
Exploring NVIDIA TensorRT Engines with TREx

This walkthrough summarizes the TREx workflow and highlight API features for examining data and TensorRT engines.

The primary function of NVIDIA TensorRT is the acceleration of deep-learning inference, achieved by processing a network definition and converting it into an optimized engine execution plan. TensorRT Engine Explorer (TREx) is a Python library and a set of Jupyter notebooks for exploring a TensorRT engine plan and its associated inference profiling data.

TREx provides visibility into the generated engine, empowering you with new insights through summarized statistics, charting utilities, and engine graph visualization. TREx is useful for high-level network performance optimization and debugging, such as comparing the performance of two versions of a network. For in-depth performance analysis, NVIDIA Nsight Systems is the recommended performance analysis tool.

In this post, I summarize the TREx workflow and highlight API features for examining data and TensorRT engines. To see TREx in action, I walk through the process of how to achieve by .

How TREx works

The main TREx abstraction is trex.EnginePlan, which encapsulates all the information related to an engine. An EnginePlan is constructed from several input JSON files, each of which describes a different aspect of the engine, such as its data-dependency graph and its profiling data. The information in an EnginePlan is accessible through a Pandas DataFrame, which is a familiar, powerful, and convenient data structure.

Before using TREx, you must build and profile your engine. TREx provides a simple utility script,, to do this. The script is provided as a reference and you may collect this information in any way you choose.

This script uses trtexec to build an engine from an ONNX model and profile the engine. It also creates several JSON files that capture various aspects of the engine building and profiling session:

Plan-graph JSON file

A plan-graph JSON file describes the engine data-flow graph in a JSON format.

A TensorRT engine plan is a serialized format of a TensorRT engine. It contains information about the final inference graph and can be deserialized for inference runtime execution. 

TensorRT 8.2 introduced the IEngineInspector API, which provides the ability to examine an engine’s layers, their configuration, and their data dependencies. IEngineInspector provides this information using a simple JSON formatting schema. This JSON file is the primary input to a TREx trex.EnginePlan object and is mandatory.

Profiling JSON file

A profiling JSON file provides profiling information for each engine layer.

The trtexec command-line application implements the IProfiler interface and generates a JSON file containing a profiling record for each layer. This file is optional if you only want to investigate the structure of an engine without its associated profiling information.

Timing records JSON file

A JSON file contains timing records for each profiling iteration.

To profile an engine, trtexec executes the engine many times to smooth measurement noise. The timing information of each engine execution may be recorded as a separate record in a timing JSON file and the average measurement is reported as the engine latency. This file is optional and generally useful when assessing the quality of a profiling session.

If you see excessive variance in the engine timing information, you may want to ensure that you are using the GPU exclusively and the compute and memory clocks are locked.

Metadata JSON file

A metadata JSON file describes the engine’s builder configuration and information about the GPU used to build the engine. This information provides a more meaningful context to the engine profiling session and is particularly useful when you are comparing two or more engines.

TREx workflow

Figure 1 summarizes the TREx workflow:

  • Start by converting your deep-learning model to a TensorRT network.
  • Build and profile an engine while also producing collateral JSON files.
  • Spin up TREx to explore the contents of the files.
Workflow diagram shows that TREx uses JSON files to capture metadata from the engine building and profiling stages.
Figure 1. TensorRT Engine Explorer workflow

TREx features and API

After collecting all profiling data, you can create an EnginePlan instance:

plan = EnginePlan(

With a trex.EnginePlan instance, you can access most of the information through a Pandas DataFrame object. Each row in the DataFrame represents one layer in the plan file, including its name, tactic, inputs, outputs, and other attributes describing the layer.

# Print layer names
plan = EnginePlan("my-engine.graph.json")
df = plan.df

Abstracting the engine information using a DataFrame is convenient as it is both an API that many Python developers know and love and a powerful API with facilities for slicing, dicing, exporting, graphing, and printing data.

