
Barkour: Benchmarking animal-level agility with quadruped robots

Creating robots that exhibit robust and dynamic locomotion capabilities, similar to animals or humans, has been a long-standing goal in the robotics community. In addition to completing tasks quickly and efficiently, agility allows legged robots to move through complex environments that are otherwise difficult to traverse. Researchers at Google have been pursuing agility for multiple years and across various form factors. Yet, while researchers have enabled robots to hike or jump over some obstacles, there is still no generally accepted benchmark that comprehensively measures robot agility or mobility. In contrast, benchmarks are driving forces behind the development of machine learning, such as ImageNet for computer vision, and OpenAI Gym for reinforcement learning (RL).

In “Barkour: Benchmarking Animal-level Agility with Quadruped Robots”, we introduce the Barkour agility benchmark for quadruped robots, along with a Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy. Inspired by dog agility competitions, a legged robot must sequentially display a variety of skills, including moving in different directions, traversing uneven terrains, and jumping over obstacles within a limited timeframe to successfully complete the benchmark. By providing a diverse and challenging obstacle course, the Barkour benchmark encourages researchers to develop locomotion controllers that move fast in a controllable and versatile way. Furthermore, by tying the performance metric to real dog performance, we provide an intuitive metric to understand the robot performance with respect to their animal counterparts.

We invited a handful of dooglers to try the obstacle course to ensure that our agility objectives were realistic and challenging. Small dogs complete the obstacle course in approximately 10s, whereas our robot’s typical performance hovers around 20s.

Barkour benchmark

The Barkour scoring system uses a per obstacle and an overall course target time based on the target speed of small dogs in the novice agility competitions (about 1.7m/s). Barkour scores range from 0 to 1, with 1 corresponding to the robot successfully traversing all the obstacles along the course within the allotted time of approximately 10 seconds, the average time needed for a similar-sized dog to traverse the course. The robot receives penalties for skipping, failing obstacles, or moving too slowly.

Our standard course consists of four unique obstacles in a 5m x 5m area. This is a denser and smaller setup than a typical dog competition to allow for easy deployment in a robotics lab. Beginning at the start table, the robot needs to weave through a set of poles, climb an A-frame, clear a 0.5m broad jump and then step onto the end table. We chose this subset of obstacles because they test a diverse set of skills while keeping the setup within a small footprint. As is the case for real dog agility competitions, the Barkour benchmark can be easily adapted to a larger course area and may incorporate a variable number of obstacles and course configurations.

Overview of the Barkour benchmark’s obstacle course setup, which consists of weave poles, an A-frame, a broad jump, and pause tables. The intuitive scoring mechanism, inspired by dog agility competitions, balances speed, agility and performance and can be easily modified to incorporate other types of obstacles or course configurations.

Learning agile locomotion skills

The Barkour benchmark features a diverse set of obstacles and a delayed reward system, which pose a significant challenge when training a single policy that can complete the entire obstacle course. So in order to set a strong performance baseline and demonstrate the effectiveness of the benchmark for robotic agility research, we adopt a student-teacher framework combined with a zero-shot sim-to-real approach. First, we train individual specialist locomotion skills (teacher) for different obstacles using on-policy RL methods. In particular, we leverage recent advances in large-scale parallel simulation to equip the robot with individual skills, including walking, slope climbing, and jumping policies.

Next, we train a single policy (student) that performs all the skills and transitions in between by using a student-teacher framework, based on the specialist skills we previously trained. We use simulation rollouts to create datasets of state-action pairs for each one of the specialist skills. This dataset is then distilled into a single Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy, which can handle various terrains and adjust the robot’s gait based on the perceived environment and the robot’s state.

During deployment, we pair the locomotion transformer policy that is capable of performing multiple skills with a navigation controller that provides velocity commands based on the robot’s position. Our trained policy controls the robot based on the robot’s surroundings represented as an elevation map, velocity commands, and on-board sensory information provided by the robot.

