
Reconstructing indoor spaces with NeRF

When choosing a venue, we often find ourselves with questions like the following: Does this restaurant have the right vibe for a date? Is there good outdoor seating? Are there enough screens to watch the game? While photos and videos may partially answer questions like these, they are no substitute for feeling like you’re there, even when visiting in person isn’t an option.

Immersive experiences that are interactive, photorealistic, and multi-dimensional stand to bridge this gap and recreate the feel and vibe of a space, empowering users to naturally and intuitively find the information they need. To help with this, Google Maps launched Immersive View, which uses advances in machine learning (ML) and computer vision to fuse billions of Street View and aerial images to create a rich, digital model of the world. Beyond that, it layers helpful information on top, like the weather, traffic, and how busy a place is. Immersive View provides indoor views of restaurants, cafes, and other venues to give users a virtual up-close look that can help them confidently decide where to go.

Today we describe the work put into delivering these indoor views in Immersive View. We build on neural radiance fields (NeRF), a state-of-the-art approach for fusing photos to produce a realistic, multi-dimensional reconstruction within a neural network. We describe our pipeline for creation of NeRFs, which includes custom photo capture of the space using DSLR cameras, image processing and scene reproduction. We take advantage of Alphabet’s recent advances in the field to design a method matching or outperforming the prior state-of-the-art in visual fidelity. These models are then embedded as interactive 360° videos following curated flight paths, enabling them to be available on smartphones.

The reconstruction of The Seafood Bar in Amsterdam in Immersive View.

From photos to NeRFs

At the core of our work is NeRF, a recently-developed method for 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Given a collection of photos describing a scene, NeRF distills these photos into a neural field, which can then be used to render photos from viewpoints not present in the original collection.

While NeRF largely solves the challenge of reconstruction, a user-facing product based on real-world data brings a wide variety of challenges to the table. For example, reconstruction quality and user experience should remain consistent across venues, from dimly-lit bars to sidewalk cafes to hotel restaurants. At the same time, privacy should be respected and any potentially personally identifiable information should be removed. Importantly, scenes should be captured consistently and efficiently, reliably resulting in high-quality reconstructions while minimizing the effort needed to capture the necessary photographs. Finally, the same natural experience should be available to all mobile users, regardless of the device on hand.

The Immersive View indoor reconstruction pipeline.

Capture & preprocessing

The first step to producing a high-quality NeRF is the careful capture of a scene: a dense collection of photos from which 3D geometry and color can be derived. To obtain the best possible reconstruction quality, every surface should be observed from multiple different directions. The more information a model has about an object’s surface, the better it will be in discovering the object’s shape and the way it interacts with lights.

In addition, NeRF models place further assumptions on the camera and the scene itself. For example, most of the camera’s properties, such as white balance and aperture, are assumed to be fixed throughout the capture. Likewise, the scene itself is assumed to be frozen in time: lighting changes and movement should be avoided. This must be balanced with practical concerns, including the time needed for the capture, available lighting, equipment weight, and privacy. In partnership with professional photographers, we developed a strategy for quickly and reliably capturing venue photos using DSLR cameras within only an hour timeframe. This approach has been used for all of our NeRF reconstructions to date.

Once the capture is uploaded to our system, processing begins. As photos may inadvertently contain sensitive information, we automatically scan and blur personally identifiable content. We then apply a structure-from-motion pipeline to solve for each photo’s camera parameters: its position and orientation relative to other photos, along with lens properties like focal length. These parameters associate each pixel with a point and a direction in 3D space and constitute a key signal in the NeRF reconstruction process.

NeRF reconstruction

Unlike many ML models, a new NeRF model is trained from scratch on each captured location. To obtain the best possible reconstruction quality within a target compute budget, we incorporate features from a variety of published works on NeRF developed at Alphabet. Some of these include:

  • We build on mip-NeRF 360, one of the best-performing NeRF models to date. While more computationally intensive than Nvidia’s widely-used Instant NGP, we find the mip-NeRF 360 consistently produces fewer artifacts and higher reconstruction quality.
  • We incorporate the low-dimensional generative latent optimization (GLO) vectors introduced in NeRF in the Wild as an auxiliary input to the model’s radiance network. These are learned real-valued latent vectors that embed appearance information for each image. By assigning each image in its own latent vector, the model can capture phenomena such as lighting changes without resorting to cloudy geometry, a common artifact in casual NeRF captures.
  • We also incorporate exposure conditioning as introduced in Block-NeRF. Unlike GLO vectors, which are uninterpretable model parameters, exposure is directly derived from a photo’s metadata and fed as an additional input to the model’s radiance network. This offers two major benefits: it opens up the possibility of varying ISO and provides a method for controlling an image’s brightness at inference time. We find both properties invaluable for capturing and reconstructing dimly-lit venues.

We train each NeRF model on TPU or GPU accelerators, which provide different trade-off points. As with all Google products, we continue to search for new ways to improve, from reducing compute requirements to improving reconstruction quality.

A side-by-side comparison of our method and a mip-NeRF 360 baseline.

A scalable user experience

Once a NeRF is trained, we have the ability to produce new photos of a scene from any viewpoint and camera lens we choose. Our goal is to deliver a meaningful and helpful user experience: not only the reconstructions themselves, but guided, interactive tours that give users the freedom to naturally explore spaces from the comfort of their smartphones.

To this end, we designed a controllable 360° video player that emulates flying through an indoor space along a predefined path, allowing the user to freely look around and travel forward or backwards. As the first Google product exploring this new technology, 360° videos were chosen as the format to deliver the generated content for a few reasons.

On the technical side, real-time inference and baked representations are still resource intensive on a per-client basis (either on device or cloud computed), and relying on them would limit the number of users able to access this experience. By using videos, we are able to scale the storage and delivery of videos to all users by taking advantage of the same video management and serving infrastructure used by YouTube. On the operations side, videos give us clearer editorial control over the exploration experience and are easier to inspect for quality in large volumes.

While we had considered capturing the space with a 360° camera directly, using a NeRF to reconstruct and render the space has several advantages. A virtual camera can fly anywhere in space, including over obstacles and through windows, and can use any desired camera lens. The camera path can also be edited post-hoc for smoothness and speed, unlike a live recording. A NeRF capture also does not require the use of specialized camera hardware.

