
Simplifying and Accelerating Machine Learning Predictions in Apache Beam with NVIDIA TensorRT

Loading and preprocessing data for running machine learning models at scale often requires seamlessly stitching the data processing framework and inference…

Loading and preprocessing data for running machine learning models at scale often requires seamlessly stitching the data processing framework and inference engine together.

In this post, we walk through the integration of NVIDIA TensorRT with Apache Beam SDK and show how complex inference scenarios can be fully encapsulated within a data processing pipeline. We also demonstrate how terabytes of data can be processed from both batch and streaming sources with a few lines of code for high-throughput and low-latency model inference.

  • NVIDIA TensorRT is an SDK that facilitates high-performance machine learning inference. It is designed to work with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet. It focuses specifically on optimizing and running a trained neural network for inference efficiently on NVIDIA GPUs. TensorRT can maximize inference throughput with multiple optimizations while preserving model accuracy including model quantization, layer and tensor fusions, kernel auto-tuning, multi-stream executions, and efficient tensor memory usage.
  • Proven with 15+ years in production, Dataflow is a no-ops, serverless data processing platform to process data, in batch or in real time, for analytical, ML and application use cases. These often include incorporating pretrained models into data pipelines. Whatever the use case may be, the use of Apache Beam as its SDK enables DataFlow to make use of the robust community and simplify your data architectures and deliver insights with ML.

Build a TensorRT engine for inference

To use TensorRT with Apache Beam, at this stage, you need a converted TensorRT engine file from a trained model. Here’s how to convert a TensorFlow Object Detection SSD MobileNet v2 320×320 model to ONNX, build a TensorRT engine from ONNX, and run the engine locally.

Convert the TF model to ONNX

To convert TensorFlow Object Detection SSD MobileNet v2 320×320 to ONNX, use one of the TensorRT example converters. This can be done on an on-premises system if the system has the same GPU that will be used in Dataflow for inference.

To prepare your environment, follow the instructions under Setup. This post follows this guide up to and including the Create ONNX Graph. Use –batch_size 1 as the example that we are covering further works with batch size 1 only. You can name the final –onnx file  ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.onnx. Building and running is handled in GCP. 

Make sure that you set up a GCP project with proper credentials and API access to Dataflow, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), and Google Compute Engine (GCE). For more information, see Create a Dataflow pipeline using Python.

Spin up a GCE VM

You need a machine that contains the following installed resources:

  • NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPU
  • GPU driver
  • Docker
  • NVIDIA container toolkit

You can do this by creating a new GCE VM. Follow the instructions but use the following settings:

  • Name: tensorrt-demo
  • GPU type: NVIDIA T4
  • Number of GPUs: 1
  • Machine type: n1-standard-2

You may need a more powerful machine if you know that you are working with models that are large.

In the Boot disk section, choose CHANGE, and go to the PUBLIC IMAGES tab. For Operating system, choose Deep Learning on Linux. There are many versions, but make sure you choose one with CUDA. The version Debian 10 based Deep Learning VM with M98 works for this example.

The other settings can be left to their default values.

Next, connect to the VM using SSH. Install NVIDIA drivers if you are prompted to do so.

Inside the VM, run the following commands to create a few directories to be used later:

mkdir models
mkdir tensorrt_engines

For more information, see Create a VM with attached GPUs.

Build the image

You need a custom container that contains the necessary dependencies to execute the TensorRT code: CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT.

You can copy the following example Dockerfile into a new file and name it tensor_rt.dockerfile.



ENV PATH="/usr/src/tensorrt/bin:${PATH}"

WORKDIR /workspace

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir apache-beam[gcp]==2.42.0
COPY --from=apache/beam_python3.8_sdk:2.42.0 /opt/apache/beam /opt/apache/beam

RUN pip install --upgrade pip 
    && pip install torch>=1.7.1 
    && pip install torchvision>=0.8.2 
    && pip install pillow>=8.0.0 
    && pip install transformers>=4.18.0 
    && pip install cuda-python

ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/apache/beam/boot" ]

View the Docker file used for testing in the Apache Beam repo. Keep in mind that there may be a later version of Beam available than what was used in this post.

Build the image by running the following command, locally or in a GCE VM:

docker build -f tensor_rt.dockerfile -t tensor_rt .

If you did this locally, follow the next steps. Otherwise, you can skip to the next section.

The following commands are only necessary if you are creating the image in a different machine than the one in which you intend to build the TensorRT engine. For this post, use Google Container Registry. Tag your image to a URI that you use for your project and then push to the registry. Make sure to replace GCP_PROJECT and MY_DIR with the appropriate values.

docker tag tensor_rt{GCP_PROJECT}/{MY_DIR}/tensor_rt
docker push{GCP_PROJECT}/{MY_DIR}/tensor_rt

Creating the TensorRT engine

The following commands are only necessary if you created the image in a different machine than the one in which you intend to build the TensorRT engine. Pull the TensorRT image from the registry:

docker pull{GCP_PROJECT}/{MY_DIR}/tensor_rt
docker tag{GCP_PROJECT}/{MY_DIR}/tensor_rt tensor_rt

If the ONNX model is not in the GCE VM, you can copy it from your local machine to the /models directory:

gcloud compute scp ~/Downloads/ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.onnx tensorrt-demo:~/models --zone=us-central1-a

You should now have the ONNX model and the built Docker image in the VM. Now it’s time to use them both.

Launch the Docker container interactively:

docker run --rm -it --gpus all -v /home/{username}/:/mnt tensor_rt bash

Create the TensorRT engine out of the ONNX file:

trtexec --onnx=/mnt/models/ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.onnx --saveEngine=/mnt/tensorrt_engines/ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.trt --useCudaGraph --verbose

You should now see the ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.trt file in your /tensorrt_engines directory in the VM.

Upload the TensorRT Engine to GCS

Copy the file to GCP. If you run into issues with gsutil in uploading the file directly from GCE to GCS, you may have to first copy it to your local machine.

gcloud compute scp tensorrt-demo:~/tensorrt_engines/ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.trt ~/Downloads/ --zone=us-central1-a

In the GCP console, upload the TensorRT engine file to your chosen GCS bucket:


Testing the TensorRT engine locally

Make sure that you have a Beam pipeline that uses TensorRT RunInference. One example is, which you can follow by running the following commands in your GCE VM. Exit the Docker container first by typing Ctrl+D.

git clone
cd beam/sdks/python
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install -r build-requirements.txt
pip install --user -e ."[gcp,test]"

You also create a file called image_file_names.txt, which contains paths to the images. The images can be in an object store like GCS, or in the GCE VM.


