
A2C Advantage Actor Critic in TensorFlow 2

In a previous post, I gave an introduction to Policy Gradient reinforcement learning. Policy gradient-based reinforcement learning relies on using neural networks to learn an action policy for the control of agents in an environment. This is opposed to controlling agents based on neural network estimations of a value-based function, such as the Q value in deep Q learning. However, there are problems with straight Monte-Carlo based methods of policy gradient learning as covered in the previously mentioned policy gradient post. In particular, one significant problem is a high variance in the learning. This problem can be solved by a process called baselining, with the most effective baselining method being the Advantage Actor Critic method or A2c. In this post, I’ll review the theory of the A2c method, and demonstrate how to build an A2c algorithm in TensorFlow 2.

All code shown in this tutorial can be found at this site’s Github repository, in the file.

A quick recap of some important concepts

In the A2C algorithm, notice the title “Advantage Actor” – this refers first to the actor, the part of the neural network that is used to determine the actions of the agent. The “advantage” is a concept that expresses the relative benefit of taking a certain action at time t ($a_t$) from a certain state $s_t$. Note that it is not the “absolute” benefit, but the “relative” benefit. This will become clearer when I discuss the concept of “value”. The advantage is expressed as:

$$A(s_t, a_t) = Q(s_t, a_t) – V(s_t)$$

The Q value (discussed in other posts, for instance here, here and here) is the expected future rewards of taking action $a_t$ from state $s_t$. The value $V(s_t)$ is the expected value of the agent being in that state and operating under a certain action policy $pi$. It can be expressed as:

$$V^{pi}(s) = mathbb{E} left[sum_{i=1}^T gamma^{i-1}r_{i}right]$$

Here $mathbb{E}$ is the expectation operator, and the value $V^{pi}(s)$ can be read as the expected value of future discounted rewards that will be gathered by the agent, operating under a certain action policy $pi$. So, the Q value is the expected value of taking a certain action from the current state, whereas V is the expected value of simply being in the current state, under a certain action policy.

The advantage then is the relative benefit of taking a certain action from the current state. It’s kind of like a normalized Q value. For example, let’s consider the last state in a game, where after the next action the game ends. There are three possible actions from this state, with rewards of (51, 50, 49). Let’s also assume that the action selection policy $pi$ is simply random, so there is an equal chance of any of the three actions being selected. The value of this state, then, is 50 ((51+50+49) / 3). If the first action is randomly selected (reward=51), the Q value is 51. However, the advantage is only equal to 1 (Q-V = 51-50). As can be observed and as stated above, the advantage is a kind of normalized or relative Q value.

Why is this important? If we are using Q values in some way to train our action-taking policy, in the example above the first action would send a “signal” or contribution of 51 to the gradient optimizer, which may be significant enough to push the parameters of the neural network significantly in a certain direction. However, given the other two actions possible from this state also have a high reward (50 and 49), the signal or contribution is really higher than it should be – it is not that much better to take action 1 instead of action 3. Therefore, Q values can be a source of high variance in the training process, and it is much better to use the normalized or baseline Q values i.e. the advantage, in training. For more discussion of Q, values, and advantages, see my post on dueling Q networks.

Policy gradient reinforcement learning and its problems

In a previous post, I presented the policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm. For details on this algorithm, please consult that post. However, the A2C algorithm shares important similarities with the PG algorithm, and therefore it is necessary to recap some of the theory. First, it has to be recalled that PG-based algorithms involve a neural network that directly outputs estimates of the probability distribution of the best next action to take in a given state. So, for instance, if we have an environment with 4 possible actions, the output from the neural network could be something like [0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.15], with the first action being currently favored. In the PG case, then, the neural network is the direct instantiation of the policy of the agent $pi_{theta}$ – where this policy is controlled by the parameters of the neural network $theta$. This is opposed to Q based RL algorithms, where the neural network estimates the Q value in a given state for each possible action. In these algorithms, the action policy is generally an epsilon-greedy policy, where the best action is that action with the highest Q value (with some random choices involved to improve exploration).