Our 360° videos are rendered by ray casting through each pixel of a virtual, spherical camera and compositing the visible elements of the scene. Each video follows a smooth path defined by a sequence of keyframe photos taken by the photographer during capture. The position of the camera for each picture is computed during structure-from-motion, and the sequence of pictures is smoothly interpolated into a flight path.

To keep speed consistent across different venues, we calibrate the distances for each by capturing pairs of images, each of which is 3 meters apart. By knowing measurements in the space, we scale the generated model, and render all videos at a natural velocity.

The final experience is surfaced to the user within Immersive View: the user can seamlessly fly into restaurants and other indoor venues and discover the space by flying through the photorealistic 360° videos.

Open research questions

We believe that this feature is the first step of many in a journey towards universally accessible, AI-powered, immersive experiences. From a NeRF research perspective, more questions remain open. Some of these include:

  1. Enhancing reconstructions with scene segmentation, adding semantic information to the scenes that could make scenes, for example, searchable and easier to navigate.
  2. Adapting NeRF to outdoor photo collections, in addition to indoor. In doing so, we’d unlock similar experiences to every corner of the world and change how users could experience the outdoor world.
  3. Enabling real-time, interactive 3D exploration through neural-rendering on-device.

Reconstruction of an outdoor scene with a NeRF model trained on Street View panoramas.

As we continue to grow, we look forward to engaging with and contributing to the community to build the next generation of immersive experiences.


This work is a collaboration across multiple teams at Google. Contributors to the project include Jon Barron, Julius Beres, Daniel Duckworth, Roman Dudko, Magdalena Filak, Mike Harm, Peter Hedman, Claudio Martella, Ben Mildenhall, Cardin Moffett, Etienne Pot, Konstantinos Rematas, Yves Sallat, Marcos Seefelder, Lilyana Sirakovat, Sven Tresp and Peter Zhizhin.

Also, we’d like to extend our thanks to Luke Barrington, Daniel Filip, Tom Funkhouser, Charles Goran, Pramod Gupta, Mario Lučić, Isalo Montacute and Dan Thomasset for valuable feedback and suggestions.


How to Get Better Outputs from Your Large Language Model

Large language models (LLMs) have generated excitement worldwide due to their ability to understand and process human language at a scale that is unprecedented….

Large language models (LLMs) have generated excitement worldwide due to their ability to understand and process human language at a scale that is unprecedented. It has transformed the way that we interact with technology.

Having been trained on a vast corpus of text, LLMs can manipulate and generate text for a wide variety of applications without much instruction or training. However, the quality of this generated output is heavily dependent on the instruction that you give the model, which is referred to as a prompt. What does this mean for you? Interacting with the models today is the art of designing a prompt rather than engineering the model architecture or training data.

Dealing with LLMs can come at a cost given the expertise and resources required to build and train your models. NVIDIA NeMo offers pretrained language models that can be flexibly adapted to solve almost any language processing task while we can focus entirely on the art of getting the best outputs from the available LLMs.

In this post, I discuss a few ways of getting around with LLMs, so that you can make the best out of them. For more information about getting started with LLMs, see An Introduction to Large Language Models: Prompt Engineering and P-Tuning.

Mechanism behind prompting

Before I get into the strategies to generate optimal outputs, step back and understand what happens when you prompt a model. The prompt is broken down into smaller chunks called tokens and is sent as input to the LLM, which then generates the next possible tokens based on the prompt.


LLMs interpret the textual data as tokens. Tokens are words or chunks of characters. For example, the word “sandwich” would be broken down into the tokens “sand” and “wich”, whereas common words like “time” and “like” would be a single token.

NeMo uses byte-pair encoding to create these tokens. The prompt is broken down into a list of tokens that are taken as input by the LLM.


Behind the curtains, the model first generates logits for each possible output token. Logits are a function that represents probability values from 0 to 1, and negative infinity to infinity. Those logits then are passed to a softmax function to generate probabilities for each possible output, giving you a probability distribution over the vocabulary. Here is the softmax equation for calculating the actual probability of a token:

P(token_k | token_context) = frac{exp(logit_k)}{sigma_j exp(logit_j)}

In the formula, P(token_k | token_context) is probability of token_k given the context from previous tokens (token_1 to token_k-1 and logit_k is the output of the neural network

The model would then select the most likely word and add it to the prompt sequence.

Diagram shows the flow of a prompt, “The sky is” through an LLM with the probabilites calculated for tokens “blue”, “clear”, “usually”, and “the”, with the completed sentence,
Figure 1. General working flow of an LLM predicting the next word

While the model decides what is the most probable output, you can influence those probabilities by turning some model parameter knobs up and down. In the next section, I discuss what those parameters are and how to tune them to get the best outputs.

Tweak the parameters

To unlock the full potential of LLMs, explore the art of refining the outputs. Here are the key parameter categories to consider tweaking:

  • Let the model know when to stop
  • Predictability vs. creativity
  • Reducing repetition

Play around with these parameters and figure out the best combinations that work for your specific use case. In many cases, experimenting with the temperature parameter can get what you might need. However, if you have something specific and want more granular control over the output, start experimenting with the other ones.

Let the model know when to stop

There are parameters that can guide the model to decide when to stop generating any further text:

  • Number of tokens
  • Stop words

Number of tokens

Earlier, I mentioned that the LLM is focused on generating the next token given the sequence of tokens. The model does this in a loop appending the predicted token to the input sequence. You wouldn’t want the LLM to go on and on.

While there is a limit to the number of tokens ranging from 2048 to 4096 that NeMo models can accept for now, I don’t recommend hitting these limits as the model may generate off responses.

Stop words

Stop words are a set of character sequences that tells the model to stop generating any additional text, even if the output length has not reached the specified token limit.

This is another way to control the length of the output. For example, if the model is prompted to complete the following sentence “Sky is blue, lemons are yellow and limes are” and you specify the stop word as just “.”, the model stops after finishing just this sentence, even if the token limit is higher than the generated sequence (Figure 2).

Screenshot of a simple sentence completion task with the prompt “Sky is blue, lemons are yellow and limes are”. The last highlighted word “green.” with period demonstrates the use of using “.” as a stop word.
Figure 2. Sentence completion in NeMo service playground using “.” as a stop word

It is especially useful to design a stopping template in a few-shot setting so the model can learn to stop appropriately upon completing an intended task. Figure 3 shows separating examples with the string “===” and passing that as the stop word.

