
Boosting AI Model Inference Performance on Azure Machine Learning

Every AI application needs a strong inference engine. Whether you’re deploying an image recognition service, intelligent virtual assistant, or a fraud…

Every AI application needs a strong inference engine. Whether you’re deploying an image recognition service, intelligent virtual assistant, or a fraud detection application, a reliable inference server delivers fast, accurate, and scalable predictions with low latency (low response time to a single query) and strong throughput (large number of queries processed in a given time interval). Yet, checking all these boxes can be difficult and expensive to achieve.   

Teams need to consider deploying applications that can leverage:

  • Diverse frameworks with independent execution backends (ONNX Runtime, TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Different inference types (real-time, batch, streaming)
  • Disparate inference serving solutions for mixed infrastructure (CPU, GPU)
  • Different model configuration settings (dynamic batching, model concurrency) that can significantly impact inference performance

These requirements can make AI inference an extremely challenging task, which can be simplified with NVIDIA Triton Inference Server.

This post provides a step-by-step tutorial for boosting your AI inference performance on Azure Machine Learning using NVIDIA Triton Model Analyzer and ONNX Runtime OLive, as shown in Figure 1. 

Workflow diagram illustrating the steps required to optimize a PyTorch model for inference: (1) Model conversion to ONNX format with OLive (2) ONNX Runtime parameter optimization with OLive (3) Triton parameter optimization with Triton Model Analyzer (4) Azure Machine Learning Triton Inference Server deployment.
Figure 1. Workflow to optimize a PyTorch model using ONNX Runtime with OLive, Triton Model Analyzer, and Azure Machine Learning

Machine learning model optimization workflow

To improve AI inference performance, both ONNX Runtime OLive and Triton Model Analyzer automate the parameter optimization steps prior to model deployment. These parameters define how the underlying inference engine will perform. You can use these tools to optimize the ONNX Runtime parameters (execution provider, session options, and precision parameters), and the Triton parameters (dynamic batching and model concurrency parameters). 

Phase 1: ONNX Runtime OLive optimizations

If Azure Machine Learning is where you deploy AI applications, you may be familiar with ONNX Runtime. ONNX Runtime is Microsoft’s high-performance inference engine to run AI models across platforms. It can deploy models across numerous configuration settings and is now supported in Triton. Fine-tuning these configuration settings requires dedicated time and domain expertise. 

OLive (ONNX Runtime Go Live) is a Python package that speeds up this process by automating the work of accelerating models with ONNX Runtime. It offers two capabilities: converting models to ONNX format and auto-tuning ONNX Runtime parameters to maximize inference performance. Running OLive will isolate and recommend ONNX Runtime configuration settings for the optimal core AI inference results. 

You can optimize an ONNX Runtime BERT SQuAD model with OLive using the following ONNX Runtime parameters:

  • Execution provider: ONNX Runtime works with different hardware acceleration libraries through its extensible Execution Providers (EP) framework to optimally run the ONNX models on the hardware platform, which can optimize the execution by taking advantage of the platform’s compute capabilities. OLive explores optimization on the following execution providers: MLAS (default CPU EP), Intel DNNL, and OpenVino for CPU, NVIDIA CUDA and TensorRT for GPU.
  • Session options: OLive sweeps through ONNX Runtime session options to find the optimal configuration for thread control, which includes inter_op_num_threads, intra_op_num_threads, execution_mode, and graph_optimization_level.
  • Precision: OLive evaluates performance with different levels of precision, including float32 and float16, and returns the optimal precision configuration.

After running through the optimizations, you still may be leaving some performance on the table at application level. The end-to-end throughput and latency can be further improved using the Triton Model Analyzer, which is capable of supporting optimized ONNX Runtime models.  

Phase 2: Triton Model Analyzer optimizations

NVIDIA Triton Inference Server is an open-source inference serving software that helps standardize model deployment and execution and delivers fast and scalable AI inferencing in production. Figure 2 shows how the Triton Inference Server manages client requests when integrated with client applications and multiple AI models. 

Diagram depicting the inner workings of the Triton Inference Server interacting with client requests using standard HTTP / gRPC or C API. Then using Triton, an inference result is presented back to the client application using features such as Dynamic Batching and Model Concurrency.
Figure 2. How the Triton Inference Server manages client requests

This post will focus on optimizing two major Triton features with Triton Model Analyzer: 

  • Dynamic Batching: Triton enables inference requests to be combined by the server, so that a batch is created dynamically. This results in increased throughput within a fixed latency budget. 
  • Model Concurrency: Triton allows multiple models or instances of the same model to execute in parallel on the same system. This results in increased throughput.