The gradient of the loss function for the policy gradient algorithm is as follows:

$$nabla_theta J(theta) sim left(sum_{t=0}^{T-1} log P_{pi_{theta}}(a_t|s_t)right)left(sum_{t’= t + 1}^{T} gamma^{t’-t-1} r_{t’} right)$$

Note that the term:

$$G_t = left(sum_{t’= t + 1}^{T} gamma^{t’-t-1} r_{t’} right)$$

Is just the discounted sum of the rewards onwards from state $s_t$. In other words, it is an estimate of the true value function $V^{pi}(s)$. Remember that in the PG algorithm, the network can only be trained after each full episode, and this is because of the term above. Therefore, note that the $G_t$ term above is an estimate of the true value function as it is based on only a single trajectory of the agent through the game.

Now, because it is based on samples of reward trajectories, which aren’t “normalized” or baselined in any way, the PG algorithm suffers from variance issues, resulting in slower and more erratic training progress. A better solution is to replace the $G_t$ function above with the Advantage – $A(s_t, a_t)$, and this is what the Advantage-Actor Critic method does.

The A2C algorithm

Replacing the $G_t$ function with the advantage, we come up with the following gradient function which can be used in training the neural network:

$$nabla_theta J(theta) sim left(sum_{t=0}^{T-1} log P_{pi_{theta}}(a_t|s_t)right)A(s_t, a_t)$$

Now, as shown above, the advantage is:

$$A(s_t, a_t) = Q(s_t, a_t) – V(s_t)$$

However, using Bellman’s equation, the Q value can be expressed purely in terms of the rewards and the value function:

$$Q(s_t, a_t) = mathbb{E}left[r_{t+1} + gamma V(s_{t+1})right]$$

Therefore, the advantage can now be estimated as:

$$A(s_t, a_t) = r_{t+1} + gamma V(s_{t+1}) – V(s_t)$$

As can be seen from the above, there is a requirement to be able to estimate the value function V. We could estimate it by running our agents through full episodes, in the same way we did in the policy gradient method. However, it would be better to be able to just collect batches of game-steps and train whenever the batch buffer was full, rather than having to wait for an episode to finish. That way, the agent could actually learn “on-the-go” during the middle of an episode/game.

So, do we build another neural network to estimate V? We could have two networks, one to learn the policy and produce actions, and another to estimate the state values. A more efficient solution is to create one network, but with two output channels, and this is how the A2C method is outworked. The figure below shows the network architecture for an A2C neural network:

A2C architecture

A2C architecture

This architecture is based on an A2C method that takes game images as the state input, hence the convolutional neural network layers at the beginning of the network (for more on CNNs, see my post here). This network architecture also resembles the Dueling Q network architecture (see my Dueling Q post). The point to note about the architecture above is that most of the network is shared, with a late bifurcation between the policy part and the value part. The outputs $P(s, a_i)$ are the action probabilities of the policy (generated from the neural network) – $P(a_t|s_t)$. The other output channel is the value estimation – a scalar output which is the predicted value of state s – $V(s)$. The two dense channels disambiguate the policy and the value outputs from the front-end of the neural network.

In this example, we’ll just be demonstrating the A2C algorithm on the Cartpole OpenAI Gym environment which doesn’t require a visual state input (i.e. a set of pixels as the input to the NN), and therefore the two output channels will simply share some dense layers, rather than a series of CNN layers.

The A2C loss functions

There are actually three loss values that need to be calculated in the A2C algorithm. Each of these losses is in practice given a weighting, and then they are summed together (with the entropy loss having a negative sign, see below).

The Critic loss

The loss function of the Critic i.e. the value estimating output of the neural network $V(s)$, needs to be trained so that it predicts more and more closely the actual value of the state. As shown before, the value of a state is calculated as:

$$V^{pi}(s) = mathbb{E} left[sum_{i=1}^T gamma^{i-1}r_{i}right]$$

So $V^{pi}(s)$ is the expected value of the discounted future rewards obtained by outworking a trajectory through the game based on a certain operating policy $pi$. We can therefore compare the predicted $V(s)$ at each state in the game, and the actual sampled discounted rewards that were gathered, and the difference between the two is the Critic loss. In this example, we’ll use a mean squared error function as the loss function, between the discounted rewards and the predicted values ($(V(s) – DR)^2$).