Screenshot to demonstrate the role of stop words with a prompt template containing few-shot examples to generate headlines given the product description.
Figure 3. Using stop words with a few-shot prompt

Predictability vs. creativity

Given a prompt, it is possible to generate different outputs based on the parameters you set. Based on the application of the LLM, you can choose to increase or decrease the creative ability of the model. Here are a few of these parameters that can help you do so:

  • Temperature
  • Top-k and Top-p
  • Beam search width


This parameter controls the creative ability of your model. As discussed earlier, while generating the next token in the input sequence, the model comes up with a probability distribution. The temperature parameter adjusts the shape of this distribution, leading to more diversity in the generated text.

At a lower temperature, the model is more conservative and is limited to choosing tokens with higher probabilities. As you increase the temperature, that limit gets lenient, allowing the model to choose lesser probable words, resulting in more unpredictable and creative text.

Figure 4 shows tasking the model to complete the sentence starting with “The ocean” where you set the temperature to 0.1.

Screenshot of the ocean prompt with temperature = 0.1 and output, “The ocean is a big place and there are a lot of fish in it.”
Figure 4. Sentence generation at temperature = 0.1 using the NeMo service playground

When you think of completing such a phrase, you would probably think of phrases like “…is huge” or “…is blue”. The output is pretty much a simple fact that the ocean is big with lots of fish.

Now, try this again with the temperature setting at 1 (Figure 5).

Screenshot of the ocean prompt with temperature = 1, and output, “The ocean in that corner of the world is as much a part of our lives as your breath.”
Figure 5. Sentence generation at temperature = 1 using the NeMo service playground

The model started to give you analogies that you commonly don’t think of. Higher temperatures are suitable for tasks that require creative writing like poems and stories. But beware that the generated text can sometimes also turn out nonsensical. Lower temperatures are suitable for more definitive tasks like question-answering or summarization.

I recommend experimenting with different temperature values to find the best temperature for your use case. The range [0.5, 0.8] should be a good starting point in the NeMo service playground.

Top-k and Top-p

These two parameters also control the randomness of selecting the next token. Top-k tells the model that it has to keep the top k highest probability tokens, from which the next token is selected at random. Lower values reduce randomness as you are clipping off less likely tokens generating predictable text. If k is set to 0, Top-k is not used. When set to 1, it is always going to select the most probable token next.

There can be cases when the probability distribution for the possible token could be broad where there are so many tokens that are likely. There can also be cases where the distribution is narrow where there are only a few tokens that are more likely.

Bar chart for a sentence completion task with two different prompts: one that generates a border distribution of probabilities and the other with a narrower distribution.
Figure 6. Probability distributions types for the generated LLM output

You probably don’t want to strictly restrict the model to just select the top k tokens in the broader distribution scenario. To address this, parameter top-p can be used where the model picks at random from the highest probability tokens whose probabilities sum to or exceed the top-p value. If top-p is set to 0.9, one of the following scenarios may occur:

  • In the broader distribution example, it may consider the top 50 tokens whose sum of probabilities that are equal to or exceed 0.9.
  • In the narrow distribution scenario, you may exceed 0.9 with just the top two tokens. This way, you are avoiding picking from the random tokens, while still preserving the variety.

Beam search width

This is another helpful parameter that can control the diversity of outputs. Beam search is an algorithm commonly used in many NLP and speech recognition models as a final decision-making step to choose the best output given the possible options. Beam search width is a parameter that determines the number of candidates that the algorithm should consider at each step in the search.

Higher values increase the chance of finding a good output, but that also comes at the cost of more computation.

Reducing repetition

Sometimes, repeated text might not be desirable in the output. If this is the case, use the repetition penalty parameter to help reduce repetition.

Repetition penalty

This parameter can help penalize tokens based on how frequently they occur in the text, including the input prompt. A token that has already appeared five times is penalized more heavily than a token that has appeared only one time. A value of 1 means that there is no penalty and values larger than 1 discourage repeated tokens.

Few-shot strategies for effective prompt design

Prompt design is crucial for generating relevant and coherent outputs from the LLMs. Having strategies for effective prompt design can help create prompts that are relevant while avoiding common pitfalls like bias, ambiguity, or lack of specificity. In this section, I share some key strategies for effective prompt design.

Prompt with constraints

Constraining the model’s behavior through careful prompt design can be quite useful. You know that language models at their core are trying to predict the next word in a sequence. A task description that makes perfect sense to a human might not be understood by the language model. This is why few-shot learning often works well: as you demonstrate a pattern to the model, it does a good job adhering to it.

Consider the following prompt, “Translate English to French: Today is a beautiful day.”

With this prompt, the model would likely try to continue the sentence or add more sentences rather than performing the translation. Changing the prompt to, “Translate this English sentence to French: Today is a beautiful day.” increases the likelihood of the model understanding this task as a translation task and generates a more reliable output.

Characters matter!

As you saw in the previous translation example, small changes can lead to varied outputs. Another thing to note is tokens are often generated with a leading space, so characters like space and next line can also affect your outputs. If a prompt is not working out, try changing the way that you structured it.

Consider certain phrases

Often when you want your model to answer your prompts logically and arrive at accurate conclusions or simply to make the model achieve a certain outcome, you can consider using the following phrases:

  • Let us think this through step by step: This encourages the model to approach a problem logically and arrive at accurate answers. This style of prompting is also known as chain-of-thought promoting (CoT).
  • In the style of : This matches the style of the notable person’s writing. For example, to generate text like Shakespeare or Edgar Allen Poe, add this to the prompt and the generation will closely match their writing style.
  • As a : This helps the model understand the context of the question better. With a better understanding, the model often gives better answers.

Prompt with generated knowledge

To obtain more accurate answers, you can prompt the LLM to generate potentially useful knowledge about a given question before generating a final answer (Figure 7).

Screenshot shows a question, “Part of golf is trying to get a higher point total than others. Yes or no?” The model answered incorrectly as, “Yes”.
Figure 7. Question-answer prompt where the answer is incorrect

This type of mistake shows that LLMs sometimes require more knowledge to answer a question. The next examples show generating a few facts about golf scoring in a few-shot setting.

Screenshot shows the generation of knowledge given an input in a few-shot setting, where you prompt to generate knowledge on how to score in golf.
Figure 8. Generating knowledge around the prompt

Integrate this knowledge into the prompt and ask the question again.

