> 

The researchers’ latest paper is available here. The original paper, published in 2019 at the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, was a finalist for a best paper award.


Creating an MLP in TF, and extracting a single runs’ seed.

Lurked Reddit for a while but need some help with something I’m programming. I’m trying to create a multilayer perceptron in Tensorflow – from what I can understand an MLP is almost like a basic form of neural network that can be built upon and become other networks (adding in convolution layers turning it into a CNN). In Tensorflow/Keras I am creating a sequential object and then adding layers to it – is this how an MLP is meant to be created by those libraries or is there a more direct way?

Also, I know that whenever my model is compiled it generates random weight distributions from a seed – is there a way I can extract the seed used from a trained model so I can keep the one that produces the smallest loss value?

submitted by /u/Greedy-Snow808
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MIT intro to deep learning how to run exercises on 4GB or less GPU memory locally

Hello everybody,

that’s my fist post here, so pleas be nice 🙂 I’m totaly new to tensorflow, so this is a beginners guide and no deep dive.

Like you may now the new free MIT intro to Deep Learning Course is online. some of the there given Models are kinda Memory hungry so here the solution:

CAUTION: think while coping form online Tutorials!

First of all it is a bless to work with the tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu Docker Container so Yea, just do it.

first some dependencys, the notebooks do need python3-opencv and the lab 1 needs abcmidi and timidity

apt install python3-opencv abcmidi timidity 

to edit the code in a personal directory and not in the container you need a non root user

adduser nonroot 

login to the user

su - nonroot 

install your editor, it’s jupyter lab for me

pip install jupyterlab 

start jupyter lab on in the bound directory

jupyter lab --ip 

add those lines on the top before importing tensorflow

import os os.environ['TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH'] = 'true' 

and those after importing tensorflow as tf

physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') try: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True) except: # Invalid device or cannot modify virtual devices once initialized. pass 

Tip: add

%config Completer.use_jedi = False 

if you have problems with autocomplete.

I hope that helps somebody!

submitted by /u/deep-and-learning
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Power Your Big Data Analytics with the Latest NVIDIA GPUs in the Cloud

To make it easier to leverage NVIDIA accelerated compute, we’ve added support for launching RAPIDS + Dask on the latest NVIDIA A100 GPUs in the cloud.

Dask is an accessible and powerful solution for natively scaling Python analytics. Using familiar interfaces, it allows data scientists familiar with PyData tools to scale big data workloads easily. Dask is such a powerful tool that we have adopted it throughout a variety of projects at NVIDIA. When paired with RAPIDS, data practitioners can distribute big data workloads across massive NVIDIA GPU clusters.

To make it easier to leverage NVIDIA accelerated compute, we’ve added support for launching RAPIDS + Dask on the latest NVIDIA A100 GPUs in the cloud, allowing users and enterprises to get the most out of their data.

Spin-Up NVIDIA GPU Clusters Quickly with Dask Cloud Provider

While Dask makes scaling analytics workloads easy, distributing workloads in Cloud environments can be tricky. Dask-CloudProvider is a package that provides native Cloud integration, making it simple to get started on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure. Using native Cloud tools, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and DevOps engineers can stand-up infrastructure and start running workloads in no time.

RAPIDS builds upon Dask-CloudProvider to make spinning-up the most powerful NVIDIA GPU instances easy with raw virtual machines. While AWS, GCP, and Azure have great managed services for data scientists, these implementations can take time to adopt new GPU architectures. With Dask-CloudProvider and RAPIDS, users and enterprises can leverage the latest NVIDIA A100 GPUs, providing 20x more performance than the previous generation. With 40GB of GPU memory each and 600GB/s NVLINK connection, NVIDIA A100 GPUs are a supercharged workhorse for enterprise-scale data science workloads. Dask-CloudProvider and RAPIDS provide an easy way to get started with A100s without having to configure raw VMs from scratch.

RAPIDS strives to make NVIDIA accelerated data science accessible to a broader data-driven audience. With Dask, RAPIDS allows data scientists to solve enterprise-scale problems in less time and with less pain. For a deeper understanding of the latest RAPIDS features and integrations, read more here.