Now, given that, under the A2C algorithm, we collect state, action and reward tuples until a batch buffer is filled, how are we meant to figure out this discounted rewards sum? Let’s say we progress 3 states through a game, and we collect:

$(V(s_0), r_0), (V(s_1), r_1), (V(s_2), r_2)$

For the first Critic loss, we could calculate it as:

$$MSE(V(s_0), r_0 + gamma r_1 + gamma^2 r_2)$$

But that is missing all the following rewards $r_3, r_4, …., r_n$ until the game terminates. We didn’t have this problem in the Policy Gradient method, because in that method, we made sure a full run through the game had completed before training the neural network. In the A2c method, we use a trick called bootstrapping. To replace all the discounted $r_3, r_4, …., r_n$ values, we get the network to estimate the value for state 3, $V(s_3)$, and this will be an estimate for all the discounted future rewards beyond that point in the game. So, for the first Critic loss, we would have:

$$MSE(V(s_0), r_0 + gamma r_1 + gamma^2 r_2 + gamma^3 V(s_3))$$

Where $V(s_3)$ is a bootstrapped estimate of the value of the next state $s_3$.

This will be explained more in the code-walkthrough to follow.

The Actor loss

The second loss function needs to train the Actor (i.e. the action policy). Recall that the advantage weighted policy loss is:

$$nabla_theta J(theta) sim left(sum_{t=0}^{T-1} log P_{pi_{theta}}(a_t|s_t)right)A(s_t, a_t)$$

Let’s start with the advantage – $A(s_t, a_t) = r_{t+1} + gamma V(s_{t+1}) – V(s_t)$

This is simply the bootstrapped discounted rewards minus the predicted state values $V(s_t)$ that we gathered up while playing the game. So calculating the advantage is quite straight-forward, once we have the bootstrapped discounted rewards, as will be seen in the code walk-through shortly.

Now, with regards to the $log P_{pi_{theta}}(a_t|s_t)$ statement, in this instance, we can just calculate the log of the softmax probability estimate for whatever action was taken. So, for instance, if in state 1 ($s_1$) the network softmax output produces {0.1, 0.9} (for a 2-action environment), and the second action was actually taken by the agent, we would want to calculate log(0.9). We can make use of the TensorFlow-Keras SparseCategoricalCrossEntropy calculation, which takes the action as an integer, and this specifies which softmax output value to apply the log to. So in this example, y_pred = [1] and y_target = [0.1, 0.9] and the answer would be -log(0.9) = 0.105.

Another handy feature with the SpareCategoricalCrossEntropy loss in Keras is that it can be called with a “sample_weight” argument. This basically multiplies the log calculation with a value. So, in this example, we can supply the advantages as the sample weights, and it will calculate  $nabla_theta J(theta) sim left(sum_{t=0}^{T-1} log P_{pi_{theta}}(a_t|s_t)right)A(s_t, a_t)$ for us. This will be shown below, but the call will look like:

policy_loss = sparse_ce(actions, policy_logits, sample_weight=advantages)

Entropy loss

In many implementations of the A2c algorithm, another loss term is subtracted – the entropy loss. Entropy is a measure, broadly speaking, of randomness. The higher the entropy, the more random the state of affairs, the lower the entropy, the more ordered the state of affairs. In the case of A2c, entropy is calculated on the softmax policy action ($P(a_t|s_t)$) output of the neural network. Let’s go back to our two action example from above. In the case of a probability output of {0.1, 0.9} for the two possible actions, this is an ordered, less-random selection of actions. In other words, there will be a consistent selection of action 2, and only rarely will action 1 be taken. The entropy formula is:

$$E = -sum p(x) log(p(x))$$

So in this case, the entropy of that output would be 0.325. However, if the probability output was instead {0.5, 0.5}, the entropy would be 0.693. The 50-50 action probability distribution will produce more random actions, and therefore the entropy is higher.