These features are extremely powerful when deployed at optimal levels. When deployed with suboptimal configurations, performance is compromised, leaving end applications vulnerable to current demanding quality-of-service standards (latency, throughput, and memory requirements). 

As a result, optimizing batch size and model concurrency levels based on expected user traffic is critical to unlock the full potential of Triton. These optimized model configuration settings will generate improved throughput under strict latency constraints, boosting GPU utilization when the application is deployed. This process can be automated using the Triton Model Analyzer.

Given a set of constraints including latency, throughput targets, or memory footprints, Triton Model Analyzer searches for and selects the best model configuration that maximizes inference performance based on different levels for batch size, model concurrency, or other Triton model configuration settings. When these features are deployed and optimized, you can expect to see incredible results. 

Tutorial: Begin optimizing inference performance

Four steps are required to deploy optimized machine learning models with ONNX Runtime OLive and Triton Model Analyzer on Azure Machine Learning:

  1. Launch an Azure Virtual Machine with the NVIDIA GPU-optimized Virtual Machine Image (VMI)
  2. Execute ONNX Runtime OLive and Triton Model Analyzer parameter optimizations on your model
  3. Analyze and customize the results
  4. Deploy the optimized Triton-ONNX Runtime model onto an Azure Machine Learning endpoint 

To work through this tutorial, ensure you have an Azure account with access to NVIDIA GPU-powered virtual machines. For example, use Azure ND A100 v4-series VMs for NVIDIA A100 GPUs, NCasT4 v3-series for NVIDIA T4 GPUs, or NCv3-series for NVIDIA V100 GPUs. While the ND A100 v4-series is recommended for maximum performance at scale, this tutorial uses a standard NC6s_v3 virtual machine using a single NVIDIA V100 GPU

Step 1: Launching an Azure virtual machine with NVIDIA’s GPU-optimized VMI

This tutorial uses the NVIDIA GPU-optimized VMI available on the Azure Marketplace. It is preconfigured with NVIDIA GPU drivers, CUDA, Docker toolkit, Runtime, and other dependencies. Additionally, it provides a standardized stack for developers to build their AI applications. 

To maximize performance, this VMI is validated and updated quarterly by NVIDIA with the newest drivers, security patches, and support for the latest GPUs.

For more details on how to launch and connect to the NVIDIA GPU-optimized VMI on your Azure VM, refer to the NGC on Azure Virtual Machines documentation

Step 2: Executing ONNX Runtime OLive and Triton Model Analyzer optimizations 

Once you have connected to your Azure VM using SSH with the NVIDIA GPU-optimized VMI loaded, you are ready to begin executing ONNX Runtime OLive and Triton Model Analyzer optimizations. 

First, clone the GitHub Repository and navigate to the content root directory by running the following commands: 

git clone
cd OLive/olive-model_analyzer-azureML

Next, load the Triton Server container. Note that this tutorial uses the version number 22.06.

docker run --gpus=1 --rm -it -v “$(pwd)”:/models /bin/bash

Once loaded, navigate to the /models folder where the GitHub material is mounted:

cd /models 

Download the OLive and ONNX Runtime packages, along with the model you want to optimize. Then, specify the location of the model you want to optimize by setting up the following environmental variables:

You may adjust the location and file name provided above with a model of your choice. For optimal performance, download certified pretrained models directly from the NGC catalog. These models are trained to high accuracy and are available with high-level credentials and code samples.

Next, run the following script:

bash $model_location $export model_filename

 The script will download three files onto your machine: 

  • OLive package: onnxruntime_olive-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • ONNX Runtime package: onnxruntime_gpu_tensorrt-1.9.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
  • PyTorch Model: bert-base-cased-squad.pth

Before running the pipeline in Figure 1, first specify its input parameters by setting up environmental variables: 

  • export model_name=bertsquad
  • export model_type=pytorch
  • export in_names=input_names,input_mask,segment_ids
  • export in_shapes=[[-1,256],[-1,256],[-1,256]]
  • export in_types=int64,int64,int64
  • export out_names=start,end

The parameters in_names, in_shapes, and in_types refer to the names, shapes and types of the expected inputs for the model. In this case, inputs are sequences of length 256, however they are specified as [-1,256] to allow the batching of inputs. You can change the parameters values that correspond to your model and its expected inputs and outputs.