Then, run the following command:

docker run --rm -it --gpus all -v /home/{username}/:/mnt -w /mnt/beam/sdks/python tensor_rt python -m apache_beam.examples.inference.tensorrt_object_detection --input gs://{GCS_BUCKET}/tensorrt_image_file_names.txt --output /mnt/tensorrt_predictions.csv --engine_path gs://{GCS_BUCKET}/ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.trt

You should now see a file called tensorrt_predictions.csv. Each line has data separated by a semicolon.

  • The first item is the file name.
  • The second item is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary corresponds with a single detection.
  • A detection contains box coordinates (ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax), score, and class.

For more information about how to set up and run TensorRT RunInference locally, follow the instructions in the Object Detection section.

The TensorRT Support Guide provides an overview of all the supported NVIDIA TensorRT 8.5.1 samples on GitHub and in the product package. These samples are designed to show how to use TensorRT in numerous use cases while highlighting different capabilities of the interface. These samples specifically help in use cases such as recommenders, machine comprehension, character recognition, image classification, and object detection.

Running TensorRT Engine with DataFlow RunInference

Now that you have the TensorRT engine, you can run a pipeline on Dataflow.

The following code example is a part of the pipeline, where you use TensorRTEngineHandlerNumPy to load the TensorRT engine and set other inference parameters. You then read the images, do preprocessing to attach keys to the images, do the prediction, and then write to a file in GCS.

For more information about the full code example, see

  engine_handler = KeyedModelHandler(

  with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
    filename_value_pair = (
        | 'ReadImageNames' >>
        | 'ReadImageData' >> beam.Map(
            lambda image_name: read_image(
                image_file_name=image_name, path_to_dir=known_args.images_dir))
        | 'AttachImageSizeToKey' >> beam.Map(attach_im_size_to_key)
        | 'PreprocessImages' >> beam.MapTuple(
            lambda file_name, data: (file_name, preprocess_image(data))))
    predictions = (
        | 'TensorRTRunInference' >> RunInference(engine_handler)
        | 'ProcessOutput' >> beam.ParDo(PostProcessor()))

    _ = (
        predictions | "WriteOutputToGCS" >>

Make sure that you have completed the Google Cloud setup mentioned in the previous section. You also must have the Beam SDK installed.

To run this job on Dataflow, run the following command locally:

python -m apache_beam.examples.inference.tensorrt_object_detection 
--input gs://{GCP_PROJECT}/image_file_names.txt 
--output gs://{GCP_PROJECT}/predictions.txt 
--engine_path gs://{GCP_PROJECT}/ssd_mobilenet_v2_320x320_coco17_tpu-8.trt 
--runner DataflowRunner 
--project {GCP_PROJECT} 
--region us-central1 
--temp_location gs://{GCP_PROJECT}/tmp/ 
--job_name tensorrt-object-detection 
--sdk_container_image="{GCP_PROJECT}/{MY_DIR}/tensor_rt tensor_rt"

Depending on the size constraints of the model, you may want to adjust machine_type, the type and count of the GPU, or disk_size_gb. For more information about Beam pipeline options, see Set Dataflow pipeline options.

TensorRT and TensorFlow object detection benchmarking

To benchmark, we decided to do a comparison between the TensorRT and TensorFlow object detection versions of the previously mentioned SSD MobileNet v2 320×320 model.

Every single inference call was timed in both the TensorRT and TensorFlow object detection versions. We calculated an average of 5000 inference calls, not taking the first 10 images into account due to ramp-up latencies. The SSD model that we used is a small model. You’ll observe even better speedup when your model can make full use of the GPU.

First, we compared the direct performance speedup between TensorFlow and TensorRT with a local benchmark. We aimed to prove the added benefits with reduced precision mode on TensorRT.

Framework and precision Inference latency (ms)
TensorFlow Object Detection FP32 (end-to-end) 29.47 ms
TensorRT FP32 (end-to-end) 3.72 ms
TensorRT FP32 (GPU compute) 2.39 ms
TensorRT FP16 (GPU compute) 1.48 ms
TensorRT INT8 (GPU compute) 1.34 ms
Table 1. Direct performance speedup on TensorRT

The overall speedup with TensorRT FP32 is 7.9x. End-to-end included data copies, while the GPU compute only included actual inference time. We did this separation because the example model is small. End-to-end TensorRT latency in this case is mostly data copies. You see more significant end-to-end performance improvements using different precisions in bigger models, especially in cases where inference compute is the bottleneck, not data copies.

FP16 is 1.6x faster than FP32 and has no accuracy penalty. INT8 is 1.8x faster than FP32, but sometimes comes with accuracy degradation and requires a calibration process. Accuracy degradation is model-specific, so it’s always good to try yours and see the produced accuracy.

This issue can also be mitigated using quantized networks with the NVIDIA QAT Toolkit. For more information, see Accelerating Quantized Networks with the NVIDIA QAT Toolkit for TensorFlow and NVIDIA TensorRT and the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide.

Dataflow benchmarking

In Dataflow, with the TensorRT engine generated in earlier experiments, we ran with the following configurations: n1-standard-4 machine, disk_size_gb=75, and 10 workers.

To simulate a stream of data coming into Dataflow through PubSub, we set batch sizes to 1. This was done by setting ModelHandlers to have min and max batch sizes of 1.

  Stage with RunInference Mean inference_batch_latency_micro_secs
TensorFlow with T4 GPU 12 min 43 sec 99,242
TensorRT with T4 GPU 7 min 20 sec 10,836
Table 2. Dataflow benchmarks

The Dataflow runner decomposes a pipeline into multiple stages. You can get a better picture of the performance of RunInference by looking at the stage that contains the inference call, and not the other stages that read and write data. This is in the Stage with RunInference column.

For this metric, TensorRT only spends 57% of the runtime of TensorFlow. You expect the acceleration to grow if you adapt a larger model that fully uses GPU processing power.

The metric inference_batch_latency_micro_secs is the time, in microseconds, that it takes to perform the inference on the batch of examples, that is, the time to call model_handler.run_inference. This varies over time depending on the dynamic batching decision of BatchElements, and the particular values or dtype values of the elements. For this metric, you can see that TensorRT is about 9.2x faster than TensorFlow.


In this post, we demonstrated how to run machine learning models at scale by seamlessly stitching together a data processing framework (Apache Beam) and inference engine (TensorRT). We presented an end-to-end example of how inference workload can be fully integrated within a data processing pipeline.