By subtracting the entropy calculation from the total loss (or giving the entropy loss a negative sign), it encourages more randomness and therefore more exploration. The A2c algorithm can have a tendency of converging on particular actions, so this subtraction of the entropy encourages a better exploration of alternative actions, though making the weighting on this component of the loss too large can also reduce training performance.

Again, we can use an already existing Keras loss function to calculate the entropy. The Keras categorical cross-entropy performs the following calculation:

Keras output of cross-entropy loss function

Keras output of cross-entropy loss function

If we just pass in the probability outputs as both target and output to this function, then it will calculate the entropy for us. This will be shown in the code below.

The total loss

The total loss function for the A2C algorithm is:

Loss = Actor Loss + Critic Loss * CRITIC_WEIGHT – Entropy Loss * ENTROPY_WEIGHT

A common value for the critic weight is 0.5, and the entropy weight is usually quite low (i.e. on the order of 0.01-0.001), though these hyperparameters can be adjusted and experimented with depending on the environment and network.

Implementing A2C in TensorFlow 2

In the following section, I will provide a walk-through of some code to implement the A2C methodology in TensorFlow 2. The code for this can be found at this site’s Github repository, in the file.

First, we perform the usual imports, set some constants, initialize the environment and finally create the neural network model which instantiates the A2C architecture:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
import numpy as np
import gym
import datetime as dt

STORE_PATH = '/Users/andrewthomas/Adventures in ML/TensorFlowBook/TensorBoard/A2CCartPole'
GAMMA = 0.95

env = gym.make("CartPole-v0")
state_size = 4
num_actions = env.action_space.n

class Model(keras.Model):
    def __init__(self, num_actions):
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.dense1 = keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu',
        self.dense2 = keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu',
        self.value = keras.layers.Dense(1)
        self.policy_logits = keras.layers.Dense(num_actions)

    def call(self, inputs):
        x = self.dense1(inputs)
        x = self.dense2(x)
        return self.value(x), self.policy_logits(x)

    def action_value(self, state):
        value, logits = self.predict_on_batch(state)
        action = tf.random.categorical(logits, 1)[0]
        return action, value

As can be seen, for this example I have set the critic, actor and entropy loss weights to 0.5, 1.0 and 0.05 respectively. Next the environment is setup, and then the model class is created.

This class inherits from keras.Model, which enables it to be integrated into the streamlined Keras methods of training and evaluating (for more information, see this Keras tutorial). In the initialization of the class, we see that 2 dense layers have been created, with 64 nodes in each. Then a value layer with one output is created, which evaluates $V(s)$, and finally the policy layer output with a size equal to the number of available actions. Note that this layer produces logits only, the softmax function which creates pseudo-probabilities ($P(a_t, s_t)$) will be applied within the various TensorFlow functions, as will be seen.

Next, the call function is defined – this function is run whenever a state needs to be “run” through the model, to produce a value and policy logits output. The Keras model API will use this function in its predict functions and also its training functions. In this function, it can be observed that the input is passed through the two common dense layers, and then the function returns first the value output, then the policy logits output.

The next function is the action_value function. This function is called upon when an action needs to be chosen from the model. As can be seen, the first step of the function is to run the predict_on_batch Keras model API function. This function just runs the function defined above. The output is both the values and the policy logits. An action is then selected by randomly choosing an action based on the action probabilities. Note that tf.random.categorical takes as input logits, not softmax outputs. The next function, outside of the Model class, is the function that calculates the critic loss:

def critic_loss(discounted_rewards, predicted_values):
    return keras.losses.mean_squared_error(discounted_rewards, predicted_values) * CRITIC_LOSS_WEIGHT

As explained above, the critic loss comprises of the mean squared error between the discounted rewards (which is calculated in another function, soon to be discussed) and the values predicted from the value output of the model (which are accumulated in a list during the agent’s trajectory through the game).