Now, you’re ready to run the pipeline by executing the following command: 

bash $model_filename $model_name $model_type  $in_names $in_shapes $in_types $out_names

This command first installs all necessary libraries and dependencies, and calls on OLive to convert the original model into an ONNX format. 

Next, Triton Model Analyzer is called to automatically generate the model’s configuration file with the model’s metadata. The configuration file is then passed back into OLive to optimize via the ONNX Runtime parameters discussed earlier (execution provider, session options, and precision). 

To further boost throughput and latency, the ONNX Runtime-optimized model configuration file is then passed into the Triton model repository for use by the Triton Model Analyzer tool. Triton Model Analyzer then runs the profile command, which sets up the optimization search space and specifies the location of the Triton Model repository using a .yaml configuration file (see Figure 3). 

Profile configuration file with details around the location of the Model Repository, parameters to optimize, and their ranges to create the search space used by Triton Model Analyzer to find the optimal configuration settings.
Figure 3. Profile configuration file outlining the Triton Model Analyzer search space to optimize inference performance

The configuration file above can be used to customize the search space for Triton Model Analyzer in a number of ways. The file requires the location of the Model Repository, parameters to optimize, and their ranges to create the search space used by Triton Model Analyzer to find the optimal configuration settings. 

  • Lines 1-5 specify important paths, such as the location of the Output Model Repository where the optimized models are placed.
  • Line 10 specifies the parameter concurrency which dictates the concurrent inference request levels to be used by the Perf Analyzer, which emulates user traffic.
  • Line 15 specifies the bert_default model, which corresponds to the default model obtained from the PyTorch to ONNX conversion. This model is the baseline model and therefore uses non-optimized values for dynamic batching (line 17) and model concurrency (line 20) 
  • Lines 19 and 32 shows a latency constraint of 30ms that must be satisfied during the optimization process. 
  • Line 28 specifies the bertsquad model, which corresponds to the OLive optimized model. This one differs from the bert_default model because the dynamic batching parameter search space here is set to 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16, and the model concurrency parameter search space is set to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 

The profile command records results across each concurrent inference request level, and for each concurrent inference request level, the results are recorded for 25 different parameters since the search space for both the dynamic batching and model concurrency parameters have five unique values each, equating to a total of 25 different parameters. Note that the time needed to run this will scale with the number of configurations provided in the search space within the profile configuration file in Figure 3. 

The script then runs the Triton Model Analyzer analyze command to process the results using an additional configuration file shown in Figure 4. The file specifies the location of the output model repository where the results were generated from the profile command, along with the name of the CSV files where the performance results will be recorded. 

Analyze configuration file with details around the location of the output model repository where the results were generated from the ‘profile’ command, along with the name of the CSV files where the performance results will be recorded.
Figure 4. Analyze configuration file used to run the analyze command and process the results from the profile command

While the profile and analyze commands may take a couple of hours to run, the optimized model configuration settings will ensure strong long-term inference performance for your deployed model. For shorter run times, adjust the model profile configuration file (Figure 3) with a smaller search space across the parameters you wish to optimize.

Once the demo completes running, there should be two files produced: Optimal_Results.png as shown in Figure 5, and Optimal_ConfigFile_Location.txt, which represents the location of the optimal config file to be deployed on Azure Machine Learning. A non-optimized baseline is established (blue line). The performance boost achieved through OLive optimizations is shown (light green line), along with OLive + Triton Model Analyzer optimizations (dark green line). 

Step 3: Analyzing performance results

Chart depicting the 10x boost in inference throughput when using OLive and Triton Model Analyzer optimized configuration settings on an Azure virtual machine (Standard_NC6s_v3) using a single V100 NVIDIA GPU.
Figure 5. 10x boost in inference throughput when applying OLive plus Triton Model Analyzer optimized configuration settings on an Azure virtual machine (Standard_NC6s_v3) using a single V100 NVIDIA GPU. (Note: This is not an official benchmark.)

The baseline corresponds to a model with non-optimized ONNX Runtime parameters (CUDA backend with full precision) and non-optimized Triton parameters (no dynamic batching nor model concurrency). With the baseline established, it is clear there is a big boost in inference throughput performance (y-axis) obtained from both OLive and Triton Model Analyzer optimizations at various inference request concurrency levels (x-axis) emulated by Triton Perf Analyzer, a tool that mimics user traffic by generating inference requests. 