For example, listing the three slowest layers in an engine is straightforward:

# Print the 3 slowest layers
top3 = plan.df.nlargest(3, 'latency.pct_time')
for i in range(len(top3)):
    layer = top3.iloc[i]
    print("%s: %s" % (layer["Name"], layer["type"]))
features.16.conv.2.weight + QuantizeLinear_771 + Conv_775 + Add_777: Convolution
features.15.conv.2.weight + QuantizeLinear_722 + Conv_726 + Add_728: Convolution
features.12.conv.2.weight + QuantizeLinear_576 + Conv_580 + Add_582: Convolution

We often want to group information. For example, you may want to know the total latency consumed by each layer type:

# Print the latency of each layer type
Chart of latency time results by convolution, pooling, reformat, and scale.
Figure 2. Total latency results

Pandas mixes well with other libraries such as dtale, a convenient library for viewing and analyzing dataframes, and Plotly, a graphing library with interactive plots. Both libraries are integrated with the sample TREx notebooks, but there are many user-friendly alternatives such as qgrid, matplotlib, and Seaborn.

There are also convenience APIs that are thin wrappers for Pandas, Plotly, and dtale:

  • Plotting data (
  • Visualizing an engine graph (
  • Interactive notebooks ( and
  • Reporting ( and

Finally, the linting API ( uses static analysis to flag performance hazards, akin to a software linter. Ideally, the layer linters provide expert performance feedback that you can act on to improve your engine’s performance. For example, if you are using suboptimal convolution input shapes or suboptimal placement of quantization layers. The linting feature is in an early development state and NVIDIA plans to improve it.

TREx also comes with a couple of tutorial notebooks and two workflow notebooks: one for analyzing a single engine and another for comparing two or more engines.

With the TREx API you can code new ways to explore, extract, and display TensorRT engines, which you can share with the community.

Example TREx walkthrough

Now that you know how TREx operates, here’s an example that shows TREx in action.

In this example, you create an optimized TensorRT engine of a quantized ResNet18 PyTorch model, profile it, and finally inspect the engine plan using TREx. ] You then adjust the model, based on your learnings, to improve its performance. The code for this example is available in the TREx GitHub repository.

Start by exporting the PyTorch ResNet model to an ONNX format. Use the NVIDIA PyTorch Quantization Toolkit for adding quantization layers in the model, but you don’t perform calibration and fine-tuning as you are concentrating on performance, not accuracy.

In a real use case, you should follow the full quantization-aware training (QAT) recipe. The QAT Toolkit automatically inserts fake-quantization operations into the Torch model. These operations are exported as the QuantizeLinear and DequantizeLinear ONNX operators:

import torch
import torchvision.models as models
# For QAT
from pytorch_quantization import quant_modules
from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn
quant_nn.TensorQuantizer.use_fb_fake_quant = True

resnet = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval()
# Export to ONNX, with dynamic batch-size
with torch.no_grad():
    input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
        resnet, input, "/tmp/resnet/resnet-qat.onnx",
    	  dynamic_axes={"input.1": {0: "batch_size"}})=

Next, use the TREx utility script to do the following:

  1. Build an engine from the ONNX model.
  2. Create an engine-plan JSON file.
  3. Profile the engine execution and store the results in a profiling JSON file. You also record the timing results in a timing JSON file.
python3 /utils/ /tmp/resnet/resnet-qat.onnx /tmp/resnet/qat int8 fp16 shapes=input.1:32x3x224x224

The script uses trtexec to do the heavy lifting. You can transparently pass arguments to trtexec from the command line by simply listing them without the -- prefix.

In the example, the arguments int8, fp16, and shapes=input.1:32x3x224x224 are forwarded to trtexec, instructing it to optimize for FP16 and INT8 precisions and set the input batch-size to 32. The first script parameter is the input ONNX file (/tmp/resnet/resnet-qat.onnx), and the second parameter (/tmp/resnet/qat) points to the directory to contain the generated JSON files.

You are now ready to examine the optimized engine plan, so go to TREx Engine Report Card notebook. I won’t go through the entire notebook in this post, just a few cells useful for this example.

The first cell sets the engine file and creates a trex.EnginePlan instance from the various JSON files:

engine_name = "/tmp/resnet/qat/resnet-qat.onnx.engine"
plan = EnginePlan(      f"{engine_name}.graph.json",      

The next cell creates a visualization of the engine’s data-dependency graph, which is most useful to understanding the transformation of the original network to an engine. TensorRT executes the engine as a topologically sorted layer list, and not as a parallelizable graph.

The default rendering format is SVG, which is searchable, stays sharp at different scales, and supports hover-text for providing additional information without taking up a lot of space.

graph = to_dot(plan, layer_type_formatter)
svg_name = render_dot(graph, engine_name, 'svg')

The function creates an SVG file and prints its name. Rendering inside the notebook is cumbersome even for small networks and you can open the SVG file in a separate browser window for rendering.

