
Create High-Quality Computer Vision Applications with Superb AI Suite and NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Tennis gameData labeling and model training are consistently ranked as the most significant challenges teams face when building an AI/ML infrastructure. Both are essential…Tennis game

Data labeling and model training are consistently ranked as the most significant challenges teams face when building an AI/ML infrastructure. Both are essential steps in the ML application development process, and if not done correctly, they can lead to inaccurate results and decreased performance. See the AI Infrastructure Ecosystem of 2022 report from the AI Infrastructure Alliance for more details.

Data labeling is essential for all forms of supervised learning, in which an entire dataset is fully labeled. It is also a key ingredient of semi-supervised learning, which combines a smaller set of labeled data with algorithms designed to automate the labeling of the rest of the dataset programmatically. Labeling is essential to computer vision, one of the most advanced and developed areas of machine learning. Despite its importance, labeling is slow because it requires scaling a distributed human labor team.

Model training is another major bottleneck in machine learning, alongside labeling. Training is slow because it involves waiting for machines to finish complex calculations. It requires teams to know about networking, distributed systems, storage, specialized processors (GPUs or TPUs), and cloud management systems (Kubernetes and Docker).

Superb AI Suite with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Superb AI has introduced a new way for computer vision teams to drastically decrease the time it takes to deliver high-quality training datasets. Instead of relying on human labelers for a majority of the data preparation workflow, teams can now implement a much more time- and cost-efficient pipeline with the Superb AI Suite.

Workflow image showing how Superb AI addresses each step in the data lifecycle.
Figure 1. Superb AI Suite provides products and services for the full data lifecycle

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, built on TensorFlow and PyTorch, is a low-code version of the TAO framework that accelerates the model development process by abstracting away the framework complexity. TAO Toolkit enables you to use the power of transfer learning to fine-tune NVIDIA pretrained models with your own data and optimize for inference.

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 4.0 allows you to train and deploy models easily using real or synthetic datasets.
Figure 2. Overview of NVIDIA TAO Toolkit 4.0

Computer vision engineers can use the Superb AI Suite and the TAO Toolkit in combination to address the challenges of data labeling and model training. More specifically, you can quickly generate labeled data in Suite and train models with TAO to perform specific computer vision tasks, whether classification, detection, or segmentation.

Prepare a computer vision dataset 

This post demonstrates how to use Superb AI Suite to prepare a high-quality computer vision dataset that is compatible with TAO Toolkit. It walks through the process of downloading the dataset, creating a new project on Suite, uploading data to the project through Suite SDK, using Superb AI’s Auto-Label capability to quickly label the dataset, exporting the labeled dataset, and setting up a TAO Toolkit configuration to use the data. 

Step 1: Get Started with Suite SDK

First, head over to to create an account. Then follow the quick-start guide to install and authenticate Suite CLI. You should be able to install the latest version of spb-cli and retrieve the Suite Account Name / Access Key for authentication.

Step 2: Download the dataset

This tutorial works with the COCO dataset, a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset that is popular in the computer vision research community.

You can use this code snippet to download the dataset. Save it in a file called and run bash from the terminal. This will create a data/ directory that stores the COCO dataset.

The next step is to convert COCO to Suite SDK format to sample the five most frequent classes in the COCO validation 2017 dataset. This tutorial handles bounding box annotations only, but Suite can also handle polygons and key points.

You can use this code snippet to perform the conversion. Save it in a file called and run python from the terminal. This will create an upload-info.json file that stores information about the image name and annotations.

Step 3: Create a project in Suite SDK

Creating projects through Suite SDK is a work in progress. For this tutorial, create a project on the web using the Superb AI guide for project creation. Follow the configuration presented below.

Screenshot of Superb AI project creation menu in the user interface.
Figure 3. Superb AI project creation menu
  1. Choose the Image data type
  2. Set the Project Name as CocoTest
  3. Select the Annotation Type as Bounding Box
  4. Create five object classes that match the class names of COCO class names: [‘person’, ‘car’, ‘chair’, ‘book’, ‘bottle’]
Screenshot showing how to set up each object class through the setup flow.
Figure 4. At this step in the creation process, you can choose and define object classes for your project

After this process is complete, you can view the main project page, as shown in Figure 5.

Screenshot of the main platform dashboard for the Superb AI Suite
Figure 5. Superb AI Suite main dashboard

Step 4: Upload data using Suite SDK

After you finish creating the project, start uploading the data. You can use this code snippet to upload the data. Save it in a file called and run python --project CocoTest --dataset coco-dataset in the terminal. 

