
What does the tensorflow developer certification starter code look like?

Is it like the coding exercises on coursera, where the main “skeleton” is filled out and you just have to add stuff like the model architecture and number of epochs? or do they just give the problem and you have to type everything from scratch?

submitted by /u/dewball345
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Beginner is completely lost with forecasting

Sorry if this is too trivial for this sub, but I’m a noob so here I go: I try to train an Odometry-model for my 4-wheeled robot using Tensorflow. I have my dataset with the sensordata (wheelencoders, acceleration) and X, Y, speed_x, speed_y as my labels.

So far so good, but because my algorithm needs the predictions of the timestep before as inputs to make the next prediction, I need: a RNN? Or something else for Time series prediction? I’m lost, please help me figure out the method I need to look into for this. Cheers

submitted by /u/Magic_newbie
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Building Optimal ASN Configurations in Data Centers with Auto BGP

The NVIDIA Cumulus Linux 4.2.0 release introduces a new feature called auto BGP, which makes BGP ASN assignment in a two-tier leaf and spine network configuration quick and easy. Auto BGP does the work for you without making changes to standard BGP behavior or configuration so that you don’t have to think about which numbers … Continued

The NVIDIA Cumulus Linux 4.2.0 release introduces a new feature called auto BGP, which makes BGP ASN assignment in a two-tier leaf and spine network configuration quick and easy.

Auto BGP does the work for you without making changes to standard BGP behavior or configuration so that you don’t have to think about which numbers to allocate to your switches. This helps you build optimal ASN configurations in your data center and avoid suboptimal routing and path hunting, which occurs when you assign the wrong spine ASNs.

If you don’t care about ASNs, then this feature is for you. If you do, you can always configure BGP the traditional way where you have control over which ASN to allocate to your switch. What I like about this feature is that you can mix and match. You don’t have to use auto BGP across all switches in your configuration. Instead, you can use it to configure one switch but allocate ASN numbers manually to other switches.

ASN assignment

Cumulus Linux uses private 32-bit ASN numbers in the range 4200000000 through 4294967294. This is the private space defined in RFC 6996. Each leaf is assigned a random and unique value in the range 4200000001 through 4294967294 and is based on a hash of the switch MAC address. Each spine is assigned 4200000000; the first number in the range.

Figure 1 shows the ASN numbers assigned to switches in a leaf and spine configuration.

Diagram of the internet connect to spine ASNs and leaf ASNs, which are then connected to servers.
Figure 1. Auto BGP ASN assignment

Configuring auto BGP

Use a simple NCLU command with the keyword leaf or spine:

net add bgp auto leaf
net add bgp auto spine 

The auto BGP leaf and spine keywords are only used to configure the ASN. The configuration files and net show commands display the ASN number only.

For more information about BGP ASN numbering and path hunting, see BGP in the data center and BGP topics in the Networking Resource Center.


Achieving a Cloud-Scale Architecture with DPUs

This post explains why you need a DPU-based SmartNIC and discusses some Smart NIC use cases.

In the first post of this series, I argued that it is a function and not a form that distinguishes a SmartNIC from a data processing unit (DPU). I introduced the category of datacenter NICs called SmartNICs, which include both hardware transport and a programmable data path for virtual switch acceleration. These capabilities are necessary but not sufficient for a NIC to be a DPU. A true DPU must also include an easily extensible, C-programmable Linux environment that enables datacenter architects to virtualize all resources in the cloud and make them appear as local. To understand why DPUs need this, I go back to what created the need for DPUs in the first place.

Why the world needs DPUs

One of the most important reasons why the world needs DPUs is that modern workloads and datacenter designs impose too much networking overhead on the CPU cores. With faster networking (now up to 200 Gb/s per link), the CPU just spends too much of its valuable cores classifying, tracking, and steering network traffic. These expensive CPU cores are designed for general purpose application processing, and the last thing needed is to consume all this processing power simply looking at and managing the movement of data. After all, application processing that analyzes data and produces results is where the real value creation occurs.

The introduction of compute virtualization makes this problem worse, as it creates more traffic on the server both internally–between VMs or containers—and externally to other servers or storage. Applications such as software-defined storage (SDS), hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), and big data also increase the amount of east-west traffic between servers, whether virtual or physical, and often Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is used to accelerate data transfers between servers.