The TREx graphing API is configurable, allowing for various coloring and formatting, and the available formatters are packed with information. With the default formatter, for example, layers are colored according to their operation and are labeled by name, type, and profiled latency. Tensors are depicted as edges connecting the layers and are colored according to their precision and labeled with their shape and memory layout information.

In the generated ResNet QAT engine graph (Figure 3), you see some FP32 tensors (in red). Investigate further because you want to have as many layers as possible executing using INT8 precision. Using INT8 data and compute precision increases throughput and lowers latency and power.

Animated view of a ResNet18 engine graph.
Figure 3. A data-dependency graph of the QAT ResNet18 engine

The Performance cell provides various views of performance data, and specifically the precision-per-layer view (Figure 4) shows several layers computing using FP32 and FP16.

Graph of precision per layer view of latency average time vs name for ResNet18 QAT
Figure 4. Precision per layer view, with ResNet18 QAT (TREx uses red for FP32, orange for FP16, and Nvidia-Green for INT8 precisions)

When examining the latency-per-layer-type view, there are 12 reformatting nodes that account for about 26.5% of the runtime. That’s quite a lot. Reformatting nodes are inserted in the engine graph during optimization, but they are also inserted to convert precisions. Each reformat layer has an origin attribute describing the reason for its existence.

If you see too many precision conversions, you should see if there’s something you can do to reduce these conversions. In TensorRT 8.2, you see scale layers, instead of reformatting layers for Q/DQ operations. This is due to the different graph optimization strategies used in TensorRT 8.2 and 8.4.

Screenshot showing the output of the convolution linter in table format.
Figure 5. Count and latency per layer-type views, ResNet18 QAT

To dig deeper, turn to the engine linting API available in the linting cells. You see that both the Convolution and Q/DQ linters flag some potential problems.

The Convolution linter flags 13 convolutions having INT8 inputs and FP32 outputs. Ideally, you want convolutions to output INT8 data if they are followed by INT8 precision layers. The linter suggests adding a quantization operation following the convolution. Why are the outputs of these convolutions not quantized?

Interactive views of QAT ResNet18.
Figure 6. Output of the convolution linter, warning about INT8 convolutions with float outputs

Take a closer look. To look up a convolution in the engine graph, copy the name of the convolution from the linter table and search for it in the graph SVG browser tab. It turns out that these convolutions are involved in residual-add operations.

After consulting Q/DQ Layer-Placement Recommendations, you might conclude that you must add Q/DQ layers to the residual-connections in the PyTorch model. Unfortunately, the QAT Toolkit cannot perform this automatically and you must manually intervene in the PyTorch model code. For more information, see the example in the TensorRT QAT Toolkit (

The following code example shows the BasicBlock.forward method, with the new quantization code highlighted in yellow.

def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    identity = x
    out = self.conv1(x)
    out = self.bn1(out)
    out = self.relu(out)
    out = self.conv2(out)
    out = self.bn2(out)
    if self.downsample is not None:
        identity = self.downsample(x)
    if self._quantize:
        out += self.residual_quantizer(identity)
        out += identity
    out = self.relu(out)
    return out

After you change the PyTorch code, you must regenerate the model and iterate again through the notebook cells using the revised model. You’re now down to three reformatting layers consuming about 20.5% of the total latency (down from 26.5%), and most of the layers now execute in INT8 precision.

Interactive views of QAT ResNet18
Figure 7. QAT ResNet18 mode, after adding Q/DQ on residual-connections

The remaining FP32 layers surround the global average pooling (GAP) layer at the end of the network. Modify the model again to quantize the GAP layer.

def _forward_impl(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        # See note [TorchScript super()]
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.bn1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.maxpool(x)

        x = self.layer1(x)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        x = self.layer3(x)
        x = self.layer4(x)

        if self._quantize_gap:
            x = self.gap_quantizer(x)
        x = self.avgpool(x)
        x = torch.flatten(x, 1)
        x = self.fc(x)

        return x

Iterate one final time through the notebook cells using the new model. Now you have only a single reformatting layer and all other layers are executing in INT8. Nailed it!

Precision per layer view for ResNet QAT with quantized residual connection and GAP layers.
Figure 8. Precision per layer view, after adding Q/DQ on residual-connections and quantizing the GAP layer

Now that you are done optimizing, you can use the Engine Comparison notebook to compare the two engines. This notebook is useful not only when you are actively optimizing your network’s performance as you’re doing here, but also in the following situations:

  • When you want to compare engines built for different GPU HW platforms or different TensorRT versions.
  • When you want to assess how layers’ performance scales across different batch sizes.
  • To understand if accuracy disagreement between engines is due to different TensorRT layer precision choices.