That means CocoTest is the project name and coco-dataset is the dataset name. This will kickstart the uploading process, which can take several hours to complete, depending on the processing power of the device. 

You can check the uploaded dataset through the Suite web page in real time, as shown in Figure 6.

Screenshot of the main dataset page in list view.
Figure 6. Monitor the uploaded dataset in real time through the Suite list view

Step 5: Label the dataset

The next step is to label the COCO dataset. To do so quickly, use Suite’s powerful automated labeling capabilities. More specifically, Auto-Label and Custom Auto-Label are both powerful tools that can boost labeling efficiency by automatically detecting objects and labeling them. 

Auto-Label is a pretrained model developed by Superb AI that detects and labels 100+ common objects, whereas Custom Auto-Label is a model trained using your own data that detects and labels niche objects.

The COCO data in this tutorial is composed of five common objects that Auto-Label is capable of labeling. Follow the guide to configure Auto-Label. The important thing to remember is that you would want to choose the MSCOCO Box CAL as the Auto-Label AI and map the object names with the respective applied objects. It can take about an hour to process all 3,283 labels in the COCO dataset.

Screenshot showing all the object class settings in the created Auto-Label
Figure 7. Object class settings in the created Auto-Label 

After the Auto-Label finishes running, you will see the difficulty of each automated labeling task: red is difficult, yellow is moderate, and green is easy. The higher the difficulty is, the more likely that the Auto-Label incorrectly labeled that image. 

This level of difficulty, or estimated uncertainty, is calculated based on factors such as small object size, bad lighting conditions, complex scenes, and so on. In a real-world situation, you can easily sort and filter labels by difficulty in order to prioritize going over labels with a higher chance of errors.

Step 6: Export the labeled dataset from the Suite

After obtaining the labeled dataset, export and download the labels. There is more to a label than just the annotation information. In order to fully use a label for training ML models, you must know additional information, such as the project configuration and meta-information about the raw data. To download all this information along with the annotation files, first request an export so that the Suite system can create a zip file for download. Follow the guide to export and download labels from the Suite.

Screenshot showing prompt to export datasets or create Auto-Labels
Figure 8. Exporting dataset through the user interface

When you export labels, a compressed zip file will be created for you to download. The export result folder will contain general information regarding the project as a whole, annotation information for each label, and the metadata for each data asset. For more details, see the Export Result Format documentation. 

Step 7: Convert the output to COCO format

Next, create a script to convert your labeled data to a format that can be input to TAO Toolkit, such as the COCO format. Note that because this tutorial uses the COCO dataset, the data is already in the COCO format. For instance, you can find the JSON file below of a random exported label:

   "objects": [
           "id": "7e9fe8ee-50c7-4d4f-9e2c-145d894a8a26",
           "class_id": "7b8205ef-b251-450c-b628-e6b9cac1a457",
           "class_name": "person",
           "annotation_type": "box",
           "annotation": {
               "multiple": false,
               "coord": {
                   "x": 275.47,
                   "y": 49.27,
                   "width": 86.39999999999998,
                   "height": 102.25
               "meta": {},
               "difficulty": 0,
               "uncertainty": 0.0045
           "properties": []
           "id": "70257635-801f-4cad-856a-ef0fdbfdf613",
           "class_id": "7b8205ef-b251-450c-b628-e6b9cac1a457",
           "class_name": "person",
           "annotation_type": "box",
           "annotation": {
               "multiple": false,
               "coord": {
                   "x": 155.64,
                   "y": 40.61,
                   "width": 98.34,
                   "height": 113.05
               "meta": {},
               "difficulty": 0,
               "uncertainty": 0.0127
           "properties": []
   "categories": {
       "properties": []
   "difficulty": 1

Step 8: Prepare the labeled data for model training 

Next, pull the COCO data from Suite into model development by using SuiteDataset. SuiteDataset makes an exported dataset within the Suite accessible through the PyTorch data pipeline. The code snippet shown below instantiates the SuiteDataset object class for your training set.

class SuiteDataset(Dataset):
   Instantiate the SuiteDataset object class for training set

   def __init__(
           team_name: str,
           access_key: str,
           project_name: str,
           export_name: str,
           train: bool,
           caching_image: bool = True,
           transforms: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
           category_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
       """Function to initialize the object class"""

       # Get project setting and export information through the SDK
       # Initialize the Python Client
       client = spb.sdk.Client(team_name=team_name, access_key=access_key, project_name=project_name)
       # Use get_export
       export_info = call_with_retry(client.get_export, name=export_name)
       # Download the export compressed file through download_url in Export
       export_data = call_with_retry(urlopen, export_info.download_url).read()