OLive optimizations improved model performance (light green line) by tuning the execution provider to TensorRT with mixed precision, along with other ONNX Runtime parameters. However, this shows performance without Triton dynamic batching or model concurrency.  Therefore, this model can be further optimized with Triton Model Analyzer.

Triton Model Analyzer further boosts inference performance by 20% (dark green line) after optimizing model concurrency and dynamic batching. The final optimal values selected by Triton Model Analyzer are a model concurrency of two (two copies of the BERT model will be saved on the GPU) and a maximum dynamic batching level of 16 (up to 16 inference requests will be batched together at one time). 

Overall, the gain on inference performance using optimized parameters is more than 10x. 

Additionally, if you are expecting certain levels of inference requests for your application, you may adjust the emulated user traffic by configuring the Triton perf_analyzer. You may also adjust the model configuration file to include additional parameters to optimize such as Delayed Batching.

You’re now ready to deploy your optimized model with Azure Machine Learning.

Step 4: Deploying the optimized model onto an Azure Machine Learning endpoint 

Deploying your optimized AI model for inference on Azure Machine Learning with Triton involves using a managed online endpoint with the Azure Machine Learning Studio no code interface. 

Managed online endpoints help you deploy ML models in a turnkey manner. It takes care of serving, scaling, securing, and monitoring your models, freeing you from the overhead of setting up and managing the underlying infrastructure. 

To continue, ensure you have downloaded the Azure CLI, and have at hand the YAML file shown in Figure 6. 

Screenshot of the YAML file for the optimized BERT model. It shows the name, endpoint name, model name, model version, model path, model format, instance count and instance type.
Figure 6. YAML file for the optimized BERT model 

First, register your model in Triton format using the above YAML file. Your registered model should look similar to Figure 7 as shown on the Models page of Azure Machine Learning Studio. 

Screenshot of the Azure Machine Learning Studio platform when a model is registered onto the platform
Figure 7. Azure Machine Learning Studio registered optimized model

Next, select the Triton model, select ‘Deploy,’ and then ‘Deploy to real-time endpoint.’ Continue through the wizard to deploy the ONNX Runtime and Triton optimized model to the endpoint. Note that no scoring script is required when you deploy a Triton model to an Azure Machine Learning managed endpoint.

Congratulations! You have now deployed a BERT SQuAD model optimized for inference performance using ONNX Runtime and Triton parameters on Azure Machine Learning. By optimizing these parameters, you have unlocked a 10x increase in performance relative to the non-optimized baseline BERT SQuAD model. 

Resources for exploring machine learning model inference tools

Explore more resources about deploying AI applications with NVIDIA Triton, ONNX Runtime, and Azure Machine Learning below: 


Learn how Siemens Energy and American Express have accelerated AI inference workflows with Triton. See how your company can get started with Triton using NVIDIA AI Enterprise and NVIDIA LaunchPad

ONNX Runtime and Azure Machine Learning

Find out how Microsoft Bing has improved BERT inference on NVIDIA GPUs for real-time service needs, serving more than one million BERT inferences per second. 


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High-Definition Segmentation in Google Meet

In recent years video conferencing has played an increasingly important role in both work and personal communication for many users. Over the past two years, we have enhanced this experience in Google Meet by introducing privacy-preserving machine learning (ML) powered background features, also known as “virtual green screen”, which allows users to blur their backgrounds or replace them with other images. What is unique about this solution is that it runs directly in the browser without the need to install additional software.

So far, these ML-powered features have relied on CPU inference made possible by leveraging neural network sparsity, a common solution that works across devices, from entry level computers to high-end workstations. This enables our features to reach the widest audience. However, mid-tier and high-end devices often have powerful GPUs that remain untapped for ML inference, and existing functionality allows web browsers to access GPUs via shaders (WebGL).

With the latest update to Google Meet, we are now harnessing the power of GPUs to significantly improve the fidelity and performance of these background effects. As we detail in “Efficient Heterogeneous Video Segmentation at the Edge”, these advances are powered by two major components: 1) a novel real-time video segmentation model and 2) a new, highly efficient approach for in-browser ML acceleration using WebGL. We leverage this capability to develop fast ML inference via fragment shaders. This combination results in substantial gains in accuracy and latency, leading to crisper foreground boundaries.

