
Where can I download these models?

Hi all, I’m new to Tensorflow.

I’m interested in incorporating one of these models into my application (after converting them to a tflite file). But none of the download links are working. Any idea why this is? I’m specifically interested in SSD models.

submitted by /u/BuckyOFair
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AI Podcast Wrapped: Top Five Episodes of 2021

Recognized as one of tech’s top podcasts, the NVIDIA AI Podcast is approaching 3 million listens in five years, as it sweeps across topics like robots, data science, computer graphics and renewable energy. Its 150+ episodes reinforce the extraordinary capabilities of AI — from diagnosing disease to boosting creativity to helping save the Earth — Read article >

The post AI Podcast Wrapped: Top Five Episodes of 2021 appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


What is affected when a custom "input_shape" is used for a pre-trained model?

I’m wondering how the pre-trained models actually handle the variety of inputs? Do the original layer weights stay exactly the same?

Many thanks in advance for your care & time.

submitted by /u/talhak
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CGAN – Training From Saved Model Problem

I have been looking around and haven’t been able to find the answer to this one. I am having trouble trying to resume training on a CGAN that I am working with after loading the h5 file. When I try to start training the model again after loading the files, the generator loss will begin to move towards zero very quickly, within 3-4 epochs.

Below is some of the code for loading the models and resuming training. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Loading Models:

d_model = load_model('Aeon5/cgan_model/discriminator_0_to_83.h5') g_model = load_model('Aeon5/cgan_model/generator_0_to_83.h5') gen_noise, gen_label = g_model.input gen_output = g_model.output gan_output = d_model([gen_output, gen_label]) combined = Model([gen_noise, gen_label], gan_output) opt = Adam(lr=0.0002, beta_1=0.5) combined.compile(loss=['binary_crossentropy'], optimizer=opt) 

Resuming Training:

def resume_train(epochs, start, generator, discriminator, combined_model, latent_dim, data_loader, name_append, batch_size=50): for epoch in range(start, epochs): random = np.random.randint(0, 11) for index in range(int(50000/batch_size)): valid = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) fake = np.zeros((batch_size, 1)) idx = np.random.randint(0, 50000, batch_size) x_train = data_loader.get_img_batch(idx) y_train = data_loader.get_label_batch(idx) x_train = (x_train.astype(np.float32) - 127.5)/127.5 if index % 100 == random: valid = np.zeros((batch_size, 1)) + (np.random.random()*0.1) fake = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) - (np.random.random()*0.1) noise = np.random.randn(batch_size, latent_dim) gen_img = generator.predict([noise, y_train]) d_loss_real, _ = discriminator.train_on_batch([x_train, y_train], valid) d_loss_fake, _ = discriminator.train_on_batch([gen_img, y_train], fake) d_loss = 0.5*(np.add(d_loss_real, d_loss_fake)) sample_label = np.random.randint(0, 10, batch_size).reshape(-1, 1) valid = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) g_loss = combined_model.train_on_batch([noise, sample_label], valid) if index % (batch_size) == 0: sample_images(epoch, latent_dim, generator, data_loader) print("%d [D loss: %f] [G loss: %f]" % (epoch, d_loss, g_loss)) #Save the combined model and the generator name = './cgan_model/combined_' + name_append + '.h5' name = './cgan_model/generator_' + name_append + '.h5' name = './cgan_model/discriminator_' + name_append + '.h5' 

submitted by /u/Wrathnut
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It Was a Really Virtual Year: Top Five NVIDIA Videos of 2021

What better way to look back at NVIDIA’s top five videos of 2021 than to hop into the cockpit of a virtual plane flying over Taipei. That was how NVIDIA’s Jeff Fisher and Manuvir Das invited viewers into their COMPUTEX keynote on May 31. Their aircraft sailed over the city’s green hills and banked around Read article >

The post It Was a Really Virtual Year: Top Five NVIDIA Videos of 2021 appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Anyone know if there are plans for TF to straighten out their quantization-aware training story?

Where I work, we need to quantize our models to run them quick enough, and we found that Quantization Aware Training is the only one that has a chance of retaining the desired accuracy. Using Post-training Quantization incurs too many losses.

However, QAT is incredibly difficult and cumbersome in TF 2 because it only applies to models defined through the functional API, whereas many interesting models use for example the object-oriented approach of defining a model.

Does anyone know if there are plans to make QAT easier to use in the future?

submitted by /u/wattnurt
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What are some good resources to start tensorflow practically?

I have been searching for some quality tutorials on tensorflow for quite a while and I can’t find some good ones.

Can anyone please suggest me any tutorial (I would prefer video) to learn tensorflow with hands on (I mean using it practically too not just go through docs only)?

submitted by /u/outofthisworld420
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I would like to learn how to create neural networks but I don’t know how to continue

First of all, nice to meet you, I’m new. Well, I already read him a lot about the theory and he had even bought courses, but I feel that the examples were already old or not useful. I have also been reading some posts in this sub and I have noticed that tensorflow and keras have their inefficiencies, so I don’t know what tools and resources to use to start with.

Beforehand thank you very much.

submitted by /u/Cextremo
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As a solo side-project, I built a TensorFlow-powered abstract news summarizing iOS app

Over the past few years, I’ve been building out an abstract news summarizing app from the ground up. The summarizer is built using TensorFlow and the app is built using React Native.

This has been a solo project and there was a lot of learning on the go. Happy to hear your thoughts, feedback, and questions!

You can find the full iOS app here

submitted by /u/devforfuntimes
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Idris and XLA: linear algebra and probabilistic modelling w. dependent types

submitted by /u/tmp-1379
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