This integration enables a new inference pipeline that helps reduce production inference cost with better NVIDIA GPU utilization and much-improved inference latency and throughput. The same approach can be applied to many other inference workloads using many off-shelf TensorRT samples. In the future, we plan to further automate TensorRT engine building and work on deeper integration of TensorRT with Apache Beam.


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End-to-End AI for Workstation: An Introduction

This post is the first in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 2, End-to-End AI for Workstation:…

This post is the first in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 2, End-to-End AI for Workstation:Transitioning AI Models with ONNX, and part 3, End-to-End AI for Workstation: ONNX Runtime and Optimization.

The great thing about the GPU is that it offers tremendous parallelism; it allows you to perform many tasks at the same time. At its most granular level, this comes down to the fact that there are thousands of tiny processing cores that run the same instruction at the same time. But that is not where such parallelism stops. There are other ways that you can leverage parallelism that are often overlooked, particularly when it comes to AI.

When you consider the performance of an AI feature, what exactly do you mean? Are you just considering the time the model itself takes to run or are you considering the time it takes to load the data, preprocess the data, transfer the data, and write back to disk or display?

This question is perhaps best answered by the user who will experience the feature in question. It can often transpire that the actual model execution time is only a small part of that overall experience.

This post is the first in a series that walks you through several use cases that are specific to APIs, including:

  • ONNX Runtime and Microsoft WinML
  • NVIDIA TensorRT
  • Microsoft DirectML

AI on workstation is a relatively new phenomenon. It’s traditionally been the stuff of servers and the cloud, but that is changing, particularly in the content creation space. As such, there are many existing code bases now being complemented with new AI features.

One of the first questions to ask when implementing an AI feature is, how do you run inference? What are the constraints? What platforms do you need to support?

Depending on the constraints that you identify, you may choose a DirectML and WinML–based approach or a CUDA and TensorRT–based approach. Whatever approach you choose, you should also consider how to integrate your feature into an existing workflow or pipeline.

Consider a relatively common workflow for generative AI in the content creation space: a denoise feature. To run this denoiser, the following steps must happen:

  • Load the model into GPU memory.
  • Make input data available to the model.
  • Pass the input data through the model.
  • Do something with the output data.

There are a lot of ambiguities in this list, so I want to discuss each step.

Diagram shows the relative proportions of feature time, from start, file IO, decode, preprocess, transfer, AI start/end, transfer, post-process, display, and end. AI takes 33% of feature time.
Figure 1. AI is not always the entirety of the feature

Load the model into GPU memory

When and how do you do this?

Models come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from just a few kilobytes to many gigabytes. If your model executes as a part of a long-running pipeline, you may not be able to keep a large model in memory persistently.

Ideally, you would keep the model loading as far from the performance path as possible, but there may be times that this is intractable. You may have to load and unload models as a pipeline runs.

The best-case scenario is to load a model one time and use it as many times as possible. In cases where this can’t be done, most frameworks enable a serialized model to be unloaded and streamed back to the GPU relatively quickly.

Make input data available to the model

Diagram of a pipeline with operations happening one at a time between the GPU and CPU.
Figure 2. Unoptimized pipeline with all operations serialized

This step is where things can get interesting. Usually, this is where there is a lot of low-hanging fruit to improve your performance.

Ultimately, the model expects to consume input data in a specific format. This almost always means a particular scaling and offset, format conversion (for example, UINT8 to FP16), and possibly some layout transformation as well. On NVIDIA hardware, Tensor Cores prefer the NHWC layout.

Often, there is other preprocessing that must be done. Perhaps there is a conversion from or to frequency space or a decode from some compressed format.

This is all work that the GPU can do effectively so it’s important that you allow the GPU to do it. It can be tempting to either allow the CPU to do this work or offload the work to third-party libraries. The latter is a perfectly sensible way to do this. In either case, you must ensure that you minimize the transfers to and from the GPU and speed up the operations themselves. If you are using third-party GPU solutions for pre- and postprocessing, can you ensure that the data remains on the GPU for as long as possible?

In many cases, there may be solutions to preprocessing and format conversion that can be performed by the model itself using native operators. Conversion to FP16, scaling, and offsetting can be performed in most cases by adding those operators to the beginning and end of the model.

However you do your preprocessing, at some point, you will of course have to transfer your input data to the GPU so that the model can consume it. This raises another important consideration.

When your input data is large, you have to perform inference in tiles, if you can. This means that you load a batch of one or more tiles and run inference before loading the next batch.

Diagram shows multiple GPU queues with operations happening concurrently, and the same operation split across multiple queues sequentially.
Figure 3. Optimized pipeline with operations shared across multiple queues

Loading data and running inference can be done in parallel. You can pipeline this work so that by the time batch N has finished inferencing, batch N+1 has finished loading and is ready to be run.

  • If you are using NVIDIA CUDA or NVIDIA TensorRT, use CUDA streams to facilitate this.
  • If you are using a DML-based inference solution, use DirectX queues in parallel to keep things moving.

Tiling operations such as this are highly parallelizable and a good candidate for performing on the GPU itself. In cases where it is intractable to deal with an entire image in GPU memory, you can split the image up into sections that can be tiled while the next section is streamed onto the GPU.

Pass the input data through the model

To get the best possible performance out of the model by the time that you run the inference itself, make sure that all the following statements are true:

  • The input data is provided in the fastest device local memory
  • You are making use of the features that NVIDIA hardware provides, such as Tensor Cores.
  • The GPU is fully saturated, by which I mean that the GPU is given enough work to keep it busy.

Using the right memory

There are several physical heaps that most GPUs can access. Generally speaking, the programmable heaps are usually one of the following:

  • Host-visible
    • Lives in system memory and is read over the PCI bus on a PCI system
    • You can write to this memory but may not be the fastest for GPU access
  • Device-local
    • Lives in device (GPU) memory
    • Fast memory but you can’t write to this directly

The general workflow to get the fastest memory access is to write your data to host-visible memory. Then, issue a GPU command to copy the data from host-visible to device-local memory

If you are using a CUDA-based platform such as TensorRT or cuDNN, then this is relatively easy to manage as the driver does this for you. However, one thing you can do on the host to speed things up is to use pinned memory on the host. That is, when allocating host memory, use hostAlloc rather than malloc. This enables the GPU DMA to directly dispatch a memory transfer without having to involve a separate CPU transfer into the DMA memory pool, resulting in lower latencies.

If you are using a DirectML-based approach, then you must manage this transfer to fast memory yourself. It is worth the effort, as it gives you full control over exactly when your data is transferred, as well as the opportunity to perform your transfers in parallel with other work.