CPU segmentation vs. HD segmentation in Meet.

Moving Towards Higher Quality Video Segmentation Models
To predict finer details, our new segmentation model now operates on high definition (HD) input images, rather than lower-resolution images, effectively doubling the resolution over the previous model. To accommodate this, the model must be of higher capacity to extract features with sufficient detail. Roughly speaking, doubling the input resolution quadruples the computation cost during inference.

Inference of high-resolution models using the CPU is not feasible for many devices. The CPU may have a few high-performance cores that enable it to execute arbitrary complex code efficiently, but it is limited in its ability for the parallel computation required for HD segmentation. In contrast, GPUs have many, relatively low-performance cores coupled with a wide memory interface, making them uniquely suitable for high-resolution convolutional models. Therefore, for mid-tier and high-end devices, we adopt a significantly faster pure GPU pipeline, which is integrated using WebGL.

This change inspired us to revisit some of the prior design decisions for the model architecture.

  • Backbone: We compared several widely-used backbones for on-device networks and found EfficientNet-Lite to be a better fit for the GPU because it removes the squeeze-and-excitation block, a component that is inefficient on WebGL (more below).
  • Decoder: We switched to a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) decoder consisting of 1×1 convolutions instead of using simple bilinear upsampling or the more expensive squeeze-and-excitation blocks. MLP has been successfully adopted in other segmentation architectures, like DeepLab and PointRend, and is efficient to compute on both CPU and GPU.
  • Model size: With our new WebGL inference and the GPU-friendly model architecture, we were able to afford a larger model without sacrificing the real-time frame rate necessary for smooth video segmentation. We explored the width and the depth parameters using a neural architecture search.
HD segmentation model architecture.

In aggregate, these changes substantially improve the mean Intersection over Union (IoU) metric by 3%, resulting in less uncertainty and crisper boundaries around hair and fingers.

We have also released the accompanying model card for this segmentation model, which details our fairness evaluations. Our analysis shows that the model is consistent in its performance across the various regions, skin-tones, and genders, with only small deviations in IoU metrics.

Model     Resolution     Inference     IoU     Latency (ms)
CPU segmenter     256×144     Wasm SIMD     94.0%     8.7
GPU segmenter     512×288     WebGL     96.9%     4.3
Comparison of the previous segmentation model vs. the new HD segmentation model on a Macbook Pro (2018).

Accelerating Web ML with WebGL
One common challenge for web-based inference is that web technologies can incur a performance penalty when compared to apps running natively on-device. For GPUs, this penalty is substantial, only achieving around 25% of native OpenGL performance. This is because WebGL, the current GPU standard for Web-based inference, was primarily designed for image rendering, not arbitrary ML workloads. In particular, WebGL does not include compute shaders, which allow for general purpose computation and enable ML workloads in mobile and native apps.

To overcome this challenge, we accelerated low-level neural network kernels with fragment shaders that typically compute the output properties of a pixel like color and depth, and then applied novel optimizations inspired by the graphics community. As ML workloads on GPUs are often bound by memory bandwidth rather than compute, we focused on rendering techniques that would improve the memory access, such as Multiple Render Targets (MRT).

MRT is a feature in modern GPUs that allows rendering images to multiple output textures (OpenGL objects that represent images) at once. While MRT was originally designed to support advanced graphics rendering such as deferred shading, we found that we could leverage this feature to drastically reduce the memory bandwidth usage of our fragment shader implementations for critical operations, like convolutions and fully connected layers. We do so by treating intermediate tensors as multiple OpenGL textures.

In the figure below, we show an example of intermediate tensors having four underlying GL textures each. With MRT, the number of GPU threads, and thus effectively the number of memory requests for weights, is reduced by a factor of four and saves memory bandwidth usage. Although this introduces considerable complexities in the code, it helps us reach over 90% of native OpenGL performance, closing the gap with native applications.

Left: A classic implementation of Conv2D with 1-to-1 correspondence of tensor and an OpenGL texture. Red, yellow, green, and blue boxes denote different locations in a single texture each for intermediate tensor A and B. Right: Our implementation of Conv2D with MRT where intermediate tensors A and B are realized with a set of 4 GL textures each, depicted as red, yellow, green, and blue boxes. Note that this reduces the request count for weights by 4x.