Screenshot shows the integration of the generated knowledge as part of the original clarifying question on scoring in golf, with the correct answer, “No”.
Figure 9. Question-answer task with the correct answer post-knowledge integration

The model confidently answered “No” to the same question. This is a simple demonstration of this kind of prompting. However, there are some more details to consider before arriving at the final answer. For more information, see Generated Knowledge Prompting for Commonsense Reasoning.

In practice, you generate multiple answers and select the most frequently occurring answer as the final one.

Experiment with it!

The best way to write prompts that fit your use case is to experiment and play around. It is a learning experience to engineer a prompt that can get you the right outputs, whether it’s how you write it or the way you set model parameters.

The NeMo service playground can help you test out your prompts and craft your use case. If you are interested in accessing the playground, see NVIDIA NeMo Service.


In this post, I shared ways to generate better outputs from LLMs. I discussed how model parameters could be tweaked to get desired outputs and some strategies to engineer your prompts.

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Enabling delightful user experiences via predictive models of human attention

People have the remarkable ability to take in a tremendous amount of information (estimated to be ~1010 bits/s entering the retina) and selectively attend to a few task-relevant and interesting regions for further processing (e.g., memory, comprehension, action). Modeling human attention (the result of which is often called a saliency model) has therefore been of interest across the fields of neuroscience, psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI) and computer vision. The ability to predict which regions are likely to attract attention has numerous important applications in areas like graphics, photography, image compression and processing, and the measurement of visual quality.

We’ve previously discussed the possibility of accelerating eye movement research using machine learning and smartphone-based gaze estimation, which earlier required specialized hardware costing up to $30,000 per unit. Related research includes “Look to Speak”, which helps users with accessibility needs (e.g., people with ALS) to communicate with their eyes, and the recently published “Differentially private heatmaps” technique to compute heatmaps, like those for attention, while protecting users’ privacy.

In this blog, we present two papers (one from CVPR 2022, and one just accepted to CVPR 2023) that highlight our recent research in the area of human attention modeling: “Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction” and “Learning from Unique Perspectives: User-aware Saliency Modeling”, together with recent research on saliency driven progressive loading for image compression (1, 2). We showcase how predictive models of human attention can enable delightful user experiences such as image editing to minimize visual clutter, distraction or artifacts, image compression for faster loading of webpages or apps, and guiding ML models towards more intuitive human-like interpretation and model performance. We focus on image editing and image compression, and discuss recent advances in modeling in the context of these applications.

Attention-guided image editing

Human attention models usually take an image as input (e.g., a natural image or a screenshot of a webpage), and predict a heatmap as output. The predicted heatmap on the image is evaluated against ground-truth attention data, which are typically collected by an eye tracker or approximated via mouse hovering/clicking. Previous models leveraged handcrafted features for visual clues, like color/brightness contrast, edges, and shape, while more recent approaches automatically learn discriminative features based on deep neural networks, from convolutional and recurrent neural networks to more recent vision transformer networks.

In “Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction” (more information on this project site), we leverage deep saliency models for dramatic yet visually realistic edits, which can significantly change an observer’s attention to different image regions. For example, removing distracting objects in the background can reduce clutter in photos, leading to increased user satisfaction. Similarly, in video conferencing, reducing clutter in the background may increase focus on the main speaker (example demo here).

To explore what types of editing effects can be achieved and how these affect viewers’ attention, we developed an optimization framework for guiding visual attention in images using a differentiable, predictive saliency model. Our method employs a state-of-the-art deep saliency model. Given an input image and a binary mask representing the distractor regions, pixels within the mask will be edited under the guidance of the predictive saliency model such that the saliency within the masked region is reduced. To make sure the edited image is natural and realistic, we carefully choose four image editing operators: two standard image editing operations, namely recolorization and image warping (shift); and two learned operators (we do not define the editing operation explicitly), namely a multi-layer convolution filter, and a generative model (GAN).

With those operators, our framework can produce a variety of powerful effects, with examples in the figure below, including recoloring, inpainting, camouflage, object editing or insertion, and facial attribute editing. Importantly, all these effects are driven solely by the single, pre-trained saliency model, without any additional supervision or training. Note that our goal is not to compete with dedicated methods for producing each effect, but rather to demonstrate how multiple editing operations can be guided by the knowledge embedded within deep saliency models.

Examples of reducing visual distractions, guided by the saliency model with several operators. The distractor region is marked on top of the saliency map (red border) in each example.

Enriching experiences with user-aware saliency modeling

Prior research assumes a single saliency model for the whole population. However, human attention varies between individuals — while the detection of salient clues is fairly consistent, their order, interpretation, and gaze distributions can differ substantially. This offers opportunities to create personalized user experiences for individuals or groups. In “Learning from Unique Perspectives: User-aware Saliency Modeling”, we introduce a user-aware saliency model, the first that can predict attention for one user, a group of users, and the general population, with a single model.

As shown in the figure below, core to the model is the combination of each participant’s visual preferences with a per-user attention map and adaptive user masks. This requires per-user attention annotations to be available in the training data, e.g., the OSIE mobile gaze dataset for natural images; FiWI and WebSaliency datasets for web pages. Instead of predicting a single saliency map representing attention of all users, this model predicts per-user attention maps to encode individuals’ attention patterns. Further, the model adopts a user mask (a binary vector with the size equal to the number of participants) to indicate the presence of participants in the current sample, which makes it possible to select a group of participants and combine their preferences into a single heatmap.

An overview of the user aware saliency model framework. The example image is from OSIE image set.

During inference, the user mask allows making predictions for any combination of participants. In the following figure, the first two rows are attention predictions for two different groups of participants (with three people in each group) on an image. A conventional attention prediction model will predict identical attention heatmaps. Our model can distinguish the two groups (e.g., the second group pays less attention to the face and more attention to the food than the first). Similarly, the last two rows are predictions on a webpage for two distinctive participants, with our model showing different preferences (e.g., the second participant pays more attention to the left region than the first).

Predicted attention vs. ground truth (GT). EML-Net: predictions from a state-of-the-art model, which will have the same predictions for the two participants/groups. Ours: predictions from our proposed user aware saliency model, which can predict the unique preference of each participant/group correctly. The first image is from OSIE image set, and the second is from FiWI.