The following function shows the actor loss function:

def actor_loss(combined, policy_logits):
    actions = combined[:, 0]
    advantages = combined[:, 1]
    sparse_ce = keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(
        from_logits=True, reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM

    actions = tf.cast(actions, tf.int32)
    policy_loss = sparse_ce(actions, policy_logits, sample_weight=advantages)

    probs = tf.nn.softmax(policy_logits)
    entropy_loss = keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy(probs, probs)

    return policy_loss * ACTOR_LOSS_WEIGHT - entropy_loss * ENTROPY_LOSS_WEIGHT

The first argument to the actor_loss function is an array with two columns (and BATCH_SIZE rows). The first column corresponds to the recorded actions of the agent as it traversed the game. The second column is the calculated advantages – the calculation of which will be shown shortly. Next, the sparse categorical cross-entropy function class is created. The arguments specify that the input to the function is logits (i.e. they don’t have softmax applied to them yet), and it also specifies the reduction to apply to the BATCH_SIZE number of calculated losses – in this case, a sum() function which aligns with the summation in:

$$nabla_theta J(theta) sim left(sum_{t=0}^{T-1} log P_{pi_{theta}}(a_t|s_t)right)A(s_t, a_t)$$

Next, the actions are cast to be integers (rather than floats) and finally, the policy loss is calculated based on the sparse_ce function. As discussed above, the sparse categorical cross-entropy function will select those policy probabilities that correspond to the actions actually taken in the game, and weight them by the advantage values. By applying a summation reduction, the formula above will be implemented in this function.

Next, the actual probabilities for action are estimated by applying the softmax function to the logits, and the entropy loss is calculated by applying the categorical cross-entropy function. See the previous discussion on how this works.

The following function calculates the discounted reward values and the advantages:

def discounted_rewards_advantages(rewards, dones, values, next_value):
    discounted_rewards = np.array(rewards + [next_value[0]])

    for t in reversed(range(len(rewards))):
        discounted_rewards[t] = rewards[t] + GAMMA * discounted_rewards[t+1] * (1-dones[t])
    discounted_rewards = discounted_rewards[:-1]
    # advantages are bootstrapped discounted rewards - values, using Bellman's equation
    advantages = discounted_rewards - np.stack(values)[:, 0]
    return discounted_rewards, advantages

The first input value to this function is a list of all the rewards that were accumulated during the agent’s traversal of the game. The next is a list, the elements of which is either 1 or 0 depending on whether the game or episode ended or not at each time step. The values argument is a list of all values, $V(s)$ generated by the model at each time step. Finally, the next_value argument is the bootstrapped estimate of the value for the state $s_{t+1}$ – in other words, it is the estimated value of all the discounted rewards “downstream” of the last state recorded in the lists. Further discussion on bootstrapping was given in a previous section.

On the first line of the function, a numpy array is created out of the list of rewards, with the bootstrapped next_value appended to it. A reversed loop is then entered into. To explain how this loop works, it is perhaps best to give a simple example. For every time-step in the Cartpole environment, if the stick hasn’t fallen past horizontal, a reward of 1 is awarded. So let’s consider a small batch of samples of only 3 time steps. Let’s also say that the bootstrapped next_value estimate is 0.5. Therefore, at this point, the discounted rewards array looks like the following: [1, 1, 1, 0.5].

This is what the discounted_rewards array looks like at each step in the loop:

t = 2 — discounted_rewards[2] = 1 + GAMMA * 0.5

t = 1 — discounted_rewards[1] = 1 + GAMMA(1 + GAMMA * 0.5) = 1 + GAMMA + GAMMA^2 * 0.5

t = 0 — discounted_rewards[0] = 1 + GAMMA(1 + GAMMA + GAMMA^2 * 0.5) = 1 + GAMMA + GAMMA^2 + GAMMA^3 * 0.5

As can be observed, this loop correctly generates the downstream discounted rewards values for each step in the batch. If the game is finished in one of these time-steps, the accumulation of discounted future rewards will be reset, so that rewards from a subsequent game wont flow into the previous game that just ended.

Because discounted_rewards[3] actually equals the bootstrapped next_value, it doesn’t apply to calculating the advantage, so the next line in the code simply restricts the scope of the discounted_rewards array so that this next_value is excluded.