Saturating the GPU

One commonly overlooked bottleneck when doing any GPU-related work is not giving the GPU enough work to do. When this happens, you may find that there is not enough work to keep all the streaming multiprocessors (SMs) on the GPU busy.

In such cases, strategies such as increasing the spatial dimensions or batch size can help significantly. You may find that a batch size of eight runs at the same speed as a batch size of one.

Just as models can vary in size and complexity, so do GPUs. What is an optimum batch size for one GPU may not be optimal for another. Profiling using NVIDIA NSight Systems can help you identify cases where utilization is low on a given system and help you to design your inferencing strategy accordingly.

Other strategies to keep the GPU busy is to do other compute or even AI work in parallel using multiple CUDA streams or DirectX Command queues.

Every case is unique but both CUDA and DirectML and DirectX provide you with the means to keep the GPU as busy as possible for a given problem.

Do something with the output data

When inference is complete and you have your output, you can apply similar principles as you did for the input data. That is, you can post-process the data in a similar way to the input data, either by adding nodes to your graph or by employing a custom compute step.

If your data must be read back to host memory, this can also be done in parallel with the next inference batch. If your data must go directly to display, then you should avoid any unnecessary round trip to the CPU by making use of the appropriate interop capabilities of the platforms involved (for example, CUDA to OpenGL).


Remember that every case is different and what works well for one particular use case may not work for another. 

To read the next posts in this series, see End-to-End AI for Workstation: Transitioning AI Models with ONNX and End-to-End AI for Workstation: ONNX Runtime and Optimization.

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End-to-End AI for Workstation: Transitioning AI Models with ONNX

This post is the second in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 1, End-to-End AI for Workstation: An…

This post is the second in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 1, End-to-End AI for Workstation:An Introduction, and part 3, End-to-End AI for Workstation: ONNX Runtime and Optimization.

In this post, I discuss how to use ONNX to transition your AI models from research to production while avoiding common mistakes. Considering that PyTorch has become the most popular machine learning framework, all my examples use it but I also supply references to TensorFlow tutorials.

Image showing ONNX ecosystem, including native support, converters, visualization tools, runtime, and compilers.
Figure 1. ONNX ecosystem

Interoperability with ONNX

ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) is an open standard for describing deep learning models designed to facilitate framework compatibility. 

Consider the following scenario: you can train a neural network in PyTorch, then run it through the TensorRT optimizing compiler before deploying it to production. This is just one of many interoperable deep-learning tool combinations, which include visualizations, performance profilers, and optimizers. 

Researchers and DevOps no longer have to make do with a single toolchain that is unoptimized for modeling and deployment performance.

To do this, ONNX defines a standard set of operators as well as a standard file format based on the Protocol Buffers serialization format. The model is described as a directed graph with edges indicating data flow between the various node inputs and outputs, and nodes expressing an operator and its parameters.

Exporting a model

I defined a simple model consisting of two Convolution-BatchNorm-ReLu blocks for the following cases.

import torch

class Model(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):

        self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(
            torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 16, 3, 2),
            torch.nn.Conv2d(16, 64, 3, 2),

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.model(x)

You can use the PyTorch built-in exporter to export this model to ONNX by creating a model instance and calling torch.onnx.export. You must also supply a dummy input with the appropriate input dimensions and data type, as well as symbolic names for the given inputs and outputs. 

In the code example, I defined that index 0 for both inputs and outputs is dynamic to run the model with varying batch sizes at runtime.

import torch

model = Model().eval().to(device="cpu")
dummy_input = torch.rand((1, 3, 128, 128), device="cpu")

    dynamic_axes={"input": {0: "N"}, "output": {0: "N"}},

Internally, PyTorch calls torch.jit.trace, which executes the models using the given arguments and records all operations during that execution as a directed graph.

Tracing unrolls loops and if statements, producing a static graph identical to the traced run. There is no data-dependent control flow being captured. This export type is adequate for many use cases but keep these limitations in mind.

If dynamic behavior is required, you can use scripting. As a result, the model must be exported to a ScriptModule object before being converted to ONNX, as shown in the following example. 

import torch

model = Model().eval().to(device="cpu")
dummy_input = torch.rand((1, 3, 128, 128), device="cpu")
scripted_model = torch.jit.script(model)

    dynamic_axes={"input": {0: "N"}, "output": {0: "N"}},

Converting a model to a ScriptModule object is not always trivial and usually necessitates some code changes. For more information, see Avoiding Pitfalls and TorchScript

Because there are no data dependencies in the forward call, you can convert the model to a scriptable model without making any more changes in the code.

When the model has been exported, you can visualize it using Netron. The default view provides a graph of models and a properties panel (Figure 2). If you select the input or output, the properties panel displays generic information, such as name, OpSet, and dimensions. 

Similarly, selecting a node in the graph reveals the node’s properties. This is an excellent approach to check whether your model was exported correctly and also to debug and analyze problems later on.

ONNX model on the left side of the image with model properties listed on the right
Figure 2. Exported ONNX model, visualized using Netron

Custom operator

Right now, ONNX currently defines about 150 operations. They range in complexity from arithmetic addition to a complete long short-term memory (LSTM) implementation. Although this list grows with each new release, you may encounter times when an operator from your research model is not included.

In such a scenario, you can define torch.autograd.Function, which includes the custom functionality in the forward function and a symbolic definition in symbolic. In this case, the forward function implements a no-operation by returning its input.

class FooOp(torch.autograd.Function):
	def forward(ctx, input1: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
		return input1
	def symbolic(g, input1):
		return g.op("devtech::FooOp", input1)

class FooModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):

        self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(
            torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 16, 3, 2),

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.model(x)
        return FooOp.apply(x)

model = FooModel().eval().to(device="cpu")
dummy_input = torch.rand((1, 3, 128, 128), device="cpu")

    dynamic_axes={"input": {0: "N"}, "output": {0: "N"}},

This example demonstrates how to define a symbolic node for exporting your model to ONNX. Although the functionality of symbolic nodes is offered in the forward function, it must be implemented and provided to the runtime used to infer the ONNX model. This is specific to the execution provider and is addressed later in this post.

ONNX model on the left side of the image with model properties listed on the right
Figure 3. ONNX model with custom FooOp

Modifying ONNX models

You may want to make changes to your ONNX model without having to export it again. Changes can range from changing names to eliminating entire nodes. Modifying the model directly is difficult because all the information was encoded as protocol buffers. Fortunately, you can simply alter your models using GraphSurgeon.