       # Load the export compressed file into memory
       with ZipFile(BytesIO(export_data), 'r') as export:
           label_files = [f for f in export.namelist() if f.startswith('labels/')]
           label_interface = json.loads('project.json', 'r').read())
           category_infos = label_interface.get('object_detection', {}).get('object_classes', [])

       cache_dir = None
       if caching_image:
           cache_dir = f'/tmp/{team_name}/{project_name}'
           os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)

       self.client = client
       self.export_data = export_data
       self.categories = [
           {'id': i + 1, 'name': cat['name'], 'type': cat['annotation_type']}
           for i, cat in enumerate(category_infos)
       self.category_id_map = {cat['id']: i + 1 for i, cat in enumerate(category_infos)}
       self.transforms = build_transforms(train, self.categories, transforms, category_names)
       self.cache_dir = cache_dir

       # Convert label_files to numpy array and use
       self.label_files = np.array(label_files).astype(np.string_)

   def __len__(self):
       """Function to return the number of label files"""
       return len(self.label_files)

   def __getitem__(self, idx):
       """Function to get an item"""
       idx = idx if idx >= 0 else len(self) + idx
       if idx = len(self):
           raise IndexError(f'index out of range')

       image_id = idx + 1
       label_file = self.label_files[idx].decode('ascii')

       # Load label information corresponding to idx from the export compressed file into memory
       with ZipFile(BytesIO(self.export_data), 'r') as export:
           label = load_label(export, label_file, self.category_id_map, image_id)

       # Download the image through the Suite sdk based on label_id
           image = load_image(self.client, label['label_id'], self.cache_dir)
       # Download data in real time using get_data from Suite sdk
       except Exception as e:
           print(f'Failed to load the {idx}-th image due to {repr(e)}, getting {idx + 1}-th data instead')
           return self.__getitem__(idx + 1)

       target = {
           'image_id': image_id,
           'label_id': label['label_id'],
           'annotations': label['annotations'],

       if self.transforms is not None:
           image, target = self.transforms(image, target)
       return image, target

Handle the test set in a similar fashion. The code snippet below instantiates the SuiteCocoDataset object class for the test set by wrapping SuiteDataset to make it compatible with the Torchvision COCOEvaluator.

class SuiteCocoDataset(C.CocoDetection):
   Instantiate the SuiteCocoDataset object class for test set
   (by wrapping SuiteDataset to make compatible with torchvision's official COCOEvaluator)

   def __init__(
           team_name: str,
           access_key: str,
           project_name: str,
           export_name: str,
           train: bool,
           caching_image: bool = True,
           transforms: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
           category_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
           num_init_workers: int = 20,
       """Function to initialize the object class"""
       super().__init__(img_folder='', ann_file=None, transforms=None)

       # Call the SuiteDataset class
       dataset = SuiteDataset(
           team_name, access_key, project_name, export_name,
           train=False, transforms=[],
           caching_image=caching_image, category_names=category_names,
       self.client = dataset.client
       self.cache_dir = dataset.cache_dir

       self.coco = build_coco_dataset(dataset, num_init_workers)
       self.ids = list(sorted(self.coco.imgs.keys()))
       self._transforms = build_transforms(train, dataset.categories, transforms, category_names)

   def _load_image(self, id: int):
       """Function to load an image"""
       label_id = self.coco.loadImgs(id)[0]['label_id']
       image = load_image(self.client, label_id, self.cache_dir)
       return image

   def __getitem__(self, idx):
       """Function to get an item"""
           return super().__getitem__(idx)
       except Exception as e:
           print(f'Failed to load the {idx}-th image due to {repr(e)}, getting {idx + 1}-th data instead')
           return self.__getitem__(idx + 1)

SuiteDataset and SuiteCocoDataset can then be used for your training code. The code snippet below illustrates how to use them. During model development, train with train_loader and evaluate with test_loader.

train_dataset = SuiteDataset(
test_dataset = SuiteCocoDataset(

train_loader = DataLoader(
   train_dataset, num_workers=args.workers,
       G.create_aspect_ratio_groups(train_dataset, k=3),
test_loader = DataLoader(
   test_dataset, num_workers=args.workers,
   sampler=SequentialSampler(test_dataset), batch_size=1,

Step 9: Train your model with NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Your data annotated with Suite can now be used to train your object detection model. TAO Toolkit enables you to train, fine-tune, prune, and export highly optimized and accurate computer vision models for deployment by adapting popular network architectures and backbones to your data. For this tutorial, you can choose YOLO v4, an object detection model included in TAO.