We have made rapid strides in improving the quality of real-time segmentation models by leveraging the GPU on mid-tier and high-end devices for use with Google Meet. We look forward to the possibilities that will be enabled by upcoming technologies like WebGPU, which bring compute shaders to the web. Beyond GPU inference, we’re also working on improving the segmentation quality for lower powered devices with quantized inference via XNNPACK WebAssembly.

Special thanks to those on the Meet team and others who worked on this project, in particular Sebastian Jansson, Sami Kalliomäki, Rikard Lundmark, Stephan Reiter, Fabian Bergmark, Ben Wagner, Stefan Holmer, Dan Gunnarsson, Stéphane Hulaud, and to all our team members who made this possible: Siargey Pisarchyk, Raman Sarokin, Artsiom Ablavatski, Jamie Lin, Tyler Mullen, Gregory Karpiak, Andrei Kulik, Karthik Raveendran, Trent Tolley, and Matthias Grundmann.


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Using ML to Boost Engagement with a Maternal and Child Health Program in India

The widespread availability of mobile phones has enabled non-profits to deliver critical health information to their beneficiaries in a timely manner. While advanced applications on smartphones allow for richer multimedia content and two-way communication between beneficiaries and health coaches, simpler text and voice messaging services can be effective in disseminating information to large communities, particularly those that are underserved with limited access to information and smartphones. ARMMAN1, one non-profit doing just this, is based in India with the mission of improving maternal and child health outcomes in underserved communities.

Overview of ARMMAN

One of the programs run by them is mMitra, which employs automated voice messaging to deliver timely preventive care information to expecting and new mothers during pregnancy and until one year after birth. These messages are tailored according to the gestational age of the beneficiary. Regular listenership to these messages has been shown to have a high correlation with improved behavioral and health outcomes, such as a 17% increase in infants with tripled birth weight at end of year and a 36% increase in women knowing the importance of taking iron tablets.

However, a key challenge ARMMAN faced was that about 40% of women gradually stopped engaging with the program. While it’s possible to mitigate this with live service calls to women to explain the advantage of listening to the messages, it is infeasible to call all the low listeners in the program because of limited support staff — this highlights the importance of effectively prioritizing who receives such service calls.

In “Field Study in Deploying Restless Multi-Armed Bandits: Assisting Non-Profits in Improving Maternal and Child Health”, published in AAAI 2022, we describe an ML-based solution that uses historical data from the NGO to predict which beneficiaries will benefit most from service calls. We address the challenges that come with a large-scale real world deployment of such a system and show the usefulness of deploying this model in a real study involving over 23,000 participants. The model showed an increase in listenership of 30% compared to the current standard of care group.

We model this resource optimization problem using restless multi-armed bandits (RMABs), which have been well studied for application to such problems in a myriad of domains, including healthcare. An RMAB consists of n arms where each arm (representing a beneficiary) is associated with a two-state Markov decision process (MDP). Each MDP is modeled as a two-state (good or bad state, where the good state corresponds to high listenership in the previous week), two-action (corresponding to whether the beneficiary was chosen to receive a service call or not) problem. Further, each MDP has an associated reward function (i.e., the reward accumulated at a given state and action) and a transition function indicating the probability of moving from one state to the next under a given action, under the Markov condition that the next state depends only on the previous state and the action taken on that arm in that time step. The term restless indicates that all arms can change state irrespective of the action.

State of a beneficiary may transition from good (high engagement) to bad (low engagement) with example passive and active transition probabilities shown in the transition matrix.

Model Development
Finally, the RMAB problem is modeled such that at any time step, given n total arms, which k arms should be acted on (i.e., chosen to receive a service call), to maximize reward (engagement with the program).

The probability of transitioning from one state to another with (active probability) or without (passive probability) receiving a service call are therefore the underlying model parameters that are critical to solving the above optimization. To estimate these parameters, we use the demographic data of the beneficiaries collected at time of enrolment by the NGO, such as age, income, education, number of children, etc., as well as past listenership data, all in-line with the NGO’s data privacy standards (more below).

However, the limited volume of service calls limits the data corresponding to receiving a service call. To mitigate this, we use clustering techniques to learn from the collective observations of beneficiaries within a cluster and enable overcoming the challenge of limited samples per individual beneficiary.

In particular, we perform clustering on listenership behaviors, and then compute a mapping from the demographic features to each cluster.

Clustering on past listenership data reveals clusters with beneficiaries that behave similarly. We then infer a mapping from demographic features to clusters.