The following code example shows how to remove the fake FooOp node from the exported model. There are numerous other ways you can use GraphSurgeon to modify and debug the model that I can’t cover here. For more information, see the GitHub repo.

import onnx_graphsurgeon as gs
import onnx

graph = gs.import_onnx(onnx.load("model_foo.onnx"))

fake_node = [node for node in graph.nodes if node.op == "FooOp"][0]

# Get the input node of the fake node
# For example, node.i() is equivalent to node.inputs[0].inputs[0]
inp_node = fake_node.i()

# Reconnect the input node to the output tensors of the fake node, so that the first identity
# node in the example graph now skips over the fake node.
inp_node.outputs = fake_node.outputs

# Remove the fake node from the graph completely
graph.cleanup(), "removed.onnx")

To remove a node, you must first load the model with the GraphSurgeon API. Next, iterate through the graph, looking for the node to replace and matching it with the FooOp node type. Replace the output tensors of its input node with its own outputs and then remove its own connection to its outputs, removing the node. 

Figure 4 shows the resulting graph. 

ONNX model on the left side of the image with model properties listed on the right
Figure 4. Resulting ONNX model after removing the custom FooOp using GraphSurgeon


This post walked through running a model with ONNX runtime, model optimizations, and architecture considerations. If you have any further questions about these topics, reach out on Developer Forums or join NVIDIA Developer Discord.

To read the next post in this series, see End-to-End AI for Workstation: ONNX Runtime and Optimization.

Sign up to learn more about accelerating your creative application with NVIDIA technologies.


End-to-End AI for Workstation: ONNX Runtime and Optimization

This post is the third in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 1, End-to-End AI for Workstation: An…

This post is the third in a series about optimizing end-to-end AI for workstations. For more information, see part 1, End-to-End AI for Workstation: An Introduction, and part 2, End-to-End AI for Workstation: Transitioning AI Models with ONNX.

When your model has been converted to the ONNX format, there are several ways to deploy it, each with advantages and drawbacks. 

One method is to use ONNX Runtime. ONNX Runtime serves as the backend, reading a model from an intermediate representation (ONNX), handling the inference session, and scheduling execution on an execution provider capable of calling hardware-specific libraries. For more information, see Execution Providers

In this post, I discuss how to use ONNX Runtime at a high level. I also go into more depth about how to optimize your models.

Image of ONNX Runtime architecture including frontend, backend, and execution providers.
Figure 1. ONNX Runtime high-level architecture

Run a model with ONNX Runtime 

ONNX Runtime is compatible with most programming languages. As in the other post, this post uses Python for simplicity and readability. These examples are just meant to introduce the key ideas. For more information about the libraries for all popular operating systems, programming languages, and execution providers, see ONNX Runtime.

To infer a model with ONNX Runtime, you must create an object of the InferenceSession class. This object is responsible for allocating buffers and performing the actual inference. Pass the loaded model and a list of execution providers to use to the constructor. In this example, I opted for the CUDA execution provider.

import onnxruntime as rt

# Create a session with CUDA and CPU ep
session = rt.InferenceSession(model,

You can define session and provider options. ONNX Runtime’s global behavior can be modified using session options for logging, profiling, memory strategies, and graph parameters. For more information about all available flags, see SessionOptions

The following code example sets the logging level to verbose:

# Session Options
import onnxruntime as rt
options = rt.SessionOptions()
options.log_severity_level = 0

# Create a session with CUDA and CPU ep
session = rt.InferenceSession(model,
															sess_options = options

Use provider options to change the behavior of the execution provider that has been chosen for inference. For more information, see ONNX Runtime Execution Providers

You can also obtain the available options by executing get_provider_options on your newly created session:

provider_options = session.get_provider_options()

Run the model

After you build a session, you must generate input data that you can then bind to ONNX Runtime. Following that, you can invoke run on the session, passing it a list of output names as well as a dictionary containing the input names as keys and ONNX Runtime bindings as values.

# Generate data and bind to ONNX Runtime
input_np = np.random.rand((1,3,256,256))
input_ort = rt.OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(input_np)

# Run model
results =["output"], {"input": input_ort})

ONNX Runtime always places inputs and outputs on the CPU by default. As a result, buffers are constantly copied between the host and device, which you should avoid as much as possible. It is feasible to use and reuse device-generated buffers.

Model optimizations

To get the most performance out of inference, I recommend that you make use of hardware-specific accelerators: Tensor Cores. 

On NVIDIA RTX hardware, from the NVIDIA Volta architecture (compute capability 7.0+) forward, the GPU includes Tensor Cores to accelerate some of the heavy-lift operations involved with deep learning. 

Essentially, Tensor Cores enable an operation called warp matrix multiply-accumulate (WMMA), providing optimized paths for FP16-based (HMMA) and integer-based multiply-accumulate (IMMA).

Image of NVIDIA Pascal and NVIDIA Turing architectures.
Figure 2. NVIDIA Tensor Cores

Precision conversion

The first step in using Tensor Cores is to export the model to a lower precision of FP16 or INT8. In most circumstances, INT8 provides the best performance, but it has two drawbacks: 

  • You must recalibrate or quantize weights.
  • The precision may be worse. 

The second point depends on your application. However, when working with INT8 input and output data such as photos, the consequences are often negligible.

On the other hand, FP16 does not require recalibration of the weights. In most cases, it achieves similar accuracy as FP32. To convert a given ONNX model to FP16, use the onnx_converter_common toolbox.

import onnx
from onnxconverter_common.float16 import convert_float_to_float16

model_fp32 = onnx.load("model.onnx")
model_fp16 = convert_float_to_float16(copy.deepcopy(model_fp32)), "model_fp16.onnx")

If the weight in the original model exceeds the dynamic range of FP16, there will be overflow. Any unwanted behavior can be overcome by using the auto-mixed precision (amp) exporter. This converts the model’s Ops to FP16 one by one, checking its accuracy after each change to ensure that the deltas are within a predefined tolerance. Otherwise, the Op is kept in FP32. 

You need two more things for this type of conversion:

  • An input feed dictionary containing the input names as keys and data as values. It is important that the data provided is in the right data range, though it is best if actual inference data is used.
  • A validation function to compare if the results are in an acceptable error margin. In this case, I implemented a simple function that returns true if two arrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance.
import onnx
import numpy as np
from onnxconverter_common.auto_mixed_precision import auto_convert_mixed_precision

# Could also use rtol/atol attributes directly instead of this
def validate(res1, res2):
    for r1, r2 in zip(res1, res2):
        if not np.allclose(r1, r2, rtol=0.01, atol=0.001):
            return False
    return True

model_fp32 = onnx.load("model.onnx")
feed_dict = {"input": 2*np.random.rand(1, 3, 128, 128).astype(np.float32)-1.0}
model_amp = auto_convert_mixed_precision(model_fp32, feed_dict, validate), "model_amp.onnx")

During the conversion from FP32 to FP16, there are still possible problems apart from the dynamic range. It can happen that unnecessary or unwanted cast operations are inserted into the model. You must check this manually.