Progressive image decoding centered on salient features

Besides image editing, human attention models can also improve users’ browsing experience. One of the most frustrating and annoying user experiences while browsing is waiting for web pages with images to load, especially in conditions with low network connectivity. One way to improve the user experience in such cases is with progressive decoding of images, which decodes and displays increasingly higher-resolution image sections as data are downloaded, until the full-resolution image is ready. Progressive decoding usually proceeds in a sequential order (e.g., left to right, top to bottom). With a predictive attention model (1, 2), we can instead decode images based on saliency, making it possible to send the data necessary to display details of the most salient regions first. For example, in a portrait, bytes for the face can be prioritized over those for the out-of-focus background. Consequently, users perceive better image quality earlier and experience significantly reduced wait times. More details can be found in our open source blog posts (post 1, post 2). Thus, predictive attention models can help with image compression and faster loading of web pages with images, improve rendering for large images and streaming/VR applications.


We’ve shown how predictive models of human attention can enable delightful user experiences via applications such as image editing that can reduce clutter, distractions or artifacts in images or photos for users, and progressive image decoding that can greatly reduce the perceived waiting time for users while images are fully rendered. Our user-aware saliency model can further personalize the above applications for individual users or groups, enabling richer and more unique experiences.

Another interesting direction for predictive attention models is whether they can help improve robustness of computer vision models in tasks such as object classification or detection. For example, in “Teacher-generated spatial-attention labels boost robustness and accuracy of contrastive models”, we show that a predictive human attention model can guide contrastive learning models to achieve better representation and improve the accuracy/robustness of classification tasks (on the ImageNet and ImageNet-C datasets). Further research in this direction could enable applications such as using radiologist’s attention on medical images to improve health screening or diagnosis, or using human attention in complex driving scenarios to guide autonomous driving systems.


This work involved collaborative efforts from a multidisciplinary team of software engineers, researchers, and cross-functional contributors. We’d like to thank all the co-authors of the papers/research, including Kfir Aberman, Gamaleldin F. Elsayed, Moritz Firsching, Shi Chen, Nachiappan Valliappan, Yushi Yao, Chang Ye, Yossi Gandelsman, Inbar Mosseri, David E. Jacobes, Yael Pritch, Shaolei Shen, and Xinyu Ye. We also want to thank team members Oscar Ramirez, Venky Ramachandran and Tim Fujita for their help. Finally, we thank Vidhya Navalpakkam for her technical leadership in initiating and overseeing this body of work.


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Distributed Deep Learning Made Easy with Spark 3.4

Deep learning abstractApache Spark is an industry-leading platform for distributed extract, transform, and load (ETL) workloads on large-scale data. However, with the advent of deep…Deep learning abstract

Apache Spark is an industry-leading platform for distributed extract, transform, and load (ETL) workloads on large-scale data. However, with the advent of deep learning (DL), many Spark practitioners have sought to add DL models to their data processing pipelines across a variety of use cases like sales predictions, content recommendations, sentiment analysis, and fraud detection.

Yet, combining DL training and inference with large-scale data has historically been a challenge for Spark users. Most of the DL frameworks were designed for single-node environments, and their distributed training and inference APIs were often added as an after-thought.

To help solve this disconnect between the single-node DL environments and large-scale distributed environments, there are multiple third-party solutions such as Horovod-on-Spark, TensorFlowOnSpark, and SparkTorch. But, since these solutions were not natively built into Spark, users must evaluate each platform against their own needs.

With the release of Spark 3.4, users now have access to built-in APIs for both distributed model training and model inference at scale, as detailed below.

Distributed training

For distributed training, there is a new TorchDistributor API for PyTorch, which follows the spark-tensorflow-distributor API for TensorFlow. These simplify the migration of distributed DL model training code to Spark by taking advantage of Spark’s barrier execution mode to spawn the distributed DL cluster nodes on top of the Spark executors. 

Once the DL cluster has been started by Spark, control is essentially handed off to the DL frameworks through the main_fn that was passed to the TorchDistributor API.

As shown in the following code, only minimal code changes are required to run standard distributed DL training on Spark with this new API.

from import TorchDistributor

def main_fn(checkpoint_dir):
    # standard distributed PyTorch code

# Set num_processes = NUM_WORKERS * NUM_GPUS_PER_WORKER
output_dist = TorchDistributor(num_processes=2, local_mode=False, use_gpu=True).run(main_fn, checkpoint_dir)

Once launched, the processes running on the executors rely on the built-in distributed training APIs of their respective DL frameworks. There should be few or no modifications required to port existing distributed training code to Spark. The processes can then communicate with each other during training and also directly access the distributed file system associated with the Spark cluster (Figure 1).

Diagram showing distributed training using TorchDistributor API. The TorchDistributor class is instantiated on the driver with a DL training main function as an argument. The main function is launched on each executor, where it can communicate directly with peers and also read directly from the distributed file system.
Figure 1. Distributed training using TorchDistributor API

However, this ease of migration also means that these APIs do not use Spark RDDs or DataFrames for data transfer. While this removes any need to translate or serialize data between Spark and the DL frameworks, it also requires that any Spark preprocessing is done and persisted to storage before launching the training job. The main training functions may also need to be adapted to read from a distributed file system instead of a local store.

Distributed inference

For distributed inference, there is a new predict_batch_udf API, which builds on the Spark Pandas UDF to provide a simpler interface for DL model inference. Pandas UDFs provide several advantages over row-based UDFs, including faster serialization of data through Apache Arrow and faster vectorized operations through Pandas. For more details, see Introducing Pandas UDF for PySpark.

However, while the Pandas UDF API may be a great solution for ETL use cases, it is still not ideal for DL inference use cases. First, the Pandas UDF API presents the data as a Pandas Series or DataFrame, which again is suitable for performing ETL operations like selection, sorting, math transforms, and aggregations. 

Yet most DL frameworks expect either NumPy arrays or standard Python arrays as input, and these are often wrapped by custom Tensor variables. So, at a minimum, a Pandas UDF implementation needs to translate the incoming Pandas data to NumPy arrays. Unfortunately, the exact translation can vary greatly depending on the use case and dataset.

Next, the Pandas UDF API generally operates on partitions of data whose size is determined by either the original writer of the dataset or the distributed file system.  As such, it can be difficult to properly batch incoming data for optimal compute.

Finally, there is still the issue of loading the DL models across the Spark executors and tasks.  In a normal Spark ETL job, the workload follows a functional programming paradigm, where stateless functions can be applied against the data.  However, for DL inference, the predict function typically needs to load its DL model weights from disk.  