Next, the advantages are calculated, simply by subtracting the estimated values from the discounted_rewards.

The following lines of code create a model instance, compile the model, and set up a TensorBoard writer for visualization purposes.

model = Model(num_actions)
model.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(), loss=[critic_loss, actor_loss])

train_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(STORE_PATH + f"/A2C-CartPole_{'%d%m%Y%H%M')}")

Note that in the model compilation function, the loss function specified is a compound of the critic and actor loss (with the actor loss featuring the entropy impact, as shown above).

The code below shows the main training loop:

num_steps = 10000000
episode_reward_sum = 0
state = env.reset()
episode = 1
for step in range(num_steps):
    rewards = []
    actions = []
    values = []
    states = []
    dones = []
    for _ in range(BATCH_SIZE):
        _, policy_logits = model(state.reshape(1, -1))

        action, value  = model.action_value(state.reshape(1, -1))
        new_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action.numpy()[0])

        episode_reward_sum += reward

        state = new_state
        if done:
            state = env.reset()
            print(f"Episode: {episode}, latest episode reward: {episode_reward_sum}, loss: {loss}")
            with train_writer.as_default():
                tf.summary.scalar('rewards', episode_reward_sum, episode)
            episode_reward_sum = 0
            episode += 1

    _, next_value = model.action_value(state.reshape(1, -1))
    discounted_rewards, advantages = discounted_rewards_advantages(rewards, dones, values, next_value.numpy()[0])

    # combine the actions and advantages into a combined array for passing to
    # actor_loss function
    combined = np.zeros((len(actions), 2))
    combined[:, 0] = actions
    combined[:, 1] = advantages

    loss = model.train_on_batch(tf.stack(states), [discounted_rewards, combined])

    with train_writer.as_default():
        tf.summary.scalar('tot_loss', np.sum(loss), step)

At the beginning of each “step” or batch number, all of the lists (rewards, actions, values, states, dones) are emptied. A secondary loop is then entered into, which accumulates all of these lists. Within this inner loop, the action logits are generated from the model, and the actual action to be taken (action variable) and the state value (value variable) are retrieved from the model.action_value function. The action is then fed into the environment so that a step can be taken. This generates a new state, the reward for taking that action, and the done flag – signifying if that action ended the game. All of these values are then appended to the various lists, and the episode reward accumulator is added to.

If the episode is done, the environment is reset and the total episode rewards are stored in the TensorBoard writer. If not, the reward is simply stored in the list.

After the BATCH_SIZE number of episodes is stored in the list, the inner loop is exited and it is time to train the model. The next_value bootstrapped value estimate is generated (recall the state variable has been updated to the next_state variable i.e. the next state in the game), and the discounted rewards and advantages are calculated. Next, a combined array is created and populated column-wise by the actions and advantages. These are then passed to the model.train_on_batch function. The discounted_rewards and combined variables are passed to this function, which will, in turn, be automatically fed into the critic and actor loss functions, respectively (along with the outputs from the function – the value estimate and the policy logits).

The loss is returned and finally, this is logged also.

The outcome of training the Cartpole environment for 200 episodes can be seen in the graph below:

A2C training progress on Cartpole environment

A2C training progress on Cartpole environment

That’s the end of this tutorial on the powerful A2C reinforcement learning algorithm, and how to implement it in TensorFlow 2. In a future post, I will demonstrate how to apply this technique to a more challenging Atari game environment, making use of convolutional neural network layers and the actual game screen pixels.

I hope this was useful for you – all the best.

The post A2C Advantage Actor Critic in TensorFlow 2 appeared first on Adventures in Machine Learning.


TensorFlow Lite or hardware acceleration sdk for mobile (like Arm NN SDK)


I’m trying to develop an android application that uses a deep learning algorithm on the mobile itself, i.e. locally.

I want to make it run on GPU, and from what I understand there are actually TFLite delegates that can help me achieve that. However, after a little research I found out that I can also use the Arm NN SDK with TFLite. Will the use of Arm NN actually make the application run faster, or is TFLite by itself a good choice?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Agosto44
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Interesting use case using TensorFlow JS and custom hardware powered by machine learning.