The Engine Comparison notebook provides both tabular and graphical views to compare engines and both are applicable, depending on the level of details that you need. Figure 8 shows the stacked latencies of five engines that we’ve built for the PyTorch ResNet18 model. For brevity, I didn’t discuss creating the FP32 and FP16 engines, but these are available in the TREx GitHub repository.

Bar graph of stacked latencies of five engines in the same ResNet18 network illustrating.
Figure 9. Stacked latencies of five engines of the same ResNet18 network

The engine optimized for FP16 precision is about 2x faster than the FP32 engine, but it is also faster than our first attempt at an INT8 QAT engine. As I analyzed earlier, this is due to the many INT8 convolutions that output FP16 data and then require reformat layers to quantize explicitly back to INT8.

If you concentrate only on the three QAT engines optimized in this post, you can see how you eliminated 11 FP16 engine layers when you added Q/DQ to the residual connections. You eliminated another two FP32 layers when you quantized the GAP layer.

Q/DQ placement decisions affect the number of layers executed in INT8 precision compared to floating-point precision.
Figure 10. Precision counts for the three engines optimized

You can also look at how the optimizations affected the latencies of the three engines (Figure 10).

At each Q/DQ placement iteration, we’ve reduced the time consumed to execute the convolution and reformat layers.
Figure 11. Latencies of our three engines, grouped by layer types

You may notice a couple of odd-looking, pooling-layer, latency results: the total pooling latency drops 10x when you quantize the residual connection, and then goes up 70% when you quantize the GAP layer.

Both results are counterintuitive so look at them more closely. There are two pooling layers, a large one after the first convolution, and another tiny one before the last convolution. After you quantized the residual-connections, the first pooling and convolution layers could execute using the output in INT8 precision. They are fused with the sandwiched ReLU into a ConvActPool layer, but this fusion is not supported for floating-point types.

Why did the GAP layer increase in latency when it was quantized? Well, the activation size of this layer is small and each INT8 input coefficient is converted to FP32 for averaging using high precision. Finally, the result is converted back to INT8.

The layer’s data size is also small and resides in the fast L2 cache, and thus the extra precision-conversion computation is relatively expensive. Nonetheless, because you could get rid of the two reformat layers surrounding the GAP layer, the total engine latency (which is what you really care about) is reduced.


In this post, I introduced the TensorRT Engine Explorer, briefly reviewed its APIs and features, and walked through an example showing how TREx can help when optimizing the performance of a TensorRT engine. TREx is available in TensorRT’s GitHub repository, under the experimental tools directory.

I encourage you to try the APIs and to build new workflows beyond the two workflow notebooks.


Accelerating Quantized Networks with the NVIDIA QAT Toolkit for TensorFlow and NVIDIA TensorRT

Introduction to the NVIDIA Quantization-Aware Training toolkit for TensorFlow 2 for model quantization for TensorRT acceleration on NVIDIA GPUs.

We’re excited to announce the NVIDIA Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) Toolkit for TensorFlow 2 with the goal of accelerating the quantized networks with NVIDIA TensorRT on NVIDIA GPUs. This toolkit provides you with an easy-to-use API to quantize networks in a way that is optimized for TensorRT inference with just a few additional lines of code.

This post is accompanied by the Toward INT8 Inference: An End-to-End Workflow for Deploying Quantization-Aware Trained Networks Using TensorRT GTC session. For the PyTorch quantization toolkit equivalent, see PyTorch Quantization.


Accelerating deep neural networks (DNN) inference is an important step in realizing latency-critical deployment of real-world applications such as image classification, image segmentation, natural language processing, and so on.

The need for improving DNN inference latency has sparked interest in running those models in lower precisions, such as FP16 and INT8. Running DNNs in INT8 precision can offer faster inference and a much lower memory footprint than its floating-point counterpart. NVIDIA TensorRT supports post-training quantization (PTQ) and QAT techniques to convert floating-point DNN models to INT8 precision.

In this post, we discuss these techniques, introduce the NVIDIA QAT toolkit for TensorFlow, and demonstrate an end-to-end workflow to design quantized networks optimal for TensorRT deployment.