Deployment pipeline for the locomotion transformer architecture. At deployment time, a high-level navigation controller guides the real robot through the obstacle course by sending commands to the locomotion transformer policy.

Robustness and repeatability are difficult to achieve when we aim for peak performance and maximum speed. Sometimes, the robot might fail when overcoming an obstacle in an agile way. To handle failures we train a recovery policy that quickly gets the robot back on its feet, allowing it to continue the episode.


We evaluate the Transformer-based generalist locomotion policy using custom-built quadruped robots and show that by optimizing for the proposed benchmark, we obtain agile, robust, and versatile skills for our robot in the real world. We further provide analysis for various design choices in our system and their impact on the system performance.

Model of the custom-built robots used for evaluation.

We deploy both the specialist and generalist policies to hardware (zero-shot sim-to-real). The robot’s target trajectory is provided by a set of waypoints along the various obstacles. In the case of the specialist policies, we switch between specialist policies by using a hand-tuned policy switching mechanism that selects the most suitable policy given the robot’s position.

Typical performance of our agile locomotion policies on the Barkour benchmark. Our custom-built quadruped robot robustly navigates the terrain’s obstacles by leveraging various skills learned using RL in simulation.

We find that very often our policies can handle unexpected events or even hardware degradation resulting in good average performance, but failures are still possible. As illustrated in the image below, in case of failures, our recovery policy quickly gets the robot back on its feet, allowing it to continue the episode. By combining the recovery policy with a simple walk-back-to-start policy, we are able to run repeated experiments with minimal human intervention to measure the robustness.

Qualitative example of robustness and recovery behaviors. The robot trips and rolls over after heading down the A-frame. This triggers the recovery policy, which enables the robot to get back up and continue the course.

We find that across a large number of evaluations, the single generalist locomotion transformer policy and the specialist policies with the policy switching mechanism achieve similar performance. The locomotion transformer policy has a slightly lower average Barkour score, but exhibits smoother transitions between behaviors and gaits.

Measuring robustness of the different policies across a large number of runs on the Barkour benchmark.

Histogram of the agility scores for the locomotion transformer policy. The highest scores shown in blue (0.75 – 0.9) represent the runs where the robot successfully completes all obstacles.


We believe that developing a benchmark for legged robotics is an important first step in quantifying progress toward animal-level agility. To establish a strong baseline, we investigated a zero-shot sim-to-real approach, taking advantage of large-scale parallel simulation and recent advancements in training Transformer-based architectures. Our findings demonstrate that Barkour is a challenging benchmark that can be easily customized, and that our learning-based method for solving the benchmark provides a quadruped robot with a single low-level policy that can perform a variety of agile low-level skills.


The authors of this post are now part of Google DeepMind. We would like to thank our co-authors at Google DeepMind and our collaborators at Google Research: Wenhao Yu, J. Chase Kew, Tingnan Zhang, Daniel Freeman, Kuang-Hei Lee, Lisa Lee, Stefano Saliceti, Vincent Zhuang, Nathan Batchelor, Steven Bohez, Federico Casarini, Jose Enrique Chen, Omar Cortes, Erwin Coumans, Adil Dostmohamed, Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, Alejandro Escontrela, Erik Frey, Roland Hafner, Deepali Jain, Yuheng Kuang, Edward Lee, Linda Luu, Ofir Nachum, Ken Oslund, Jason Powell, Diego Reyes, Francesco Romano, Feresteh Sadeghi, Ron Sloat, Baruch Tabanpour, Daniel Zheng, Michael Neunert, Raia Hadsell, Nicolas Heess, Francesco Nori, Jeff Seto, Carolina Parada, Vikas Sindhwani, Vincent Vanhoucke, and Jie Tan. We would also like to thank Marissa Giustina, Ben Jyenis, Gus Kouretas, Nubby Lee, James Lubin, Sherry Moore, Thinh Nguyen, Krista Reymann, Satoshi Kataoka, Trish Blazina, and the members of the robotics team at Google DeepMind for their contributions to the project.Thanks to John Guilyard for creating the animations in this post.


