
Finding "look_back" & "look_ahead" hyper-parameters for Seq2Seq models

For Seq2Seq deep learning architectures, viz., LSTM/GRU and multivariate, multistep time series forecasting, its important to convert the data to a 3D dimension: (batch_size, look_back, number_features). Here _look_back_ decides the number of past data points/samples to consider using _number_features_ from your training dataset. Similarly, _look_ahead_ needs to be defined which defines the number of steps in future, you want your model to forecast for.

I have a written a function to help achieve this:

 def split_series_multivariate(data, n_past, n_future): ''' Create training and testing splits required by Seq2Seq architecture(s) for multivariate, multistep and multivariate output time-series modeling. ''' X, y = list(), list() for window_start in range(len(data)): past_end = window_start + n_past future_end = past_end + n_future if future_end > len(data): break # slice past and future parts of window- past, future = data[window_start: past_end, :], data[past_end: future_end, :] # past, future = data[window_start: past_end, :], data[past_end: future_end, 4] X.append(past) y.append(future) return np.array(X), np.array(y) 

But, _look_back_ and _look_ahead_ are hyper-parameters which need to be tuned for a given dataset.

 # Define hyper-parameters for Seq2Seq modeling: # look-back window size- n_past = 30 # number of future steps to predict for- n_future = 10 # number of features used n_features = 8 

What is the _best practice_ for choosing/finding _look_back_ and _look_ahead_ hyper-parameters?

submitted by /u/grid_world
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