Interesting use case using TensorFlow JS and custom hardware powered by machine learning. submitted by /u/nbortolotti
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First time here: Learning Tensorflow with Machine Learning

Hi, this is my first time posting in this group so I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place.

I recently picked up the Deep Learning with Python book by Chollet as recommended by Google when first starting to learn Tensorflow. However, I thought a good place to start would be to learn how to code basic ML models like Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines, Random Forests, and basic methods like nested cross validation, preprocessing, grid search. These are all methods I know how to do in sklearn, but want to know in Tensorflow. What book/place would do a good job of explaining the code and intuition behind those models?

I am not looking for what the models mean or how they work, more so how to write them properly in Tensorflow. I took a look at Tensorflow’s tutorial on Linear Regression and it made little sense creating a keras.Sequential model with a Dense layer. Seems similar to a Neural Network. I figure that confusion is because I do not know the reason behind the code.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/jremske
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Learning to Reason Over Tables from Less Data

The task of recognizing textual entailment, also known as natural language inference, consists of determining whether a piece of text (a premise), can be implied or contradicted (or neither) by another piece of text (the hypothesis). While this problem is often considered an important test for the reasoning skills of machine learning (ML) systems and has been studied in depth for plain text inputs, much less effort has been put into applying such models to structured data, such as websites, tables, databases, etc. Yet, recognizing textual entailment is especially relevant whenever the contents of a table need to be accurately summarized and presented to a user, and is essential for high fidelity question answering systems and virtual assistants.

In “Understanding tables with intermediate pre-training“, published in Findings of EMNLP 2020, we introduce the first pre-training tasks customized for table parsing, enabling models to learn better, faster and from less data. We build upon our earlier TAPAS model, which was an extension of the BERT bi-directional Transformer model with special embeddings to find answers in tables. Applying our new pre-training objectives to TAPAS yields a new state of the art on multiple datasets involving tables. On TabFact, for example, it reduces the gap between model and human performance by ~50%. We also systematically benchmark methods of selecting relevant input for higher efficiency, achieving 4x gains in speed and memory, while retaining 92% of the results. All the models for different tasks and sizes are released on GitHub repo, where you can try them out yourself in a colab Notebook.

Textual Entailment
The task of textual entailment is more challenging when applied to tabular data than plain text. Consider, for example, a table from Wikipedia with some sentences derived from its associated table content. Assessing if the content of the table entails or contradicts the sentence may require looking over multiple columns and rows, and possibly performing simple numeric computations, like averaging, summing, differencing, etc.

A table together with some statements from TabFact. The content of the table can be used to support or contradict the statements.

Following the methods used by TAPAS, we encode the content of a statement and a table together, pass them through a Transformer model, and obtain a single number with the probability that the statement is entailed or refuted by the table.

The TAPAS model architecture uses a BERT model to encode the statement and the flattened table, read row by row. Special embeddings are used to encode the table structure. The vector output of the first token is used to predict the probability of entailment.

Because the only information in the training examples is a binary value (i.e., “correct” or “incorrect”), training a model to understand whether a statement is entailed or not is challenging and highlights the difficulty in achieving generalization in deep learning, especially when the provided training signal is scarce. Seeing isolated entailed or refuted examples, a model can easily pick-up on spurious patterns in the data to make a prediction, for example the presence of the word “tie” in “Greg Norman and Billy Mayfair tie in rank”, instead of truly comparing their ranks, which is what is needed to successfully apply the model beyond the original training data.

Pre-training Tasks
Pre-training tasks can be used to “warm-up” models by providing them with large amounts of readily available unlabeled data. However, pre-training typically includes primarily plain text and not tabular data. In fact, TAPAS was originally pre-trained using a simple masked language modelling objective that was not designed for tabular data applications. In order to improve the model performance on tabular data, we introduce two novel pretraining binary-classification tasks called counterfactual and synthetic, which can be applied as a second stage of pre-training (often called intermediate pre-training).