Foundation models for reasoning on charts

Visual language is the form of communication that relies on pictorial symbols outside of text to convey information. It is ubiquitous in our digital life in the form of iconography, infographics, tables, plots, and charts, extending to the real world in street signs, comic books, food labels, etc. For that reason, having computers better understand this type of media can help with scientific communication and discovery, accessibility, and data transparency.

While computer vision models have made tremendous progress using learning-based solutions since the advent of ImageNet, the focus has been on natural images, where all sorts of tasks, such as classification, visual question answering (VQA), captioning, detection and segmentation, have been defined, studied and in some cases advanced to reach human performance. However, visual language has not garnered a similar level of attention, possibly because of the lack of large-scale training sets in this space. But over the last few years, new academic datasets have been created with the goal of evaluating question answering systems on visual language images, like PlotQA, InfographicsVQA, and ChartQA.

Example from ChartQA. Answering the question requires reading the information and computing the sum and the difference.

Existing models built for these tasks relied on integrating optical character recognition (OCR) information and their coordinates into larger pipelines but the process is error prone, slow, and generalizes poorly. The prevalence of these methods was because existing end-to-end computer vision models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or transformers pre-trained on natural images could not be easily adapted to visual language. But existing models are ill-prepared for the challenges in answering questions on charts, including reading the relative height of bars or the angle of slices in pie charts, understanding axis scales, correctly mapping pictograms with their legend values with colors, sizes and textures, and finally performing numerical operations with the extracted numbers.

In light of these challenges, we propose “MatCha: Enhancing Visual Language Pretraining with Math Reasoning and Chart Derendering”. MatCha, which stands for math and charts, is a pixels-to-text foundation model (a pre-trained model with built-in inductive biases that can be fine-tuned for multiple applications) trained on two complementary tasks: (a) chart de-rendering and (b) math reasoning. In chart de-rendering, given a plot or chart, the image-to-text model is required to generate its underlying data table or the code used to render it. For math reasoning pre-training, we pick textual numerical reasoning datasets and render the input into images, which the image-to-text model needs to decode for answers. We also propose “DePlot: One-shot visual language reasoning by plot-to-table translation”, a model built on top of MatCha for one-shot reasoning on charts via translation to tables. With these methods we surpass the previous state of the art in ChartQA by more than 20% and match the best summarization systems that have 1000 times more parameters. Both papers will be presented at ACL2023.

Chart de-rendering

Plots and charts are usually generated by an underlying data table and a piece of code. The code defines the overall layout of the figure (e.g., type, direction, color/shape scheme) and the underlying data table establishes the actual numbers and their groupings. Both the data and code are sent to a compiler/rendering engine to create the final image. To understand a chart, one needs to discover the visual patterns in the image and effectively parse and group them to extract the key information. Reversing the plot rendering process demands all such capabilities and can thus serve as an ideal pre-training task.

A chart created from a table in the Airbus A380 Wikipedia page using random plotting options. The pre-training task for MatCha consists of recovering the source table or the source code from the image.

In practice, it is challenging to simultaneously obtain charts, their underlying data tables, and their rendering code. To collect sufficient pre-training data, we independently accumulate [chart, code] and [chart, table] pairs. For [chart, code], we crawl all GitHub IPython notebooks with appropriate licenses and extract blocks with figures. A figure and the code block right before it are saved as a [chart, code] pair. For [chart, table] pairs, we explored two sources. For the first source, synthetic data, we manually write code to convert web-crawled Wikipedia tables from the TaPas codebase to charts. We sampled from and combined several plotting options depending on the column types. In addition, we also add [chart, table] pairs generated in PlotQA to diversify the pre-training corpus. The second source is web-crawled [chart, table] pairs. We directly use the [chart, table] pairs crawled in the ChartQA training set, containing around 20k pairs in total from four websites: Statista, Pew, Our World in Data, and OECD.