Through traffic increases and the use of overlay networks such as VXLAN, NVGRE, or GENEVE, increasingly popular for public and private clouds, adds further complications to the network by introducing layers of encapsulation. Software-defined networking (SDN) imposes additional packet steering and processing requirements and adds additional burden to the CPU with even more work, such as running the Open vSwitch (OVS).

DPUs can handle all this virtualization (SR-IOV, RDMA, overlay network traffic encapsulation, OVS offload) faster, more efficiently, and at lower cost than standard CPUs.

Another reason: Security isolation

Sometimes, you might want to isolate the networking from the CPU for security reasons. The network is the most likely vector for a hacker attack or malware intrusion and the first place you’d look to detect or stop a hack. It’s also the most likely place to implement in-line encryption.

The DPU, being a NIC, is the first, easiest, best place to inspect network traffic, block attacks, and encrypt transmissions. This has both performance and security benefits, as it eliminates the frequent need to route all incoming and outgoing data back to the CPU and across the PCIe bus. It provides security isolation by running separately from the main CPU. If the main CPU is compromised, then the DPU can still detect or block malicious activity. The DPUs can work to detect or block attacks without immediately involving the CPU.

For more information about the security benefits of a DPU, see Foreshadowing the Future of Security Meltdowns and the Spectre of a Breach.

Virtualizing storage and the cloud

A newer use case for DPUs is to virtualize software-defined storage, hyperconverged infrastructure, and other cloud resources. Before the virtualization explosion, most servers just ran local storage, which is not always efficient but it’s easy to consume. Every OS, application, and hypervisor knows how to use local storage.

Then came the rise of network storage: SAN, NAS, and more recently NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF). However, not every application is natively SAN-aware. Some operating systems and hypervisors, like Windows and VMware, don’t speak NVMe-oF yet. Something DPUs can do is virtualize networked storage, which is more efficient and easier to manage, to look like local storage, which is easier for applications to consume. A DPU could even virtualize GPUs or other neural network processors so that any server can access as many GPUs as it needs whenever it needs them, over the network.

A similar advantage applies to software-defined storage and hyperconverged infrastructure. Both use a management layer, often running as a VM or as a part of the hypervisor itself, to virtualize and abstract the local storage and the network to make it available to other servers or clients across the cluster. This is wonderful for rapid deployments on commodity servers and is good at sharing storage resources. However, the layer of management and virtualization soaks up many CPU cycles that should be running the applications. As with standard servers, the faster the networking runs and the faster the storage devices are, the more CPU must be devoted to virtualizing these resources.

Here again is where the intelligent DPU creates efficiencies. First, it offloads and helps virtualize the networking. They accelerate the private and public cloud, which is why they are sometimes called CloudNICs. They can offload both the networking and much or all the storage virtualization. DPUs can also offload a wide variety of functions for SDS and HCI, such as compression, encryption, deduplication, RAID, reporting, and so on. This is all in the name of sending more expensive CPU cores back to what they do best: running applications.

Picture of NVIDIA Bluefield, a DPU-based system-on-a-Chip (SoC).
Figure 1. DPU is a programmable, specialized, electronic circuit board with hardware acceleration of data processing for datacentric computing

Must have hardware acceleration

Having covered the major DPU use cases, you know when you need them and where they can provide the greatest benefit. They must be able to accelerate and offload network traffic. They also might need to virtualize storage resources, share GPUs over the network, support RDMA, and perform encryption.

Now what are the top DPU requirements? First, all DPUs must have hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration offers the best performance and efficiency, which also means more offloading with less spending. The ability to have dedicated hardware for certain functions is key to the justification for a DPU.

Must be programmable

For the best performance, most of the acceleration functions must run on hardware. For the greatest flexibility, the control and programming of these functions must run in software.

There are many functions that could be programmed on a DPU, a few of which are outlined in the feature table of my previous post. Usually, the specific offload methods, encryption algorithms, and transport mechanisms don’t change much, but the routing rules, flow tables, encryption keys, and network addresses change all the time. The former functions are the data plane and the latter functions are the control plane. The data plane rules and algorithms can be coded into silicon after they are standardized and established. The control plane rules and programming change too quickly to be hard-coded in silicon but can be run on an FPGA (modified occasionally, but with difficulty) or in a C-programmable Linux environment (modified easily and often).

