
Any idea when Anaconda Cloud will carry TensorFlow 2.4?

Sorry for asking a question that’s not a direct TensorFlow issue
but 2.4 supports the 3000-series GPUs, so a lot of us are waiting
on Anaconda support, and was thinking maybe someone here can
remember how long it took Anaconda to support 2.3 after its
release, to give others an approximate timeframe on 2.4. Thanks.

submitted by /u/venture70

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Help setting up tf-GPU and cuDNN.

I am trying to get my GPU to train. Gtx 1660 ti, tf 2.4.1, cuda
11.2, python 3.8.7

My NN was taking 15 minutes per epoch on some dummy data so I am
setting up GPU training. At one point I got through 13 epochs
before it got stuck (maybe ran out of memory?). Many github
resolutions later I am stuck at one of two errors:


The only tickets I have found online have been resolved by
setting memory limit or setting “allow_growth” to true. Twice this
has gotten me past the first error, but isnt not working
consistently. Ultimately I end up at the second error either

Has anyone encounter this and not had the widely reported
solution work? Thanks in advance if anyone can help me. Just spent
waaaaay too long trying to get this going and finally am out of
ways to google.

submitted by /u/skeerp

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Upgrading to tf2 modifies all my .py files

I’m upgrading my tensorflow version and using their
tf_upgrade_v2 script. I don’t run into any issues but all my python
files register as “modified” in git, even when there are no
changes? I poked around google and some people mention that my file
permissions may be changing, so I set the core.filemode to false in
my .git/config and then retry to to the upgrade, but I am still
seeing file changes. I diffed the files and I see zero changes. I
believe it could be the EOL, but I tried setting core.autcrlf to
false as well and that still gives me all these files as modified.
Has anyone encountered this? Running ubuntu 20.04.1.

submitted by /u/Woodhouse_20

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Can anybody help me with running posenet python version of posenet tensorflowjs by rwightman?

Git link

submitted by /u/Section_Disastrous

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Improving Indian Language Transliterations in Google Maps

Nearly 75% of India’s population — which possesses the second highest number of internet users in the world — interacts with the web primarily using Indian languages, rather than English. Over the next five years, that number is expected to rise to 90%. In order to make Google Maps as accessible as possible to the next billion users, it must allow people to use it in their preferred language, enabling them to explore anywhere in the world.

However, the names of most Indian places of interest (POIs) in Google Maps are not generally available in the native scripts of the languages of India. These names are often in English and may be combined with acronyms based on the Latin script, as well as Indian language words and names. Addressing such mixed-language representations requires a transliteration system that maps characters from one script to another, based on the source and target languages, while accounting for the phonetic properties of the words as well.

For example, consider a user in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, who is looking for a nearby hospital, KD Hospital. They issue the search query, કેડી હોસ્પિટલ, in the native script of Gujarati, the 6th most widely spoken language in India. Here, કેડી (“kay-dee”) is the sounding out of the acronym KD, and હોસ્પિટલ is “hospital”. In this search, Google Maps knows to look for hospitals, but it doesn’t understand that કેડી is KD, hence it finds another hospital, CIMS. As a consequence of the relative sparsity of names available in the Gujarati script for places of interest (POIs) in India, instead of their desired result, the user is shown a result that is further away.

To address this challenge, we have built an ensemble of learned models to transliterate names of Latin script POIs into 10 languages prominent in India: Hindi, Bangla, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, and Odia. Using this ensemble, we have added names in these languages to millions of POIs in India, increasing the coverage nearly twenty-fold in some languages. This will immediately benefit millions of existing Indian users who don’t speak English, enabling them to find doctors, hospitals, grocery stores, banks, bus stops, train stations and other essential services in their own language.

Transliteration vs. Transcription vs. Translation
Our goal was to design a system that will transliterate from a reference Latin script name into the scripts and orthographies native to the above-mentioned languages. For example, the Devanagari script is the native script for both Hindi and Marathi (the language native to Nagpur, Maharashtra). Transliterating the Latin script names for NIT Garden and Chandramani Garden, both POIs in Nagpur, results in एनआईटी गार्डन and चंद्रमणी गार्डन, respectively, depending on the specific language’s orthography in that script.

It is important to note that the transliterated POI names are not translations. Transliteration is only concerned with writing the same words in a different script, much like an English language newspaper might choose to write the name Горбачёв from the Cyrillic script as “Gorbachev” for their readers who do not read the Cyrillic script. For example, the second word in both of the transliterated POI names above is still pronounced “garden”, and the second word of the Gujarati example earlier is still “hospital” — they remain the English words “garden” and “hospital”, just written in the other script. Indeed, common English words are frequently used in POI names in India, even when written in the native script. How the name is written in these scripts is largely driven by its pronunciation; so एनआईटी from the acronym NIT is pronounced “en-aye-tee”, not as the English word “nit”. Knowing that NIT is a common acronym from the region is one piece of evidence that can be used when deriving the correct transliteration.

Note also that, while we use the term transliteration, following convention in the NLP community for mapping directly between writing systems, romanization in South Asian languages regardless of the script is generally pronunciation-driven, and hence one could call these methods transcription rather than transliteration. The task remains, however, mapping between scripts, since pronunciation is only relatively coarsely captured in the Latin script for these languages, and there remain many script-specific correspondences that must be accounted for. This, coupled with the lack of standard spelling in the Latin script and the resulting variability, is what makes the task challenging.