First, download the notebook samples from TAO Toolkit Quick Start.

pip3 install nvidia-tao
wget --content-disposition -O

$ unzip -u  -d ./getting_started_v4.0.1 && rm -rf && cd ./getting_started_v4.0.1

Next, start the notebook using the code below:

$ jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 --allow-root

Open your Internet browser on localhost and navigate to the URL:

To create a YOLOv4 model, open notebooks/tao_launcher_starter_kit/yolo_v4/yolo_v4.ipynb and follow the notebook instructions to train the model.

Based on the results, fine-tune the model until it achieves your metric goals. If desired, you can create your own active learning loop at this stage. In a real-world scenario, query samples of failed predictions, assign human labelers to annotate this new batch of sample data, and supplement your model with newly labeled training data. Superb AI Suite can further assist you with data collection and annotation in subsequent rounds of model development as you iteratively improve your model performance.

With the recently released TAO Toolkit 4.0, it is even easier to get started and create high-accuracy models without any AI expertise. Automatically fine-tune your hyperparameters with AutoML, experience turnkey deployment of TAO Toolkit into various cloud services, integrate TAO Toolkit with third-party MLOPs services, and explore new transformer-based vision models (CitySemSegformer, Peoplenet Transformer). 


Data labeling in computer vision can present many unique challenges. The process can be difficult and expensive due to the amount of data that needs labeling. In addition, the process can be subjective, which makes it challenging to achieve consistently high-quality labeled outputs across a large dataset.

Model training can be challenging as well, as many algorithms and hyperparameters require tuning and optimization. This process requires a deep understanding of the data and the model, and significant experimentation to achieve the best results. Additionally, computer vision models tend to require large computing power to train, making it difficult to do so on a limited budget and timeline.

Superb AI Suite enables you to collect and label high-quality computer vision datasets. With NVIDIA TAO Toolkit, you can optimize pretrained computer vision models. Using both together significantly accelerates your computer vision application development times without sacrificing quality.

Want more information? Check out:

About Superb AI

Superb AI provides a training data platform that makes building, managing, and curating computer vision datasets faster and easier than ever before. Specializing in adaptable automation models for labeling and quality assurance, our solutions help companies drastically reduce the time and cost of building data pipelines for computer vision models. Launched in 2018 by researchers and engineers with decades of experience in computer vision and deep learning (including 25+ publications, 7,300+ citations, and 100+ patents), our vision is to empower companies at all stages to develop computer vision applications faster than ever before.

Superb AI is also a proud collaborator with NVIDIA through the NVIDIA Inception Program for Startups. This program helps nurture the development of the world’s cutting-edge startups, providing them with access to NVIDIA technologies and experts, opportunities to connect with venture capitalists, and comarketing support to heighten their visibility.


New Video: What Runs ChatGPT?

Decorative picture of connected servers.Some years ago, Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA, hand-delivered the world’s first NVIDIA DGX AI system to OpenAI. Fast forward to the present and…Decorative picture of connected servers.

Some years ago, Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA, hand-delivered the world’s first NVIDIA DGX AI system to OpenAI. Fast forward to the present and OpenAI’s ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, highlighting the benefits and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can be applied in every industry and business, small or enterprise.

Now, have you ever stopped to think about the technologies and infrastructure that it takes to host and support ChatGPT?

In this video, Mark Russinovich, Microsoft Azure CTO, explains the technology stack behind their purpose-built AI supercomputer infrastructure. It was developed by NVIDIA and Microsoft Azure, in collaboration with OpenAI, to host ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) at any scale.

Key takeaways

  • A data parallelism approach resulted in 30x higher performance in inferencing and 4x higher for model training with NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs.
  • To meet the higher processing demands of LLMs, VMs were scaled with NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand networking
  • Server failures and network flaps are inevitable with large-scale training. Microsoft’s Project Forge introduced transparent checkpointing to quickly resume jobs and maintain high levels of utilization globally
  • Low-rank adaptive (LoRA) fine-tuning decreases GPU usage and checkpoint size when handling billion-parameter models at an increased scale.
  • Industry pioneers such as Wayve are leveraging AI supercomputer infrastructure for compute-intensive workloads.
  • Upcoming support for confidential computing with NVIDIA H100 GPUs on Azure will help secure sensitive data and protect valuable AI models in use, enabling secure multi-party collaboration use cases for AI.
Video 1. What runs ChatGPT? Inside Microsoft’s AI supercomputer | Featuring Mark Russinovich


When training AI models with hundreds of billions of parameters, an efficient data center infrastructure is key: from increasing throughput and minimizing server failures to leveraging multi-GPU clusters for compute-intensive workloads.