DPU function Use case Run in hardware
(data plane)
Run in hardware
(control plane)
Packet inspection Intrusion detection, firewall Packet filtering, header inspection and rewrite Rules, reporting, packet content inspection
Flow table processing vRouter, OVS, firewall Packet switching Define switching rules and flow tables
Encryption Security, privacy Encryption/decryption Key management
RDMA Faster networking Transport, networking Addressing, connections
DPDK/OVS NFV Packet switching Rules, reporting
VXLAN overlays Private/public cloud Encryption/decryption, VTFP Overlay definitions
NVMe-oF Flash storage NVMe-oF protocol, RDMA Connection setup, RAID, provisioning
Table 1. DPU function guidelines

How much programming has to live on the DPU?

You have a choice on how much of a DPU’s programming is done on the adapter. That is, the adapter’s handling of packets must be hardware-accelerated and programmable, but the control of that programming can live on the adapter or elsewhere. If it’s the former, we say the adapter has a programmable data plane for executing the packet processing rules and control plane for setting up and managing the rules. In the latter case, the adapter only does the data plane while the control plane lives somewhere else, like the CPU.

For example with Open vSwitch, the packet switching can be done in software or hardware, and the control plane can run on the CPU or on the DPU. With a regular foundational or dumb NIC, all the switching and control is done by software on the CPU. With a SmartNIC, the switching is run on the adapter’s ASIC but the control is still on the CPU. With a true DPU, the switching is done by ASIC-type hardware on the adapter while the control plane also runs on the adapter in easily programmable Arm cores.

The ConnectX SmartNIC offloads data path functions through the internal eSwitch.
Figure 2. ConnectX-5 SmartNIC offloads OVS switching to NIC hardware

Which is best, DPU or SmartNIC?

To achieve application efficiency in the datacenter, both transport offload and a programmable data path with hardware offload for virtual switching are vital functions. According to the definition, these functions are part of a SmartNIC and are table stakes on the path to a DPU. However, just transport and programmable virtual switching offload by themselves don’t raise a SmartNIC to the level of a DPU.

Customers often tell us they must have a DPU because they need programmable virtual switching hardware acceleration. This is mainly because another vendor competitor with an expensive, barely programmable offering has told them a “DPU” is the only way to achieve this. In this case, we are happy to deliver the same functionality with the ConnectX family of SmartNICs, which are very smart NICs after all.

But by my reckoning, there are a few more things required to take a NIC to the exalted level of a DPU, such as running the control-plane on the NIC and offering C-programmability with a Linux environment. In those cases, we’re proud to offer the BlueField DPU, which includes all the smarter NIC features of ConnectX adapters plus from 4 to 16 64-bit Arm cores, all running Linux, of course, and easily programmable.

As you plan your next infrastructure build-out or refresh, remember these key points:

  • DPUs are increasingly useful for offloading networking functions and virtualizing resources like storage, networking, and GPUs
  • SmartNICs (or smarter NICs) accelerate data plane tasks in hardware but run the control plane in software
  • The control plane software and other management software can run on the regular CPU or on a DPU.
  • NVIDIA offers best-in class, intelligent SmartNICs (ConnectX), FPGA NICs (Innova), and fully programmable data plan/control plane DPUs (BlueField programmable DPU).

For more information, see the following resources:


How to add custom tensorboard visualizations to tf’s object detection model_main training script

Hello all,

I’m a bit out of my depth here. I know just enough to use tensorflow’s object detection api to do transfer learning on a model from the model zoo, and train a custom object detector. What I’d like to do is add a confusion matrix to the tensorboard visualization I get when I run the main training script in the model garden repository. Currently, I get a bunch of scalar graphs (mAP, AR@K , loss) and images (visualization of model output vs gt). I don’t think I did anything special to create these visualizations. I assume they’re implemented somewhere, and i’m too new to know where. I found a pretty concise tutorial for adding a confusion matrix visualization to tensorboard here (, but I don’t feel like I understand where I would ‘intervene’ or inject my changes into the model_main training script that i’m using (this is the one found in models/research/object_detection of tf’s ‘model garden’). If anyone has had a similar case, or knows of a demo that I might be able to follow I’d be grateful.



submitted by /u/ItsAnApe
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Become a Tensorflow Developer Certificate

Become a Tensorflow Developer Certificate

Hello Tensorflow Developers,

I’m Yassine Hamdaoui, Tensorflow Developer Expert!