Math reasoning

We incorporate numerical reasoning knowledge into MatCha by learning math reasoning skills from textual math datasets. We use two existing textual math reasoning datasets, MATH and DROP for pre-training. MATH is synthetically created, containing two million training examples per module (type) of questions. DROP is a reading-comprehension–style QA dataset where the input is a paragraph context and a question.

To solve questions in DROP, the model needs to read the paragraph, extract relevant numbers and perform numerical computation. We found both datasets to be complementary. MATH contains a large number of questions across different categories, which helps us identify math operations needed to explicitly inject into the model. DROP’s reading-comprehension format resembles the typical QA format wherein models simultaneously perform information extraction and reasoning. In practice, we render inputs of both datasets into images. The model is trained to decode the answer.

To improve the math reasoning skills of MatCha we incorporate examples from MATH and DROP into the pre-training objective, by rendering the input text as images.

End-to-end results

We use a Pix2Struct model backbone, which is an image-to-text transformer tailored for website understanding, and pre-train it with the two tasks described above. We demonstrate the strengths of MatCha by fine-tuning it on several visual language tasks — tasks involving charts and plots for question answering and summarization where no access to the underlying table is possible. MatCha surpasses previous models’ performance by a large margin and also outperforms the previous state of the art, which assumes access to underlying tables.

In the figure below, we first evaluate two baseline models that incorporate information from an OCR pipeline, which until recently was the standard approach for working with charts. The first is based on T5, the second on VisionTaPas. We also compare against PaLI-17B, which is a large (~1000 times larger than the other models) image plus text-to-text transformer trained on a diverse set of tasks but with limited capabilities for reading text and other forms of visual language. Finally, we report the Pix2Struct and MatCha model results.

Experimental results on two chart QA benchmarks ChartQA & PlotQA (using relaxed accuracy) and a chart summarization benchmark chart-to-text (using BLEU4). Matcha surpasses the state of the art by a large margin on QA, compared to larger models, and matches these larger models on summarization.

For QA datasets, we use the official relaxed accuracy metric that allows for small relative errors in numerical outputs. For chart-to-text summarization, we report BLEU scores. MatCha achieves noticeably improved results compared to baselines for question answering, and comparable results to PaLI in summarization, where large size and extensive long text/captioning generation pre-training are advantageous for this kind of long-form text generation.

Derendering plus large language model chains

While extremely performant for their number of parameters, particularly on extractive tasks, we observed that fine-tuned MatCha models could still struggle with end-to-end complex reasoning (e.g., mathematical operations involving large numbers or multiple steps). Thus, we also propose a two-step method to tackle this: 1) a model reads a chart, then outputs the underlying table, 2) a large language model (LLM) reads this output and then tries to answer the question solely based on the textual input.

For the first model, we fine-tuned MatCha solely on the chart-to-table task, increasing the output sequence length to guarantee it could recover all or most of the information in the chart. DePlot is the resulting model. In the second stage, any LLM (such as FlanPaLM or Codex) can be used for the task, and we can rely on the standard methods to increase performance on LLMs, for example chain-of-thought and self-consistency. We also experimented with program-of-thoughts where the model produces executable Python code to offload complex computations.

An illustration of the DePlot+LLM method. This is a real example using FlanPaLM and Codex. The blue boxes are input to the LLM and the red boxes contain the answer generated by the LLMs. We highlight some of the key reasoning steps in each answer.

As shown in the example above, the DePlot model in combination with LLMs outperforms fine-tuned models by a significant margin, especially so in the human-sourced portion of ChartQA, where the questions are more natural but demand more difficult reasoning. Furthermore, DePlot+LLM can do so without access to any training data.

We have released the new models and code at our GitHub repo, where you can try it out yourself in colab. Checkout the papers for MatCha and DePlot for more details on the experimental results. We hope that our results can benefit the research community and make the information in charts and plots more accessible to everyone.