In the counterfactual task, we source sentences from Wikipedia that mention an entity (person, place or thing) that also appears in a given table. Then, 50% of the time, we modify the statement by swapping the entity for another alternative. To make sure the statement is realistic, we choose a replacement among the entities in the same column in the table. The model is trained to recognize whether the statement was modified or not. This pre-training task includes millions of such examples, and although the reasoning about them is not complex, they typically will still sound natural.

For the synthetic task, we follow a method similar to semantic parsing in which we generate statements using a simple set of grammar rules that require the model to understand basic mathematical operations, such as sums and averages (e.g., “the sum of earnings”), or to understand how to filter the elements in the table using some condition (e.g.,”the country is Australia”). Although these statements are artificial, they help improve the numerical and logical reasoning skills of the model.

Example instances for the two novel pre-training tasks. Counterfactual examples swap entities mentioned in a sentence that accompanies the input table for a plausible alternative. Synthetic statements use grammar rules to create new sentences that require combining the information of the table in complex ways.

We evaluate the success of the counterfactual and synthetic pre-training objectives on the TabFact dataset by comparing to the baseline TAPAS model and to two prior models that have exhibited success in the textual entailment domain, LogicalFactChecker (LFC) and Structure Aware Transformer (SAT). The baseline TAPAS model exhibits improved performance relative to LFC and SAT, but the pre-trained model (TAPAS+CS) performs significantly better, achieving a new state of the art.

We also apply TAPAS+CS to question answering tasks on the SQA dataset, which requires that the model find answers from the content of tables in a dialog setting. The inclusion of CS objectives improves the previous best performance by more than 4 points, demonstrating that this approach also generalizes performance beyond just textual entailment.

Results on TabFact (left) and SQA (right). Using the synthetic and counterfactual datasets, we achieve new state-of-the-art results in both tasks by a large margin.

Data and Compute Efficiency
Another aspect of the counterfactual and synthetic pre-training tasks is that since the models are already tuned for binary classification, they can be applied without any fine-tuning to TabFact. We explore what happens to each of the models when trained only on a subset (or even none) of the data. Without looking at a single example, the TAPAS+CS model is competitive with a strong baseline Table-Bert, and when only 10% of the data are included, the results are comparable to the previous state-of-the-art.

Dev accuracy on TabFact relative to the fraction of the training data used.

A general concern when trying to use large models such as this to operate on tables, is that their high computational requirements makes it difficult for them to parse very large tables. To address this, we investigate whether one can heuristically select subsets of the input to pass through the model in order to optimize its computational efficiency.

We conducted a systematic study of different approaches to filter the input and discovered that simple methods that select for word overlap between a full column and the subject statement give the best results. By dynamically selecting which tokens of the input to include, we can use fewer resources or work on larger inputs at the same cost. The challenge is doing so without losing important information and hurting accuracy. 

For instance, the models discussed above all use sequences of 512 tokens, which is around the normal limit for a transformer model (although recent efficiency methods like the Reformer or Performer are proving effective in scaling the input size). The column selection methods we propose here can allow for faster training while still achieving high accuracy on TabFact. For 256 input tokens we get a very small drop in accuracy, but the model can now be pre-trained, fine-tuned and make predictions up to two times faster. With 128 tokens the model still outperforms the previous state-of-the-art model, with an even more significant speed-up — 4x faster across the board.

Accuracy on TabFact using different sequence lengths, by shortening the input with our column selection method.

Using both the column selection method we proposed and the novel pre-training tasks, we can create table parsing models that need fewer data and less compute power to obtain better results.

We have made available the new models and pre-training techniques at our GitHub repo, where you can try it out yourself in colab. In order to make this approach more accessible, we also shared models of varying sizes all the way down to “tiny”. It is our hope that these results will help spur development of table reasoning among the broader research community.

This work was carried out by Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Syrine Krichene and Thomas Müller from our Language Team in Zürich. We would like to thank Jordan Boyd-Graber, Yasemin Altun, Emily Pitler, Benjamin Boerschinger, Srini Narayanan, Slav Petrov, William Cohen and Jonathan Herzig for their useful comments and suggestions.


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