For more information about optimizing your data center infrastructure to reliably deploy large models at scale, see the following resources:


Meet the Maker: Software Engineer Ramps Up NVIDIA Jetson to Build Self-Driving Skate Park

Kirk Kaiser grew up a fan of the video game Paperboy, where players act as cyclists delivering newspapers while encountering various obstacles, like ramps that appear in the middle of the street. This was the inspiration behind the software developer’s latest project using the NVIDIA Jetson platform for edge AI and robotics — a self-driving Read article >


Imagen Editor and EditBench: Advancing and evaluating text-guided image inpainting

In the last few years, text-to-image generation research has seen an explosion of breakthroughs (notably, Imagen, Parti, DALL-E 2, etc.) that have naturally permeated into related topics. In particular, text-guided image editing (TGIE) is a practical task that involves editing generated and photographed visuals rather than completely redoing them. Quick, automated, and controllable editing is a convenient solution when recreating visuals would be time-consuming or infeasible (e.g., tweaking objects in vacation photos or perfecting fine-grained details on a cute pup generated from scratch). Further, TGIE represents a substantial opportunity to improve training of foundational models themselves. Multimodal models require diverse data to train properly, and TGIE editing can enable the generation and recombination of high-quality and scalable synthetic data that, perhaps most importantly, can provide methods to optimize the distribution of training data along any given axis.

In “Imagen Editor and EditBench: Advancing and Evaluating Text-Guided Image Inpainting”, to be presented at CVPR 2023, we introduce Imagen Editor, a state-of-the-art solution for the task of masked inpainting — i.e., when a user provides text instructions alongside an overlay or “mask” (usually generated within a drawing-type interface) indicating the area of the image they would like to modify. We also introduce EditBench, a method that gauges the quality of image editing models. EditBench goes beyond the commonly used coarse-grained “does this image match this text” methods, and drills down to various types of attributes, objects, and scenes for a more fine-grained understanding of model performance. In particular, it puts strong emphasis on the faithfulness of image-text alignment without losing sight of image quality.

Given an image, a user-defined mask, and a text prompt, Imagen Editor makes localized edits to the designated areas. The model meaningfully incorporates the user’s intent and performs photorealistic edits.

Imagen Editor

Imagen Editor is a diffusion-based model fine-tuned on Imagen for editing. It targets improved representations of linguistic inputs, fine-grained control and high-fidelity outputs. Imagen Editor takes three inputs from the user: 1) the image to be edited, 2) a binary mask to specify the edit region, and 3) a text prompt — all three inputs guide the output samples.

Imagen Editor depends on three core techniques for high-quality text-guided image inpainting. First, unlike prior inpainting models (e.g., Palette, Context Attention, Gated Convolution) that apply random box and stroke masks, Imagen Editor employs an object detector masking policy with an object detector module that produces object masks during training. Object masks are based on detected objects rather than random patches and allow for more principled alignment between edit text prompts and masked regions. Empirically, the method helps the model stave off the prevalent issue of the text prompt being ignored when masked regions are small or only partially cover an object (e.g., CogView2).

Random masks (left) frequently capture background or intersect object boundaries, defining regions that can be plausibly inpainted just from image context alone. Object masks (right) are harder to inpaint from image context alone, encouraging models to rely more on text inputs during training.

Next, during training and inference, Imagen Editor enhances high resolution editing by conditioning on full resolution (1024×1024 in this work), channel-wise concatenation of the input image and the mask (similar to SR3, Palette, and GLIDE). For the base diffusion 64×64 model and the 64×64→256×256 super-resolution models, we apply a parameterized downsampling convolution (e.g., convolution with a stride), which we empirically find to be critical for high fidelity.

Imagen is fine-tuned for image editing. All of the diffusion models, i.e., the base model and super-resolution (SR) models, are conditioned on high-resolution 1024×1024 image and mask inputs. To this end, new convolutional image encoders are introduced.

Finally, at inference we apply classifier-free guidance (CFG) to bias samples to a particular conditioning, in this case, text prompts. CFG interpolates between the text-conditioned and unconditioned model predictions to ensure strong alignment between the generated image and the input text prompt for text-guided image inpainting. We follow Imagen Video and use high guidance weights with guidance oscillation (a guidance schedule that oscillates within a value range of guidance weights). In the base model (the stage-1 64x diffusion), where ensuring strong alignment with text is most critical, we use a guidance weight schedule that oscillates between 1 and 30. We observe that high guidance weights combined with oscillating guidance result in the best trade-off between sample fidelity and text-image alignment.