This work was carried out by Fangyu Liu, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Francesco Piccinno, Syrine Krichene, Chenxi Pang, Kenton Lee, Mandar Joshi, Wenhu Chen and Yasemin Altun from our Language Team as part of Fangyu’s internship project. Nigel Collier from Cambridge also was a collaborator. We would like to thank Joshua Howland, Alex Polozov, Shrestha Basu Mallick, Massimo Nicosia and William Cohen for their valuable comments and suggestions.


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RT-1: Robotics Transformer for Real-World Control at Scale

Major recent advances in multiple subfields of machine learning (ML) research, such as computer vision and natural language processing, have been enabled by a shared common approach that leverages large, diverse datasets and expressive models that can absorb all of the data effectively. Although there have been various attempts to apply this approach to robotics, robots have not yet leveraged highly-capable models as well as other subfields.

Several factors contribute to this challenge. First, there’s the lack of large-scale and diverse robotic data, which limits a model’s ability to absorb a broad set of robotic experiences. Data collection is particularly expensive and challenging for robotics because dataset curation requires engineering-heavy autonomous operation, or demonstrations collected using human teleoperations. A second factor is the lack of expressive, scalable, and fast-enough-for-real-time-inference models that can learn from such datasets and generalize effectively.

To address these challenges, we propose the Robotics Transformer 1 (RT-1), a multi-task model that tokenizes robot inputs and outputs actions (e.g., camera images, task instructions, and motor commands) to enable efficient inference at runtime, which makes real-time control feasible. This model is trained on a large-scale, real-world robotics dataset of 130k episodes that cover 700+ tasks, collected using a fleet of 13 robots from Everyday Robots (EDR) over 17 months. We demonstrate that RT-1 can exhibit significantly improved zero-shot generalization to new tasks, environments and objects compared to prior techniques. Moreover, we carefully evaluate and ablate many of the design choices in the model and training set, analyzing the effects of tokenization, action representation, and dataset composition. Finally, we’re open-sourcing the RT-1 code, and hope it will provide a valuable resource for future research on scaling up robot learning.

RT-1 absorbs large amounts of data, including robot trajectories with multiple tasks, objects and environments, resulting in better performance and generalization.

Robotics Transformer (RT-1)

RT-1 is built on a transformer architecture that takes a short history of images from a robot’s camera along with task descriptions expressed in natural language as inputs and directly outputs tokenized actions.

RT-1’s architecture is similar to that of a contemporary decoder-only sequence model trained against a standard categorical cross-entropy objective with causal masking. Its key features include: image tokenization, action tokenization, and token compression, described below.

Image tokenization: We pass images through an EfficientNet-B3 model that is pre-trained on ImageNet, and then flatten the resulting 9×9×512 spatial feature map to 81 tokens. The image tokenizer is conditioned on natural language task instructions, and uses FiLM layers initialized to identity to extract task-relevant image features early on.

Action tokenization: The robot’s action dimensions are 7 variables for arm movement (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, gripper opening), 3 variables for base movement (x, y, yaw), and an extra discrete variable to switch between three modes: controlling arm, controlling base, or terminating the episode. Each action dimension is discretized into 256 bins.

Token Compression: The model adaptively selects soft combinations of image tokens that can be compressed based on their impact towards learning with the element-wise attention module TokenLearner, resulting in over 2.4x inference speed-up.

RT-1’s architecture: The model takes a text instruction and set of images as inputs, encodes them as tokens via a pre-trained FiLM EfficientNet model and compresses them via TokenLearner. These are then fed into the Transformer, which outputs action tokens.

To build a system that could generalize to new tasks and show robustness to different distractors and backgrounds, we collected a large, diverse dataset of robot trajectories. We used 13 EDR robot manipulators, each with a 7-degree-of-freedom arm, a 2-fingered gripper, and a mobile base, to collect 130k episodes over 17 months. We used demonstrations provided by humans through remote teleoperation, and annotated each episode with a textual description of the instruction that the robot just performed. The set of high-level skills represented in the dataset includes picking and placing items, opening and closing drawers, getting items in and out drawers, placing elongated items up-right, knocking objects over, pulling napkins and opening jars. The resulting dataset includes 130k+ episodes that cover 700+ tasks using many different objects.