Spark has the capability to serialize variables from the driver to the executors through task serialization and broadcast variables. However, these both rely on Python pickle serialization, which may not work for all DL models. Additionally, loading and serializing very large models can be extremely costly for performance, if not done properly.

Addressing current limitations

To solve these problems, the predict_batch_udf introduces standardized code for:

  • Translating Spark DataFrames into NumPy arrays, so the end-user DL inferencing code does not need to convert from a Pandas DataFrame.
  • Batching the incoming NumPy arrays for the DL frameworks.
  • Model loading on the executors, which avoids any model serialization issues, while leveraging the Spark spark.python.worker.reuse configuration to cache models in the Spark executors.

The code presented below demonstrates how this new API hides the complexity of translating DL inferencing code to Spark. The user simply defines a make_predict_fn function, using standard DL APIs, to load the model and return a predict function. Then, the predict_batch_udf function generates a standard PandasUDF, which takes care of everything else behind the scenes.

from import predict_batch_udf

def make_predict_fn():
    # load model from checkpoint
    import torch    
    device = torch.device("cuda")
    model = Net().to(device)
    checkpoint = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)

    # define predict function in terms of numpy arrays
    def predict(inputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        torch_inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs).to(device)
        outputs = model(torch_inputs)
        return outputs.cpu().detach().numpy()
    return predict

# create standard PandasUDF from predict function
mnist = predict_batch_udf(make_predict_fn,

df ="/path/to/test/data")
preds = df.withColumn("preds", mnist('data')).collect()

Note that this API uses the standard Spark DataFrame for inference, so the executors will read from the distributed file system and pass that data to your predict function (Figure 2). This also means that any processing of the data can be done inline with the model prediction, as needed.

Also note that this is a data-parallel architecture, where each executor loads the model and predicts on their portions of the dataset, so the model must fit in the executor memory.

Diagram showing distributed inference using the predict_batch_udf API, which is invoked on the driver with a user-provided predict function as an argument. The predict function is then converted into a standard Pandas UDF, which runs on the executors.
Figure 2. Distributed inference using predict_batch_udf API

End-to-end example for Spark deep learning

To try these new APIs, check out the Spark DL Training and Inference Notebook for an end-to-end example. Based on the Distributed Training E2E on Databricks Notebook from Databricks, the example notebook demonstrates:

  • How to train a MNIST model from single-node to distributed, using the new TorchDistributor API.
  • How to use the new predict_batch_udf API for distributed inference.
  • How to load training data from a distributed file store, like S3, using NVTabular.

More on deep learning inference integrations

If you are working with common DL frameworks such as Hugging Face, PyTorch, and TensorFlow, check out the example notebooks for external frameworks. These examples demonstrate the ease of using the new predict_batch_udf API and its broad applicability.

Learn more about this API at the 2023 Data+AI Summit session, An API for Deep Learning Inferencing on Apache Spark.


Create High-Quality Computer Vision Applications with Superb AI Suite and NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Tennis gameData labeling and model training are consistently ranked as the most significant challenges teams face when building an AI/ML infrastructure. Both are essential…Tennis game

Data labeling and model training are consistently ranked as the most significant challenges teams face when building an AI/ML infrastructure. Both are essential steps in the ML application development process, and if not done correctly, they can lead to inaccurate results and decreased performance. See the AI Infrastructure Ecosystem of 2022 report from the AI Infrastructure Alliance for more details.

Data labeling is essential for all forms of supervised learning, in which an entire dataset is fully labeled. It is also a key ingredient of semi-supervised learning, which combines a smaller set of labeled data with algorithms designed to automate the labeling of the rest of the dataset programmatically. Labeling is essential to computer vision, one of the most advanced and developed areas of machine learning. Despite its importance, labeling is slow because it requires scaling a distributed human labor team.

Model training is another major bottleneck in machine learning, alongside labeling. Training is slow because it involves waiting for machines to finish complex calculations. It requires teams to know about networking, distributed systems, storage, specialized processors (GPUs or TPUs), and cloud management systems (Kubernetes and Docker).

Superb AI Suite with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Superb AI has introduced a new way for computer vision teams to drastically decrease the time it takes to deliver high-quality training datasets. Instead of relying on human labelers for a majority of the data preparation workflow, teams can now implement a much more time- and cost-efficient pipeline with the Superb AI Suite.

Workflow image showing how Superb AI addresses each step in the data lifecycle.
Figure 1. Superb AI Suite provides products and services for the full data lifecycle

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, built on TensorFlow and PyTorch, is a low-code version of the TAO framework that accelerates the model development process by abstracting away the framework complexity. TAO Toolkit enables you to use the power of transfer learning to fine-tune NVIDIA pretrained models with your own data and optimize for inference.

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 4.0 allows you to train and deploy models easily using real or synthetic datasets.
Figure 2. Overview of NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 4.0

Computer vision engineers can use the Superb AI Suite and the TAO Toolkit in combination to address the challenges of data labeling and model training. More specifically, you can quickly generate labeled data in Suite and train models with TAO to perform specific computer vision tasks, whether classification, detection, or segmentation.

Prepare a computer vision dataset 

This post demonstrates how to use Superb AI Suite to prepare a high-quality computer vision dataset that is compatible with TAO Toolkit. It walks through the process of downloading the dataset, creating a new project on Suite, uploading data to the project through Suite SDK, using Superb AI’s Auto-Label capability to quickly label the dataset, exporting the labeled dataset, and setting up a TAO Toolkit configuration to use the data. 

Step 1: Get Started with Suite SDK

First, head over to to create an account. Then follow the quick-start guide to install and authenticate Suite CLI. You should be able to install the latest version of spb-cli and retrieve the Suite Account Name / Access Key for authentication.

Step 2: Download the dataset

This tutorial works with the COCO dataset, a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset that is popular in the computer vision research community.

You can use this code snippet to download the dataset. Save it in a file called and run bash from the terminal. This will create a data/ directory that stores the COCO dataset.

The next step is to convert COCO to Suite SDK format to sample the five most frequent classes in the COCO validation 2017 dataset. This tutorial handles bounding box annotations only, but Suite can also handle polygons and key points.

You can use this code snippet to perform the conversion. Save it in a file called and run python from the terminal. This will create an upload-info.json file that stores information about the image name and annotations.