Leveraging Machine Learning for Game Development

Over the years, online multiplayer games have exploded in popularity, captivating millions of players across the world. This popularity has also exponentially increased demands on game designers, as players expect games to be well-crafted and balanced — after all, it’s no fun to play a game where a single strategy beats all the rest.

In order to create a positive gameplay experience, game designers typically tune the balance of a game iteratively:

  1. Stress-test through thousands of play-testing sessions from test users
  2. Incorporate feedback and re-design the game
  3. Repeat 1 & 2 until both the play-testers and game designers are satisfied

This process is not only time-consuming but also imperfect — the more complex the game, the easier it is for subtle flaws to slip through the cracks. When games often have many different roles that can be played, with dozens of interconnecting skills, it makes it all the more difficult to hit the right balance.

Today, we present an approach that leverages machine learning (ML) to adjust game balance by training models to serve as play-testers, and demonstrate this approach on the digital card game prototype Chimera, which we’ve previously shown as a testbed for ML-generated art. By running millions of simulations using trained agents to collect data, this ML-based game testing approach enables game designers to more efficiently make a game more fun, balanced, and aligned with their original vision.

We developed Chimera as a game prototype that would heavily lean on machine learning during its development process. For the game itself, we purposefully designed the rules to expand the possibility space, making it difficult to build a traditional hand-crafted AI to play the game.

The gameplay of Chimera revolves around the titular chimeras, creature mash-ups that players aim to strengthen and evolve. The objective of the game is to defeat the opponent’s chimera. These are the key points in the game design:

  • Players may play:
    • creatures, which can attack (through their attack stat) or be attacked (against their health stat), or
    • spells, which produce special effects.
  • Creatures are summoned into limited-capacity biomes, which are placed physically on the board space. Each creature has a preferred biome and will take repeated damage if placed on an incorrect biome or a biome that is over capacity.
  • A player controls a single chimera, which starts off in a basic “egg” state and can be evolved and strengthened by absorbing creatures. To do this, the player must also acquire a certain amount of link energy, which is generated from various gameplay mechanics.
  • The game ends when a player has successfully brought the health of the opponent’s chimera to 0.

Learning to Play Chimera
As an imperfect information card game with a large state space, we expected Chimera to be a difficult game for an ML model to learn, especially as we were aiming for a relatively simple model. We used an approach inspired by those used by earlier game-playing agents like AlphaGo, in which a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained to predict the probability of a win when given an arbitrary game state. After training an initial model on games where random moves were chosen, we set the agent to play against itself, iteratively collecting game data, that was then used to train a new agent. With each iteration, the quality of the training data improved, as did the agent’s ability to play the game.

The ML agent’s performance against our best hand-crafted AI as training progressed. The initial ML agent (version 0) picked moves randomly.

For the actual game state representation that the model would receive as input, we found that passing an “image” encoding to the CNN resulted in the best performance, beating all benchmark procedural agents and other types of networks (e.g. fully connected). The chosen model architecture is small enough to run on a CPU in reasonable time, which allowed us to download the model weights and run the agent live in a Chimera game client using Unity Barracuda.

An example game state representation used to train the neural network.
In addition to making decisions for the game AI, we also used the model to display the estimated win probability for a player over the course of the game.

Balancing Chimera
This approach enabled us to simulate millions more games than real players would be capable of playing in the same time span. After collecting data from the games played by the best-performing agents, we analyzed the results to find imbalances between the two of the player decks we had designed.

First, the Evasion Link Gen deck was composed of spells and creatures with abilities that generated extra link energy used to evolve a player’s chimera. It also contained spells that enabled creatures to evade attacks. In contrast, the Damage-Heal deck contained creatures of variable strength with spells that focused on healing and inflicting minor damage. Although we had designed these decks to be of equal strength, the Evasion Link Gen deck was winning 60% of the time when played against the Damage-Heal deck.

When we collected various stats related to biomes, creatures, spells, and chimera evolutions, two things immediately jumped out at us:

  1. There was a clear advantage in evolving a chimera — the agent won a majority of the games where it evolved its chimera more than the opponent did. Yet, the average number of evolves per game did not meet our expectations. To make it more of a core game mechanic, we wanted to increase the overall average number of evolves while keeping its usage strategic.
  2. The T-Rex creature was overpowered. Its appearances correlated strongly with wins, and the model would always play the T-Rex regardless of penalties for summoning into an incorrect or overcrowded biome.