Experiments and Results

To better understand RT-1’s generalization abilities, we study its performance against three baselines: Gato, BC-Z and BC-Z XL (i.e., BC-Z with same number of parameters as RT-1), across four categories:

  1. Seen tasks performance: performance on tasks seen during training
  2. Unseen tasks performance: performance on unseen tasks where the skill and object(s) were seen separately in the training set, but combined in novel ways
  3. Robustness (distractors and backgrounds): performance with distractors (up to 9 distractors and occlusion) and performance with background changes (new kitchen, lighting, background scenes)
  4. Long-horizon scenarios: execution of SayCan-type natural language instructions in a real kitchen

RT-1 outperforms baselines by large margins in all four categories, exhibiting impressive degrees of generalization and robustness.

Performance of RT-1 vs. baselines on evaluation scenarios.

Incorporating Heterogeneous Data Sources

To push RT-1 further, we train it on data gathered from another robot to test if (1) the model retains its performance on the original tasks when a new data source is presented and (2) if the model sees a boost in generalization with new and different data, both of which are desirable for a general robot learning model. Specifically, we use 209k episodes of indiscriminate grasping that were autonomously collected on a fixed-base Kuka arm for the QT-Opt project. We transform the data collected to match the action specs and bounds of our original dataset collected with EDR, and label every episode with the task instruction “pick anything” (the Kuka dataset doesn’t have object labels). Kuka data is then mixed with EDR data in a 1:2 ratio in every training batch to control for regression in original EDR skills.

Training methodology when data has been collected from multiple robots.

Our results indicate that RT-1 is able to acquire new skills by observing other robots’ experiences. In particular, the 22% accuracy seen when training with EDR data alone jumps by almost 2x to 39% when RT-1 is trained on both bin-picking data from Kuka and existing EDR data from robot classrooms, where we collected most of RT-1 data. When training RT-1 on bin-picking data from Kuka alone, and then evaluating it on bin-picking from the EDR robot, we see 0% accuracy. Mixing data from both robots, on the other hand, allows RT-1 to infer the actions of the EDR robot when faced with the states observed by Kuka, without explicit demonstrations of bin-picking on the EDR robot, and by taking advantage of experiences collected by Kuka. This presents an opportunity for future work to combine more multi-robot datasets to enhance robot capabilities.

Training Data Classroom Eval      Bin-picking Eval
Kuka bin-picking data + EDR data 90% 39%
EDR only data 92% 22%
Kuka bin-picking only data 0 0

RT-1 accuracy evaluation using various training data.

Long-Horizon SayCan Tasks

RT-1’s high performance and generalization abilities can enable long-horizon, mobile manipulation tasks through SayCan. SayCan works by grounding language models in robotic affordances, and leveraging few-shot prompting to break down a long-horizon task expressed in natural language into a sequence of low-level skills.

SayCan tasks present an ideal evaluation setting to test various features:

  1. Long-horizon task success falls exponentially with task length, so high manipulation success is important.
  2. Mobile manipulation tasks require multiple handoffs between navigation and manipulation, so the robustness to variations in initial policy conditions (e.g., base position) is essential.
  3. The number of possible high-level instructions increases combinatorially with skill-breadth of the manipulation primitive.

We evaluate SayCan with RT-1 and two other baselines (SayCan with Gato and SayCan with BC-Z) in two real kitchens. Below, “Kitchen2” constitutes a much more challenging generalization scene than “Kitchen1”. The mock kitchen used to gather most of the training data was modeled after Kitchen1.

SayCan with RT-1 achieves a 67% execution success rate in Kitchen1, outperforming other baselines. Due to the generalization difficulty presented by the new unseen kitchen, the performance of SayCan with Gato and SayCan with BCZ shapely falls, while RT-1 does not show a visible drop.