Architecture considerations

The data and weights must be in the correct layout. Tensor Cores consume data in NHWC format. As I mentioned earlier, ONNX only supports the NCHW format. However, this is not an issue as the backends insert conversion kernels before Tensor Core–eligible operations.

Having the backend handle the layout can result in performance penalties. Because not all operations support the NHWC format, there might be multiple NCHW-NHWC conversions and the reverse throughout the model. They have a short runtime but, when executed repeatedly, can add more harm than benefit. Try to avoid explicit layout conversions in your model by profiling it.

All operations should use filters with a size multiple of 8, optimally 32, to be Tensor Core–eligible. This involves the actual model architecture and should be kept in mind while designing the model.

When you use NVIDIA TensorRT, filters are automatically padded to be feasible for Tensor Core consumption. Nonetheless, it might be better to adjust the model architecture. The extra dimensions are computed anyways and might offer the potential for improved feature extraction

As a third requirement, GEMM operations must have packed strides. This means that the stride cannot exceed the filter size.


ONNX Runtime includes several graph optimizations to boost performance. Graph optimizations are essentially alterations at the graph level, ranging from simple graph simplifications and node eliminations to more complicated node fusions and layout conversions. 

Within ONNX Runtime, these are separated into the following levels:

  • Basic: These optimizations cover all semantics-preserving modifications like constant folding, redundant node elimination, and a limited number of node fusion.
  • Extended: The extended optimizations are only applicable when running either the CPU or CUDA execution provider. They include more complex fusions.
  • Layout optimizations: These layout conversions are only applicable for running on the CPU.

For more information about available fusions and applicable optimizations, see Graph Optimizations in ONNX Runtime.

These optimizations are not relevant when running on the TensorRT execution provider as TensorRT uses its built-in optimizer that uses a wide variety of fusions and kernel tuners.

Online or offline

All optimizations can be performed either online or offline. When an inference session is started in online mode, ONNX Runtime runs all enabled graph optimizations before model inference starts. 

Applying all optimizations every time that a session starts may increase the model startup time, especially for complex models. In this case, the offline mode can be beneficial. When the graph optimizations are complete, ONNX Runtime saves the final model to disk in offline mode. Using the existing optimized model and removing all optimizations reduce the startup time for each consecutive start.


This post walked through running a model with ONNX runtime, model optimizations, and architecture considerations. If you have any further questions about these topics reach out on NVIDIA Developer Forums or join NVIDIA Developer Discord.

To read the first post in this series, see End-to-End AI for Workstation: An Introduction.

Sign up to learn more about accelerating your creative application with NVIDIA technologies.


Best-in-Class Quantum Circuit Simulation at Scale with NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance

cuQuantum ApplianceQuantum algorithm researchers in government, enterprise, and academia are interested in developing and benchmarking novel quantum algorithms on ever-larger…cuQuantum Appliance

Quantum algorithm researchers in government, enterprise, and academia are interested in developing and benchmarking novel quantum algorithms on ever-larger quantum systems. Use cases include drug discovery, cybersecurity, high energy physics, and risk modeling. 

However, these systems are still small, quality still needs to improve, and capacity on them is limited. Developing applications and algorithms on quantum circuit simulators is therefore common.

NVIDIA cuQuantum is a software development kit (SDK) that enables users to easily accelerate and scale quantum circuit simulations with GPUs. A natural tool for calculating state vectors, it enables users to simulate quantum circuits deeper (more gates) and wider (more qubits) than they could on today’s quantum computers. 

cuQuantum includes the recently released NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance, a deployment-ready software container with multi-GPU, multi-node state vector simulation support. Generalized multi-GPU APIs are also now available in NVIDIA cuStateVec for easy integration into any simulator. 

For tensor network simulation, the slicing API provided by the cuQuantum cuTensorNet library enables accelerated tensor network contractions distributed across multiple GPUs or multiple nodes. An additional higher-level API is also now available to make this easier for multi-node, enabling users to take advantage of NVIDIA A100 systems with nearly linear strong scaling. 

This post takes a deep dive into multi-node state vector simulation with the NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance. For related information, see Achieving Supercomputing-Scale Quantum Circuit Simulation with the NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance.

Capabilities of cuQuantum Appliance on the ABCI 2.0 supercomputer 

NVIDIA participated in the AI Bridging Cloud Infrastructure (ABCI) grand challenge this past year to benchmark multi-node cuQuantum Appliance capabilities with their system configurations. ABCI is a supercomputer hosted by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

ABCI 2.0 is ranked at 22 on the TOP500 list as of November 2022, executing the High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark with 22.21 petaflops per second. The supercomputer is ranked 32 on the Green500 list with 21.89 gigaflops per watt as of November 2022. 

The ABCI system consists of 1,088 compute nodes, with 4,352 NVIDIA V100 GPUs, (dubbed “Compute Node (V)”), and 120 compute nodes with 960 A100 GPUs (dubbed “Compute Node (A)”). The NVIDIA cuQuantum team worked with the NVIDIA Ampere architecture nodes to test a range of circuits, in addition to solution accuracy for a range of precisions.

The ABCI Compute Node (A) GPU systems are NVIDIA A100 40 GB, 8 GPUs per node, with the third-generation NVLink. They have a theoretical peak of 19.3 petaflops, and a theoretical peak memory bandwidth of 1,555 GB/s. Nodes are connected with InfiniBand HDR

Quantum computing performance benchmarks on the ABCI Compute Node (A)

Three commonly used algorithms, which are relevant for applications research and quantum computer benchmarking, were run.  

These three benchmarks leverage the multi-node cuQuantum Appliance: Quantum Volume, the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), and Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE). The Quantum Volume Circuit ran with a depth of 10 and a depth of 30. QAOA is a common algorithm used to solve combinatorial optimization problems like routing and resource optimization on relatively, near-term quantum computers. 

NVIDIA ran QAOA with p=1. QPE is a key subroutine in many fault-tolerant quantum algorithms with a wide range of applications, including Shor’s Algorithm for factoring and a range of chemistry calculations like molecular simulations. Weak scaling was demonstrated for all three common quantum algorithms (Figures 1 and 2). 