Step 3: Create a project in Suite SDK

Creating projects through Suite SDK is a work in progress. For this tutorial, create a project on the web using the Superb AI guide for project creation. Follow the configuration presented below.

Screenshot of Superb AI project creation menu in the user interface.
Figure 3. Superb AI project creation menu
  1. Choose the Image data type
  2. Set the Project Name as CocoTest
  3. Select the Annotation Type as Bounding Box
  4. Create five object classes that match the class names of COCO class names: [‘person’, ‘car’, ‘chair’, ‘book’, ‘bottle’]
Screenshot showing how to set up each object class through the setup flow.
Figure 4. At this step in the creation process, you can choose and define object classes for your project

After this process is complete, you can view the main project page, as shown in Figure 5.

Screenshot of the main platform dashboard for the Superb AI Suite
Figure 5. Superb AI Suite main dashboard

Step 4: Upload data using Suite SDK

After you finish creating the project, start uploading the data. You can use this code snippet to upload the data. Save it in a file called and run python --project CocoTest --dataset coco-dataset in the terminal. 

That means CocoTest is the project name and coco-dataset is the dataset name. This will kickstart the uploading process, which can take several hours to complete, depending on the processing power of the device. 

You can check the uploaded dataset through the Suite web page in real time, as shown in Figure 6.

Screenshot of the main dataset page in list view.
Figure 6. Monitor the uploaded dataset in real time through the Suite list view

Step 5: Label the dataset

The next step is to label the COCO dataset. To do so quickly, use Suite’s powerful automated labeling capabilities. More specifically, Auto-Label and Custom Auto-Label are both powerful tools that can boost labeling efficiency by automatically detecting objects and labeling them. 

Auto-Label is a pretrained model developed by Superb AI that detects and labels 100+ common objects, whereas Custom Auto-Label is a model trained using your own data that detects and labels niche objects.

The COCO data in this tutorial is composed of five common objects that Auto-Label is capable of labeling. Follow the guide to configure Auto-Label. The important thing to remember is that you would want to choose the MSCOCO Box CAL as the Auto-Label AI and map the object names with the respective applied objects. It can take about an hour to process all 3,283 labels in the COCO dataset.

Screenshot showing all the object class settings in the created Auto-Label
Figure 7. Object class settings in the created Auto-Label 

After the Auto-Label finishes running, you will see the difficulty of each automated labeling task: red is difficult, yellow is moderate, and green is easy. The higher the difficulty is, the more likely that the Auto-Label incorrectly labeled that image. 

This level of difficulty, or estimated uncertainty, is calculated based on factors such as small object size, bad lighting conditions, complex scenes, and so on. In a real-world situation, you can easily sort and filter labels by difficulty in order to prioritize going over labels with a higher chance of errors.

Step 6: Export the labeled dataset from the Suite

After obtaining the labeled dataset, export and download the labels. There is more to a label than just the annotation information. In order to fully use a label for training ML models, you must know additional information, such as the project configuration and meta-information about the raw data. To download all this information along with the annotation files, first request an export so that the Suite system can create a zip file for download. Follow the guide to export and download labels from the Suite.

Screenshot showing prompt to export datasets or create Auto-Labels
Figure 8. Exporting dataset through the user interface

When you export labels, a compressed zip file will be created for you to download. The export result folder will contain general information regarding the project as a whole, annotation information for each label, and the metadata for each data asset. For more details, see the Export Result Format documentation. 

Step 7: Convert the output to COCO format

Next, create a script to convert your labeled data to a format that can be input to TAO Toolkit, such as the COCO format. Note that because this tutorial uses the COCO dataset, the data is already in the COCO format. For instance, you can find the JSON file below of a random exported label:

   "objects": [
           "id": "7e9fe8ee-50c7-4d4f-9e2c-145d894a8a26",
           "class_id": "7b8205ef-b251-450c-b628-e6b9cac1a457",
           "class_name": "person",
           "annotation_type": "box",
           "annotation": {
               "multiple": false,
               "coord": {
                   "x": 275.47,
                   "y": 49.27,
                   "width": 86.39999999999998,
                   "height": 102.25
               "meta": {},
               "difficulty": 0,
               "uncertainty": 0.0045
           "properties": []
           "id": "70257635-801f-4cad-856a-ef0fdbfdf613",
           "class_id": "7b8205ef-b251-450c-b628-e6b9cac1a457",
           "class_name": "person",
           "annotation_type": "box",
           "annotation": {
               "multiple": false,
               "coord": {
                   "x": 155.64,
                   "y": 40.61,
                   "width": 98.34,
                   "height": 113.05
               "meta": {},
               "difficulty": 0,
               "uncertainty": 0.0127
           "properties": []
   "categories": {
       "properties": []
   "difficulty": 1

Step 8: Prepare the labeled data for model training 

Next, pull the COCO data from Suite into model development by using SuiteDataset. SuiteDataset makes an exported dataset within the Suite accessible through the PyTorch data pipeline. The code snippet shown below instantiates the SuiteDataset object class for your training set.

class SuiteDataset(Dataset):
   Instantiate the SuiteDataset object class for training set

   def __init__(
           team_name: str,
           access_key: str,
           project_name: str,
           export_name: str,
           train: bool,
           caching_image: bool = True,
           transforms: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
           category_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
       """Function to initialize the object class"""

       # Get project setting and export information through the SDK
       # Initialize the Python Client
       client = spb.sdk.Client(team_name=team_name, access_key=access_key, project_name=project_name)
       # Use get_export
       export_info = call_with_retry(client.get_export, name=export_name)
       # Download the export compressed file through download_url in Export
       export_data = call_with_retry(urlopen, export_info.download_url).read()

       # Load the export compressed file into memory
       with ZipFile(BytesIO(export_data), 'r') as export:
           label_files = [f for f in export.namelist() if f.startswith('labels/')]
           label_interface = json.loads('project.json', 'r').read())
           category_infos = label_interface.get('object_detection', {}).get('object_classes', [])

       cache_dir = None
       if caching_image:
           cache_dir = f'/tmp/{team_name}/{project_name}'
           os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)

       self.client = client
       self.export_data = export_data
       self.categories = [
           {'id': i + 1, 'name': cat['name'], 'type': cat['annotation_type']}
           for i, cat in enumerate(category_infos)
       self.category_id_map = {cat['id']: i + 1 for i, cat in enumerate(category_infos)}
       self.transforms = build_transforms(train, self.categories, transforms, category_names)
       self.cache_dir = cache_dir