 SayCan tasks in Kitchen1    SayCan tasks in Kitchen2
Planning Execution Planning Execution
Original Saycan 73 47
SayCan w/ Gato 87 33 87 0
SayCan w/ BC-Z 87 53 87 13
SayCan w/ RT-1 87 67 87 67

The following video shows a few example PaLM-SayCan-RT1 executions of long-horizon tasks in multiple real kitchens.


The RT-1 Robotics Transformer is a simple and scalable action-generation model for real-world robotics tasks. It tokenizes all inputs and outputs, and uses a pre-trained EfficientNet model with early language fusion, and a token learner for compression. RT-1 shows strong performance across hundreds of tasks, and extensive generalization abilities and robustness in real-world settings.

As we explore future directions for this work, we hope to scale the number of robot skills faster by developing methods that allow non-experts to train the robot with directed data collection and model prompting. We also look forward to improving robotics transformers’ reaction speeds and context retention with scalable attention and memory. To learn more, check out the paper, open-sourced RT-1 code, and the project website.


This work was done in collaboration with Anthony Brohan, Noah Brown, Justice Carbajal, Yevgen Chebotar, Joseph Dabis, Chelsea Finn, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Karol Hausman, Alex Herzog, Jasmine Hsu, Julian Ibarz, Brian Ichter, Alex Irpan, Tomas Jackson, Sally Jesmonth, Nikhil Joshi, Ryan Julian, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Yuheng Kuang, Isabel Leal, Kuang-Huei Lee, Sergey Levine, Yao Lu, Utsav Malla, Deeksha Manjunath, Igor Mordatch, Ofir Nachum, Carolina Parada, Jodilyn Peralta, Emily Perez, Karl Pertsch, Jornell Quiambao, Kanishka Rao, Michael Ryoo, Grecia Salazar, Pannag Sanketi, Kevin Sayed, Jaspiar Singh, Sumedh Sontakke, Austin Stone, Clayton Tan, Huong Tran, Vincent Vanhoucke, Steve Vega, Quan Vuong, Fei Xia, Ted Xiao, Peng Xu, Sichun Xu, Tianhe Yu, and Brianna Zitkovich.


Who Said What? Recorder’s On-device Solution for Labeling Speakers

In 2019 we launched Recorder, an audio recording app for Pixel phones that helps users create, manage, and edit audio recordings. It leverages recent developments in on-device machine learning to transcribe speech, recognize audio events, suggest tags for titles, and help users navigate transcripts.

Nonetheless, some Recorder users found it difficult to navigate long recordings that have multiple speakers because it’s not clear who said what. During the Made By Google event this year, we announced the “speaker labels” feature for the Recorder app. This opt-in feature annotates a recording transcript with unique and anonymous labels for each speaker (e.g., “Speaker 1”, “Speaker 2”, etc.) in real time during the recording. It significantly improves the readability and usability of the recording transcripts. This feature is powered by Google’s new speaker diarization system named Turn-to-Diarize, which was first presented at ICASSP 2022.

Left: Recorder transcript without speaker labels. Right: Recorder transcript with speaker labels.

System Architecture

Our speaker diarization system leverages several highly optimized machine learning models and algorithms to allow diarizing hours of audio in a real-time streaming fashion with limited computational resources on mobile devices. The system mainly consists of three components: a speaker turn detection model that detects a change of speaker in the input speech, a speaker encoder model that extracts voice characteristics from each speaker turn, and a multi-stage clustering algorithm that annotates speaker labels to each speaker turn in a highly efficient way. All components run fully on the device.

Architecture of the Turn-to-Diarize system.

Detecting Speaker Turns

The first component of our system is a speaker turn detection model based on a Transformer Transducer (T-T), which converts the acoustic features into text transcripts augmented with a special token <st> representing a speaker turn. Unlike preceding customized systems that use role-specific tokens (e.g., <doctor> and <patient>) for conversations, this model is more generic and can be trained on and deployed to various application domains.