In addition, strong scaling was examined with quantum volume (Figures 3 and 4). The cuQuantum Appliance has effectively turned the ABCI Compute Node (A) into a perfect 40-41 qubit quantum computer. It is clear that scaling to a supercomputer like ABCI’s is valuable for both accelerating time-to-solution and extending the phase space researchers can explore with state vector quantum circuit simulation techniques.

Chart showing scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations from 30 to 40 qubits, for Quantum Volume, depths 10, 30, QAOA with 2 Parameters, and Quantum Phase Estimation. All runs were conducted on multiple GPUs, up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C128 precision leveraged.
Figure 1. NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance multi-node weak scaling performance from 30 to 40 qubits for complex 128

One of the test objectives was to compare the difference between complex 128 (c128) and complex 64 (c64) implementations. When reducing precision, results showed that more memory can be used for an additional qubit. However, it is important to confirm that the reduced precision is not achieved at the cost of producing useful results from the simulations. This experiment used Quantum Phase Estimation to calculate the number pi, which was measured to 16 digits and matched.

Chart showing scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations from 30 to 40 qubits, for Quantum Volume, depths 10, 30, QAOA with 1 Parameter, and Quantum Phase Estimation. All runs were conducted on multiple GPUs, going up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C64 precision leveraged.
Figure 2. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node weak scaling performance from 30 to 40 qubits for complex 64

Test results show excellent weak scaling performance for lower precision as well. cuQuantum Appliance users can expect to take advantage of lower precision with confidence that both performance and accuracy are minimally impacted.

Chart showing strong scaling state vector based quantum circuit simulations of quantum volume at both depth of 10 and 30. Simulations held at 31 and 34 qubits. All runs were conducted going up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C128 precision leveraged.
Figure 3. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node strong scaling performance for quantum volume at depth 10 and 30, for 31 and 34 qubits with complex 128 precision

Additional measurements were made to test the strong scaling of the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capabilities. These numbers were generated with the Quantum Volume Circuit of depth 10 and depth 30. Both of these results are measured for 31 and 34 qubit Quantum Volume. 

Figure 3 shows the performance metrics when using incremental amounts of GPUs with complex 128 precision. It is clear that scaling to multiple nodes results in time savings for a range of problem sizes.

Chart showing strong scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations of quantum volume at both depth of 10 and 30. Simulations held at 32 and 35 qubits. All runs were conducted going up to 512 total NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer, made easy by the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node capability. C64 precision leveraged.
Figure 4. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node strong scaling performance for quantum volume at depth 10 and 30, for 32 and 35 qubits with complex 64 precision

The NVIDIA cuQuantum team conducted additional experiments varying the precision as depicted in Figure 4. This figure shows Quantum Volume running again at depth 10 and depth 30. In this instance, the simulation was held to 32 and 35 qubits and distributed across 512 NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on the ABCI Compute Node (A). 

The jump in execution time from 8 to 16 GPUs is related to the extra initialization overhead to distribute the workload to two nodes instead of one. This cost is quickly amortized when scaling nodes to an arbitrarily large number. 

Comparing cuQuantum Appliance performance

Users are enabled to achieve scale with the updated NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance. cuQuantum benchmarks were run up to a total of 40 qubits with 64 A100 40 GB nodes. However, users are only limited by the number of accessible GPUs. It is now possible to scale simulations easily, with no changes to existing Qiskit code, and up to 81x faster than the previous implementation without cuQuantum Appliance.

Chart showing scaling state vector-based quantum circuit simulations from 30 to 40 qubits, of Quantum Volume with a depth of 10. cuQuantum Appliance and Qiskit Aer multi-node was run on NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs on AIST’s ABCI supercomputer. The cuQuantum Appliance scaled up to 512 GPUs (64 nodes), made easy by our new multi-node capability. At 36 qubits, the cuQuantum appliance is up to 62x faster than Qiskit multi-node on the same GPUs, and 3.4x faster than mpiQulacs on Fujitsu’s A64FX CPU.
Figure 5. cuQuantum Appliance multi-node weak scaling performance on ABCI from 30 to 40 qubits, compared with Qiskit Aer multi-node and mpiQulacs

NVIDIA has also benchmarked against a very fast multi-node full state vector quantum circuit simulator called mpiQulacs. An impressive simulator, it was developed to run on the Fujitsu A64FX CPU architecture. In March of 2022, they announced their multi-node simulator’s performance results on a quantum volume depth of 10 with up to 36 qubits. The NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance now enables users to scale out to 40 qubits with c128, or 41 qubits with c64, on the ABCI 2.0 supercomputer with similar best-in-class performance. 

Other preliminary tests on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs have shown that the cuQuantum Appliance multi-node performance numbers will be approximately 2x better than the results presented here, using the new NVIDIA H100 GPUs. 

The cuQuantum team at NVIDIA is accelerating state vector simulation at scale. cuQuantum enables scale, and best-in-class performance, showing weak scaling and strong scaling across nodes. In addition, the previously announced results have been validated externally on the AIST ABCI 2.0 supercomputer, showing versatility across different HPC infrastructures. 

NVIDIA has also introduced the first cuQuantum-powered IBM Qiskit image. Users are able to pull this container today, making it easier and faster to scale up quantum circuit simulations with this popular framework. 

The cuQuantum team has already begun working to bring these multi-node APIs to a wider range of developers and will include these in the next cuQuantum release.

Get started with cuQuantum Appliance

The multi-node cuQuantum Appliance is available today. You can access it directly from the NGC catalog for containers. To request features or to report bugs, reach out to the cuQuantum team at NVIDIA/cuQuantum on GitHub.

Additional resources


Reducing Development Time for Intelligent Virtual Assistants in Contact Centers

As the global service economy grows, companies rely increasingly on contact centers to drive better customer experiences, increase customer satisfaction, and…

As the global service economy grows, companies rely increasingly on contact centers to drive better customer experiences, increase customer satisfaction, and lower costs with increased efficiencies. Customer demand has increased far more rapidly than contact center employment ever could. Combined with the high agent churn rate, customer demand creates a need for more automated real-time customer communication augmenting the agents.

Researchers recognized these trends as early as the 1970s and began developing primitive voice menus navigable through touch-tone phones. While voice menus may answer frequently asked questions and reduce pressure on contact center agents, customers often find it frustrating to interact with them.