Transliteration Ensemble
We use an ensemble of models to automatically transliterate from the reference Latin script name (such as NIT Garden or Chandramani Garden) into the scripts and orthographies native to the above-mentioned languages. Candidate transliterations are derived from a pair of sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. One is a finite-state model for general text transliteration, trained in a manner similar to models used by Gboard on-device for transliteration keyboards. The other is a neural long short-term memory (LSTM) model trained, in part, on the publicly released Dakshina dataset. This dataset contains Latin and native script data drawn from Wikipedia in 12 South Asian languages, including all but one of the languages mentioned above, and permits training and evaluation of various transliteration methods. Because the two models have such different characteristics, together they produce a greater variety of transliteration candidates.

To deal with the tricky phenomena of acronyms (such as the “NIT” and “KD” examples above), we developed a specialized transliteration module that generates additional candidate transliterations for these cases.

For each native language script, the ensemble makes use of specialized romanization dictionaries of varying provenance that are tailored for place names, proper names, or common words. Examples of such romanization dictionaries are found in the Dakshina dataset.

Scoring in the Ensemble
The ensemble combines scores for the possible transliterations in a weighted mixture, the parameters of which are tuned specifically for POI name accuracy using small targeted development sets for such names.

For each native script token in candidate transliterations, the ensemble also weights the result according to its frequency in a very large sample of on-line text. Additional candidate scoring is based on a deterministic romanization approach derived from the ISO 15919 romanization standard, which maps each native script token to a unique Latin script string. This string allows the ensemble to track certain key correspondences when compared to the original Latin script token being transliterated, even though the ISO-derived mapping itself does not always perfectly correspond to how the given native script word is typically written in the Latin script.

In aggregate, these many moving parts provide substantially higher quality transliterations than possible for any of the individual methods alone.

The following table provides the per-language quality and coverage improvements due to the ensemble over existing automatic transliterations of POI names. The coverage improvement measures the increase in items for which an automatic transliteration has been made available. Quality improvement measures the ratio of updated transliterations that were judged to be improvements versus those that were judged to be inferior to existing automatic transliterations.

  Coverage Quality
Language   Improvement    Improvement
Hindi 3.2x 1.8x
Bengali 19x 3.3x
Marathi 19x 2.9x
Telugu 3.9x 2.6x
Tamil 19x 3.6x
Gujarati 19x 2.5x
Kannada 24x 2.3x
Malayalam 24x 1.7x
Odia 960x *
Punjabi 24x *
* Unknown / No Baseline.

As with any machine learned system, the resulting automatic transliterations may contain a few errors or infelicities, but the large increase in coverage in these widely spoken languages marks a substantial expansion of the accessibility of information within Google Maps in India. Future work will include using the ensemble for transliteration of other classes of entities within Maps and its extension to other languages and scripts, including Perso-Arabic scripts, which are also commonly used in the region.

This work was a collaboration between the authors and Jacob Farner, Jonathan Herbert, Anna Katanova, Andre Lebedev, Chris Miles, Brian Roark, Anurag Sharma, Kevin Wang, Andy Wildenberg, and many others.


I published part 1 of a tutorial that shows how to transform vanilla autoencoders into variational autoencoders

Autoencoders have a number of limitations for generative tasks.
That’s why they need a power-up to become Variational
Autoencoders. In my new video, I explain the first step to
transform an autoencoder into a VAE. Specifically, I discuss how
VAEs use multivariate normal distributions to encode input data
into a latent space and why this is awesome for generative tasks.
Don’t worry – I also explain what multivariate normal
distributions are!

This video is part of a series called “Generating Sound with
Neural Networks”. In this series, you’ll learn how to generate
sound from audio files and spectrograms 🎧 🎧 using Variational
Autoencoders 🤖 🤖

Here’s the video:

submitted by /u/diabulusInMusica

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How can I convert a TensorFlow Dataset into a Pandas DataFrame?

I have tf dataset with images and labels and want to convert it
to a Pandas DataFrame, since that’s the object required in an
AzureML pipeline designer.

I’m a beginner working with tensorflow and after googling for a
couple of hours I haven’t found anything.

I’d appreciate any tips on how to do this.

submitted by /u/juliansorel

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What does the shape of a spectrogram really mean?

What does the shape of a spectrogram really mean?
submitted by /u/Metecko

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Can’t use tensorflow 2 (I need tensorflow 2cant use 1) because of no protobuf version working for it.

If I have any other version of protobuf except for 3.6.0 I will
get “ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could
not be found” but if I use protobuf 3.6.0 I get
‘google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedCompositeCo’ object has
no attribute ‘append’” this error occurs when I try to build
the model.

I have tried every 2.x version of tensorflow have reinstalled
python 3.6 I have made sure my path variables are correct. I can
find no useful information on the internet. I have tried countless
versions of protobuf. Please help! I have no clue what the hell is
going on.

Maybe upgrade python 3.6 to 3.7? as I have previously had
tensorflow 2.x working on python 3.7 but I don’t know.

submitted by /u/FunnyForWrongReason

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Fastest way to develop a custom translation model with RNN?

I’m a Python web developer, so I have some professional coding
experience, but I’m a complete novice when it comes to machine

In short, I have a dataset (csv form) with 65,000 sentences in
two languages. One of the languages is real, the other is not. I’d
live to quickly dive into an RNN example online so that I can train
a model based on this dataset, but all of the examples seem to
prefer that I use existing, binary datasets (that I can’t

My laptop is relatively old, and processing a dataset properly
can take a week, so every example I’ve attempted to adapt to my
needs has cost lots of time and lots of heartache when I discover
that I can’t use it.

Is there an RNN translation tutorial that anyone would recommend
for the purpose of translating between an existing corpus and a
constructed language? I can do research on any terms listed below,
but the topic of machine learning has so regularly stumped me that,
even though I know easy examples for what I want to do probably
already exist, I don’t even know where to start.

Thank you for your time!

submitted by /u/ehowardhill

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