The EditBench dataset for text-guided image inpainting evaluation contains 240 images, with 120 generated and 120 natural images. Generated images are synthesized by Parti and natural images are drawn from the Visual Genome and Open Images datasets. EditBench captures a wide variety of language, image types, and levels of text prompt specificity (i.e., simple, rich, and full captions). Each example consists of (1) a masked input image, (2) an input text prompt, and (3) a high-quality output image used as reference for automatic metrics. To provide insight into the relative strengths and weaknesses of different models, EditBench prompts are designed to test fine-grained details along three categories: (1) attributes (e.g., material, color, shape, size, count); (2) object types (e.g., common, rare, text rendering); and (3) scenes (e.g., indoor, outdoor, realistic, or paintings). To understand how different specifications of prompts affect model performance, we provide three text prompt types: a single-attribute (Mask Simple) or a multi-attribute description of the masked object (Mask Rich) – or an entire image description (Full Image). Mask Rich, especially, probes the models’ ability to handle complex attribute binding and inclusion.

The full image is used as a reference for successful inpainting. The mask covers the target object with a free-form, non-hinting shape. We evaluate Mask Simple, Mask Rich and Full Image prompts, consistent with conventional text-to-image models.

Due to the intrinsic weaknesses in existing automatic evaluation metrics (CLIPScore and CLIP-R-Precision) for TGIE, we hold human evaluation as the gold standard for EditBench. In the section below, we demonstrate how EditBench is applied to model evaluation.


We evaluate the Imagen Editor model — with object masking (IM) and with random masking (IM-RM) — against comparable models, Stable Diffusion (SD) and DALL-E 2 (DL2). Imagen Editor outperforms these models by substantial margins across all EditBench evaluation categories.

For Full Image prompts, single-image human evaluation provides binary answers to confirm if the image matches the caption. For Mask Simple prompts, single-image human evaluation confirms if the object and attribute are properly rendered, and bound correctly (e.g., for a red cat, a white cat on a red table would be an incorrect binding). Side-by-side human evaluation uses Mask Rich prompts only for side-by-side comparisons between IM and each of the other three models (IM-RM, DL2, and SD), and indicates which image matches with the caption better for text-image alignment, and which image is most realistic.

Human evaluation. Full Image prompts elicit annotators’ overall impression of text-image alignment; Mask Simple and Mask Rich check for the correct inclusion of particular attributes, objects and attribute binding.

For single-image human evaluation, IM receives the highest ratings across-the-board (10–13% higher than the 2nd-highest performing model). For the rest, the performance order is IM-RM > DL2 > SD (with 3–6% difference) except for with Mask Simple, where IM-RM falls 4-8% behind. As relatively more semantic content is involved in Full and Mask Rich, we conjecture IM-RM and IM are benefited by the higher performing T5 XXL text encoder.

Single-image human evaluations of text-guided image inpainting on EditBench by prompt type. For Mask Simple and Mask Rich prompts, text-image alignment is correct if the edited image accurately includes every attribute and object specified in the prompt, including the correct attribute binding. Note that due to different evaluation designs, Full vs. Mask-only prompts, results are less directly comparable.

EditBench focuses on fine-grained annotation, so we evaluate models for object and attribute types. For object types, IM leads in all categories, performing 10–11% better than the 2nd-highest performing model in common, rare, and text-rendering.

Single-image human evaluations on EditBench Mask Simple by object type. As a cohort, models are better at object rendering than text-rendering.

For attribute types, IM is rated much higher (13–16%) than the 2nd highest performing model, except for in count, where DL2 is merely 1% behind.

Single-image human evaluations on EditBench Mask Simple by attribute type. Object masking improves adherence to prompt attributes across-the-board (IM vs. IM-RM).

Side-by-side compared with other models one-vs-one, IM leads in text alignment with a substantial margin, being preferred by annotators compared to SD, DL2, and IM-RM.

Side-by-side human evaluation of image realism & text-image alignment on EditBench Mask Rich prompts. For text-image alignment, Imagen Editor is preferred in all comparisons.

Finally, we illustrate a representative side-by-side comparative for all the models. See the paper for more examples.

Example model outputs for Mask Simple vs. Mask Rich prompts. Object masking improves Imagen Editor’s fine-grained adherence to the prompt compared to the same model trained with random masking.