Chances are that you may have been one of the callers who wanted to speak to an agent directly, instead listening to multiple layers of prerecorded voice prompts, due to any of the following reasons:

  • Listening to menu options that best match your queries takes time. Moreover, after you reach a contact center agent, your issue may be complex enough that it cannot be resolved in one call.
  • Your issue may not closely match the menu options, or it might fall under multiple options.
  • You and the contact center agent may not speak the same native languages, particularly if the contact center is outsourced to another country.
  • Some contact centers may not be staffed at a convenient time for you to call.

To effectively resolve these issues, companies have begun integrating intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs), also known as AI virtual assistants, into their contact center solutions.

In this post, we provide an overview of building and deploying contact center IVAs with the NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow and components such as NVIDIA Riva voice technology and speech AI skills:

  • Automatic speech recognition (ASR) or speech-to-text (STT)
  • Text-to-speech (TTS)

Reducing development time for IVA applications

IVAs are AI-powered software that recognize human speech, understand the intent, and provide precise and personalized responses in human-like voices while engaging with customers in conversation.

Around the clock, IVAs collect customer information and reasons for the call and manage customer issues without the need for a live agent. For complex cases, this information is automatically prepared for the live agent, to optimize servicing customers with a personal touch.

You can use NVIDIA Riva speech AI building blocks to create IVA applications. To reduce development time, you can leverage NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow with integrated Riva skills.

This NVIDIA AI solution workflow provides a reference for you to get started without preparation, helping you achieve the desired AI outcome more quickly.

NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow and components

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow (Figure 1) was designed as a microservice, which means it can be deployed on Kubernetes alone or with other microservices to create a production-ready application for seamless scaling.

Diagram showing full architecture design to build and deploy an intelligent virtual assistant using NVIDIA Riva, Rasa Dialog Manager, and Haystack.
Figure 1. NVIDIA Contact Center IVA architecture with NVIDIA Riva ASR and TTS, Rasa Dialog Manager, and Haystack NLP IRQA components

How services and dialog managers are integrated for deployment

This workflow integrates NVIDIA Riva ASR and TTS services with Haystack, a third-party open-source natural language information retrieval question answering (NLP IRQA) service, and Rasa, an open-source dialog manager.

Figure 1 shows that the Riva ASR service transcribes a user’s spoken question. Rasa and Haystack are used to interpret the user’s intent in the question and construct a relevant response. This response is delivered to the user in synthesized natural speech using Riva TTS.

For context, NVIDIA Riva provides tools for building and deploying conversational AI and speech AI pipelines to any device containing an NVIDIA GPU, whether on the edge, in a data center, or in the cloud. The tools also run inference with those pipelines.

Language-specific customizations for the financial industry

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow features Riva ASR customizations for the financial services industry use case.

These Riva ASR customizations are performed in two sample Jupyter notebooks:

  • To improve the recognition of finance-specific terms.
  • To enhance recognition of finance terms in challenging acoustic environments, including noise, accents, and dialects.
  • To provide explicit guides for pronunciation of finance-specific words.

For more information about customizing Riva ASR models, see ASR Customization Best Practices.

Dialog manager training and IRQA components

After Riva ASR customization, you can work on the IVA dialog manager on information retrieval and question-answering (IRQA) components. Every IVA requires a way to manage the state and flow of the conversation.

A dialog manager employs a language model like BERT to recognize the user intent in the transcribed text obtained from the Riva ASR service. It then routes the question to the correct prepared response or a fulfillment service. This provides context for the question and frames how the IVA can give the proper response.

The Rasa dialog manager also maintains the dialog state, by filling slots set by the developer for remembering the context of the conversation. It can be trained to understand user intent by giving it a few examples of each intent and the slots to be recognized.

IRQA with Haystack NLP is then used to search a list of given documents and generate a long-form response to the user’s question. This assists companies with massive amounts of unstructured data that need to be consumed in a form that is helpful to the customer. After IRQA generates the answer, Riva TTS synthesizes a human-like audio response.

To summarize, the NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow can be deployed on any cloud Kubernetes distribution as a collection of Helm charts, each running a microservice.

While the NVIDIA contact center IVA architecture uses Haystack and Rasa components, you can use your preferred components.

All the NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow-packaged components include enterprise-ready implementation best practices that range from authentication, monitoring, reporting, and load balancing while enabling customization.

Optimal inference based on usage metrics

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow includes NVIDIA Triton Inference Server, which provides Prometheus with metrics indicating GPU and request statistics. The metric format is plain text so you can view them directly in the Grafana dashboard.

Some of the metrics available are shown in Table 1.

Category Metric Description
Count Success Count nv_inference_request_success
Failure Count nv_inference_request_failure Number of failed inference requests received by NVIDIA Triton (each request is counted as 1, even if the request contains a batch)
Inference Count nv_inference_count Number of inferences performed (a batch of n is counted as n inferences and does not include cached requests)
Execution Count nv_inference_exec_count Number of inference batch executions (see Count Metrics, does not include cached requests)
Latency Request Time nv_inference_request_duration_us
Queue Time nv_inference_queue_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend waiting in the scheduling queue (includes cached requests)
Compute Input Time nv_inference_compute_input_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend processing inference inputs (in the framework backend, does not include cached requests)
Compute Time nv_inference_compute_infer_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend executing the inference model (in the framework backend, does not include cached requests)
Compute Output Time nv_inference_compute_output_duration_us Cumulative time requests spend processing inference outputs (in the framework backend, does not include cached requests)
Table 1. NVIDIA Triton Server metrics used for Riva pods manual or automatic scaling

Depending on these usage metrics, the Riva pods can be scaled manually or automatically.


NVIDIA Riva provides speech AI tools that enable companies to build and deploy IVAs in contact centers. These assistants relieve the pressure on human agents while granting customers the interactivity and personal treatment that they expect from live employees. This all drives a better customer experience.

IVAs can also significantly increase contact center efficiency by reducing customer wait times, providing real-time translation, resolving customer challenges faster, reducing agent onboarding time, and enabling customers to reach contact centers 24/7. Companies can also use contact center call transcripts to further hone their products and services.

Related resources

The NVIDIA contact center IVA workflow will be available on NGC for NVIDIA AI Enterprise software customers at the end of December.

In the meantime, you can sign up for NVIDIA LaunchPad to gain hands-on experience and immediately tap into the necessary hardware and software stacks to test and prototype your conversation-based solutions. The workflow solutions will be available on LaunchPad beginning January 20, 2023.

For step-by-step instructions on enhancing contact centers with Riva’s speech AI services, see the webinar, How to Build and Deploy an AI Voice-Enabled Virtual Assistant for Financial Services Contact Centers.

To learn how real companies have benefited from Riva speech AI skills in their contact centers, see the T-Mobile and Floatbot use case stories.