       # Convert label_files to numpy array and use
       self.label_files = np.array(label_files).astype(np.string_)

   def __len__(self):
       """Function to return the number of label files"""
       return len(self.label_files)

   def __getitem__(self, idx):
       """Function to get an item"""
       idx = idx if idx >= 0 else len(self) + idx
       if idx = len(self):
           raise IndexError(f'index out of range')

       image_id = idx + 1
       label_file = self.label_files[idx].decode('ascii')

       # Load label information corresponding to idx from the export compressed file into memory
       with ZipFile(BytesIO(self.export_data), 'r') as export:
           label = load_label(export, label_file, self.category_id_map, image_id)

       # Download the image through the Suite sdk based on label_id
           image = load_image(self.client, label['label_id'], self.cache_dir)
       # Download data in real time using get_data from Suite sdk
       except Exception as e:
           print(f'Failed to load the {idx}-th image due to {repr(e)}, getting {idx + 1}-th data instead')
           return self.__getitem__(idx + 1)

       target = {
           'image_id': image_id,
           'label_id': label['label_id'],
           'annotations': label['annotations'],

       if self.transforms is not None:
           image, target = self.transforms(image, target)
       return image, target

Handle the test set in a similar fashion. The code snippet below instantiates the SuiteCocoDataset object class for the test set by wrapping SuiteDataset to make it compatible with the Torchvision COCOEvaluator.

class SuiteCocoDataset(C.CocoDetection):
   Instantiate the SuiteCocoDataset object class for test set
   (by wrapping SuiteDataset to make compatible with torchvision's official COCOEvaluator)

   def __init__(
           team_name: str,
           access_key: str,
           project_name: str,
           export_name: str,
           train: bool,
           caching_image: bool = True,
           transforms: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
           category_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
           num_init_workers: int = 20,
       """Function to initialize the object class"""
       super().__init__(img_folder='', ann_file=None, transforms=None)

       # Call the SuiteDataset class
       dataset = SuiteDataset(
           team_name, access_key, project_name, export_name,
           train=False, transforms=[],
           caching_image=caching_image, category_names=category_names,
       self.client = dataset.client
       self.cache_dir = dataset.cache_dir

       self.coco = build_coco_dataset(dataset, num_init_workers)
       self.ids = list(sorted(self.coco.imgs.keys()))
       self._transforms = build_transforms(train, dataset.categories, transforms, category_names)

   def _load_image(self, id: int):
       """Function to load an image"""
       label_id = self.coco.loadImgs(id)[0]['label_id']
       image = load_image(self.client, label_id, self.cache_dir)
       return image

   def __getitem__(self, idx):
       """Function to get an item"""
           return super().__getitem__(idx)
       except Exception as e:
           print(f'Failed to load the {idx}-th image due to {repr(e)}, getting {idx + 1}-th data instead')
           return self.__getitem__(idx + 1)

SuiteDataset and SuiteCocoDataset can then be used for your training code. The code snippet below illustrates how to use them. During model development, train with train_loader and evaluate with test_loader.

train_dataset = SuiteDataset(
test_dataset = SuiteCocoDataset(

train_loader = DataLoader(
   train_dataset, num_workers=args.workers,
       G.create_aspect_ratio_groups(train_dataset, k=3),
test_loader = DataLoader(
   test_dataset, num_workers=args.workers,
   sampler=SequentialSampler(test_dataset), batch_size=1,

Step 9: Train your model with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Your data annotated with Suite can now be used to train your object detection model. TAO Toolkit enables you to train, fine-tune, prune, and export highly optimized and accurate computer vision models for deployment by adapting popular network architectures and backbones to your data. For this tutorial, you can choose YOLO v4, an object detection model included in TAO.

First, download the notebook samples from TAO Toolkit Quick Start.

pip3 install nvidia-tao
wget --content-disposition -O

$ unzip -u  -d ./getting_started_v4.0.1 && rm -rf && cd ./getting_started_v4.0.1

Next, start the notebook using the code below:

$ jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 --allow-root

Open your Internet browser on localhost and navigate to the URL:

To create a YOLOv4 model, open notebooks/tao_launcher_starter_kit/yolo_v4/yolo_v4.ipynb and follow the notebook instructions to train the model.

Based on the results, fine-tune the model until it achieves your metric goals. If desired, you can create your own active learning loop at this stage. In a real-world scenario, query samples of failed predictions, assign human labelers to annotate this new batch of sample data, and supplement your model with newly labeled training data. Superb AI Suite can further assist you with data collection and annotation in subsequent rounds of model development as you iteratively improve your model performance.

With the recently released TAO Toolkit 4.0, it is even easier to get started and create high-accuracy models without any AI expertise. Automatically fine-tune your hyperparameters with AutoML, experience turnkey deployment of TAO Toolkit into various cloud services, integrate TAO Toolkit with third-party MLOPs services, and explore new transformer-based vision models (CitySemSegformer, Peoplenet Transformer). 


Data labeling in computer vision can present many unique challenges. The process can be difficult and expensive due to the amount of data that needs labeling. In addition, the process can be subjective, which makes it challenging to achieve consistently high-quality labeled outputs across a large dataset.

Model training can be challenging as well, as many algorithms and hyperparameters require tuning and optimization. This process requires a deep understanding of the data and the model, and significant experimentation to achieve the best results. Additionally, computer vision models tend to require large computing power to train, making it difficult to do so on a limited budget and timeline.

Superb AI Suite enables you to collect and label high-quality computer vision datasets. With NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, you can optimize pretrained computer vision models. Using both together significantly accelerates your computer vision application development times without sacrificing quality.

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About Superb AI

Superb AI provides a training data platform that makes building, managing, and curating computer vision datasets faster and easier than ever before. Specializing in adaptable automation models for labeling and quality assurance, our solutions help companies drastically reduce the time and cost of building data pipelines for computer vision models. Launched in 2018 by researchers and engineers with decades of experience in computer vision and deep learning (including 25+ publications, 7,300+ citations, and 100+ patents), our vision is to empower companies at all stages to develop computer vision applications faster than ever before.

Superb AI is also a proud collaborator with NVIDIA through the NVIDIA Inception Program for Startups. This program helps nurture the development of the world’s cutting-edge startups, providing them with access to NVIDIA technologies and experts, opportunities to connect with venture capitalists, and comarketing support to heighten their visibility.