We presented Imagen Editor and EditBench, making significant advancements in text-guided image inpainting and the evaluation thereof. Imagen Editor is a text-guided image inpainting fine-tuned from Imagen. EditBench is a comprehensive systematic benchmark for text-guided image inpainting, evaluating performance across multiple dimensions: attributes, objects, and scenes. Note that due to concerns in relation to responsible AI, we are not releasing Imagen Editor to the public. EditBench on the other hand is released in full for the benefit of the research community.


Thanks to Gunjan Baid, Nicole Brichtova, Sara Mahdavi, Kathy Meier-Hellstern, Zarana Parekh, Anusha Ramesh, Tris Warkentin, Austin Waters, and Vijay Vasudevan for their generous support. We give thanks to Igor Karpov, Isabel Kraus-Liang, Raghava Ram Pamidigantam, Mahesh Maddinala, and all the anonymous human annotators for their coordination to complete the human evaluation tasks. We are grateful to Huiwen Chang, Austin Tarango, and Douglas Eck for providing paper feedback. Thanks to Erica Moreira and Victor Gomes for help with resource coordination. Finally, thanks to the authors of DALL-E 2 for giving us permission to use their model outputs for research purposes.


Eye in the Sky With AI: UCSB Initiative Aims to Pulverize Space Threats Using NVIDIA RTX

When meteor showers occur every few months, viewers get to watch a dazzling scene of shooting stars and light streaks scattering across the night sky. Normally, meteors are just small pieces of rock and dust from space that quickly burn up upon entering Earth’s atmosphere. But the story would take a darker turn if a Read article >


Recreate High-Fidelity Digital Twins with Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction

NKSR statue modelReconstructing a smooth surface from a point cloud is a fundamental step in creating digital twins of real-world objects and scenes. Algorithms for surface…NKSR statue model

Reconstructing a smooth surface from a point cloud is a fundamental step in creating digital twins of real-world objects and scenes. Algorithms for surface reconstruction appear in various applications, such as industrial simulation, video game development, architectural design, medical imaging, and robotics.  

Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction (NKSR) is the new NVIDIA algorithm for reconstructing high-fidelity surfaces from large point clouds. NKSR can process millions of points in seconds and achieves state-of-the-art quality on a wide range of benchmarks. NKSR is an excellent substitute for traditional Poisson Surface Reconstruction, providing greater detail and faster runtimes. 

NKSR leverages a novel 3D deep learning approach called Neural Kernel Fields to achieve high-quality reconstruction. First introduced in 2022 by the NVIDIA Toronto AI Lab, Neural Kernel Fields predict a data-dependent set of basis functions used to solve the closed-form surface reconstruction problem. This new approach enables unprecedented generalization (for training on objects and reconstructing scenes) and multimodal training on scenes and objects at different scales. For more technical details about the method, visit the NKSR project page.

A 3D image of a street captured using NKSR.
Figure 1. Reconstructed geometry on Waymo Open Dataset

The kitchen sink model

Alongside the code release, we are excited to introduce the kitchen sink model, a comprehensive model trained on datasets of varying scales. By incorporating object-level and scene-level data, we have ensured the model’s versatility across different scenarios. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we have successfully applied the kitchen sink model to diverse datasets.

Figure 2 shows a room-level reconstruction result using a sparse input point cloud. Our method outperforms other baselines by generating smooth and accurate geometry.

A GIF showing a 3D model of a room filled with chairs and accessories captured using NKSR.
Figure 2. Reconstruction performance of indoor rooms compared to the baselines

Figure 3 showcases the application of our method on a race track, and Figure 4 shows a neighborhood scene. These scenes were captured using an autonomous vehicle equipped with a lidar sensor. Both scenes span several kilometers in length, and we were able to efficiently process them on a GPU.

A GIF showing a 3D reconstruction of a race track using NKSR.
Figure 3. Reconstructed geometry of a long race track
A GIF of a neighborhood that switches between the RGB capture and the 3D model rendered by NKSR
Figure 4. Reconstructed geometry of a neighborhood

How to use NKSR

NKSR is easily accessible through pip, with PyTorch being a key dependency. This integration enables the direct installation of the package, ensuring a streamlined setup process.

Use the following installation command:

pip install nksr -f

The core computing operations of NKSR are accelerated using GPU, which results in high-speed processing and efficient performance. When deploying NKSR, it is necessary to define the positions and normals of your input point cloud. Alternatively, you can input the positions of the sensors capturing these points. 

