I’m trying to make a GAN model to reconstruct one image from another. So I have two MRI images I put one example of these images, which my input is the top one and the target is the bottom one. My problem here is that I’m trying to create a custom loss function that would penalize pixels that are from the background that are not inside of the brain. A professor told me about masking the image inside of the loss function so I’m kinda lost :/. Can anyone help me ?
Edit: My image didn’t upload so I’m attaching the link https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273638459/figure/fig4/AS:272623535915014@1442009924273/Brain-MRI-and-DTI-at-2years-of-age-A-Axial-T1-weighted-images-reveal-microcephaly-with.png
submitted by /u/DaSpaceman245
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