In most applications, the output of a diarization system is not directly shown to users, but combined with a separate automatic speech recognition (ASR) system that is trained to have smaller word errors. Therefore, for the diarization system, we are relatively more tolerant to word token errors than errors of the <st> token. Based on this intuition, we propose a new token-level loss function that allows us to train a small speaker turn detection model with high accuracy on predicted <st> tokens. Combined with edit-based minimum Bayes risk (EMBR) training, this new loss function significantly improved the interval-based F1 score on seven evaluation datasets.

Extracting Voice Characteristics

Once the audio recording has been segmented into homogeneous speaker turns, we use a speaker encoder model to extract an embedding vector (i.e., d-vector) to represent the voice characteristics of each speaker turn. This approach has several advantages over prior work that extracts embedding vectors from small fixed-length segments. First, it avoids extracting an embedding from a segment containing speech from multiple speakers. At the same time, each embedding covers a relatively large time range that contains sufficient signals from the speaker. It also reduces the total number of embeddings to be clustered, thus making the clustering step less expensive. These embeddings are processed entirely on-device until speaker labeling of the transcript is completed, and then deleted.

Multi-Stage Clustering

After the audio recording is represented by a sequence of embedding vectors, the last step is to cluster these embedding vectors, and assign a speaker label to each. However, since audio recordings from the Recorder app can be as short as a few seconds, or as long as up to 18 hours, it is critical for the clustering algorithm to handle sequences of drastically different lengths.

For this we propose a multi-stage clustering strategy to leverage the benefits of different clustering algorithms. First, we use the speaker turn detection outputs to determine whether there are at least two different speakers in the recording. For short sequences, we use agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) as the fallback algorithm. For medium-length sequences, we use spectral clustering as our main algorithm, and use the eigen-gap criterion for accurate speaker count estimation. For long sequences, we reduce computational cost by using AHC to pre-cluster the sequence before feeding it to the main algorithm. During the streaming, we keep a dynamic cache of previous AHC cluster centroids that can be reused for future clustering calls. This mechanism allows us to enforce an upper bound on the entire system with constant time and space complexity.

This multi-stage clustering strategy is a critical optimization for on-device applications where the budget for CPU, memory, and battery is very small, and allows the system to run in a low power mode even after diarizing hours of audio. As a tradeoff between quality and efficiency, the upper bound of the computational cost can be flexibly configured for devices with different computational resources.

Diagram of the multi-stage clustering strategy.

Correction and Customization

In our real-time streaming speaker diarization system, as the model consumes more audio input, it accumulates confidence on predicted speaker labels, and may occasionally make corrections to previously predicted low-confidence speaker labels. The Recorder app automatically updates the speaker labels on the screen during recording to reflect the latest and most accurate predictions.

At the same time, the Recorder app’s UI allows the user to rename the anonymous speaker labels (e.g., “Speaker 2”) to customized labels (e.g., “car dealer”) for better readability and easier memorization for the user within each recording.

Recorder allows the user to rename the speaker labels for better readability.

Future Work

Currently, our diarization system mostly runs on the CPU block of Google Tensor, Google’s custom-built chip that powers more recent Pixel phones. We are working on delegating more computations to the TPU block, which will further reduce the overall power consumption of the diarization system. Another future work direction is to leverage multilingual capabilities of speaker encoder and speech recognition models to expand this feature to more languages.


The work described in this post represents joint efforts from multiple teams within Google. Contributors include Quan Wang, Yiling Huang, Evan Clark, Qi Cao, Han Lu, Guanlong Zhao, Wei Xia, Hasim Sak, Alvin Zhou, Jason Pelecanos, Luiza Timariu, Allen Su, Fan Zhang, Hugh Love, Kristi Bradford, Vincent Peng, Raff Tsai, Richard Chou, Yitong Lin, Ann Lu, Kelly Tsai, Hannah Bowman, Tracy Wu, Taral Joglekar, Dharmesh Mokani, Ajay Dudani, Ignacio Lopez Moreno, Diego Melendo Casado, Nino Tasca, Alex Gruenstein.