Quantization-aware training

The main idea behind QAT is to simulate lower precision behavior by minimizing quantization errors during training. To do that, you modify the DNN graph by adding quantize and de-quantize (QDQ) nodes around desired layers. This enables the quantized networks to minimize accuracy loss over PTQ due to the fine-tuning of the model’s quantization and hyperparameters.

PTQ, on the other hand, performs model quantization using a calibration dataset after that model has already been trained. This can result in accuracy degradation due to the quantization not being reflected in the training process. Figure 1 shows both processes.

Block diagrams with quantization steps via PTQ (uses a calibration data to calculate q-parameters) and QAT (simulates quantization via QDQ nodes and fine-tuning).
Figure 1. Quantization workflows through PTQ and QAT

For more information about quantization, quantization methods (PTQ compared to QAT), and quantization in TensorRT, see Achieving FP32 Accuracy for INT8 Inference Using Quantization Aware Training with NVIDIA TensorRT.

NVIDIA QAT Toolkit for TensorFlow

The goal of this toolkit is to enable you to easily quantize networks in a way that is optimal for TensorRT deployment.

Currently, TensorFlow offers asymmetric quantization in their open-source Model Optimization Toolkit. Their quantization recipe consists of inserting QDQ nodes at the outputs and weights (if applicable) of desired layers, and they offer quantization of the full model or partial by layer class type. This is optimized for TFLite deployment, not TensorRT deployment.

This toolkit is needed for obtaining a quantized model that is ideal for TensorRT deployment. TensorRT optimizer propagates Q and DQ nodes and fuses them with floating-point operations across the network to maximize the proportion of the graph that can be processed in INT8. This leads to optimal model acceleration on NVIDIA GPUs. Our quantization recipe consists of inserting QDQ nodes at the inputs and weights (if applicable) of desired layers.

We also perform symmetric quantization (used by TensorRT) and offer extended quantization support with partial quantization by layer name and pattern-based layer quantization.

Table 1 summarizes the differences between TFMOT and the NVIDIA QAT Toolkit for TensorFlow.

Feature TFMOT NVIDIA QAT Toolkit
QDQ node placements Outputs and weights Inputs and weights
Quantization support Whole model (full) and of some layers (partial by layer class) Extends TF quantization support: partial quantization by layer name and pattern-based layer quantization by extending CustomQDQInsertionCase
Quantization op used Asymmetric quantization (tf.quantization.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars) Symmetric quantization, needed for TensorRT compatibility (tf.quantization.quantize_and_dequantize_v2)
Table 1. Differences between the NVIDIA QAT Toolkit and TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit

Figure 2 shows a before/after example of a simple model, visualized with Netron. The QDQ nodes are placed in the inputs and weights(if applicable) of desired layers, namely convolution (Conv) and fully connected (MatMul).

Contains two images, one before QAT (no QDQ nodes), and one after QAT (with QDQ nodes before Conv and MatMul layers).
Figure 2. Example of a model before and after quantization (baseline and QAT model, respectively)

Workflow for deploying QAT models in TensorRT

Figure 3 shows the full workflow to deploy a QAT model, obtained with the QAT Toolkit, in TensorRT.

Block diagram with steps for model quantization, conversion to ONNX, and TensorRT deployment.
Figure 3. TensorRT deployment workflow for QAT models obtained with the QAT Toolkit
  • Assume a pretrained TensorFlow 2 model in SavedModel format, also referred to as the baseline model.
  • Quantize that model using the quantize_model function, which clones and wraps each desired layer with QDQ nodes.
  • Fine-tune the obtained quantized model, simulating quantization during training, and save it in SavedModel format.
  • Convert it to ONNX.

The ONNX graph is then consumed by TensorRT to perform layer fusions and other graph optimizations, such as dedicated QDQ optimizations, and generate an engine for faster inference.

Example with ResNet-50v1

In this example, we show you how to quantize and fine-tune a QAT model with the TensorFlow 2 toolkit and how to deploy that quantized model in TensorRT. For more information, see the full example_resnet50v1.ipynb Jupyter notebook.


To follow along, you need the following resources:

  • Python 3.8
  • TensorFlow 2.8
  • NVIDIA TF-QAT Toolkit
  • TensorRT 8.4

Prepare the data

For this example, use the ImageNet 2012 dataset for image classification (task 1), which requires manual downloads due to the terms of the access agreement. This dataset is needed for the QAT model fine-tuning, and it is also used to evaluate the baseline and QAT models.