I’m here to help anyone get certified!


submitted by /u/YassineHamdaoui
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Meet the Researcher: Antti Honkela, Applying Machine Learning to Preserve Private Data

Dr. Honkela is the Coordinating Professor of the Research Program in Privacy-preserving and Secure AI at the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI).

‘Meet the Researcher’ is a series in which we spotlight researchers in academia who use NVIDIA technologies to accelerate their work. 

This month we spotlight Antti Honkela, Associate Professor in Computer Science at University of Helsinki in Finland.

Honkela is the Coordinating Professor of the Research Program in Privacy-preserving and Secure AI at the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). In addition, he serves as a privacy and anonymity expert in the steering group of Findata, the recently established Finnish Health and Social Data Permit Authority, and has given expert statements to the Finnish Parliament on legislation related to health data privacy.

Figure1. Illustration of noise-aware differentially private Bayesian learning in learning a Gaussian process (blue curve with shaded blue region denoting posterior confidence region) to approximate an underlying function (black curve) from 1,024 noisy observations from a recent pre-print. Different panels show how results become more accurate, and the confidence region shrinks correspondingly under decreasing levels of privacy (increasing ε).

What are your research areas of focus?

Most of my group focuses on developing machine learning and probabilistic inference methods under differential privacy. This provides a strong guarantee that the results cannot be used to violate the privacy of data subjects. I also supervise two students working on applying probabilistic models to analyze genetic data.

What motivated you to pursue this research area?

I have been interested in math and computers for a while. After one year at university, I was given the opportunity to work as a research assistant for Dr. Harri Valpola, who is now the CEO and co-founder of Curious AI. It was during this time that I became hooked on Bayesian machine learning.

Bioinformatics came into the picture after I received my PhD when I struggled to find an application for my machine learning work, which was not apparent at the time. Thanks to an opportunity at a NeurIPS workshop, I met Professor Eric Mjolsness; he told me that some of the models I had been developing might be perfect for modeling gene regulation.

After a few years of working on bioinformatics, I moved back into machine learning to work on differential privacy. This has been an excellent opportunity to link my research, my long-term interest in digital human rights, and my solid theoretical background in mathematics to help solve what I believe will be a significant bottleneck for machine learning for health.

Tell us about a few of your current research projects.

One major project in my group is the work led by Dr. Antti Koskela on using numerical methods for accurate privacy accounting for differential privacy. Differential privacy allows the deriving of an upper bound on so-called privacy loss of data subjects when their data is used. However, the loss increases with each additional access to the data, and it is easy to derive very loose upper bounds on the total loss. Still, these provide a very pessimistic view of the actual privacy loss. Deriving accurate bounds for complex algorithms such as training a neural network with differentially private stochastic gradient descent has been a major challenge, but our work provides an efficient numerical solution with provable error bounds.

Another major initiative is developing tools for differentially private probabilistic programming, which allows the user to specify the structure of a probabilistic model. At the same time the system will automatically derive an algorithm for learning the model from data. Such models allow creating anonymized twins of sensitive data sets more efficiently by easily incorporating prior knowledge. This work is based on a very close collaboration with researchers from the group of Professor Samuel Kaski at Aalto University, and led by Joonas Jälkö and Lukas Prediger.

What problems or challenges does your research address?

We want to develop technologies that allow using sensitive personal data such as health data for things like precision healthcare with guarantees that data subject privacy is maintained. I believe these will be essential for achieving the desired AI revolution in healthcare in a societally sustainable way.

What technological breakthroughs are you most proud of?

From our recent work, I am excited about noise-aware differentially private Bayesian inference we have recently developed for generalized linear models such as logistic regression (led by Dr. Tejas Kulkarni from Aalto University) as well as Gaussian processes. These methods beautifully bring together two important technologies: differential privacy for strong privacy protection, and Bayesian inference for quantifying the uncertainty of predictions and inferences. These are a perfect combination because differential privacy requires injecting more randomness to guarantee the privacy and with these methods we can quantify the impact of that randomness in the final result.