From these insights, we made some adjustments to the game. To emphasize chimera evolution as a core mechanism in the game, we decreased the amount of link energy required to evolve a chimera from 3 to 1. We also added a “cool-off” period to the T-Rex creature, doubling the time it took to recover from any of its actions.

Repeating our ‘self-play’ training procedure with the updated rules, we observed that these changes pushed the game in the desired direction — the average number of evolves per game increased, and the T-Rex’s dominance faded.

One example comparison of the T-Rex’s influence before and after balancing. The charts present the number of games won (or lost) when a deck initiates a particular spell interaction (e.g., using the “Dodge” spell to benefit a T-Rex). Left: Before the changes, the T-Rex had a strong influence in every metric examined — highest survival rate, most likely to be summoned ignoring penalties, most absorbed creature during wins. Right: After the changes, the T-Rex was much less overpowered.

By weakening the T-Rex, we successfully reduced the Evasion Link Gen deck’s reliance on an overpowered creature. Even so, the win ratio between the decks remained at 60/40 rather than 50/50. A closer look at the individual game logs revealed that the gameplay was often less strategic than we would have liked. Searching through our gathered data again, we found several more areas to introduce changes in.

To start, we increased the starting health of both players as well as the amount of health that healing spells could replenish. This was to encourage longer games that would allow a more diverse set of strategies to flourish. In particular, this enabled the Damage-Heal deck to survive long enough to take advantage of its healing strategy. To encourage proper summoning and strategic biome placement, we increased the existing penalties on playing creatures into incorrect or overcrowded biomes. And finally, we decreased the gap between the strongest and weakest creatures through minor attribute adjustments.

New adjustments in place, we arrived at the final game balance stats for these two decks:

Deck Avg # evolves per game    
(before → after)    
Win % (1M games)
(before → after)
Evasion Link Gen     1.54 → 2.16     59.1% → 49.8%
Damage Heal 0.86 → 1.76     40.9% → 50.2%

Normally, identifying imbalances in a newly prototyped game can take months of playtesting. With this approach, we were able to not only discover potential imbalances but also introduce tweaks to mitigate them in a span of days. We found that a relatively simple neural network was sufficient to reach high level performance against humans and traditional game AI. These agents could be leveraged in further ways, such as for coaching new players or discovering unexpected strategies. We hope this work will inspire more exploration in the possibilities of machine learning for game development.

This project was conducted in collaboration with many people. Thanks to Ryan Poplin, Maxwell Hannaman, Taylor Steil, Adam Prins, Michal Todorovic, Xuefan Zhou, Aaron Cammarata, Andeep Toor, Trung Le, Erin Hoffman-John, and Colin Boswell. Thanks to everyone who contributed through playtesting, advising on game design, and giving valuable feedback.


Build Your Own AI-Powered Q&A Service

You can now build your own AI-powered Q&A service with the step-by-step instructions provided in this four-part blog series.

Conversational AI, the ability for machines to understand and respond to human queries, is being widely adopted across industries as enterprises see the value of this technology through solutions like chatbots and virtual assistants to better support their customers while lowering the cost of customer service. 

You can now build your own AI-powered Q&A service with the step-by-step instructions provided in this four-part blog series. All the software resources you will need, from the deep learning frameworks to pre-trained models to inference engines are available from the NVIDIA NGC catalog – a hub of GPU-optimized software.

The blog series walks through:

  1. Part 1: Leveraging pre-trained models to build custom models with your training dataset 
  2. Part 2: Optimizing the custom model to provide lower latency and higher throughput 
  3. Part 3: Running inference on your custom models 
  4. Part 4: Deploying the virtual assistant in the cloud 

While the blog instructions use GPU-powered cloud instances, these instructions will work for on-prem systems as well.

Build your virtual assistant today with these instructions or join us at NVIDIA GTC for free on April 13th for our session “Accelerating AI Workflows at GTC” to learn step-by-step how to build a conversational AI solution using artifacts from the NGC catalog.