Log in or sign up on the linked website and download the train/validation data. You should have at least 155 GB of free space.

The workflow supports the TFRecord format, so use the following the instructions (modified from the TensorFlow instructions) to convert the downloaded .tar ImageNet files to the required format:

  1. Set IMAGENET_HOME=/path/to/imagenet/tar/files in data/
  2. Download to $IMAGENET_HOME.
  3. Run ./data/

You should now see the compatible dataset in $IMAGENET_HOME.

Quantize and fine-tune the model

from tensorflow_quantization import quantize_model
from tensorflow_quantization.custom_qdq_cases import ResNetV1QDQCase

# Create baseline model
model = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(weights="imagenet", classifier_activation="softmax")

# Quantize model
q_model = quantize_model(model, custom_qdq_cases=[ResNetV1QDQCase()])

# Fine-tune
    train_batches, validation_data=val_batches,
    batch_size=64, steps_per_epoch=500, epochs=2

# Save as TF 2 SavedModel“saved_model_qat”)

Convert SavedModel to ONNX

$ python -m tf2onnx.convert --saved-model= --output=  --opset 13

Deploy the TensorRT engine

Convert the ONNX model into a TensorRT engine (also obtains latency measurements):

$ trtexec --onnx= --int8 --saveEngine= -v

Obtain accuracy results on the validation dataset:

$ python --engine= --data_dir= -b=


In this section, we report accuracy and latency performance numbers for various models in the ResNet and EfficientNet families:

  • ResNet-50v1
  • ResNet-50v2
  • ResNet-101v1
  • ResNet-101v2
  • EfficientNet-B0
  • EfficientNet-B3

All results were obtained on the NVIDIA A100 GPU with batch size 1 using TensorRT 8.4 (EA for ResNet and GA for EfficientNet).

Figure 4 shows the accuracy comparison between baseline FP32 models and their quantized equivalent models (PTQ and QAT). As you can see, there’s little to no loss in accuracy between the baseline and QAT models. Sometimes there’s even better accuracy due to further overall fine-tuning of the model. There’s also overall higher accuracy in QAT over PTQ due to the fine-tuning of the model parameters in QAT.

Bar plot graph comparing the FP32 baseline, and INT8 PTQ and QAT models. The graph shows similar accuracies in all models.
Figure 4. Accuracy of ResNet and EfficientNet datasets in FP32 (baseline), INT8 with PTQ, and INT8 with QAT

ResNet, as a network structure, is stable for quantization in general, so the gap between PTQ and QAT is small. However, EfficientNet greatly benefits from QAT, noted by reduced accuracy loss from the baseline model when compared to PTQ.

For more information about how different models may benefit from QAT, see Table 7 in Integer Quantization for Deep Learning Inference: Principles and Empirical Evaluation (quantization whitepaper).

Figure 5 shows that PTQ and QAT have similar times and introduce an up to 19x speedup compared to their respective baseline model.

Bar plot with FP32 and INT8 latency: 17x speed-up in ResNet-50v1, 11x in 50v2, 19x in 101v1, and 13x in 101v2, and 10x in EfficientNet-B0 and 8x in B3.
Figure 5. Latency performance evaluation on various models in the ResNet and EfficientNet families

PTQ can sometimes be slightly faster than QAT as it tries to quantize all layers in the model, which usually results in faster inference, whereas QAT only quantizes the layers wrapped with QDQ nodes.

For more information about how TensorRT works with QDQ nodes, see Working with INT8 in the TensorRT documentation and the Toward INT8 Inference: An End-to-End Workflow for Deploying Quantization-Aware Trained Networks Using TensorRT GTC session.

For more information about performance numbers on various supported models, see the model zoo.


In this post, we introduced the NVIDIA QAT Toolkit for TensorFlow 2. We discussed the advantages of using the toolkit in the context of TensorRT inference acceleration. We then demonstrated how to use the toolkit with ResNet50 and perform accuracy and latency evaluations on ResNet and EfficientNet datasets.

Experimental results show that the accuracy of INT8 models trained with QAT is within around a 1% difference compared to FP32 models, achieving up to 19x speedup in latency.

For more information, see the following resources:


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How can I set the max_split_size_mb ?

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 20.00 MiB (GPU 0; 4.00 GiB total capacity; 3.42 GiB already allocated; 0 bytes free; 3.49 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF

submitted by /u/AwardPsychological38
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