The code snippet below demonstrates how easy it is to use NKSR:

import nksr
import torch

device = torch.device("cuda:0")
reconstructor = nksr.Reconstructor(device)

# Note that input_xyz and input_normal are torch tensors of shape [N, 3] and [N, 3] respectively.
field = reconstructor.reconstruct(input_xyz, input_normal)
# input_color is also a tensor of shape [N, 3]
field.set_texture_field(nksr.fields.PCNNField(input_xyz, input_color))
# Increase the dual mesh's resolution.
mesh = field.extract_dual_mesh(mise_iter=2)

# Visualizing
from pycg import vis
vis.show_3d([vis.mesh(mesh.v, mesh.f, color=mesh.c)])

The culmination of this process is a triangulated mesh, which you can save directly or visualize based on your specific needs.

If the default configuration (kitchen sink model) does not adequately meet your requirements, the training code is provided. This additional resource offers the flexibility to train a custom model or to integrate NKSR into your existing pipeline. Our commitment to customization and usability ensures that NKSR can be adapted to various applications and scenarios.


NVIDIA Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction presents a novel and cutting-edge approach to extract high-quality 3D surfaces from sparse point clouds. By employing a sparse Neural Kernel Field approach, the NKSR kitchen sink model can generalize to arbitrary inputs at any scale from a fixed training set of shapes. NKSR is fully open source and comes with training code and the pretrained kitchen sink model, which you can install directly with pip. You can further fine-tune NKSR to your specific datasets and problem domains, to enable even higher reconstruction quality in specialized applications. 

Use NKSR for a chance to win a free GPU 

We want to see what you can do with NKSR. Demonstrate your most impressive reconstruction results and captivating visualizations using NKSR. Then enter the NVIDIA NKSR Sweepstakes by September 8, 2023 for your chance to win a GeForce RTX 3090 Ti. 


NVIDIA Stockholder Meeting Set for June 22; Individuals Can Participate Online

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NVIDIA Announces Upcoming Event for Financial Community

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New Video Series: What Developers Need to Know About Universal Scene Description

An abstract GIF.Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) is an open and extensible framework for creating, editing, querying, rendering, collaborating, and simulating within 3D…An abstract GIF.

Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) is an open and extensible framework for creating, editing, querying, rendering, collaborating, and simulating within 3D worlds. Invented by Pixar Animation Studios, USD is much more than a file format. It is an ecosystem and interchange paradigm that models, labels, classifies, and combines a wide range of data sources into a composed ground truth.

There’s increasing adoption of USD in various industries ranging from media and entertainment to scientific computing. The framework’s scalability and interoperability enable you to efficiently create high-fidelity and true-to-life simulations of the real world with collaborative and non-destructive authoring.

To help more developers get started leveraging USD to build tools for virtual worlds, NVIDIA is releasing an exclusive USD for Developers video series. The series delivers a foundational understanding of what many have called the HTML of the metaverse.

In the first episode of the series, we highlight four key features of USD that make it the ideal tool for data modeling and interchange:

  • Composition and layering: This enables sparse, non-destructive assembly of data from multiple different sources as individual layers. In other words, various users can make changes to the composed scene in different layers, but their edits are non-destructive and the data from all layers remains accessible.
  • Custom schemas: USD schemas do not end at geometry and shading. NVIDIA collaborated with Pixar and Apple to also create physics schemas for rigid bodies and continues to prototype new schemas to further expand the ecosystem and standards for virtually immersive environments.
  • Connecting any data source: USD data storage is not anchored to any filesystem or nonvolatile storage and can even be procedurally generated. This is made possible by the USD plug-in system for asset resolvers such as NVIDIA Omniverse Nucleus and file formats like Alembic and OBJ.
  • Dynamic data science pipelines: Hydra has evolved into a generalized pipeline for processing composed scene graphs and runtimes. The keyword for Hydra is flexibility as it’s not tightly coupled to any single runtime data layout. This enables Omniverse to compile the composed USD into a deeply vectorized data layout called Fabric. Hydra provides interfaces for implementing the business logic to process data as a customizable chain of runtime scene indexes.

Each video in the series will dive deeper into these four key features and more to help developers harness the data modeling and aggregation superpowers of USD. Watch the first episode now and be sure to subscribe and stay tuned for the rest of the series.

Video 1. This introductory series explores OpenUSD superpowers for developers to unlock new possibilities in 3D workflows

For more information about the latest advancements and to access more resources, see Universal Scene Description. For community discussion about USD, see the latest USD topics on the Omniverse forum.

Get started with NVIDIA Omniverse by downloading the standard license free, or learn how Omniverse Enterprise can connect your team.

If you’re a developer, get started with Omniverse resources.  Stay up-to-date on the platform by subscribing to the newsletter, and following NVIDIA Omniverse on Instagram, Medium, and Twitter.

For resources, check out our forums, Discord server, Twitch and YouTube channels.


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