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Long-Term Stock Forecasting


Stream a Little Stream: GeForce NOW Brings New Interactive Experience to Life

As the Sundance Film Festival kicks off today, “Baymax Dreams of Fred’s Glitch,” an interactive short from Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution and Disney Television Animation, is streaming from the cloud to virtual festivalgoers, using GeForce NOW. The interactive short is part of the New Frontier Alliance Showcase at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, a Read article >

The post Stream a Little Stream: GeForce NOW Brings New Interactive Experience to Life appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


TF based animation

TF based animation
submitted by /u/BlakeYerian

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Latest from KDnuggets: Find code implementation for any AI/ML paper using this new chrome extension!

submitted by /u/MLtinkerer

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Upcoming Webinar: Building AI-Based Simulations with NVIDIA SimNet

Join this webinar to learn how NVIDIA SimNet addresses a wide range of use cases involving coupled forward simulations without any training data, as well as inverse and data assimilation problems.

Simulations are prevalent in science and engineering fields and have been recently advanced by physics-driven AI.

Join this webinar to learn how NVIDIA SimNet addresses a wide range of use cases involving coupled forward simulations without any training data, as well as inverse and data assimilation problems.

SimNet is integrated with parameterized constructive solid geometry as well as STL modules to generate point clouds and researchers can customize it with APIs to implement new geometry and physics. It also has advanced network architectures that are optimized for high-performance GPU computing and offers scalable performance for multi-GPU and multi-node implementations with accelerated linear algebra.

By attending this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • Neural network solver methodology and the SimNet architecture
  • Real-world use cases, from challenging forward multi-physics simulations with turbulence and complex 3D geometries to industrial design optimization and inverse problems 
  • User implementation of two-phase flow in a porous media in SimNet
  • SimNet results and what’s next for the toolkit 

Register now


Developer Blog: Scaling Out the Deep Learning Cloud Efficiently

NVIDIA has partnered with One Convergence to solve the problems associated with efficiently scaling on-premises or bare metal cloud deep learning systems.

NVIDIA has partnered with One Convergence to solve the problems associated with efficiently scaling on-premises or bare metal cloud deep learning systems.


Developer Blog: Accelerating AI Training with NVIDIA TF32 Tensor Cores

In this post, we discuss the various considerations for enabling Tensor Cores in NVIDIA libraries.

In this post, we discuss the various considerations for enabling Tensor Cores in NVIDIA libraries.


Developer Blog: Analysis-Driven Optimization: Preparing for Analysis with NVIDIA Nsight Compute

In this three-part series, you discover how to use NVIDIA Nsight Compute for iterative, analysis-driven optimization.

In this three-part series, you discover how to use NVIDIA Nsight Compute for iterative, analysis-driven optimization. Part 1 covers the background and setup needed, part 2 covers beginning the iterative optimization process, and part 3 covers finishing the analysis and optimization process and determining whether you have reached a reasonable stopping point.