This mapping is useful because when a new beneficiary is enrolled, we only have access to their demographic information and have no knowledge of their listenership patterns, since they haven’t had a chance to listen yet. Using the mapping, we can infer transition probabilities for any new beneficiary that enrolls into the system.

We used several qualitative and quantitative metrics to infer the optimal set of of clusters and explored different combinations of training data (demographic features only, features plus passive probabilities, features plus all probabilities, passive probabilities only) to achieve the most meaningful clusters, that are representative of the underlying data distribution and have a low variance in individual cluster sizes.

Comparison of passive transition probabilities obtained from different clustering methods with number of clusters s = 20 (red dots) and 40 (green dots), using ground truth passive transition probabilities (blue dots). Clustering based on features+passive probabilities (PPF) captures more distinct beneficiary behaviors across the probability space.

Clustering has the added advantage of reducing computational cost for resource-limited NGOs, as the optimization needs to be solved at a cluster level rather than an individual level. Finally, solving RMAB’s is known to be P-space hard, so we choose to solve the optimization using the popular Whittle index approach, which ultimately provides a ranking of beneficiaries based on their likely benefit of receiving a service call.

We evaluated the model in a real world study consisting of approximately 23,000 beneficiaries who were divided into three groups: the current standard of care (CSOC) group, the “round robin” (RR) group, and the RMAB group. The beneficiaries in the CSOC group follow the original standard of care, where there are no NGO initiated service calls. The RR group represents the scenario where the NGO often conducts service calls using some systematic set order — the idea here is to have an easily executable policy that services enough of a cross-section of beneficiaries and can be scaled up or down per week based on available resources (this is the approach used by the NGO in this particular case, but the approach may vary for different NGOs). The RMAB group receives service calls as predicted by the RMAB model. All the beneficiaries across the three groups continue to receive the automated voice messages independent of the service calls.

Distributions of clusters picked for service calls by RMAB and RR in week 1 (left) and 2 (right) are significantly different. RMAB is very strategic in picking only a few clusters with a promising probability of success (blue is high and red is low), RR displays no such strategic selection.

At the end of seven weeks, RMAB-based service calls resulted in the highest (and statistically significant) reduction in cumulative engagement drops (32%) compared to the CSOC group.

The plot shows cumulative engagement drops prevented compared to the control group.
   RMAB vs CSOC       RR vs CSOC       RMAB vs RR   
% reduction in cumulative engagement drops    32.0% 5.2% 28.3%
p-value 0.044 0.740 0.098

Ethical Considerations
An ethics board at the NGO reviewed the study. We took significant measures to ensure participant consent is understood and recorded in a language of the community’s choice at each stage of the program. Data stewardship resides in the hands of the NGO, and only the NGO is allowed to share data. The code will soon be available publicly. The pipeline only uses anonymized data and no personally identifiable information (PII) is made available to the models. Sensitive data, such as caste, religion, etc., are not collected by ARMMAN for mMitra. Therefore, in pursuit of ensuring fairness of the model, we worked with public health and field experts to ensure other indicators of socioeconomic status were measured and adequately evaluated as shown below.

Distribution of highest education received (top) and monthly family income in Indian Rupees (bottom) across a cohort that received service calls compared to the whole population.

The proportion of beneficiaries that received a live service call within each income bracket reasonably matches the proportion in the overall population. However, differences are observed in lower income categories, where the RMAB model favors beneficiaries with lower income and beneficiaries with no formal education. Lastly, domain experts at ARMMAN have been deeply involved in the development and testing of this system and have provided continuous input and oversight in data interpretation, data consumption, and model design.

After thorough testing, the NGO has currently deployed this system for scheduling of service calls on a weekly basis. We are hopeful that this will pave the way for more deployments of ML algorithms for social impact in partnerships with non-profits in service of populations that have so far benefited less from ML. This work was also featured in Google for India 2021.

This work is part of our AI for Social Good efforts and was led by Google Research, India. Thanks to all our collaborators at ARMMAN, Google Research India,, and University Relations: Aparna Hegde, Neha Madhiwalla, Suresh Chaudhary, Aditya Mate, Lovish Madaan, Shresth Verma, Gargi Singh, Divy Thakkar.

1ARMMAN runs multiple programs to provide preventive care information to women through pregnancy and infancy enabling them to seek care, as well as programs to train and support health workers for timely detection and management of high-risk conditions.