Going further back and really technical, things that stand-out are using natural gradients in variational inference that can really speed-up learning, and has led to significant later breakthroughs in stochastic variational inference and Bayesian deep learning.

A small but significant technical breakthrough that enabled a few major papers, but did not make the headlines, was a method for expressing the computations by using numerically stable evaluation of differences of so-called error functions. These come up in operations with the Gaussian distribution, and recently came up even in some differential privacy work. My original MATLAB code has now been ported to many other languages.

How are using NVIDIA technologies for your research?

GPUs make training large machine learning models a lot faster and we use NVIDIA V100 and A100 GPUs extensively in my group. I really wish such tools would have been available when I was doing my PhD in the early 2000s using weeks to train neural networks.

Training models under differential privacy has caused some problems here, because it needs access to per-example gradients that standard deep learning frameworks do not support efficiently. I am really happy about the great collaboration we had with the NVIDIA AI Technology Center in Helsinki who helped make our differentially private probabilistic programming code run really fast on NVIDIA GPUs.

What is next for your research?

I have two big goals at the moment: developing new methods to allow doing machine learning and Bayesian inference better under differential privacy, and bringing these to users in open source tools that integrate nicely with their existing workflows and run efficiently.

Any advice for new researchers, especially to those who are inspired and motivated by your work?

Lasting scientific contributions arise from rigorous work built on a solid foundation. There are a lot of components out there that tempt you to try some quick hacks for a quick result, but these very seldom lead to lasting results. This is especially true in fields like privacy, where mathematically rigorous privacy proofs are essential, and seemingly minor details may break the proof for some otherwise attractive combination of methods.

To learn more about the work that Antti Honkela and his group is doing, visit his academia webpage.


Top 5 AI Sessions for Graphics Developers from GTC 2021

We showcased the NVIDIA-powered AI technologies and features that have made creativity faster and easier for artists and designers worldwide.

Engineers, product developers and designers around the world attended GTC to experience the latest NVIDIA solutions that are accelerating interactive rendering and simulation workflows in real-time.

We showcased the NVIDIA-powered AI technologies and features that have made creativity faster and easier for artists and designers worldwide. Industry luminaries joined us at GTC to share their vision for the future of AI and how current developers such as Autodesk, Adobe, Pixar, Bentley Systems and Siemens have integrated the AI technology into their most popular applications. 

All of these GTC sessions are now available through NVIDIA On-Demand, so learn more about AI and catch up on the latest advancements in professional content creation, from digital twins to GPU-accelerated production rendering. 

The developer resources listed below are exclusively available to NVIDIA Developer Program members. Join today for free to get access to the tools and training necessary to build on NVIDIA’s technology platform here

On-Demand Sessions

Modern AI 1980s-2021 and Beyond
Professor Jürgen Schmidhuber speaks about the past, present, and future of AI. 

Deep Learning Demystified
Learn about the fundamentals of AI, high-level use cases and problem-solving methods. 

AI-Enabled Digital Twins for Resilient Infrastructure (Presented by Bentley Systems)
Hear from Bentley Systems on how AI-enabled infrastructure digital twins help facilitate and support the decision-making process for engineers, operators, and other stakeholders. 

Production Rendering on GPU with Arnold (Presented by Autodesk)
Get an exclusive peek on the latest GPU-accelerated developments coming to Arnold, Autodesk’s Academy Award-winning production renderer.

Accelerating Machine Learning for Video Systems
See how Adobe has automated the repetitive, time-consuming parts of content creation with machine learning and AI.

Click here to watch all the AI for Graphics sessions from GTC 21.


Que haja luz: More light for torch!

Today, we’re introducing luz, a high-level interface to torch that lets you train neural networks in a concise, declarative style. In some sense, it is to torch what Keras is to TensorFlow: It provides both a streamlined workflow and powerful ways for customization.


Que haja luz: More light for torch!

Today, we’re introducing luz, a high-level interface to torch that lets you train neural networks in a concise, declarative style. In some sense, it is to torch what Keras is to TensorFlow: It provides both a streamlined workflow and powerful ways for customization.